Help Boost All the Reconstruction Measures ! iii Everybody Getting into the Roosevelt Highway Band Wagon—Coast Counties Strong for Irrigation Measure, Market Roads and Commendable $5,000,000 Up-Building Movement to Develop the State. VOTE un- Czresit Jadge G R Bagbey of ELlt- FOB ALL FOUR RECON- den-«*! Mr Lennax wanted , dentea** that the forest aemc* i* STBCCTI05 XLASCBES ban. Bex F West. Assessor. Marion Co. C. B Wilson. County Clerk Yamhill . County. Funeral of Mn. Carl Wallin. ------ o------ The remains of Mrs. Ida Wallin heartily supporting (be Rzxwereit I attended a good roads meeting You a»* for an exprensbon freae me in Sheridan last Friday evening, at wife of Carl Wallin, who died at her There are four re* on*’ruction highway project." in revow to the pr . p.s*d JLxMve.t o— — which meeting there were about 75 home east of this city on Thursday MMret on the ballo’ at the »peeial H.xhwzy. la nrvef Rouseveit wa* for present. We took a vote on the morning last week, were buried at election which should receive the Redsond Heard Eros prepared*««. Th-* highway wosid support of the people. They are: Roosevelt Highway Bond and it gives the Oddfellows' cemetery on Sunday, Big meeting here today. Tt_- see- eons'-itkie a link in tie ekata of pne- me great pleasure to announce that which was attended by a large num­ State Bond Payment of irrigation ttoa piayiag the gar_e loyally. Com­ paredae« for peace and war No there was but one dissenting vote ber of friends and neighbors. The re­ ar.d Drainage Di*tnet Bond Interest mercia! Club endorse* Rcosevelt perzmncn: road* ear. be ooaszrzcted against the proposition. Trusting ligious services were at the home, Five million dollar Reconstruction Highway by unanimous vote Situa­ ia the »fate without ail porti -a* of this will encourage you in the good conducted by the Rev. Chas Gibeon, the state r*ce*v.-g directly or indi­ Bonding Amendment and the Recon- tion look* good.— T. B Handley. of the Allied church, and the Rebek­ o ------ work you have undertaken. rectly. some benefit. Oregox's de- Ktruetion Bonding Bil*. (These two ahs took charge of the services at Pnnenlle Indonet Highway. veiopmeat is tn the »waddling eMh- measure on the ballot may confuse the cemetery. Al a meetieg of the PnneviUe Com- e* oi infancy and all voter* of Ore­ some of the voter*, but it i* necessary Attorney W .G. Hare, of Hillsboro. to vote foi both one being an amend- mercial Club, resolution* were pass­ gon should reaiue the necessity for 1 note from a communication re­ Obituary of Mn. Ida Wallin. men t to the conktitutlun and the jed unanimously endor»:ng the entire fostering ali project» thdt will aid ceived from you on the 15th inst. ot her to bond the Mate for $5,999,- * reconstruct ion program and especial- and a*>**»(. withm the limit* of reas­ tijat you are boosting for the Roose, Friend after friend departs iiy the twc measure* in which ea»t- onable economy and upbuilding ot Who hath not lost a friend? ven Highway, and that you solicit Rooateveit Coast Military High- Oregon have joined the state *td cast their baDoc* in my support for the measure. I There is no union here of hearts way Bill !Barely the IttKiaeveit Hi&h- favor of the bonds for the highway, That knows not here an end. I am certainly in favor of the * , — «... I«/ and amendment authorizing perpetuating tbe name of Roosevelt; Market Road* Tax bilL fthe of Ore New-aatle" to ask The | F J Angell. District Traffic Chief ADVANCE NOTICE. acenic asset as a closed book. sought to perpetrate on the American appreciate your help and support on me to do this. I don't think any other Hoonnvett Highway will make it an P T A T Co. I i he.»e measure*. one man crautde ymr county ha* On Thursday, May 39. there will be people is the pretense by free trade open book In which thousands upon Your letter of the 15th. duly rp- Hoping we may be co.workers to- uone n*»re publicity work tar a R*x*we presented at the Gem Theatre the politicians that the new Internation­ *nousans opposing the Roosevelt Highway we have provided these highways. to help the Victory Loan. By this measure and will do all in my power see it that way. Aunt. Ida E. Reynolds, and for the V. L .man. acting chlej forester. Wishing you and the Roosevelt time most of the big boats had been You may rest assured that I will to aaalst in carrying It. I can tn- beautiful flowers. • Senator McNary today saying _______ ________ success In their Highway _ Association snapped up by Italy. France and Ja­ flunee a number of votes for it. do all that I can to help it along. Mrs. R. E. Stanley and family | pan. Mr. Seitz's position was mlsun- i very ne?esaary undertaking. Boosters for Roose velt Highway. Y:^r letter In regagTd to th* Roose- ve.t LixLaay received and i want to aerare y •u tnai I am body and soul - — I at avor of thJ and I have done all Is work I can to posh this matter. I with a bunch of farmers the •r day and 'hey asked me how I g>i£g to rote for that highway and I ’.old them that was one of the thing* 1 was voting for and working for. and I found all of 'hem of the same opinion I hare not beard much at**ct this here among the voters yet but 1 believe it will get a good vote ia thu county. If you have any sug- • offer :n the way of cam, I would be glad to get them. You may use me any way you see Bt to further this matter. o—.—