TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAT 22, 1919 COAXING YOU TO SMILE. - o -- Cause for Dismissal "I hear the grocer fired you for swindlin' him,” remarked John Mc- Feliue to his friend recently. "It's a lie.” returned the latter. "He axeu ' me to put a junk of lead under one i of the scales an’ I done it, an* then in a few days when he examined ft gave me the run.” "Did ye not fasten the lead on properly, or what?" ask­ ed McFeline "Oh I fastened it on right enough.” was the reply, “but it was under the wrong side of the scales I put it, an' it weighed again- . • I st himself.’ * i < ---------- o--------- BUILDING UP TILLAMOOK F you were to look under and behind the dairy­ ing, • uianufacturinir, farming and business structures of Tillamook County—you would in a very treat many instances find evidence of that co­ operation which the FIRST NATIONAL BANK is both able and willing to extend its patrons. If you would trow up witti the community and this bank—open an account here NOW. I But Not a Joy Forever. DIR ECTORS : A. H7 Hunn, f armer.' P. Heisel. Farmer. C. J. Edwards,Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb. Hui'.ding Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier. . Young Tom Toots was in the coun­ try and had been invited to the beau­ tiful home of a sweet young thing named Agnes. "Whit a charming place,” he said, enthusiastically, to Agnes's proud paternal parent. "Does it go as fur as those woods over there?” “It does” remarked the somewhat unsympathetic father. "Ah”, said Tom, still cheerily, 'and to the old stone wall over there, sir?’ "It dpes,” came the gruff answer, “and it goes as far as the river on the south and to the main the north.” "Beautiful!" put in Tom. "Yes" went on the old man, “but it doesn’t go with Aggie!” You Can “Beat” the Weather When You’re Wearing “U. S.” Home, Sweet Home No matter how bad the weather or how sloppy the deck or wharf, your feet and legs will get the best possible protection in U. S. “Protected” rubber boots. They are specially built for hard wear and rough usage. With dry and warm feet and legs you can stand a lot of punishment. Your work will be easier. U. S. “Protected” rubber boots give you real protection. During the war the Government probably used more u. s. “Protected” rubber footwear than of all other makes combined. Be U. S. “Protected,” then, and safeguard your comfort and health. There’s a “U. S.” boot exactly suited to your needs. Your dealer has it or can get it quickly. To be sure of “U. S.,” look for the “U. S. Seal” on every pair. It’s th« trade mark of the largest rubber manufacturer in thé world. % The burglar had entered the house as quietly as possible, but his shoes were not padded, and they made some noise. He had just reached the door of the bedroom when he heard some one moving in the bed, as if about to get up, and he paused. The sound of a women’s voice floated to his ears. "If you don’t take off your boots when you come into this house’ she said, "there’s going to be trouble, and a lot of it. Here it’s been raining for three hours, and you dare to tramp over carpets with your muddy boots on. Go downstairs and take them off this minute.” He went d<#.n stairs without a word, but he didn't take off his boots. Instead he went straight out into the night again, and the pal who was waiting for him saw a tear glisten in his eye. "I just can't bear to rob that house,” he said, "it reminds me so of home.” Diplomacy. \ United States Rubber Company ■ The firstNationalBank * * Red Crown” gives greater mile- age because it u correctly made, straight-distilled, all-refinery gasoline. Look for the Rea Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Tfte Gasoline of Quality S?i25H5HSB52SaS2SH525HS2S25ZSB52SZ525B5Z5ES252SH52S25BSH5H5a | § 3 Illi II Have Your Garments Dry Cleaned. EXPERT DYEING. "That young man doesn't seem to know when to go home,” exclaimed the grouchy father. "It was my carelessness," declared Gwendolyn.* T asked him to explain § Agency of M. Paumies ’ Dye House, the League of Nations." K Butte, Montana. "What has that to do with it?” "You know it always takes three or four hours to explain the League of TILLAMOOK, ORE. Nations, and even then there will § probably be a great deal that re­ [fl Call 31 J Mail Order mains to be Baid on future occasions.’ H5BS2525iSH5a5aS25a525a5a52Sa5Z5a5Z5a5H5aS2S2Sa525ESHSaS2 ------ o------ ’ S The Pacific Cleaning & TailoringCo Dept. Right Back At Him. ABORTION DISEASE Can be controlled by early injection with the Serum Treatment This should be attended to before breeding, or within three months after breeding For further information call on Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, The Idle Rich. County Herd Inspector. Tillamook, Oregon. box of Doan's Kidney Pills, I felt as well as ever." Price 60c., at all dealers. Don't The Mistake is Made By Many Tilla­ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that mook Citicena. Mrs. Chase had. Foster-Milbourn Co. Look for the cause of backache. To be cured you must know the Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd. Adv. cause. Democracy for Export. If it's weak kidneys ------ o------ You must set the kidneys working Dr. W. A. Brazier, first lieutenant right. A resident of this vicinity shows in the Medical Reserve Corps U. 8. A. a colored physician who was render­ you how. Mrs. Kenneth Chase. 