Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 22, 1919, Image 8

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MAY 22. 1919,
BreakingWorld’sRecord in an Overland
•y No Mean« Always Achieved by
Those Who Have Made a Big
Noise lit ths World.
Records show thut more women live
to be centenarians than men. When
the census of the United Stutes was
taken in 1900 it was found that 6.298
persons between the ages of ninety-
five nnd ninety-nine were living, and
of this number 3,536 were women.
Miss Eliza Work, who reached the
age of one hundred and five, gave as
the resson for her long life that she
never drank tea or coffee; Mrs. Mar-
garet Neve, who lived to be one hun-
dred nnd ten, gave as her reason that
she n< ver lacked resources nnd was
always busy, and Mgs. Sylvia Dunham,
aged one hundred nnd one, lived to en­
joy the enthusiasm of 22 presidential
campaigns. Born in July. 1800, at the
age of five she rode In a stage coach,
at forty In a canal boat, at ninety-nine
In an electric car, and at one hundred
in an automobile.
Abraham lived to be one hundred
and seventy-five years old and Sarah
lived to be one hundred nnd twenty­
seven years old. and Isaac, their son.
lived to be one hundred and eight, but
whether a year was reckoned then as
we do now is not known.
cause ao more tire trouble than
spent each 24 hour day on good and hour run.
WlllUim Gladstone lived to be eighty- OVERLAND MODEL 90 TRAVELS bad city pavements, in the rush of
The motorists is Interested in testB that?
nine. and at the time of his death his
Four controls were established for
traffic, and on the Oklahoma roads. of this kind only as they point him
intellect was one of the finest that
It has been said that if a motor car to some feature of economy in oper­ change of drivers and refilling with
th« world has *v«r known, andhe
will stand up on Oklahoma roads, it ation and upkeep. The test made by gasoline and oil. The captain of the
was called "the Grand Old Man.” This
will endure in any other section of, E. R. Carhart, Overland distributor driving team was Linn Mathewson,
is Just one of the many cases proving
in Oklahoma, appears to be replete well known in-the east and middle
the world.
a man is Just as useful, if not more Gear Was Sealed in High, Making
In these seven days and nights, with such features. The judges of west as a famous racing driver on.
so, when he Is old than when he la
during which the gear could not be the contest were the president of the speedway tracks. He is now the
Working Parts.
shifted from high, nor the motor the Chamber of Commerce of that retail manager of the Carhart Motor
------ o
stopped for carburator adjustment or city, and the managing editors of .Company at Oklahoma City.
Remarkable automobile perform­ spark plug change, the Model 90 the two leading daily newspapers.
The Oklahoma public was advised
ances are not as frequent these days broke the world’s record for a test Examination of their records of the in advance of the test. The daily
90’s record-breaking trip newspapers bulletined the progress
Easy to Tell the Cause of the Afflic­ as they were four or five seasons of this k>nd. The spedometer, care­ Model
ago; the American automobile man­ fully checked, showed that it had show:
of the run each day. In addition, to
tion and Remedy Is Matter of
ufacturer has attained so very high traveled 4,370.1 miles. That is prac­
1. The car made a trip, exclusive­ that publicity, Mr. Carhart arrang­
Common Sense.
a standard of product. That may ex- tically one-sixth around the world, ly in high, through city traffic, over ed to flash on the motion picture
| plain why so much unusual attention or a distance equal to a trip from country roads, with two days of screens of the city, the car's mileage
“There are two kinds of insomnia, I has been attracted during the last
New York to Los Angeles and back steady Oklahoma downpour to con­ every four hours. The run was offi­
and each has Its cure.” a doctor said, few days to a new world’s perfor­
across the southern trail to Oklaho­ tend with, at a cost of one and 17- cially started by F. W. A. Vesper,
first kind you go to bed ap- mance by an Overland stock car,
ma City.
100 cents for gasoline and oil for the president of the National Deal­
DEEDS RATHER THAN WORDS parently sleepy, and I as soon as your Model 90.
This remarkable non-stop perfor­ each of the 4,370.1 miles traveled.
ers' Association.
head touches the pillow, you become
2. Gasoline can be saved by prop­
New from the factory, this Model mance in high geer exceeded the
This amazing demonstration ot
Accomplishments. Even Though Great, wide awake, and the most vivid and
next best record ever made by J28.1 er shifting of gears under varying the economy possibilities of the light
Lose Much of Their Merit When
feverish thoughts whirl through your 90 was taken from the salesrooms
traffic conditions. The Model 90’s weight American car of high-grade
Made Subjects of Boast.
4 ' ' mind for hours.
At last, sick with ex­ of the Carhart Motor Company at miles.
