TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MAY 22, 1919, 27 89 17.00 Star Lusabsr Co lumber ... 1S.61 Star Lumber Co lumber .. . 311 67 25.34 Generfal. 31 01 State Indus Aecid Com. ... H. V. Alley .................... >115.00 Howard Cooper Corp, meh . 126 61 Jas Steinmassol. board .... 108 50 39.70 H. V. Alley, expenses......... 4 SO Tillamook Iron Works .... 56 76 I Howard Cooper Corp, meh. 2.50 7.(41 I Tillamook Garage ............. C. A. Johnson, salary......... 100.00 ■ Lou Ludke, supplies ......... 50.00 Tillamook Mutual Co............ 1.20 Myrtle Wallin, salary .... 85.00 Ward Mayer ........................ IE.N new positions open up—when 107.26 B E. Turner, wood............. 35.00 F. L. Sappington, field dep. 88.74 N McMillan. ...................... better men are needed to fill the 18.00 James Burke........................... 1 69 Glen S. White, wood........... 15 00 »Nehalem Garage ................ Bushong A Co. mds.............. .88 P C. White, board............. 16.25 37.00 Nehalem Telephone Co. ... places that are on up ahead— W. L. Campbell, expen-e- . 7.69 Oregon Box A Mfg Co.......... 442.50 Sandusky-Wilson right of those who havfe regularly saved money are way.................................... 165.00 Erwin Harrison, salary .. . 133.33 F. C. Reed, hauling........... 595.04 8 98 Mrs W. J Wilson, board .. selected for the opportunities. 66.10 Vida A. Millis. salary......... 85.00 Standard Oil Co.................. 2.50 W. J. Wilson, tree............... 4.00 Zella M Harrison, salary . . 75.00 Star Garage, mds................. Such men know the principle* of burine» man­ 21.04 Wilson Gilbert Co. mds. — 141.25 W. S. Coates, expenses .... 1.04 Tillamook Garage, mds. ... agement because they have long applied them in 10. j O W. S. Coates salary............. 77.20 Wheeler Lbr. Co., lumber .. 342.20 Ji. D Karsner..................... their own interest*. W. E. Anderson..................... 69.19 16.67 Wheeler Lbr. Co., lumber .. 130.00 K. D. Diuke ......................... Thrifty people find that a saving* account in tips 59.94 G. E Buifum..................... • Alfred Gulstrom. chainman 77.50 6.00 W F. Cain ........................ ■ 57.75 G. C. Vaughn........................ strong, progressive bank has many advantage*. Walter Stark, chainman .. 56.00 90 Wm. Willaby...................... 24.50 G. W. Parrish....................... Our specialized study of business and financial sub­ Coast Power Co, light .... 24.74 j Joe Dunean ........................ 54.25 12750 J. R. Bain ............................ jects permit us to be useful to the progressive. 'Paul Cooper.......................... 15.00 I R. Larsen............... -.......... 45.50 3.50 Ed. Le Prancis..................... Crystal Laundry Co.............. 35.00 65 Jack Leslie .......................... 14.00 Fred Blum .......................... W. R. Davis.......................... 10.00 Paul Wabpke...................... Tillamook County Bank 21.00 24.50 Alvin Blum .......................... S. W. Elliott, truant officer 8.19 J. M. Vermilyea................. 28.44 Tillamook, Oregon ■"*62 Sol Phillips .......................... 39.20 E. Tomlinson...................... T. E. Epplett. board........... 22.75 110.23 Lister Bennett .................... 80.00 L. H. Kinney..................... T. E. Epplett, salary........... 1.75 62.56 Herman Schlappi ............... H. M. Farmer, expenses .... 39.05 W. P. Morrison ................. 24.50 H. M. Farmer, salary......... 125.00 Holly McKiddy ................... * 80.06 Leslie Wglker..................... 26.25 89.25 Henry Hanenkrat ............... Gaylord Bros, mds............... 2.80 A. J. Fleming...................... 10.50 89.25 Chas Desmond..................... E. L. Glaisyer. herd Insp. . 180.00 ¡ Lester Best .......................... 10.50 82.25 Harry Schlappi................... Glass & Prudhomme. mds . . 109. tyl A. F. Crane.......................... 17.50 56.88 1 P. P. Walker........................ Glass 4 Prudhomme, mds .. 