TILLAMOOK. OREGON. MAY 22, 1919. Seven room house and five acres Good time to grab some Bayocean Chairman Geo. B. Lamb expects to FLU" AND SCHOOL CONTRACTS. | GEM THEATRE PROGRAM.. for sale.—C. O. & C. M. Dawson. | property. Consult with H. L. King. raise that amount amongst the Saturday. May 24—“The Spender” Modern cottage, Corner lot. One school children of the county, as or.e ------ o f See Williams, , of the Tillamook School District No. 14 Sustained Metro production featuring Bert . Feed —- Co., and get prices on the i ' of the most convenient locations purpose of the W. S. S. drives wa« to Dr. Wise—Dentist. In Refusing to Pay for Trans­ Lyteli. Handsome 19 series Studebaker in Bayocean. Can be secured for .teach the young generation the hab­ 'I'm on My Way”, Comedy. porting ¿Children. Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. cars, before buying your new car. * what cottage alone would cost. See it of saving money, instead of squan­ H. L. King. » dering 4t, which is so prevalent at Sunday, May 25—"Gypsy Trail" Stray cow, partly Jersey with one Sharp and Allen, dentists. Frank Crane vs. School District Paramount production featuring Crumpled horn. Owner can recover For Sale.—Two fine registered the present time. When school takes No. 14 was a suit in the circuit court Coming, "The Barrier” at the Gem. same by paying charges.—Mrs Holstein bulls, one ready for service up in the foil, then an effort will be Bryant Washburn. before Judge G. R. Bagley, growing “Pat he News." and from Toby De Koi 2nd Johanna made to raise the amount amongst ; out of the closing ot the schools in Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Hughey. the pupils of the public schools. Tuesday, May 27—"Hearts of The For Sale—Seven head good grade Duke, 75 per cent same breeding as Co. I that district owing to the prevalence It is expected that the receipt^ Wilds” Artcraft special production cows, all fresh, at Oscar Tittle's Lady De Koi. 36.59 butter, at 3*/s of Spanish influenza. Plaintiff had a Spend your evenings at the Gem years, world’s record when made. from cheese this year will bring 82,t- Icontract with the school district for featuring Elsie Ferguson. ranch on Wilson River. Call and^ see Theatre. ' • them. — * Also one 6 weeks old well bred.—- 000.000 into the county. No wonder "Paths News.” the transportation of school children Chas Macpherson, Grand Ror.de, Or.* that the 'dairymen of Tillamook at a compensation of 895.00 per Thursday. May 29.—"Fan Fan" Wil­ Practically new 1 % h.p. gas en­ For Sale—20 acres of river bottom County have a broad smile these days gine for Sale at Allen Page's store.* land one and one-half miles from liam Fox extravaguza 7>roduction Jesse Earl, who hails from Tilla­ for the monthly checks range trota month, which the defendant admit­ featuring Virginia Lee Corbin and Don’t fail to see the farm tank at Tillamook—Apply to Karl Kumerle. mook, the land of cheese, says there 81,000 to 82,000 for milk. When the ted, and In answer asserted that due Francis Carpenter. A special fea- the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • Tillamook, Oregon. * was a time when Tillamook light was Roosevelt Highway is built there are | i-i an epidemic of Influenza the state known as a warning to keep folks numerous places along the coast that Board of Health directed the county I . ture which is sure to please the Apartments for rent. Address Box The Oregon Dairy Council will put away from the coast. Now the cheese, children and will prove to be very health officers to close the school, 143. on a program at the Rotary Club the good roadB and the great climate i will be made as prosperous as this which was done, and in consequence interesting to the older members of county. ' the family. the school board claimed that it is Be a good sport and vote yes for soon. And they won't forget to boost beckon folks and they are flocking I • for Tillamook. “His Wife’s Friend" Two reel "If the Bayocean road was com­ not liable for the compensation of Tillamookward.