Another unusual record was at- record is declared to be unusually manufacture is already reflected In
haustion. you fall asleep, but it's too Oklahoma City, Okla, on March 29th
tained by the four drivers of this good under the no gear-shift condi­ an increasing inquiry in this and ad­
The habit of boasting 1s not a sign late then. Too much time has been and driven to the lobby of the Lee-
ef merit It Is rather the reverse. A lost. You rise in the morning unre- Huckins hotel. There the gear shift Oklahoma car. The A. A. A. record tions. Burning a 59 test gasoline, it joining territories for motor cars.
lever was disconnected from the low for a 24-hour non-stop, gear-sealed- averaged 20.66 miles for each gal- It I b estimated that there will be an
really brave ■nan allows his deeds to freshed.
appreciable shortage of motor cars
speak for him. and they always wlU i “In the second kind of insomnia you middle and reverse gears, and the in-high run Is 587 miles. That mile- Ion.
year—the first free season after
If they are great and strong enough, go to sleep all right as soon as you go
the restrictions of the war-munitions
remarks the Ohio State JeurnaL These to bed. but In an hour or so you wake motor was started; the car left the makes of cars competing. On only needed. The oil cost *4.70.
4. Champion spark plugs were production. The local dealer of the
•re great days for Boasting, for there up. You lie tossing a long while. Yoe hotel and did not return for seven one day of its run did the Overland
fail to exceed the Official A. A. A. used. None was changed nor adjust­ Overland, Charles F. Pankow points
days; that was April Sth.
Is much to be proud of. We are proud rise Unrefreshed here. too.
The Overland 90, driven by a re­ record. That was the third day— an ed during the seven days continu­ out that while this run has produced
•f our country, ef our sacrifices, ef
"The first kind of insomnia is dee to
a very great many inquiries for the
our privations, of eur sorrows, but rich, i nndigoet^ food clogging the lay of four drivers, ran night and day afternoon and night of rain with ous driving.
muddy going under the axels. The
5. Federal tires were used. There Model 90. conceded to be one of the
they are apt to lose their merit by our stomach.
th. The remedy is simpler meals the motor never stopping for 168
boasting about them. The testimony ta the evening—no pork or game er continuous hours. The drivers had no car then fell eight miles under the were three punctures only. Wouldn't most successful of American auto­
advantage of gear shifting during mark, but its performance was so the man or woman who drives be mobiles, the production of these cars
of • worthy Mod la aot expressed la >
or p,,<ry' hut, instead, fish sr
,wprds but ta a quiet and noble life. chicken, y hate-meal bread, custards the two days of rain on muddy roads unusually high that it averaged content to undertake a transconti- has been limited this year by the
and the twelve to fifteen hours they 6*4.3 miles for each day of the 168 nental trip if he thought he would i parent company in Toledo.
I 5>an tell or a heroic deed or milk toast
to which nd <g| tUf UlfQ, fcpt one 1 '“The second kind Is due to lsck of
wouldn't know ft from what he said, * exercise. A daily half-hour's gymnas-
I tics, followed by a cold bath ijnd a rub­
U» pralfs (9t
SM'IJ . down, will drive ft permanently away."
Me whoM was the nonor of-it There (
4s fine phase o? boasting which la very j
Defense ef Rhythm In ftobtry.
at M
distasteful, upd that
Is the eort
sort which ,
a Poet discards rVytbm he Is
makes ourselves the greatest people
on earth. Of course we are, but we , discarding perhup* the moat powerful
don't know it from what the boasters single artifice of fioetry wldchis at his'
I sons,' however, learned to like the veloping our resources and contrib­ I terest of the said defendants', and all
My. Wo only know It by hearing of disposal—the particular artifice, more­
1 leas refined war bread, and some uting to the happiness and well be­ of them in and to the following de-
the sets of our heroes, who are apt over, which, more than any oilier, en­
have found that the coarse breads ing of all our people.
I scribed real property, situated in Til­
not to mention It at all. We Usarn of ables the poet to obtain a psychic con­
are good for their general health.
lamook County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots
eur own nobility by feeling It In our trol over his reader, to exert a sort of
So it would be with bread that is
No. 10, 11 and 12 in Block 14, and
hearts and not by readlug it In the hypnosis over him. Rhythm is persua­
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
not made the day it is eaten. Medical
Lots No. 10 and 11 in Block 15, Lake
newspapers er hearing the oeators sive. It is the very stuff of life. It Is
------ o------
' and dietary experts declare that
toil it
I not surprising, therefore, that things
Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ Lytle, Tillamook County, Oregon.
can be said In rhythm which otherwise
bread a day or two old is better for tue of an execution and order of sale Dated May 21. 1919.
cannot be.said at all; paraphrase a
the human system than that which issued out of the Circuit Court of
W. L. Campbell
Muskrats FredleA
fine passage of poetry Into prose and
Sheriff of Tillamook.
is soft by reason of its freshness.