234.00 C. I p . Briggs.......................... 7.00 60 37 B. E. Turner........................ 38.40 Charles Briggs .................... Glass & Prudhomme. suplies 35.00 81.82 63.00 Goyne ........................... L. L>. Hardin........................ T. H. Oliver Block ........................ 32.00 40.25 Wesley 'Stornier ................. T H. Goyue, Rent and Phone 24.00 Wm. Tomlinson................... 3.50 3.50 10.00 B. E. Turner........................ M. E. Gruber......................... Emil Larsen ........................ 59.50 8.75 I 43.55 A. M. Myers.......................... I P. C. Meyer.......................... E. T. Haltom. mds,............. 10.00 54-75 y. C. Meyer.......................... 37.62 "Mrs. Hr O. Hinson............... 3.00 A. S. Tilden.......................... 36.32 F. L. Martin.......................... 21.87 A. M. Hare, salary and exp. 127.30 Jyhn An^rsqp 66.50 Oscar Carver ........................ 55.45 L. C. Walker........................ 23.62 Frank Heyd A Co, mds .... 63.00 Ole Redberg 8.13 Jim Walker ........................ J. F. Jones, dist. sealer . . . 95.63 2.75 i J. E. Davis............................ Earl Porter King-Crenshaw Co. mds. .. 63.75 ’ , Roy Redberg 1.84 , C. E. Allen............................ G. B. Lamb, expenses......... 95 62 ! i Hardy Rock G. B. Lamb, expenses......... 100.67 E. J. Bartrow ...................... 96.00 E. Atkinson 83.33 I Chas Haybarker.................. 29.75 G. B. Lamb, salary............. 67.00 I G. W Galloway . . 55.00 Bud Steel ............................... 12.25 Marion Hare, salary........... 83.33 P. E. Alien............................ 115.50 I Lester Edwards .. Kathleen Mills, Salary .... 14.00 92.00 I Frank Reynolds . . 2.00 J. Stewart ............................ Kathleen Mills, expenses. . . 27.00 17.50 I Edw. aiallory .... 8.00 Jim Goodman........................ 206.84 O. J. Nicolay ........................ 59.07 I Vai Fisher Jr. ... 4.35 F. E. Cain ............................ A. A. Pennington, mds.......... 79.86 25.50 E. L. Eckerson .. . 1.85 Oscar Steel............................ T. C. Percy, repairs........... 79.87 27.56 J. E. Sperry'......... 9.62 C. W. Roes............................ C. H. Pierce, refund taxes . 75.87 27.12 H. C. While......... 24.52 R. E Miller.......................... Frederick Post Co. supplies 1.75 69.12 I B. M. Shoemaker . 2.50 Ed. H. Best .......................... Ramsey Hotel, lodging .... 66.85 56.87 I 12.00 Ben Joy ................. F. C. Reed .......................... 3.50 Joe Hauxhurst.............. : ■ Mrs. Emil Ross, relief .... 123.75 Wm. D. Shafer Lewis Anderson . . 35.76 119.69 John Aschim, salary......... C. E. Pearson .... 34.90 Road District No. 2. C. B. Stanley, salary........... 124.48 Claude Ackley, rent gravel 45.37 100.00 I Frank Armentrout 94.02 f Gladys Beals, salary........... 7.98 8.83 J. F. Davis............. bar.................................. .9.84 Kathleen Mills, services . . . 96.50 2.50 L. A. Yack............. The Beebe Co. mds .......... 4.00 James Campbell ................. 10.91 18.55 W. J. Ball ............. Cahill A Turner, service W. L. Campbell, salary .... 133.33 W. 40.00 59.57 Emery Brandt .... F. Cain, freight bill 2.00 C. A. Smith .......................... 55.56 2.00 I V. R. Schultz......... Coates, road services . .. master .25 J. A. Carrol, Smithy'H Variety Store .... 70.20 ■ P. C. White........... 82.69 Lumber Co. Lbr. .. Thoa. 17.55 Coats Dolan, culverts . . . . For disenfecting where Contagious or 8tandarJ Oil Co..................... 66.44 239.05 Grant Irish ........... 25.40 Tillamook Garage, supplies 144.00 I F. W. Mathews . . . 69.56 Edwards, piling .. . A. T. infectious diseases are prevailing. 8.95 Mutual Telephone Co......... 47.95 30.00 Frank Burke......... U. S. 5.00 Adolph Tillafoook Water Com. .. . 9.62 Jack Fidler ........... 45.50 Erickson ................. P. W. Todd, postage........... 135.70 A. B. Freeberg. labor......... 27.10 1 M. Hoffman........... CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ 78.75 20.87 W. P.