»-•Z/»*/.’ j > . B3E 1 ESSS1* «MTn Mrl o"—if r—5 íl*r‘wTT'c'T\nrS TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 22. 1919. Gem Theatre, “the House of Pleasing Plays “FAN; FAN William Fox Extravganza Production, * * ELSIE FERGUSON Heart of the Wilds.” An Artcraft Picture. Adapted from the play “Pierreof the Plains,” by Edgar Selwyn. A picture that shows all of the romance and all of the thrills that fill the lives of the Royal Northwest Mounted. Filled with all the Color and Beautiful Life of Japan. Presenting Virginia Lee Corbin and Francis Carpenter in the roles of “Fan Fan and “Hatiki Pan.” The most elaborate picture of its kind. Don’t Miss It—THURSDAY, MAY 29 TUESDAY, MAY 27th REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Tillamook in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on May 21 1919 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts................................ »596,111.74 Overdrafts unsecured ........................................................................ 6,336.37 Premium on U. S. Bonds.................................................... •.............. 25,000.00 Liberty Loan Bonds, 3%, 4 and 4% per cent, pledged to secure State or other deposits or bills payable............... 85.900.00 Bonds (other than U..S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits........................................... »3,000.00 Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for State or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable 5.000.00 Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged....................................... 75,532.77 Total Donds, securities, etc., other than U. S.............. 83,532.77 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank (50 percent of subscription... 900.00 Furniture and fixtures..................................................................... 7,247.16 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank................................ 44,858.34 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks......... 56,167.68 Net amount due from banks, bankers, and trust companies other than included above............................ .................................... 193.27 Exchanges for clearing house.............................. '........................ 526.66 2,394.14 Checks on other banks in the same city as reporting bank.... Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items...................................................... 10,023.83 .Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. 1,250.00 Treasurer .......................................................... .»....................... Interest earned but not collected—approximate—on Notes 8,265.36 and Bills Receivable not past due......................................... 915.30 War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned... »909,622.62 Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in -......................................... Surplus fund........................................................ »15,635.64 Undivided profits................................................. 7,440.69 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding................. .. . . Net amount due to banks, bankers, and trust companies........... Certified checks outstanding..................................................’. . .. Cashier’s checks on own^ank outstanding................................... Demand Deposit» Individual deposits subject to check......... ».................................. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days( other than money borrowed) ..................................................................... State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank................................................................. Other demand deposits............................................................ .. ... Time deposits subject to reserve Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) . . .. Postal savings deposits..................................................................... Other time deposits........................................................................... Bills payable, other than with Federal Reserve bank, Including all obligations representing money borrowed, other than rediscounts.................................................................................. Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank..................................... Liabilities other than those above stated ..................................... * 25,000.00 15,000.00 8,194.95 24,200.00 7,598.13 73.86 1,722.29 448,461.26 23,501.74 15,000.00 l,242-.5O 47,990.14 459.99 205,204.62 40,000.00 45,000,00 973.14 »909,622.62 Total State of Oregon, County ot Tillamook, ss: I C. A. McGhee, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C.A. McGhee, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 21st daj of May, 1919. Louis V. Eberhart, Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires September 26, 1921. Correct—Attest: A. B. Bunn, C. J. Edwards, B. C. Lamb, directors. Correct Lubrication” H. C. BOONE, Acent, Tillamook, Ore. Victor L. Berger has Issued an ap­ peal to his colleagues in Congress to permit him to serve the term to which he was elected rather than the oae to which he was appointed, and appends the edlterinl.-« which brought him Into ooUtMen with property I, Thad Robison, president of the Margaret Coates, and had more ground won by the in­ hereinafter described to satisfy said above named bank, do solemnly Notary Public. fantry In front of It with fewer cas­ judgment, accumulating intekest, at­ swear that the above statement is true ualties than any other artillery in torney fee, coats and disbursements, to the best of my knowledge and be­ My commission expires Nov. 20, 1922 France. Correct attest: H. T. Botts, T. W. together with the costs and expenses lief. When the members of the 57th Ar­ of sale. Now therefore, I will on Sat­ Thad Robison, President. Lyster, D. Fitzpatrick. Directors. tillery Brigade leave the 88th divis­ urday the 21st day of June, 1919, at ion to rejoin the 32nd division, It the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. on said will look like a doughboy outfit date, sell to the highest bidder for Why not name the new organization Advertising Rates. ready for the trenches. All material I cash in hand, at the Court-House a league toacommit Injustice, and to will have been turned In and hiking door in said county and state, all the Display Advts, per inch ■ • prevent the nation robbed from re­ »» with ful4brfck will be tbe fashion. J right, title and interest of the said sisting it? Turning in of the equipment, start­ defendants, and each and al) of them, » n ed last week when tbe escort wagons I had at the date of said decree, in and Local» .......................... per line 7c. Notice of Meeting of Owners of Land went back to the 88th division. Soon I to the following described property, Situated in Stillwell Drainage Dis­ after the motor show on March 28th situated in said Tillamook County, Reader», with reading matter trict in Tillamook County, Oregon. the horses and motor vehicles will ito-wit: All of the South half of the per line................................... 7c. be turned over to the 88th division Northwest quarter of the North- Notice» of meeting* etc, per line 7c. and the three and six-inch guns will i west quarter of Section 18 in Town­ Notice is hereby given that Still­ 5c. be taken to the Army Artillery Park ship 2 South of Range 9, West of the Resolution»..................per line well Drainage District In Tillamook at Tout I Willamette Meridian, containing County, Oregon, was declared organ­ Just as they landed In France, with I 20 acres. ized by the County Court of Tilla­ full pack containing all of their per­ If anyone doubts that the opera­ mook County, Oregon, by order dated Dated this 20th day of May, 1919. tions of the proposed league of na­ May Sth, 1919, and meeting ofAthe sona) belongings, will the artillery­ W. L. Campbell, men start their journey to Coblenz Sheriff of Tillamook tions will inaugurate the reign ot land owners of said district Is hereby Justice in the world let him contem­ called and will be held at the Court and to tbe states. County,Oregon. plate the decision made, in effect, by House in Tillamook City, Tillamook Upon returning to the . United States, it Is said that the »2nd divis­ We always had a kind of Impres­ this league, relative to China. A County, Oregon, for the purpose of ion will parade in Milwaukee and sion ths school districts which had province as big as an American state electing a board of three supervisors Detroit before the men will be mui- to close down on account of flu had is taken from the domestic territory for said district, on Monday the 26th tered out of service. no right to pay teachers during the of China and handed over to Japan. day of May, 1919, at the hour of 10 Nearly every man in the 88th suspension of school. The case in the Japan Is put in control of the destiny o'clock a.m. division was shot last week—but no circuit court last week, which was ot forty million people speaking the Dated this May 15th, 1919. wholesale issue of wound stripes will over a contract for transportation of 1 Chinese language. And we helped do Erwin Harrison, result. Tbe Injuries in almost every children, was decidedSn favor of the H ,n violation of our national tradi- County Clerk of Til­ Ilona,, a* voiced in the Hay policy. case were inflicted in the upper arm, school district. lamook County, Ore I ■" I ” I