Â.VOSZ HE-Ä F ABM LOAMS AV LXFEMSTVI FOLLY o------ Rich leap Greater. Benefit—Cer People $8 71 to G itc Farmer $1 *• Xi 42.Si- Another wx ie bubble, father­ r tt£. ed and inflated by the government. I I La* been eared from collapse only by !«♦ the pc » ertui stimulation of mill ion- of dollars taker. from the national .scry This is the »tktement of W iumphrey. for fourteen year* rep­ resentative of the state of Washing­ ton in cougren*. and now practicing Scratch , Hear»«. and the Portland law. -a an analysis of the Federal Jyim. shrieks with agony. Yellow • «•» Z W&rtley Will Wake 'Eg. Farm Loan Bank.» which he ba* pre­ blood .» thi-.xer »hon water. Bird* of ***£*'• , Q • pared. a feather »quack together—Oregon Ben F. Worsley who was one of Mr. Humphrey charges that: Voter. the main factor» .a campaigning for 1 That the *y»tem i* class iegieia- the 3«.W k.kkv read bond issue, ha» tion. "A man in Salem ha» directed that 3. It doe» not promote home build­ on hi» tomb» tone there be carted the »tañed on a tour of Southern and Eastern Oregon m the interest of the ing or buying of farzut. fact that he built the first brewery 3. It benefits only one farmer out in that town. The cemetery probably Roosevelt Highway. Worse, r i* a successful farmer down near Astoria, of 1S1. contains tombstone» lot a lot of 4. Only one faunlly in «05 is bene- other men who kept it going.'—Bend but he r»i* worked up so strong on tte need tor good roads for Oregon fitted. Bulletin. that he just can’t stay at home when 5. It eost* the American people ------ o------- there'* a ehance to -pread the go-pel. 7b cents to give the farmer 31. Germans high in authority predict S It enables the rich to obtain ar. that there will be another world war Like many a fanner, he dilight* in investment yield equal to 21.75 per inure furious than the last one. The argyfyio', and i* happ.e»t when be­ .■?«* ’ / cent. Germans are mistaken. We will soon ing bated by a fellow fanner in a / 7. It deprives the government of have a league of nations and the lion rural meeting, where repartee i* ap­ revenues from tax tecacaxe the bonds and the lamb will lie down together, preciated Any meetmg addressed by are tax exempt. and lie. and lie, and lie.—Gazette- Worsley is sure to be a Jive affair, with plenty of spicy controversy ana "In the midst of war.” Mr. Humph­ Times. both side* cheering. He stirs up rey says, "when the nation was ap- -o------- set* soné pealiug for funds, millions needed The Roosevelt highway measure whole neighborhoods. for war purpose», were taken from , will appear upon the ballot for tee against father* and wreck* the treasury and given to the Feder­ June election and will meet with but happiness—but out of the OMOB al Farm Loan bank» to save the sys­ : little opposition in the state. Iu quareling he always make* a lot tem from disajiter. The purpose of the merit» are many and its success will votes for good roads. More power act creating these bank» was deelar- 1 mean much for the state at large, his jaw.—Oregon Voter. ed to be to provide capital for ag­ and especially to the isolated section* ricultural development, to create which v ill be developed to the ad­ Guaranteed Wheat Pr.ee of Other standard forms of investments baaed vantage of all.—Ehendan Sun. Co tames upon farm mortgages, and to equal­ ---- o------ ize interest rates on farm mortgages. One of the measure* that should I The average price received by the and will receive a heavy vote at the ' average wheat grower under the Who Get» the Benefit. "A more correct title would be 'An ’ polls next month is the Roosevelt 1 stabilized basis of the last two years act to tax the American people to 1 highway bonding measure. This is­ - has been S2.06 a bushel. That inter- give special privileges to well-to-do sue of bonds will not cost the tax­ ■ eeting tact was brought out by Ju- farmers, to furnish the super-rich payers of the state a single cent ex­ • Iiu» H. Barnes, national wheat di- the most profitable investment in the tra, but w ill be taken care of by the : rector. in an address before the Unlt- world and to give them a legitimate automobile license*. The advantages > ed States Chamber of Commerce at way to escape payment of their in­ of a hard surfaced highway from the i St. Louis on April 2k. Mr. Barnes then pointed out a fact come tax, to discredit the govern­ north to south state line along the ment bonds and increase the burden ! coast arc- many. The measure should I not generally understood in this country, that much higher guaran­ of taxation of the American people.