w TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 22, 1919. Who Makes the Rich Richer and the Notice of Election for Voting on Pro- the filing of a remonstrance or objec­ Poor Poorer ? pased Amendment to Charter tion against the same, but the Com­ ------ o------ I mon Council, shalUfrt'ita first regular of Tillamook City For many years the Democratic pol­ meeting after the time for filing ob­ iticians cried out that the policies of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that jections and remonstrances to such the Republican party make "the rich at the general election to be held in proposed improvement has expired or at such other time as the hearing richer and the poor poorer." The Re­ the State of Oregon on the 3rd day thereof may be continued to by it, hear publican party was accused of being of June, 1919, there .will be submitted and determine any objections or rem­ the legal voters of Tillamook City, to "the party of plutocracy." This claim onstrances which may be presented was made not only by the common Oregon, for their adoption or rejec­ against such proposed improvement. tion the following measure, to-wit: Provided, that if any objection or rem­ or garden variety of demagogue, but A measure to Amend Section 5 of by the Democratic hot house exotics Article VII of the Charter of Tilla­ onstrance shall be signed by the a- gent or attorney of any property like Mr. Wilson, who wrote a few mook City. owner such signature shall be disre­ years ago that the government was BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE garded unless there shall be filed with in the hands of a few rich men, man­ OF TILLAMOOK CITY, OREGON, the Recorder within the time provided AS FOLLOWS: ufacturers and special interests. for filing such objection or remon­ Section 1. That Section 5 of Article strance, written evidence of the auth­ It is always of interest, as a study VII of the Charter of Tillamook City, ority of such agent or attorney to so in contrasts, to compare Democratic Oregon, as heretofore amended, be pledges and Democratic performan­ and the same is hereby amended so sign said objection or remonstrance. Tillamook City shall not be respon­ ces, Democratic claims and Demo­ that the same shall read as follows: sible to any person whomsoever for Section 5. Within 20 days from the any injury sustained by reason of any cratic 'fulfillments. Recently published statistics com­ date of the first publication of the no­ defective sidewalk within its corpor­ piled by the income tax bureau show tice of intention to make any street ate limits whenever the Street Com­ improvement required to be published missioner or City Engineer shall have, that twice as many millionaires have as provided for in Section 4 of this Ar­ been created in the, United States ticle, the owners of two-thirds or more previous to such injury, posted notice at or upon such defective sidewalk since Mr. Wilson was inaugurated of the area of the property within notifying the public of the unsafe con­ and turned on "the new freedom," such improvement district" may make dition thereof. and file with the Recorder a written than were developed in more than a That said proposed charter amend­ half of century of almost uninter­ objection or remonstrance against any ment is proposed by the Common such improvement, except those pro ­ rupted Republican control of the viding for the construction or repair Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, in government, plus the three quarters of a sidewalk or sidewalks, and said pursuance of resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 8th day of a century period in national his­ objection or remonstrance shall be a of May, 1919, requiring that each legal tory preceding. bar to any further proceedings in the voter who votes for the adoption or Think of it! In that half century making of any such improvement, ex­ rejection of said measure shall vote cf Republican control almost the en­ cept those providing for the construc­ “Yes” of “No” in answer to the tion or repair of a sidewalk or side­ affirmative or negative of the question tire railway mileage of the country, walks, for a period of six months. propounded upon the ballot for the as it stands today, was built. All of The Common Council shall have full adoption or rejection of such measure, our telegraph and telephone lines power and jurisdiction to proceed'with and that the ballot title to be used at were constructed. The vast industrial the construction or -_ repair of «..j- any side ­ said election for voting upon ---------- — x— si- not withstanding measure shall ready as follows: enterprises of this country were walk or sidewalks, ” created. A continental domain was PROPOSED BY THE COMMON Shall be a measure entitled brought from the status of a wilder­ COUNCIL Measure to amend Section 5 of Article ness of that of