That every faithful admialctrs- Notice of Meeting of Owners of Land Situated in SuDwell Drainage Dis­ tk>n idolator. the Springfield. Maae , trict in Tillamook Cqgntv Oregon Republican complain» that the Unit- Fred C. Baker, Editor. ------ o------ teO State« Senate: actually proponed Notice is hereby given that Still­ I to «end a "Snooping" committee to SUBSCRIPTION per yew $2 00 ! Pari» to find out what waa going on. well Drainage District in Tillamook ’ In thi» day of open covenant» openly County. Oregon, was declared organ­ ' arrived at any attempt by the Ameri­ ized by the County Court of Tilla­ Advertizing Rate*. Display Advtz, per inch ------ 20c. can people or their official repreeen- mook County. Oregon, by order dated I tativee to learn anything not banded May Sth, 1*19. and meeting of the ” ” ..half page 17»/tc. to them by administration press ’land owner* ot said district is hereby ” ” ... full page 15c. agents over the seized cables is look- called and will be held at the Court locals ......................... per line 7e. ed upon as impudent by the admin- j House in Tillamook City, Tillamook [County, Oregon, for the purpose of 1st ration court journals. Readers, with reading matter ¡electing a board of three supervisors per line ................................... 7e. A Great Difference. ’ for said district, on Monday the 2Cth Notice* of meeting* etc, per line 7c day ot .May. 1*19, at the hour of 10 A noted phystsian, particularly, ex­ o'clock a m. Resolution*..................per line 5c. peditions in examining and perscnb- Dated tbis May 15th, 1919. ing lor his patients, was sought out Erwin Harrison, Editorial Snap Shots. by an army man whom he "polished County Clerk of Til­ off in almost less than no time. As lamook County, Ore. ------ o ■ ■ The editor met Judge Hewitt at Al­ the patient was leaving, he shook bany and he wished to be remember­ hands heartily with the doctor and For Bilious Trouble. ------ o ed to j !1 friends. He told us of an said: 'I am especially glad to have met To promote a healthy action of the amusing gambling case tba*. came be­ fore him In this city when he was you, as I have often beard my father liver and correct the disorders caused by billiousneee, Chamberlains' Tab­ circuit Judge, when certain parties Colonel Blank, speak of you." "What!" exclaimed the physician, lets are excellent. Try them and see sued for money they lost in a gamb­ how quickly they give you a relish ling game. He turned the tables on "are you old Tom’s son?" "Certainly.” for your food and banish that dull both parties and had them arrested "My dear fellow,” cried the doctor, and stupid feeling.—Adv. for gambling and being indicted by the grand Jury, they pleaded guilty "fling that infernal prescription as the pleadings in the cases admit­ the fire and sit down and HOW’S YOUR BLOOD? what Is the matter with you. ted that both sides had gambled. o------- President Wilson made a bad mis­ take when he was so persistant about giving Flume to Italy, and People who have impure or impover­ when he endeavored to discredit the ished blood should be careful to take Italian premier by appealing to the only a temperance remedy made of wild Italian people. It acted as a boomer­ roots and barks such as Dr. Pierce's ang and the president had to come Golden Medical Discovery is and has down off his undignified high horse. been for nearly 50 years. Ingredients The same thing happened when the printed on wrapper. first covenant of the league of na­ The first day you start to take this tions was given out. He became reliable medicine, impure germs and peeved because it was so severely accumulation begin to separate in the criticised by leading Republicans. blood and are then expelled through but when he reached France the the eliminative organ*. changes were made in the covenant. In place of the impurities, the ar­ Thanks to the Republican statesmen teries and vein* gradually get fresh vitalized blood and the action of this of the United States. Œtllrmnnk ^raôligiyt The time has now arrived when the Germans have to put their heads in­ to the yoke. It certainly must be ex­ ceedingly galling to them, for they loudly acclaimed that they were go­ ing to annex Belgium, take posses­ sion of the French coast and other territory in that country, give large portions of England to the German junkers, take possession If India and other British colonies and make the United States pay for the whole cost of the war. In fact, it was the in­ tention of Germany to run rough shod over the world, and had she won in her blood thirsty struggle for world wide dominion, the German treaty of peace would have reduced the allied nations to surfdom. That Is what Germany would have done. But the tables are turned and Ger­ many is not subject to as severe and exacting terms of peace as she would have inflicted upon the allies. good blood on the skin means that pim­ ples, boil*, carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and all skin blemishes will disap­ pear. Then you must remember that when the blood is right, the liver, stom­ ach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, active and vigorous and you will have no more trouble with indigestion, back­ ache, headache. Get Dr. Pierce*» Golden Medical Dis­ CHOOSING A CAMERA "Oh! For a Camera!'’ How often covery to-day at any medicine dealers, have you exclaimed in admiration of in tablet or liquid form, or send 10c for a beautiful landscape, watching the trial package to Dr. Pierce!» Invalid** Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. kiddles at play, or perhaps at a gath­ ering of home folks and friends. Yes, a camera! What Joy Its possess­ ion brings. But then there are cameras and cameras. In selecting your Camera, choose an instrument of established quality, of known merit, backed by an iron clad guar­ antee- -g Rexo the one camera that is sure to satisfy. For Sale By J. W. EDWALL Tillamook ■ -Oregon. Spokant, Work.— "1 had scrofuloua aorta on my body and limba and boils were always ooming out in different places. I took treatment from several doctors but they did me no good. At last I began using Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ covery for my blood. When I had taken three bottles of it tbs sores were all healed and I have not been troubled any more with boil».’’ — U. 8. futon, S 110 Iran St. 2S25ZS2S252S2S2S25¿¡ BUTTERICK DELINEA TOR PATTERNS SUBSCRIBERS 15c.—20c.—25c.—30c. Picas«« call for By Mail 2c, Extra. June Copic*. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. EXTRA SPECIALS $ BEGINNING SATURDAY, MAY 17th P 3 p p p p0 Even,’¡Department offers Extra Special Bargains beginning on Satur­ day. Come and share in the savings—there’s enough for all. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALLE IN LIEU OF CASH. HM'. EXTRA! EXTRA!EXTRA! LADIES’ GIRLS’ GOOD BLACK MUSLIN DRA WERS, LISLE HOSE, 59c. Pair. 29c. Pair Actual 39c. vaules in Ladies’ Black Lisle Hose in sizes 8y2 to 10. These are the famous Buster Brown Hose and are shown in a good color and quality) Perfectly fitting hose for only 29c. Actual Buy them Saturday at only 59c. Pair. GIRLS’ BLACK NEW ALL SILK SATEEN BLOOMERS, SHANTUNGS, 73c. Pair. 98c. Yard. Full cut, well made good wearing quality Black Sateen Bloomers for girls 2 to 14 years. Actual $1.00 values for only 73c. pair. 36 inch wide Silks in this popular weave in Black, White. Marine Blue, Pongee and Sand. An extra special price on these splendid wear­ ing silks for Girls’ Coats and Dresses and Ladies’ Skirts and Dresses. EXTRA! EXTRA! WOMEN’S^ GINGHAM EXTRA! EXTRA! SPRING J MODELS HOUSE DRESSES, > I The Fisk dealers in this community have a massage for you. Next time — Buy Fisk Ackley & Miler, I Tllamook - Oregon. FISK CORD TIRES IN SILK BLOUSES, $2.50 Each. » $6.75 Each. Voile. Georgette Crepe and Crepe deChine Blouses in Copenhagen. Sand, Rose, Sunset, Silv­ er. Flesh and White. Actual to $9.50 values for only $6.75. P P P P P EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! SPLENDID STYLES L ADIES’¿NEW S P P P SILK POPLIN DRESSES, SILK DRESSES, 3 $9.98 Each $23 98 Each EXTRA! EXTRA! S CAPES AND DOLMANS, $18.95 Each. Actual to $31.50 Coats, Caps and Dolmans for Ladies. Blue. Taupe. Tan. Kings Blue, Brown and Navy.—Balcony. EXTRA!EXTRA! LADIES’ EXTRA! EXTRA! DRESS H. S. & M SHOES, a $8.65 Pair. and Widths AA to EE. All sizes. SUITS, $27.65 Each. Actual $12.00 Dress Shoes in a variety of styles colors and leathers. Mostly the famous Red Cross Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits in Scotch Tweeds and fancy mixture*. English model* in regular $42.50 value* for only $27.65 Each. R25252Sî52SZ52525Z52Sî5252S25eSESH5tL'îZ52SESra.’i525r S » Silk Dresses in Taffeta. Georgette Crepes and Satin and Georgette combined. Lovely colors and styles for only $23.98. $2.25 to $3.00 We are now showing a complete selection of color* and size* in Ladies' Kid Gloves. Black. White, Tan. Grey and Khaki. Special value* in the famous “Mossco’’ Gloves for only $2.25 to $3.00. % New Spring models only, in actual to $35.00 KID GLOVES, In ovary lino of business there is always one product that stands out head •nd shouldera shoulders above the avera^ average. Experienced motorists know the difference in tires, tiros, and they know the superi superior mileage and wear delivered by Fisk Tires. You’ll like the type of dealers who specialize in Fisk Tires—alert, foreseeing men who know comparative values in tires, and who know that success comes to those who servo their publie. quality of age. LADIES’ NEW M heavy Bleached muslin drawers for girls 2 to 14 years EXTRA! EXTRA! OTORISTS today are buying tires on the basis of actual results. Here is a condition that is leading to a great demand for Fisk Tirea —for Fisk visible value stands out today in terms of greater mileage longer life, more distinctive appearance and greater tire economy. values in good EXTRA!EXTRA! A very special offering of several splendid styles in Silk Poplin Dresses in Copenhagen. Havy Bine. Hemlock Green and Black. Actual $16.00 Dresses for only $9.98. I 75c. EXTRA! EXTRA! Belted models and loose-fitting models in Nurs­ es Stripe and Fancy Gingham* of splendid wear­ ing qualities. Actual value* to $3.25 for only $2.50. Big Increase in Fisk Sales Due to Fisk Durability and Value p3 p