* , <»e approved—Itennzer. ------- o------- teed prices are paid by the govern­ "Of course, the great purpose of In "selling scenery " at public ex­ ments of other countries. The the farm loan act was to aid the farmer and to encourage the buying pense the fellow in the back counties French guarantee this year is 33.36 of farms and tbe building of home», i is not to be blamed it he gives a lit­ bushel, and Spain's the same. Italy's The number of loans that have been ' tle thought to who gets the purchase is |4.3i; Holland's, 33.23; Norway"*. made to purchase homes is practical- , price. "J he coast counties have raised 34.52, and Portugal's IS.43. Brazil, ly none, while the loans that have no howl over Columbia and other the only wheat importing country of be<-n made to purchase lands for any highways for which they dig into this hemisphere, has a guaranteed purpiy-e whatever have been almost I‘kelr pockets, but they would like an price to its growers of 32.35. negligible. Practically ail of the opportunity to cash in on their par­ Mr. Barnes reviewed these facts to home loans that have been made by |t>cular scenery and are therefore ¡u»k- refute the unsound contention that Fedvral J arm Loan banks were made . Ing the rest of the state to help them the L'nlted States should sacrifice out on the Roosevelt highway.— itself in order to supply cheap wheat to 'ake up existing indebtedness. to its consumers and the rest of the ' Remember, these loan» are not Hillsboro Independent. world. "It those countries." he asked made to the poor, to th« land hungry ------- °------- When you pull down your home "most of whom produce a larger trying to secure a home, but to the »ell-to-do farmer, the average farm­ town by speaking of it disparagingly yield per acre, consider these prices er borrower owning property worth |or by failing to buy home made pro­ fair assurances to their grower», can ducts, you are pulling yourself they with good grace object that an >5,000 or more. American price of 32.26, netting our "The act creating these federal down. When you speak well of your farmers 32.06, is taking advantage home town, when you patronize the loan banks provided that the bonds QR.O..L. H HOHLFELD. [ T. Buns, of their necessities?" home concerns, when you buy at of the»« banks be free from taxation * A • The Spokesman-Review is glad to home, you are building ifp the com ­ of every kind. In Justice to Congress, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. VETERINARIAN. repeat, what it has said before, that it should be said that the most ser­ munity and thus helping yourself. Complete Set of Abstract Hoc ks in the nation is fortunate in having Bell Phone — 2F2 Mutual Phon« ious result of this worst feature of Give your borne city truthful praise, Mr. Barnes handle the great wheat Office. by your home institutions in ­ stay tbe act was not anticipated and ha» harvest of 1919. Working in close Tillamook Oregon. Taxes Paid for Non Residents arisen sii.ee Congress passed the law, cluding your home paper—your rep­ cohpention with Mr. Hoover, he T illamook B lock . owing to the vast issue of govern­ resentative beyond the confines of knows world conditions as they are ment bonds to carry on the war and your locality.