1214 3. Riv­ ed good service among the negroes of er St., Newberg. Ore., says: "My Bogalusa Ala., in connection with back ached all the time and my kid­ the Liberty Loan, Red Cross, W. 8. 3. neys acted irregularly. My feet and and other patriotic movements dur­ ankles were so badly swollen that in ing the war to save the world for de­ the morning, I couldn't get my shoes mocracy, was notified recently, along on for several hours. I felt generally 1 with seveial negroes accused of plan- depressed. The first few doses of ; ning to form a negro dabor union, to Doan's Kidney Pills helped me won­ ' leave Bogalusa by sundown on penal­ derfully. My back stopped aching, ty of violence. Ubder Dr. Brazier's my kidneys acted more regularly and leadership the negroes of the locality the swellings in my feet and ankles had more than doubled every reque. t went down. After I had taken one I for war work and subscriptions made ALL WRONG. A man owned a big black cat that used to sneak off to the butcher»! and steal meat. The butcher warned the man to keep his thieving cat at home, but no attention was paid to the warning. Finally the butcher de­ clared: "If that pesky cat steals any more of my stock I'll poison It.” A few days later the cat made off with a leg of lamb and the butcher, true to his word, sprinkled bits of poison­ ed steak about. Next morning the cat lay cold and stiff before its mas- [ter's door. The cat's owner waited until the butcher shop was crowded •with sausage buyers. Then he tuck­ ed the uucasa under hie arm and I strode into the crowd, "Here you are John," he cried slamming the dead ¡cat down on th« chopping block be- : side the «sausage machine. "That's seventy-eight. I'll have the other twenty-two in before the day’s over. of them. An agent of the National Republican in Mississippi writes that he is afraid to work because two col­ ored women were recently whipped in the community for selling a news­ paper from the north in which the kind of democrats you spell with a capital “D", were criticised. When Mr. Gompers and Mr. Wilson have completed the job of saving the world for democracy at Paris, they may give some thought to the task of introducing it gratually into the states dominated by their associates in Democratic party leadership. And maybe they won’t. For Bilious Trouble. ------ o------- To promote a healthy action of the liver and correct the disorders caused by billlousness. Chamberlains’ Tab­ lets are excellent. Try them and see how quickly they give you a relish for your food and banish that dull and stupid feeling.—Adv. The teacher asked his pupils to write an essay, telling what they ' would do if they had 6 million dol­ lars. Every pupil except little William Powers began wr iting immediately William sat idle, twiddling his fing­ ers and watching flies on the ceiling, i Teacher collected thq papers and William banded In a blank sheet. "How is this, William?" Asked teacher. "Is this your essay? Every other pupil has written two sheets or more, while you have done noth­ ing" ' „ "Well’ replied William, 'that s what I would do if I.were a million­ aire.” ------ o----- Matter of Companion. The Tillamook Transfer Co., has contracted the wood output of the Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood supply from this plant is not suf­ ficient for the local demand we will fill orders from other sources. Place your orders for wood with uh . TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO LIBERTY T Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN It's all a matter of comparison, ac­ cording to H. T. Webster, the car­ toonist, who told the following as proof of his assertion: "Sharpnel shrieked all about. Bombs dropped HELL PHONE. MAIN from the sky and every minute or so a German shell burst over head. Sud­ denly one Yank burst into a fit of laughter. S'matter Buddy?’ his mate asked, fearing that he had suddenly gone insane. 'I was thinkin'. Bill,' If I Were a Fanner. answered the other, between chuck­ les of the runt that held me up one If I were a farmer I would keep at night in Memphis with a 22-callbre , hand a few reliable medicines for revolver.” 1 minor ailments that are not so ser- | ious as to require the attention of a The "idealist” who made so much i physician, such as Chamberlain's of refusing Italian Flume to Italy I Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for preserve a loud silence on the ques- bowel complaints, tlon of handing Chinese Shantung to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for Japan. It's more fun being a Croat coughs, colds and croup. than a goat, however, and Sumauris Chamberlain’s ltnament for spruins seem to be more numeious than Su- bruses and rheumatic pains. marltans at the present conference. I By having these articles at hand it County Dairy Herd Inspector 3 MUTUAL PHONE would often eave the trouble of a trip to town in the busiest season or In the night, and would enable me to treat slight ailments as soon as they appear, and thereby avoid the more serious diseases that so often follow.- Adv. Three thousand revenue officers will be appointed, to enforce the pro­ hibition law. Rain makes corn, corn makes whisky and whisky makes jobs for deserving Democrats. And ft's a wet season I