—Oregonian. the reconstruction measures. Mack Sennett Comedy. plete I would like to have a cat- the plaintiff during the time the Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla- Drs. Wise and Lebow will be at tage site down there near th- Born to Mr. aod Mrs. John Kunzi, • school was closed. niook office across the street from Dr. Wise’s office and residence May 12th a girl. School Notes. A demurrer was entered to this the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays across the street south of the court ocean". How often we hear such a Buy a Roosevelt Highway Button Wednesdays until further notice. * house Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed­ remark. If the Bayocean road was I defense, which raised two questions. in operation it would cost a lot of 1 First—Has the State Health Board The new Semester began this week. and show your colors. For sale—Dairy ranch, will carry nesdays to do dental work. Thurs­ money to get the right kind of. ' power and authority to close public There will be a course consisting of Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. 50 to 60 cows.—-Inquire of C. W. days at Cloverdale; Fridays at the place down there. Better .get it ■ schools in time of disease epidemics? six weekly offering one credit for Bldg, Tillamook. Oregon. • Miller at A. F. Coats Lumber office, Nehalem Hotel and Saturdays until now. H. L. King can put you wise Second—It such power exists, what each subject of two periods, equivi- • noon on Sundays at Wheeler. to something interesting. I affect has the exercise thereof upon lent to ninety minuter a day. This Seven room house for rent.—C. O. Tillamook, Oregon. will compensate in a measure for the & C. M. Dawson. j I contracts of this character? Before buying your auto tires, in­ The County Court appointed A. E. time lost through lllne.-s during the i Tillamook Joyner “ speed cop ” for 1st — Legislation of the character vestigate the Republic Standard five “Heart» of the World” A Thrilling Apartment with garage, close in. set forth in sections 4686 to 4700, winter. For rent. Address Box 143. • thousand mile guarantee, price right county, and the first two auto Photoplay. The High School annual picnic was Lord's Oregon Laws, and the amend­ at Tillamook Feed Co. * speeders he managed to “cop” were ------ o------ held last Saturday at Netarts beach, Singer Sewing J^chine Agency Harry Elliott and Joe Williams. ments thereof, and an exercise of the Harry Nelson was appointed assis­ Justice Stanley fined them each 815 opposite P. O_ Both phones. * Elsie Ferguson's new Artcraft 1 police powers, anil the legislation in spite of a general depression of tant road master for road district No. and costs. photoplay, “Heart of the Wilds” thus appearing in the sections quoted the weather, thirty students parti­ Why not place you» feed orders for 2 to fill the .vacancy caused by the cipated in hikes, a big dinner and which will be shown at the Gem the future with Kuppenbender. * death of Frank Dye. John T. Berry vs. Mary L. Berry is Theatre, Tuesday May 27, is filled is uroad enough to authorize the general good time. State Board of Health and its subsld- a divorce suit filed in the circuit with Indians, cowboys, mounted On Wednesday morning Glen Leach Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. For Sale—youn^ registered Hol­ ury arms, through its orderrf, to close Wise. • stein bull, ready for service, in good court. These parties were married at police and thrills aplenty. Thomas schools and other places of assembly presented the school with a painting. Los Angeles, California, on the 12th For Sale—Nice white potatoes for condition and good bleeding. Bob of June, J917.The complaint allegegs Meighan is leading man and the cast where people congregate in times of The picture is sixty-two inches by * that defendant wilfully deserted her generally is one of supreme excel­ epidemics. There can be no question forty eight inches and the setting is seed Jun Simmons, Mutual phone * Stillwell. lence. The heart interest of the story successfully maintained that the sub­ a scene taken from Mt. Hood. It is Archbishop Christie, of Portland, husband. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- is manifest in every scene. ject is not within the police power, bound by an immense gilt frame, will confirm a large class at Sacred Cleany, a soa, dn May 9th. Ross Shreve, who has been work­ Feats of horsemanship unequalled' nor that the legislature has exerciB- Professor White showed both his ap- Heart Church Sunday, May 25th, ing for the State Highway Commis­ in daring are conspicuously shown. eu the police power in the laws predation and that of the entire Auto for sale, cheap, Suitable for immediately after the high mass. sion at Grants Pass returned last quoted, nor that the State Board of school. hauling milk. Call at Heyd’s Shop. • The high school wishes to an- See Willlms about the Republic, week to take the place of C. A. Dunn, . “The Gypsy Trail.” at the Gem... Health is empowered to exercise such A- L. McCarty was appointed coun­ the yellow chasis truck that serves so who has been engaged by .Oskar Hu­ nounce tn the public that the Mem- authority. ty fire warden by the county court. well and honest, a truck at an ber, the contractor. Ross will have 2nd. The next question 1 b not easy orial Day exercises tor the school All the world loves a lover, is an Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at honeste price. Tillamook Feed Co. * charge of the state highway work in old adage and a true one. Therefore, to solve. If the State Board of Health will be held May 30, at 2:30 p.m. at this and several counties. lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. • it will capitulate when it sees “The exercised the power granted under the school house, There will be a Don't miss "The Barier" when it is school program and the old soldiers State Senator T. B. Handley left op Gypsy Trail" with Bryant Washburn the laws of the state closed the will be present. All who wish to come We handle Trojan Powder. Best for shown at the Gem Theatre. Dates an­ school in district No. 14, which for as the star at the Gem Theatre Sun­ stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. • nounced on the screen Sunday, May Saturday for Eastern Oregon, where day, May 25. Mr. Washburn is a true the purposes of the demurrer must are cordially invited. 25, also in next week’s paper. Watch he is scheduled to make several Every student feels deeply the losa Buy your bay at the Kuppenbend- for them. Roosevelt highway speeches. The and tried lover, a bit backward, but be conceded to be true, performance of their fellow-Btudent and friend, ei Warehouse. * < winning in the end. against a for- of the contract by the plaintiff was Senator it doubly armed, for he has in the death of Bud Johnson, whose Married, May 16th. Robert H. See The Tillamook Feed Co. about Getchell, of Hebo, and Miss Orile E. a fiumbsr of clippings from the ed­ midable rival in the person of a rov- rendered impossible without'fault on funeral services were held Thu.sday Republic tires and save money. * Sherwood. Rev. Harry E. Tucker, of itorial columns of the Headlight that er with the instincts of a vagabond, his part and also without e fault on morning. Bud was a great favorite but .who appeals mightily for a time the part of the school distriat. The he is going to use in his speeches. Obtain your wood from the 4111a- the Christian Church performing che rule is, that performance under such and active member of the Freshman I to the girl in the story. Susan HanBhel, Gottlieb Wyss, I tnook Transfer Oo., Liberty Temple.* ceremony. The characterization by Mr. circumstances is suspended. The con­ class. The High school students were I Margaret Becker, Anna Jenck, Ulrich For sale,, one team of horses, Wyss and Chris Wyss vs. A. B. Free- Wushborn is said to be one of the tract is not abrogated nor the parties dismissed during the services. For sale small house and two good lets. 5750.00. Easy terms, owner. W. weight about 2200, and harness, berg was an ejectment and damage most pleasing that hus ever been of­ absolved from performance altogeth­ The Robben are Caught. well broke—G. 1. Graham, Route Box suit tried last week before Judge fered the screen public. The film er. Resumption of performance may L. Campbell. ------ o------ after the period of 33, Nehalem, inquire at Kuppenben. Bagley, involving a strip of land playgoers of this city will have the be made The Austrians Joe Busch and An­ M. F. Lamb, of Eugene, came in for der Warehouse. suspension expires. There is, how ­ opportunity of proving this for them * about four acres. A verdict was ren­ the summer, and his family will fol­ Belves when the picture is shown. ever, no reservation in the contract, tone Sorori, who robbed another Au­ R. M. Golden has returned from dered in favor of the plaintiffs. low in a few weeks. Wanda Hawley has the leading fe- alleged in the complaint and admit­ strian, John' Festina, at the logging » Eugene where