It la a strsuge fact that In Novem­ In the disbevelmeot the ghost will have
If this, then, is the chief obstacle of May, 1919, and to me directed, on
County, Oregon.
ber the muskrats begin to build their escaped. A good many champions of
to peace in the local baking industry a Judgment and decree of foreclosure ■ First publication May 22. 1919.
homes and gradually enlarge them by tree verse would perhaps dispute this.
' it ought to be removed without ser­ entered in said Court on the 6th day ; Last publication June 19, 1919.
adding more materiel says Edward They would fall back on the theory
ious difficulty for the
good of of May, 1919, in a suit wherein
F. Bigelow In Boys' Ufa. For thia that, at any rate, certain moods more
Chicago's composite
alimentary Scandinavian-American Bank, a cor­ CALL FOR BIDS FOR
reason it la Mid that, according to colloquial and leas Intense than those
tract.—Chicago Daily News.
poration was plaintiff and G. E.
the height of the muskrat bouse. ao of the highest type of poetry, and less
------ o-------
Walling and J. Louise Walling, his
to to be the cold of the winter—that oolloqulal and more intense than those
given, that Tilla­
to. the higher the house the colder the ef the highest type at prose, could
Small Sumi Grow.
Frank Co., a corporation; apd E. L. mook City, Oregon, invites proposals
weather. This la an error. It bee find their aptest expression In this
------ o------
for the improvement of that ports
Barnett were defendants, and in
boon etaimod by the oM timer*. and form, which Ilea halfway between.—
Never despise small savings no which the plaintiff recovered judg­ of 7th Street in Tillamook City ex­
the error still Is perpetuated, that the Ounrad Atkin In the Dial.
tending from Stillwell Avenue to
matter how you ate situated.
ment against the defendants G. E. Miller Avenue, by paving the same
muskrats build their houses 20 Inches
together with provisions for curbs,
higher and very mock warmer tor
Helping One Another.
small sum of money regularly.
wife; and each of them, for the sum surface drainage and other appurte­
long winters than for short ones.
We do far more than we think to
There ere many foolish sayings re­
Never allow yourself to believe that of *4,425.00 with interest thereon at nances, all in accordance with plans
specifications therefor on file in
garding the month as aa Index to steady ooe another's principles, to
your circumstances will not permit the rate of 8 per cent per annum and
the office of the City Recorder. Bids
what the winter will be, the predic­ hold one another up. A thought of
you to practice thrift. If you do not
will be received up to Thursday, the
tion extending on even Into the fol­ the boy who must not be allowed to
' show ability to save at least some­ attorney fees, with interest thereon Sth day of June, 1919, at 8 o’clock
lowing March. Scouts can do a good
thing tooay. you will have even a at the rate of 6 per cent per annum P.M.. All proposals or bids must be
turn If they will prove, by their ap­ many a man lu the hour of tempta­
harder fight on your hands in the fu­ from May 5, 1919, and for costs and accompanied by certified checks for
preciation of the month, that It has tion. The remembrance of wife and
ture. Remember above all things that disbursements of this Buit, taxed at 5 per cent of the amount of the bid,
____ ___________
been mnllgued by these
predictions child has barred the way to many a
the nuiuileo«. umuu.*i<, systematically *48.00, and commanding me to sell payable to Tillamook City as a guar­
anty that the successful bidder will
month’Is charm- ' wrjjj tnyujactlon.
and traditions. * The
__ ______
laid by will become big, bounteous, tail the real property hereinafter de­ enter into contract and furnish ap­
| The quh’t courRge of every day,
Ing and bejatlful.
welcome sums in the years to come.
proved bond for the construction of
I that does Its best hour by hour and
If you are able to put away only therefore by virtue thereof, I will on said improvement within a reasonable
, accepts as part of the day's work the
*2.50 a month, you will have *386 Saturday the 21st day of June, 1919, time after contract is awarded. The
fivll In Small Talk.
, losses and penalties that steadfastly
in ten years, if your savings are de­ at 10 o’clock a.m„ on said date, at right is reserved to reject any and all
There's enough small talk with Its doing right must often bring—this is
posited at 4 per cent compound in­ the Court House in Tillamook, said bids. Bids should be addressed to the
vicious Insinuation* in every Idle the highest courage of all.
.at Tillamook City, Ore­
terest ; »3 a month will amount to County and State, sell at public auc­ undersigned
group to mnke candidates for the mad­
Many people add unnecessarily to
tion, to the highest bidder for cash gon.
Frances B. Stranahan,
their own anxiety by assuming cares
»4 .50 a month will grow to *663; in hand, all the right, title and ln-
What men say causes other men to that do not belong to them—'Which
City Recorder.