—News Reporter. Tillamook .... Oregon not known and cannot be known by ------- o-------- AVID ROBINSON. M.D., tbe heavy income taxes that have Both Phones. any other American He shows himself Uee.i levied. Changes in the law placing a tax capable of maintaining a correct bal­ 'We have a remarkable situation in i on the drinks sold at soda fountains ance between profiteering at the ex­ PHYSICIAN AND St RGEON DK J. G. TURNER. have been coming in so fast that half this country today:. A bond Issue by pense of a suffering an«t hungry I the time the dealers didn't know the one of th»»e banks is worth more NATIONAL BUILDING, world, rind permitting the United EYE SPECIALIST. than a bond issue by the government. answer. One man was charged one States treasury to be raided for fl,- OREGON. The creature becomes greater than license and later the revenue agent 000,000,000 or more in a Quixotish TILLAMOOK PORTLAND — OREGON the creator. A Liberty bond of ear­ came in and rebated several dollars spirit of sending charity wheat to Regular Monthly Visits to lier ¡»sue today 1» worth about |t7, on his payment but before he got countries that are able to pay a fair p> T.*BOAI.S, M.D., Sold by while a Federal Land Bank loan is over feeling good because of bls gain price ad ye glad to pay it.—Spokes­ Tillamook Feed Company, Tillamook and Cloverdale. worth form 3104*4 to 4107. If those another letter came which notified man Review. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON C. 0. & C. M. Dawson WATCH PAPER FOR DATÉS. dreaming socialistic theories who him to teturn the rebate and seven Conover & Condit. of a nilscon- Snrsreon S. P. Co. haw so persistently preached that dollars more because Von Hindenburg. Geo. 1. Edmunds. the credit of the government is un­ structlon of the law in the first H GOYNE, (I. O. O. F. Blds.) limited will take a look at thene fig­ place. It seems as if no tax should be Tillamook. Oregon which are so placed on soft drinks . . . ures. they will change their opinion. In announcing his desire to retire, Tillamook - A. Anderson, Wheeler, Ore. ATTORNEY AT-LAW. the hot Beas- essential to comfort in If facts v.lli change it. Von Hindenburg, while he deemed it W. A. Howe, Brighton. Oregon. Office- O1-POSITH |Co«kT F usa ' One of these tax-free bonds draw- on. They are a neoessity rather than his duty to serve Germany during a a luxury when the summer sun Wilson & Co., Beaver. TO OBERT H. McGRATH, difficult transitional period, »peaks lng-5 percent Interest In tbe hands of Tillamook - O. i gon. Mohler Supply Co., Mohler. CoiNSELLOR-AT LAW, a n ulumllllonalre, whose annual In­ shines hot and they are the last re­ of "how hard it has become for me in ' come is more than a million dollars, sort in the drink line.—Telephone view of my opinions and my < ntire personality and the past, to conduce ODDFELLOWS BUILDIN i. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, would enable him to save |3H out of Register. — o------- to exercise my office." every 150 Interest that he receives. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. Not a few of us have said harsh Frank Walsh and hl» associate» Instead of paying It to the govern­ ATTORNEY ment, as he would have to du upon who went from this country to Pari» things of Von Hindenburg. His heavy I orriAND O ffice AND other securities. In other words, the to make the peace conference sep­ countenance, his bull neck, even the ! 1110 W ilcox B ld . TOWER COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW provocative way he wore his hair, government loses 33M out of every arate Ireland from the British Em­ T illamook B lo ' k , FISH BRAND 150 on these bonds, and this loss tbe pire. have started to Ireland without have not stimulated affection. He having accomplished their purpose. has seemed almost as wooden ».nd as ^ARL HABERLACH Tillamook • - - - Oiegj^. other taxpayer must make up. They were granted more favors than ugly as th« huge figure of him in ROOM NO. ¿Hl The Most Profitable Investment. they were entitled to. Suppose that Berlin into whoce timbers patriotic ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. "These tax fr«« 5 per cent bonds In during the Civil War, a self appoint­ Germans drove nails at a cost of a tb<> hand» of the super-rich are worth ed delegation from England had mark each. He has been a biood-and- T illamook B lock 21.75 per cent annually, the b*»t and come to Washington D. C. seeking to iron man of the Bismarck type minus moot profitable Investment al the ex­ get Congress and President Lincoln the mental gifts that made the wick­ Tillamook Watorproof Oiegoo pense of the other taxpayers to tbe to give the South its Independence. It edness ol Bismarck Interesting. Abtoiutoly.'