he has been the past ted by the anBwer.that would excuse camp of the Brighton Mills Co. of a Oscar Swenson returned to Tilla­ male role. For Sale—Five room house in pav­ six weeks running a store In that performance under such circumstan­ large sunt of money, and then took mook county last week, after being ed dis'rlct, or will take automobile as eity. Mrs. Golden has left for Eugene ces and protect the school district to the hills, have been arrested, after part payment. —Sam Moulton. * to take charge of the business there. mustered out of the service, with the Memorial Day. from liballty during the time of sus­ a little exciting chase and gun play. rank of lieutenant. He has been ------ o------ Dancing every Satudray night, at B. J. Cooper, who is a deputy Sheriff Look! My V4 Interest in acre tract traveling in different states check­ pension. In behalf of the remnant of the Barview. Exdellejit music and floor and also lot 14 in Pacific Addition, ing up for the government, but is The ccurt believes that the law and Toney Peuar, started for As­ old G. A. R. and the younger com- like polished glass. all in Bay City, for sale for tax val­ glad to get back, for there’s no place rads of 1898>nd 1917, who gave our should be that under circumstances toria thinking they would run down For rent, eight roomed house in uation. Write Gilbert Eyk, New like Oregon in his estimation. Christian civilization its grandest on­ and conditions as are here presented the men, which they succeeded in that when performance of a contract doing. The men must have taken to * Sunnymead. Enquire at the Head- Auburn, Wis. H. H. Rosenberg returned from ward step and developed for the peo­ is suspended by reason of the lawful the brush when they found the offic­ light office. ple the fullest enlargement of human For rent, 4 room modern furnished Portland on Saturday, where he had act of officers in the exercise of the ers were on their trail, and to get See "The Barrier” by Rex Beach at house. Want to sell gasoline iron, gone in the interest of the Roose­ liberty ever known among mankind police powers of the state the right out as quickly as possible, they en­ in the name of liberty and patriotism baby swinging chair, breakfast table velt Highway measure. He is Bome- the Gem Theatre soon. Watch for to compensation under such contract gaged a farmer to drive them to As- and chairs, dresser and stand, tables. what pleased with the work that and in the interest to country, rever during the period of suspension of orla. When Cooper and Penar reach­ dates. our ‘ matchless flag, and of ence ot Call, at S. K. corner of 8th Street and will be done between now and elec­ performance should also be abrogat­ ed Seaside the former went on to As­ For sale or rent—-60 acre dairy * tion, and if the people will go to the respect for our noble dead who died ed. If performance is suspended, toria and the latter remained there ranch 4 miles from Tillamook on 6th Ave. East. for you and for me in the grandest There, will be a meeting of the polls there is not much doubt but conflict of the ages, we ask that there would seem to be no logical and after a time Penar saw the men main county road.—Call 56.-J. what the measure will carry. Home Guard at the dourt house in every mill and factory be still and reason why one party to the contract in a rig being driven by a farm­ For the best and most purely Mu­ Tillamook City, Monday, May 25th. 0. A. Schults returned from British every business house closed on should be prevented from accepting er. He held them up with a gun4 tual Live Insurance in the U. S. see for the purpose of disbanding. AU Columbia last week, where he had Memorial Day. Comrades and citizens the service and the other from per­ but one of the men drew a revolver W. A. Church. gone to inspect a sawmill which had we invite you to the festival of the forming the services and yet lhe one and pointing it at the farmer, com­ members are requested to attend. been operated by the government, dead. All who wish to take part in who offers to perform should be com­ manded him to drive on as rapidly Two New Home sewing machines Boys, get in on the prize dance for sale cheap. Singer Sewing Ma- Saturday May 24, bring your girl and but found it was not suitable for the the program will meet at the K. P. pensated But regardless of what the as possible which