*5 a month will total *737; *6 a
think. IVhat men think determines form no real part of their duty or
month will become *885; *7.50 a
their conduct, Given the suggestion their work. Some of these burdens
that you are ctnay the chances are are pure creations of one's own ex-
month will sum up *1106; and *10
- - Oregon. a month a month or less than *2.50
that you will either resent It strenu- cited or morbid Imagination, while
ou sly or begin to act a little queer, others ap|>ertaln to the life or duty of
a week w ill yield the comfortable
And then one of your professed friends others and not to us.—Exchange.
total of *1475 in one decade. Any
will come along and confide to you
The Public and its Bread.
amount deposited at 4 perecent com-
that you are acting a little queer. It's
pound interest will more than dou-
Carrot and Radish Seed.
no wonder some folks go daffy. Little
One of the reasons given by the ble itself in fifteen years, save *5 a
yarns nlthnut foundation keep stirring ! —California Is the largest producer Of
bakers why a certain per­ month, deposit it a 4 per cent com-
up things that even the angels could ' carrot seed. Sacramento and Yolo
their employes must work pound interest, and in fifteen years
■<>t keep straight. So the only rein­ counties rank first, with San Joaquin.
you will have *1241, and *1848 In
ed v Is to apply the censor, Let folks Contra Costa. Santa Clara and San all night 1s that the public demands twenty years.
talk. Take out the good nnd let the I Benito counties ranking as minor pro- fresh bread, "today's bread.” They
Bear in mind that careless spend­
' dueers. In the production of radish say that bread older than Is unsatis­
rest go where it bell on gs.
ing will pull you down just as
1 seed the situation Is reversed, the factory bread."
Theoretically the employing bak- rapidly as systematic saving will
coast counties of California producing
Half-Way Feint
the bulk nt the crop, and the river Iers may be right. The public has be­ build you up. If you waste *2 a week
Justine lived next door to Betty. district being unimportant as a pro­ come accustomed to demand a great for a year you have rendered useless
The two were constantly together. ducer. It Is also grown in the Pacific deal. Including much that is not good at least *2600 of capital, figuring
—Canneries located at—
O-<aetonally their mothers thought it Northwest. Beet seed Is grown tn | tor it. That lesson was very legibly the interest at the small rate of 4 per
Sheridan—Woodburn and Tillamook
beet to keep them apart for a while, both the river end coast districts of j Inscribed during the war. when peo- cent. Multiply these figures by mil­
One day Betty csiue In nn<1 said: i’allto'ralfl. hut Is probably grown more pie learned to eat. If they did not lions And you will have an apprerla-
"Mother Justine can't come over i-PXMHallTly JUW'ind Sacramento thiiti particularly like, bread other than tion of the tremendous amount of
Cao I go over thereY’
In any other |K>rtlon of the state. Let i that made of pure white flour. White capital rendered impotent each year
"No. not today,” her mother said.
luce seed it grown almost exclusively flour, so*ie experts say. has ’'all the
eapltol which should be dc*tg its
'■'Veil then, we will sit on the fence near the coast sections of Oillfornta.
good taken out ot It.” Not a few per- . share in building up the nation, dq-
sad Melt.*' said Betty.
We make bold to say that there Is ■
general misconception tn ths minds of
people throughout the world 4s to
what really constitutes a great life.
Unless a mao or a woman has been
in the public view with whatever serv­
ice was rendered, unless his or her
picture has been In newspapers and
books, unless, in short, they have
“made a noise,” we do not consider
that the Ilves they led were greut Ilves.
This is not only a harmful miscon­
ception; It is a mistake and its conse­
quences are, from a moral point of
vie^v, extremely vicious.
Suppose you are walking in the fields
or In the forests and you come across
■ strange kind of bug or insect. You
are curious to know what it Is. Well,
you can secure a book in almost any
public library that will tell you just
what you want to know. That book
was written and compiled by some
man who did nothing bis whole- life
long but study bugs, cataloguing them,
learning their tribe and origin and the
habits of their existence.
Other men have spent their lives tn
equally humble capacities, but adding
always to the world's sum of knowl­
_ thst
edge. The drug
soothes ____
your ____
pain. _
the spectacles by which you renew ’
your worn-out eyes. the fire you cook
with and that warms you—these and
millions other of your blessings and
delights were wormed out of nature'e
secret storehousee for you by patient
students whoso names you do not
These are the great live*. These are
the Uvee that have blessed the lives
of all who followed after them, And
the men and women who led such
livee were great people though they
went down to their gravee unhonored
end unsung.
Price $1,155 Tillamook.
Can make delivery immediately.
See CHAS. F. PANKOW, Star Garage.
Canning Co.,Inc-l
*+*$WANT YOUR<^* g I
I Graven
We Are Hère to Stay. |
• • • •