. 206 richest people in America These Is questionable what would have hap­ But after all. Von Hindenburg Its loose fit and “good KBSTER HOLMES. are the legitimate fruits of this Im- pened to them. But suppose they had seems about the best of the German piactlcal socialistic plan, and yet it been allowed to land is it at all like­ lot. He did not run away. He has feel put you at ease on 1» uoue III the name of the poor. ATTORNEY-AT I.AW ly that they could have gotten pane­ not pretended to be otherwise than any job that turns up. "The people In time of war, many port» and safe conduct through the he is. He has been loyal to the stand­ COMMERCIAL BUILDING. of them at great sacrifice, bought northern lines that they might call ards -was a Prussian, but unbashed. SATISFACTION Liberty bonds, and they were content on Jeff Davis and conspire with hllti The Gag he bore he did not pull GUARANTEED FIRST STREBT. to accept from the government 4^4 for the crtabllshment of the South­ down. He believed in his class, The Needles, Oil, Belt» and *n kinds of Sewing A J TOWXUCO BOSTON per oeu: Interest, and even less, If the ern confederacy? Yet that 1< what kaiser is seen to have been lath TILLAMOOK T Machine aippbes. Repairing a specialty.• OREGON liberty bonds are to remain at the Lloyd George has permitted these painted to look like iron, and the New Home U*en present depreciation. Yet the gov- men from America to do. He has glance to threaten and command has r l l hoy < rument takes mtlllons of Its money granted them passports and safe con­ become furtive. Ludendorff took no are quality choten. H. T. Botts, Pre». Attorney ind uses it, not for war purposes, duct through the military district of chances with his sacred person. I For Sale By at-Law. but glv«» It to these banks that issue Ireland that they may visit with the Scheidmann 1» a sneak. Bernstorff la bonds that enable the nation's rlch- rebels seeking to dismember the em­ a fox whose brush has been sheared PHYSICIAN ANDSURGKCM SHARFF lb DUBIVER John Leland Henderson. Sec­ • n citizens .to secure an income of plre It takes a lot of nerve to uli by a trap The crown prince has had T illamook B lock , retary Trea».. Attorney-at- 172 3rd Street 21.75 per cet. I that kind of consideration, but n<>- the truth told about hint by his un­ Law and Notrary Public. "Another thing, the selling of these body who knows Frank Walsh ba.« fortunate wife. Von Hindenburg isn't Tillamook, Oregt n. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE .ux-frei bouds has had a very mark­ any question as to the quantity of much, but he is about the best of the COMPANY ed effect in depreciating Liberty the gall. Gazette Times. lot,—New York Tribune. San Francuco California U»an bonds, very largely because ------- o —■ C. HAUK these tax-free bonds are worth to tbe I It'» a good thing the Shantung de­ Another argument In favor of es­ Law Abstracts. Real Estate very rich 21.75 per cent. For »ale on eaay term», either a cision came last or they might have tablishing a lot of new government» ¿Insurance. four or five room house, with modern Here ij the net result of this gov- turned Belgium over to England on 1» that it will provide that many PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Both Phones convenience«. May pay like rent. If .K'r.l owned and operated bank Germany's title, with a promise to more diplomatic jobs for deserving Bay City TILLA NOOK—ORBGON. me as at present run: give It back to the Belgians some day democratic campaign contributor». Oregon you want a home, write ma D. L. Shrode, Salem, Oregon. <-¡c r> What the Editors Say HIS agency is cooperating in every possible way with the Hartford Company in helping property owners to insure against fires. T Let us explain the plan to you in detail It is a service you ought to have and one you are entitled to. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. Office • National Bld 34 jTand’Mutuai. Tillamook City, Oregon I '8 REFLEX SLICKER Q . . . , Tillamook Title and lAbstract Co.