he did. Peuar fired saw mill at Hobsonville. Mr. Schultz hall at 9:30 a.m. and march to the court believes should be the rule, the two shots at the men, but not with chine Agency opposite P. O. and get her a dox of candy. This is the Intention of injuring or killing For rent—Eight room house, mod­ not a prize for the best dancers but obtained a crew of men for the new Christian Church. Program next contrary, from the weight of judicial them, but thought it might scare shingle mill, from the manifee utterance seems to be the law, and ern throughout, will only rent by the who holds the lucky number gets the shingle mill which was burned down week. By order. C. E. Reynolds, Commander. that recovery may be had where the them. Astoria had been notified and year.—Apply to M. R. Hannenkratt. candy. Plenty of numbers. party to the contract seeking recov­ a number of deputy sheriffs started Last week. Just received a car of mill feed at At the home of Florence M. Baker, ery has been during the period of out to capture the men who had gone The Revival Continues. For Sale — Two improved lots, full the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices May 16. 1919, Ula M. Baker was size, well located, in desirable part ot ------ o------ suspension ready, able and willing to across the mud flats, where they At the Nazarene Church, Rev. and perform and the contract itBelf con­ were both arrested. They had 81,110 are lowest. * married to Harry C. Taylor, of city, on one of the most prominent Rev. H. in their stockings of the money that Regular services at the Christian Greenbrier. West Virginia. Church paved streets in town, concrete walks Mrs. Hopkins, the evangelists from tains no reservation which would de­ was stolen. Sheriff Campbell was no­ Massachusetts, are preaching helpful prive the party of the right of re ­ E. Tucker ot the Christian Church next 8unday. The public in­ house of seven rooms besides bath, sermons every evening at 8 p.m.. l he covery. These decisions seem to be tified and the men are now locked up conducting thè ceremony. vited. pantry, washroom, ball, c’.oce’s and public is delightfully surprised to predicted upon the rule, that, parties in the county jail. It is thought that Why pay four or five hundred dol ­ porches, modern plumbing, electric Four good milk cows for sale, been ilnn such a spirit of unity and har­ contracting tor a hiring for a defi­ the men will plead guilty, and In fresh one month.—J. D. Johnson. lars for dairy land without improve­ wired, commodious woodshed and mony among the membership, and a nite term can, in view of the right that event Judge Bagley will be ask­ when you can get as good soil barn. Price 82,650.00, 81,000 cash, Sandlakfe, Oregon. * ments with improvements for 8300.00 per balance on terms to suit purchaser. devotion und zeal that is commend­ existing under the police power, pro­ ed to sentence them before the next able everywhere. There have been 15 vide in contract for a non-liability term of the circuit court. The sheriff If you are contemplating buying a acre.—See C. W. Miller about thia Apply at F. R. Beals office. * seekers at the altar ot prayer and all under the circumstances which exist. has appealed to the Immigration au­ drag-saw see the Tillamook Feed Co., proposition. , We are looking for a woman at of them have been the happy recip­ Contention was made that the thorities to deport the men, as and get prices. * For Sale, a 25-candle power acety­ Tillamook, past 30 years old as resi­ ients ot a tree and lull' pardon for epidemic was the act of God, and neither have taken out their natur­ Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is lene gas plant, to be sold at a great dent manager, to take charge of col­ all of their sins. This is a revival therefore performance was rendered alization papers. safe, clean and powerful. For sale at sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to lections, renewals, circulation of that is much needed in Tillamook impossible by action over which The min claim they left their the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • procure gas plant for farm house at most all magazines published. Must and we hope it may continue until neither party had control, but this packs In the woods. of have some salesmanship ability and all the churches are permeated with contention cannot be successfully Let wour co-worker on the farm be a small cost. C. B. Wiley, north Tillamook City. of our maintained. It is true that the epi­ good references. Our new plan makes the old tashiou religion the Cleveland Tractor. On display at Notice to All Odd Fellows. < demic Itself may be actus del. but the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * The funeral services over the re­ everybody a customer and saves the fathers. 