fruitful garden. The VII of the Charter of Tillamook City, mines of the country were opened, Oregon, as referred to the People of Tillamook City, Oregon, by resolution the oil bearing area was developed—- of the Common Council adopted May the resources of the country, almost tí 8th, 1919, be adopted?” untouched, comparatively speaking This measure proposes to amend in 1860, were so developed that the Section 5 of Article VII of the Char­ United States had become, on the day ter of Tillamook City so that the con­ of president Wilson’s inauguration, struction of sidewalks by the Common 4> Council at the expense of the property incomparably the richest in the awners shall not be barred by rem­ world. onstrances or objections but that ob- In the decade 1900-1910 the Ì‘ections or remonstrances shall be growth in the wealth of the United leard and determined by the Common States was greater than the total 100 Council before said sidewalks are Yes wealth of either Germany or the constructed. And it further provides that the City shall not be liable for United Kingdom, accumulated in 20 damages caused by defective side­ centuries of civilized settlement. This 101 No walks after notice of the unsafe con­ was under Republican laws and dition ¿hereof is given by posting policies, Republican legislation and notice at or upon such sidewalk. administration. And the only slgnlfi- al­ Mark X between the number and cance all this possessed to Democrats and answer voted for. was that incidental to this tremen­ Said election will be held at the hour * of 8 o’clock A. M., and will continue dous growth in national wealth, a till the hour of 8 o’clock P. M., and will comparatively few men accumulated be held at the regular voting places large fortunes. There was no denial for the general election to be held on that the wealth of this republic was t said date. far more widely diffused than that of WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL any other nation in history. this 8th day of May, 1919. Think of it! Double the number-of Frances B. Stranahan, millionaires created under six years Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon. of .Democratic government than un- der a half century of rule of the once Notice of Intention to Improve Street within said District, is described as J loudly bedamned "party of pluto- In Tillamook City, Oregon ! follows: cracy!” Yet during that six ■ years ___ ____ o------ Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8. in Block 1; there has been practically no expan­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to I 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12. sion of the total investment in pro­ all whom it may concern, that the 13, Lots and 14, in Block 2; Common Council of Tillamook City, ductive industry. Scarcely a mile of Lota 1, 2, 3, and 4, In Block 3. Oregon, deeming it expedient to im­ railroad has been built, scarcely a prove 9 Chain9 street hreinafter J^ described, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 4. 5,, on the the y mile of telegraph or telephone wires did) 5th d All in Maple Grove Addition to has been strung, few new Industrial adopt a resolution for said improve-1 Tillamook City; enterprises have been started, little ment, which said resolution is in words ' Lots 5. 6, 7, and 8 in Block 4; new mining or agricultural area has and figures as follows, to-wit: Lots 5. 6, 7, and 8 in Block 5; been developed. In other words in six Resolution and Notice of Intention to Lots 1, 2, 1, and 4, in Block 6. years of speculative activity under Improve a Certain Street In Tillamook Lots 1, 2, S, and 4 in Block 7. Democratic national management BE IT RESOLVErDgthat the Com- Lots 1, « 3. and 4 in Block 8. more great fortunes have been heap- mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore- Lots 1. 2,’ 3. and 4 in Block 2. ed up than during the preceding half gon, deems is expedient and hereby Lots 6, e, 7, and 8, Block 10. century of productive development declares its intention to improve the Lots 5. «, 7, and 8 in Block 11. without parellel in history.—Nation- following street in said city, to-wit: All in Stillwell’s Addition to Tilla- al Republican. „ A,1.1 th8t Portion of Third street ex- tending from the West side of Still- . mook, or Tillamook City. _ ----- —------- ---. _ well Avenue to the Western boundary Tract beginning at the intersection We know United States Tires are Good Tires. That’s why we sell them. Berger Draws His Pay. of Tilamook City, by establishing the 1 of the West side of Stillwell Avenue — o------ grade of said street; by grading the Star Garage, C. E. Pankow, Tillamook ; Nelson & Co., Bay City ; Bellow Bros., Hebo; with the North line of Third Street, Congressional sentiment which op- same to proper sub-grade; by rolling Anderson Bros., Garage, Nehalem ; Wheeler Garage, M. J. Maddox, Wheeler. poses seating Representativfe-elect the roadway thereof; by laying there- and running thence North 105 feet; Victor Berger, Socialist, of Wisconsin on 8 concrete roadway 24 feet m width thence West 125 feet; thence South and thickness; by build- build­ to North line of Third Street; thence now in a Federal prison.for violation * n<^ s six *x j inches nches in thicloiess; ing curbs, catch basins and laying East to place of beginning. 