(Hadley, hauling .... C. E. Trombley, printing .. 54.00 A. L. Stlm............. 49.00 ful Germicidal mixture and by its'^use 10.00 R. W. Watson, rent........... 12.51 Dock Co. Sand . . 156.90 I Emery Brandt .... 61.44 Hawthorn Emery Davidson . . H. W. Wheeler..................... 31.00 5.56 will improve general stable conditions. Hiner A Reed, repairs......... 12.00 Howard 47.50 1 Glen S. White .... M. O. Wilkins......................... 15.00 Cooper Corp. meh. . 10.00 King-Crenshaw Co. mds. . . . Bill Withrow ...................... 62.95 D. W. Benfield .... 35.00 29.65 Emmet Benfield .. Health Office 17.00 Lamb Schrader Co. mda. .. . 40.62 Peter Hagstrom .. 27.50 luimb Schrader Co. mds. .. . Florence Baker, services .. . 3.50 24.50 O. J. Fouts............. 8.00 Alex, McNair, mda............... Crystal Laundry Co............. >.50 7.00 E. Greenlu............. 13.42 Wm. Ryan, labor ............... 24.50 C. O. A C. M. Dawson .... 52.74 L. Chatwood ......... 10.50 6.00 W. B. Smith, labor............. Finch A Smith..................... RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. 13.27 H. W. Eohna......... 24.00 E T. Haltom, mds............... 204.04 1 Standard Oil Co., mda............ 77.42 D. L. Jones ............. 6.68 E. E. Koch............................ 2.42 Star Garage, mds................... 12.50 N. Breed ............... 3.50 25252SZ5Z52S252S252SS525252S2S252SZ525a5E52S252Sa525252S2S252S25H5BSa Ice gas 4 Storage W. Kuppenbender................. 1.25 Star Garage, and oil Co. . 35.40 Charlie Farnsworth 6.12 Mrs. Jennie Mathews............ 7.75 Tillamook Iron Worke . . . . 2.75 I Earl Greenlee .... 12.25 W. E. Noyes........................... 1.40 Tillamook Garage, supplies 1.00 i E. Greenlee ........... 51.18 Inez M. Parker....................... 109.59 ] Tillamook Water Com.......... 3.50 I L. Chatwood ......... 43.75 Star Grocery, mds................. 1.65 Tillamook 14.00 H. W. Hohna......... 76.50 Button Market ,mds........... 6.10 Paul Werner, labor............. 10.50 D. L. Jones ............. 50.75 I Tillamook City, Emg, hospital 94.29 Ike Wells .............................. 50.00 N. Breed ................ 28.00 Justice Court. W. W. Petty ........................ 10.06 Elmer Scheese .... 69.12 R. Y. Blalock, fees............. 8.00 T. Haugen ............................ 69.12 J. F. Cronen, fees............... 5.20 A. M. Haugen ...................... . . 20.56 C. Scheese ............. 25.80 F. Connell............... ......... 51.62 Fred Seeley, fees................. 9.45 J. Beebehlser........................ 42.88 Charlie Farnsworth ......... 12.68 Fred Seeley, fees................. 2.50 E. Goodspeed..................... •’ • 5.00 R. A. Jones ............. ......... 15.31 E. W. Stanley, fees............. 11.90 C. Christensen ...................... 10.50 R. A. Jones ............. ......... 25.37 Circuit Court C. ChrlBtensin...................... 7.00 2.63 Tom Bidortha ........ ......... Grand Jurors. Roy Edgar ............................ 42.50 Roy Graves ............. ........... 138.12 C. A. Smith .......................... 8.40 J. J. Krjbs...................... 29.75 1 Adolph Erickson . . . ......... 136.50 Jacob Pesterfleld................. 3.20 G. E. Buffum........................ >2.00 Howard Bunn ........ ......... 109.63 Henry Smith............... 7.40 G. W. Parrish...................... 29.25 Leroy Edwards .... ......... 154.87 F. P. Hobson ...................... 5.40 J. R. Bain ............................. 25.00 Wm. Wood............... ......... 130.37 8. M. Batterson ......... 9.40 R. I. Drake .......................... 85.31 10.50 Oscar Bennett........... ......... A. C. Daniel ............... 7.00 G. C. Vaughn........................ 28.00 J. P. Phelps............. ......... 143.50 B. A. Folks................. THE BEST STOCK OP HARDWARE IN 4.00 D. B. Darby.......................... 9.25 Vai Fiaher, Sr............ ......... 135.50 WltnesaeH. G. C. Veugbn........................ THE COUNTY. 94.00 >8.50 Cbaa. Baker............... ......... c. Deuel .................. ............... 8.00 Mrs. tydia Mills.................. 12.00 C. C. Murphey........... ......... 144.90 Mike Schuler ...................... 7.00 B. E. Turner.................. '. . . See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere 84.43 >4.00 Russell Miles............. ......... H. A. Miles .......................... 8.40 L. D. Hardin ........................ Ernest Shultaon .. . . ......... 75 61 44.00 O. Garett .............................. 8.40 B. B. Turner........................ 10.00 >0.00 L. W. Mulkey........... ......... E. A. Block mo re .. ........... 0.80 Ed. Le Francis...................... 14.00 Carl Helsel ............... ......... 7.00 John Pits................. ............. 0.80 Ed. Le Francis...................... 47.>5 Eugene Atkinson ... . ......... 92.76 B. J. Cooper.......................... 7.00 Guy Allman .......................... 8.75 Frank Qtiffin ........... ......... 33.68 lxiuvre Cate, meals........... 0.50 G. 8. Brooks.......................... 7.00 R. W. Mills............... ......... 7>.76 525ZS2S2S2S2SZS2S County Poor. Alvin Blum .......................... J. H Helm ................. 01.25 ......... 77.00 Conover and Condlt, mds. .. 14.00 Fred Blum ............................ 10.50 Magnus Wooley......... ......... >9.37 Crystal Laundry.................. 1.00 A. J. Nalls............................ 7.00 W. J. Wilson............. ......... >4.00 C. O. 4 C. M. Dawson, mds. 7.70 Albert Kinnaman ............... 57.75 A. J. Heater............... ......... lit.00 E. T. Haltom, mds.............. 40.00 Howard Brooks ................... 54.25 Dewey Saling ........... ........... 1.75 L,. L. Hey. services............. >7.00 Elmer Lucas ........................ 56.87 Sarah Hush beck, board .... 20.00 John Callgau........................ 120.00 K. B. Martin............. ......... WHOLE8ALB AND RETAIL 15.00 C. M. Martin ............. ......... 53.11 C. A. Smith, services......... >0.00 Henry Nelson ...................... 15.75 Wm. Vanburen ......... ......... 74.57 I. M. Smith, services........... 12.00 E. A. Worthington............. CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND 7.90 Bob Laffoon ............. .... 50.75 Tillamook Merc. Co., mda. . 20.00 R. Barker ............................... Jim Beggs ................. ......... 23.62 Tillamook Trans. Co............ Vick Stewart ........................ 2.75 BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND Peter Jenck ............... ......... 19.25 P. W. Todd, board, room .. 00.50 Road District No. >. ......... 10 50 J. J. Hudson ............. Mother’s Pensions. SMITHING COAL. K G. Anderson, mds.............. J. P. Mattoon............. ......... 7.00 Myrtle F Dougherty........... 17.50 E. G. Anderson, mda............ E. J. McLaughlin . . . ......... 8.31 Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd.Ave. Weat, Tillamoek Or. Mary Burmeater.................. 25.00 Louis Anderson, lumber .. . 1.75 Earl McLaughlin .... ......... Florence M. Baker ....... 25.00 A. M. Austin, services......... 1 2 68 I Irene Eadus.......................... 10.00 Uverill .Machinery Co.......... D. W. Styder ............. ......... 112.U0 Johanna York ...................... 17.50 Forest Ayer, salary............. » Ivel V. Gillam...................... 25.00 The Beebe Co......................... Ruby C. Brooten................. 17.50 John Blum............................ Weighed, Found Wanting. Augusta E. Williams........... 17.50 Albert Boon .......................... ------ o------ Grace IlllngBworth ......... ;. 10.00 'John A. Carroll, road master On tbe whole the experiment Emma £. Colestock............. 10.00 ■ Jas. Christensen .................. 40.00 Cloverdale Garage................. Marie Gelchell...................... government operation has been Lena C. Hall ........................ 