'l he people have fallen in love with the,contract could have been carried The memorial services will be held public much money. Position will For Sale—Bay horse. 6 years old. mains of Bud Johnson, a student of pay from 81.000 to 83,000 a year. the evangelists and their methods, out, no: w Ithstanding the prevalence this year on Friday, the 30th day of weight about 1400, good all round the Tillamook High School, took E. J. Hamilton, 311 Globe Bldg, und are hoping that they will not be of the epidemic. The act of closing May. In conjunction with the regular work horse.—Ike Quick. Mutual place on Wednesday. He had under­ Portland, Oregon. in a hurry to close their ministry the schools was that of officers ex­ memorial services held by the G. A. Phone. * gone an operation. The deceased was here. ercising the police power of the R. and other societies, and all Odd the son of the late George Johnson. A meeting of the men who "have There will be three services on state, set In motion, however, by the Fellows are requested to present For Sale—Our entire herd of fine themselves at their hall, promptly at H. F. Cook has. in recent months been in the military or naval service Sunday, at 11 a.m., 3 and 7:30 p.m. act of God. high grade Jersey milk cows. 11 tuned and repaired more than 80 is called for next Wednesday even­ There will be meetings each evening However much this court believes 9: 30 a.m. on the morning of May head. These are very heavy milkers. pianos in this county. He handles the ing. May 28th, at 8 p.m at the Court during the week at 8 p.m. The pas­ the law should be different, it has 30th, .’or the purpose of joining the Rasmussen Bros. Dayton Ore. best pianos for this climate. On ex­ House. It is proposed to form a per­ tor, Rev. Ingler, is singing at each found It to be that the matters set other organizations in the memorial Special meeting, Marathon lodge hibition at Singer Sewing Machine manent organization in this county service and bls ministry in song is forth in the separate answer do not services, which will be announced No. 89. K. of P. Saturday evening. Agency. Opp P. O. Liberty ponds of men who have been in the service well received and enjoyed. The pub­ constitute a defense, and, therefore, later. May 34. There will be work in dif­ during the war. Returned soldiers lic is cordially invited to all these the demurrer is sustained. taken. • ferent ranks. In a speech in Philadelphia on Jef­ have also undertaken to put over the services. Seats free. ferson Day Attorney General Palmer quota of 811750.00 allotted to the For rent, a dairy ranch with 15 Soldiers! Sailors! and all Interested warned his audience against county for the 8alvation Army, lhe head of cows. 1 % miles from Tilla­ Purte Lozt. 'stand pat Democrats ” Stand pat drive for which commences next ------ o ------ mook. Enquire at the Headlight of­ W. A. Church, of Tillamook, Ore., Democrats? Does Mr. Palmer im­ month, and this will be discussed at fice. • Lost, a purse, containing about 875 selected for this district by has been Dealers in high grade pianos and the meeting. in bills and silver. Purse had admis­ the Treasury Department of War agine there is a democrat in the The "Bolshevikl” can't hang on I Player pianos for over 45 years country with nerve enough to stand The quota for Tillamook county for sion card signed P. 3 homas. In it. Risk Insurance to explain and assist pat on the record made by the party always. Bayocean will conle back Sold on easy monthly payments, strong, most an? time. Get some Wiile for catalogne and terms.--* (th» W b . S'nvlng Stamp drive this .'indei irave «*»>«. • . the Headlight those desiring information or Gov. tinder the present nationul adi.Jnls- ernment Life Insurance. Your in­ Istrailon. now. H. L. King. Leland B. Eri. l i, R p . Ti.lamook.* (year is placed at 855.000. County I ».lice and receive rewai u. quiries will be gladly answered. Tillamook Jottings.