20 days from said date. many new ones. We are here to stay, .... ... ,...n.n.d drain pipes, together with inlets and Done by ordef of the Common and will save you money in your Tract beginning at the intersection this week by the discovery that his constructing laterals for sewer con- he purchases. Both phoneB will be in­ monthly salary of 8625 is being nections, and making provisions for of the West side of Stillwell Avenue Council of Tillamook City, Oregon. Dated this May Sth, 1919. stalled again as soon as possible. paid to him by the sergeant-at-arms the necessary surface drainage of said with South line of Third Street, and atest Frances B. Stranahan. Yours for business. of the House. Mr. Berger has al- street with all the appurtenances running thence South 105 feet; ready been paid 81.250 out of the thereto, í^ereto, and by laying ana construct- construct­ thence West 210 feet; thence North City Recorder of Tillamook City Ore. Tillamook Tire Co. E. F. Rogers, Mgr. salary fund for t the _______ house, ,----------- and will in* concrete o£ gajd headers. improvementa to be 105 feet; thence East to point of be­ Notice of Executor’s Tinaf Account. Mrs. E. F. Rogers, Milli­ continúe to receive that stipend until made in accordance with the charter, ginning. ------ o- - ----- ■ ner and Artist. Tract beginning at the intersection cogressional action is taken to pre- resolutionsand ordinances "of’ Tillá- Notice is hereby given that the un­ vent it. The sergeant-at-arms asserts mook City, and in accordance with the of the West side of Seventh Avenue dersigned executor of the estate of that he has no option under the law plans and' specifications, and esti- West with the North line of Third but to pay Mr. Berger his salary. The mates of work^ therefore, made and Street; and running thence North John C. Sander, deceased, has filed Notice of Meeting of Owners of Land prepared by the City Engineer of 105 feet; thence West to the West in the county court his final account statutes are mandatory that after a p “““* Situated in Stillwell Drainage Dis­ I City, Oregon, filed in the and that the said court has fixed Sat­ man is elected he shall receive his Tillamook office of the City Recorder of said boundary of Tillamook City; thence urday, the 31st day of May, 1919, at trict in Tillamook County, Oregon. salary monthly, beginning March 4. Tillamook City? AU of said improve­ South to the South line 'of Third 110 a.m. as the tipie and the office of ---- -o------ Street; thence East to the place of 'Ute second installment has just > ments ... to be made at the expense of the County Judge, of Tillamook Notice is hereby given that Still­ beginning. been paid. Undoubtedly as soon as I the _ property, _ and all thereof, _____ , _ adjac- _ County, Oregon as the place for hear­ Congress convenes action will be tak- ent thereto and specially benefitted Tract beginning at a point 60 feet ing of said- account. All persons are well Drainage District in Tillamook County, Oregon, was declared organ­ en toward unseating Mr. Berger. limits of the dictrict established and W’est of ftie Northwest corner of hereby required to appear at said ized by the County Court of Tilla­ Shortly after the election Represen­ deflined Block 9, of Stillwell's Addition to by this resolution. time and place and show cause, if mook County, Oregon, by order dated tative Gillett, slated for speaker, an­ Electricity’s latest gift to Be it further resolved, that the the Town of Tillamook (now Tilla­ any there be, why the said final ac- May 5th, 1919, and meeting of the nounced that he would offer a reso- p ilans, ] mook City), and running thence the housewife -greatest specifications and estimates count should not be allowed and the land owners of said district is hereby lution to unseat the Wisconsin So- for ft the proposed improvementa so West to the West boundary of Tilla­ executor discharged. since the electric iron called and will be held at the Court made and prepared by the City En­ mook City; thence South 105 feet; elaiist. and electric vacuum Dated this April 28, 1919. — I gineer as aforesaid, the estimate of thence East to a point due South of House In Tillamook City, TMllamook cleaner—the Herman Sander, Execu­ County, Oregon, for the purpose of tne probable total cost thereof being R. R. Deficit 1192,000,000. tor of the estate of John electing a board of three supervisors the sum ot 318,406.97, be and the the place of beginning; thence