10.00 Cloverdale Merc. Co.............. of the most fortunate chapters in Registration Electors. Thos. Coates, services......... economic history of the nation. It 4.10 W. 8. Coates, surveying .. . R. Y. Blalock ..................... .* tried an arrangement which formerly • • .30 W. E. Anderson..................... Chas. Ku per.......................... was an Issue, and found It wanting. 10.50 Alfred Qulatront, chainman. Fred Seeley .......................... Had that experimet not been tried it .60 Walter Stark, chainman .. . A. C. Deuel .......................... would remain at this critical time .30 Alden Buckles...................... R. E. Wilson ........................ one of the sore spots of discontent 2.00 Adolph Erickson ................. Geo. W. Phelps ................... f and unsettlement. Would that we .30 i Vai Fisher.............................. Walter J. Mead ................. .40 i Fred Gilbert, ........................ were as easily rid of other fantastic Elva Atkinson ...................... .40 IF. S. Gilbert ........................ I. II. Moore .......................... hobbles and political manias that 1.10 i W. P Hadley........................ T. E. Ashley ........................ may dog us in the future or until Road District No. 1. 1 L D. Hardin, rock............... they too must be repudiated by tbe W B. Alderman, truck .... 451.49 Hiner A Reed, repairs .... Judgment of experience.—Providence 35.57 Howard-Cooper Corp, meh., Anderson Bros, mds........... Journal. Co. mds 245.41 i O. G. Irish, services A C. h H. Anderson, tnds, . ........... Co. mds. 5.74 W. E Anderson, mds ......... | King-Crenshaw 12 50 Lamb Schrader Co. mds. Our Platform. B. Batzner, repairs............. 8.83 -o------ The Babe Co., mds............... Lamb Schrader Co., mds. 18.60 Lamb Schrader mds. . . . A small chew of this good tobacco Brighton Mill Co. powder . . apologies to make, We have no 27.60 J. H. Sampson, W. F. Caln, freight ........... done you any dis- neither have we 624.15 59 69 H. I. Loving Fisc Agt. Three J. A. Carrol road master . . gives real lasting satisfaction. 9.50 honest tricks to make good. If any- 15.67 W 8. Coates, surveying . . . Rivers road........................ thing you have bought from us havs 1.70 5.00 F. L. Martin........................... Alfred Guldatrom chainman 80.00 not given satisfaction we will make A. Buckles, chainman......... : Alex. McNair Co. mds.......... 7.00 good if you let us know. W Slark. chainman........... E E. Paiker. Woo4M ferry . 3.00 62.00 I H Rlttlg. labor............. .. . put up fn two styles On this platform we are building Coats Lbr. Co. lumber......... 14 67 up a nice business. Call and see us Wi A. T. Dolan, culverts......... ! 527.00 John Shoemaker ................. RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco 2 30 our new location. 5.00 Guy Shoppert ...................... Mrs. M. J Gray, damages .. 22.90 1.50 Janies Simmons, rock.......... Arnold Hanson, labor......... W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Tillamook Tirs Co. 3.34 Standard Oil Co..................... 499 60 Hiner * Reed, repairs .... * E F. Rogers. Mgr. i 22.18 42.45 istai Garage, mds. Hudeon-leenaughty Co. ... Star Garage, mds.................. KU4 ALLOWED BY COBBY. Holt Mfg. Co. repairs......... Holt Mfg Co., repair? .... ( CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO. flUEX. MefifllR & CO GENERAL* HARDWARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. g .UARB-SCHRRDER GO. It’s a cinch to get a real quality chew and save part of your tobacco money at the same time. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Investigation Proves There are Few er Females in West. There Is in the United States no overplus of females. The contrary 1« ,S„ ----- S'------------- the case. For every • -* 100 women there are 106 men. For this condition of affairs immigration is to some ex-, tent responsible. But for f every loo’ native born white women there are 103 native-born white men. Husbands, of course may be picked up anywhere. But in some places they are much thicker than in others Take the case of an average girl in New England. Suppose her to have no immediate husband in prospect. Tbe local opportunity matrimonial is poorer in that part of the country than anywhere else, Why not look elsewhere? And if so, whether shall we look. She need not be left in doubt, for the government census will give her the exact advice on the subject that she needs. It will tell her in definite figures where the supply of bache­ lors is most plentiful, relatively, to available spinsters. She may thus learn that the bache­ lor supply is at a maximum in Wyo­ ming, Idaho and Arizona, where there are 10 unmarried men for every unmarried women. Obviously, for unattached females, these states are a gieat matrimonial hunting ground. ■ In Washington, Montana and Nev­ ada there are seven uncaptured males for each maiden. Think of the prem­ ium on the individual spinster! It falls to less than five in Okla­ homa, Colorado and Oregon, to three for each spinster in California, the Dakotas and New Mexico, to two and a half bachelors to every maiden In Utah and Minnesota, and to a bit more than two in Nebraska and Tex­ as. | From these figures the spinster > may learn Just where in the United States she can find her best matri- monial market. It is no gamble. The overplus of unattached males is mainly to be found in the west. but there is more or less of It every­ where—even In New England. It is smallest in Massachusetts, where there is an excess of bachelors am­ ounting to a fraction of 1 per cent. In Rhode Island the overplus is 2 per cent, in New Hampshire 9 per cent, in Maine 37 per cent, in Vermont 5A per cent and in Conecticut 20 per cet. » Do You Sleep Well I ------ o------ To be at his best a man must have sound, refreshing sleep. When wake­ ful and restless at night he is in no condition for work or business dur­ ing the day. Wakefulness Is often caused by indigestion and constipa­ tion, and is quickly relieved by Chamberlain's Tablets. Try a dose ot these tablets and see how much bet­ ter you feel with a clear head and good digestion.—Adv. Notice. This 1 b to give notice that persons are forbidden to trespass upon our premises, for hunting is strictly pro­ hibited. H. F. Goodspeed, F. M. Trout. IN THE SPRING When Energy and Vitality arr Lowest, then—Influenaal (By B.C.BOWBR.M.D.) At this time of tba yoar people W weak» Ured. listiees, Ueir blood io Ohio, they haw lived iadoon and perhape expended all tb«r mental and bodily energy and they want to know ho* to renew their i**gy and etamina, etweooe headasheo and> badmehoo, have clear eyee, a amootb, roddysUa and leal the exhiteration of real good health tingling thra their bodice. Good, pan. rich, nd blood io the boot inoonnoe againat Ute of aU Mode. Yoe an apt Io suffer from an attaok of Infia- enea U your beatih io ran down. Purify tbe blood and yon can defy influenza. This la tbe time to dean boon and freeben up a bit. Drink hot water a half hour before meals, and for a vegetable tonic there’s nothing better than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diocovery, the old-faehionbd herbal remedy, which has had such a fine reputation for fifty yean. It contains no alcohol or narcotics and is made into tab­ lets and liquid. Send 10 cento to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. (or trial package. MarymlU, Calif.— "I needed a tonic; my blood was thin, I was run-down, my back ached, my kidneys were weak and digestion was so bad that I could not even drink milk. I remembered that mother had always depended on .Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, so I decided to take it. In a short time 1 was greatly benefited. 1 continued taking it and waa a well woman.”— Un. J. S. Barker. 21» Sth St. Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone, All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on abort notice. We makes specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fira Places. . RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK. ORF..