North to the place of beginning. C. Sander, deceased. Director General Hines discloses seme are hereby approved. for said district, on Monday the 26th Be it further resolved. that the Johnson & Handley Attorneys. that the government’s deficit in op- That the boundaries of the assess- day of May, 1919, at the hour of 10 P ortable erating the railroads of the country ment district to be benefitted by City Recorder, be and she is hereby o’clock a.m. Instructea to cause this resolution for the first three months this year said improvements and assessed Change of Location. S ewing M achine Dated this May 15th, 1919. —or the difference between net therefore are- hereby established as and notice to be published for three Erwin Harrison, consecutive publications in the city The building owned by F. R. Beals, earnings and 8ne-fourth of the guar- foljows: No more tiresome County Clerk of Til­ Beginning at a point on the west official newspaper; ' that the City located on the corner of 2nd Ave. A anteed annual compensation—was treadle pushing - no lamook County, Ore. Engineer is directed to cause to be about 8192,000.000. The govern- side of Stillwell Avenue In Tillamook conspicuously posted at each end of 4th St., occupied by the Tillamook more backache—a little Tire Co. and Mrs. E. F. Rogers' Mil­ loss for 1918 .. was 8226,000,- City, Oregon. 105 feet North of the ment’s___________ electric motor does the 000 so that the entire loss Incurred North side of Third Street, and run- the line of the proposed improvement linery Store, is being moved this hard work. a copy of thir resolution and notice week to the corner of 3rd in fifteen months of federal opera- ning thence West parallel with the Ave. and tlon was 3418,000,000. Ia addition North line of Third Street to the within three days from the date of 3rd St., across the corner from the A foot control gives any the first publication of such notice, Tillamook Hotel. The old building to this the government Incurred a West boundary of Tillamook City; speed desired. Th« eomplet« Electric Light and deficit of about 314,540,000 in eight thence South along the West boun- and that all persons concerned be will undergo a thorough repairing Power Plant The entire machine in months’ operation of the American dary of Tillamook City to a point 105 thereby notified of the date of the and painting, and the name business Plenty of bright, safe clean its case can be carried Pf,nway Express Company, the con- feet South of the South line of Third first publication of said notice, and lines will be carried on, only in a electric light. No more hot, solidated. Express Corporation up to Street in Tillamook City; thence that objections and remonstrances to more extensive way. any where—it’s no larger smoky .lamps. The same plan of square dealing I March 1 1919. East parellel with the South line of the proposed improvements may be than a typewriter. It is not certain whether railway Th*rd Street to a point in the West filed with the City Recorder within and abiding by the Golden Rule will I I 20 days from said date. Ask for a demonstra­ go forward that has built up these rates will again be Increased, or the side of Stillwell Avenue 105 feet tion. All persons concerned are hereby businesses to its present magnitude, loss in operation met out of the fed­ South of the South line of Third Street, and thence North along the notified that said resolution was duly and, in fact, only time will tell of eral treasury. ______ __ West side of Stillwell Avenue to the adopted on the date aforesaid; that the development of these businesses COAS! POH ER CO the first publication of this notice Is in Tillamook. We certainly appre­ place of beginning. Whooping Cough. THE That said assessment district shall May 8th, 1119, and that objections ciate our patrons and will try to do ACKLEY & MILLER and remonstrances to the proposed all within our power to satisfy them. ELECTRIC STORE be and is hereby designated as Local Give Chamberlain'« Cough remedy Tillamook Garage, to keep the cough loose and expector­ Improvement District No. 10, and the .Improvement may be filed with the We will be glad to meet all of our Tillamook Oregon. property, and ail thereof included undersigned * City Recorder within customers In our new location and ation easy. It 1« excellent.—Adv. Good Tire Judgment n Every time you buy United States Tires your judgment is backed *by that of hundreds of thousands of experienced motorists, —hundreds of thousands who use United States Tires con­ tinuously, —hundreds of thousands who stand ready to endorse the economy and long, uninter­ rupted service of United States Tires. We can provide you with United States Tires that will exactly meet your individual requirements. There is a type for -every need of price or use, United States Tires are Good Tires F T L Western Electric ! DELCO-LIGHT * f