Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 15, 1919, Image 7

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N»ti« of Election for Voting on Pro- th« filing of a remonstrance or objec­ undersigned City Recorder within
tion against the same, but the Com­ 20 days from said date.
paced Amendment to Charter
mon Council, shall, at its first regular
Done by order of the Common
•f Tillamook City
Represented. Anyway.
jf F your immediate need is a de­
pendable, painstaking handling of
some business or financial matter,
read the last paragraph of this ad­
vertisement. Our desire is to go
less directly to the point.
A couple of old codgers got into a
quarrel and landed before the local
magistrate. The looser turned to his
opponent in a combative frame of
mind, cried: "1'11 law you to the cir-
cuit court.” "I'tu willing," said the
other. "And I'll law you to the Bu­
preme court” ’ “I'll be thar.” “An’ rn
law to 'ell! !” "My attorney’ll be
there,” was the calm reply.
Was He An Incumberance ?
The Hooser schoolteacher still re-
CONDITIONS are maturing new
mains !n some parts of Indiana. One
problem* almoat daily and thu bank
baa prepared itaelf with facilities very
of these "last leves” recently declar­
valuable to a wide variety ot interests.
ed that she wished a new position.
She went to one of the younger gen­
ER, our membership in the Federal
eration ot teachers and told of her
Reserve 8geiem is an advantage.
plans. "I’m writing a letter to the
fives na a broad and practical ability
trustees of the town in which I wish
to meet their particular needs. Th?
to teach,” she said, "and I wish to
same connection serves The Busy nee
tell about my work here. I’ve taught
Man Here each at these differing lines TO THK VISITORS IN THIS SEC­
of endeavor will find that conferences TION, this bank u a place tor them
ever since Mr. B. became superinten­
with our officers often bring out ad« to enter and feel at home and the,
dent here. Now shall I say 1 worked
vantages which anxiety and business are invited to call and make their
for twenty-five years under his ad­
cares have hidden from them.
deairea known.
ministration or his incumbrance?”
------ o------
n the final analysis, it will be found that this in­
Young Logic.
stitution is governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and,
“The logic of tne child is always
whatever your business interests in this section may
amusing and oftentimes embarras­
sing," remarked a well-known . edu­
be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­
cator. "They tell a story of little
gent and personal co-operation.
Bess, who had been complaining that
her stomach felt bad, and her mother
Ths Strong Homs Bank
said: 'Perhaps it's because its empty,
dear. It might feel better if you had
something in it.’ Shortly afterward
the minister called. In reply to a
question as to his health he said that
he was well but his head felt rather
bad that day. 'Perhaps it’s because
it's empty,’ spoke up Bessie. ‘It
might feel better if you had some­
thing in it.”
------ e
Got the Chocolates.
Little sister was telling the next
door little girl all about it.
"My sister Beatrice
is awfully
"She went to a party last night
For disenfectmg where Contagious or
where they played a game in which
infectious diseases are prevailing.
the men either had to kiss a girl oi
pay a forfeit of a box of chocolates.”
"Well, how was Beatrice lucky?”
"She came home with thirteen
ful Germicidal mixture and by its'Zuse
boxes of chocolated.”
will improve general stable conditions.
------ o------ -
The Word Painter.
Mr. Smith, dissatisfied with hid
house, put the sale of it in the hands
of an agent.
A few days later he saw an adver-
tisement of a house exactly answer­
ing his needs. The more he read of
its beauty and comfort the more
£252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252 anxious he was to secure it tor him­
bo he called up the agent with:
'There is a house advertised by ‘A. B.
C.5 See ‘A. B. C. and buy it from
“Sorry,” was the laconic reply.
"But I'm A. B. C. and the house is
your own.’ ’
------ o------
Tit for Tat.
A well-known French artist, whose
pet dog was ailing, sent for a great
throat specialist. Though highly of­
fended on arriving and seeing his
patient, the specialist made no com­
plaint,'but treated the animal and
pocketed his fee.
The following morning he sent
post haste for the artist, who, think­
ing the call was with reference to the
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
dog, hurried to the appointment.
"How do you do?” was the special­
ist’s greeting. "1 want to see you
about having my front door painted.'
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
Simple Remedy.
The squad from the nearby canton­
ment was out on a range for target
practice. A lanky farmer approached
the officer in charge of the squad
and said:
"Be you the boss of these here fel­
"Yep” replied the officer. “What’s
the trouble?"
"Trouble enough,” replied the
farmer. "You fellers come around
here shooting worries the hens an’
keeps them from laying. Now what I
Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamock Or.
am going to do about it?”
"Put ear muffs on the hens,” re­
plied the officer.”
An Astronomical Fact.
"Astronomers tell us,” said the
man of statistics, "that an express
train moving a hundred miles a sec­
ond would consume several million
I want to remind you
years in reaching a certain star.”
The other man sat silent, wrapped
about that small chew
in thought.
“Did you hear me?” asked the man
of this good tobacco.
of statistics.
"Oh. yes, I heard you,” responded
the other quietly. "I was just think­
It tastes better because
ing what a predicament a chap would
it’s ¿00 J tobacco. Its
be in if lie should miss the last train
and have to walk.”
quality saves you part of
your tobacco money.
It goes further and lasts
Put tsp in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
In a New Light.
His client was being sued for di­
vorce by her husband and the attor­
ney was trying to get her as much
alimony as possible. Right in the
middle of a flow of eloquence the at­
torney was Interrupted by the hus­
band, who said to the court: "Your
honor, I have suddenly decided to
withdraw my suit, and if my wife Is
willing I would like to have her come
back to me.” Pressed for explanation
he said: "Mr. Blackstone has pre­
sented her in such an attractive light
that I’vo fallen in love with her all
over again.”
at the general election to be held in
the State of Oregon on the 3rd day
of June, 1919, there will be submitted
to the legal voters of Tillamook City,
Oregon, for their adoption or rejec­
tion the following measure, to-wit:
A measure to Amend Section 5 of
Article VII of the Charter of Tilla­
mook City.
Section 1. That Section 5 of Article
VII of the Charter of Tillamook City,
Oregon, as heretofore amended, be
and the same is hereby amended so
that the same shall read as follows:
Section 5. Within 20 days from the
date of the first publication of the no­
tice of intention to make any street
improvement required to be published
as provided for in Section 4 of this Ar­
ticle, the owners of two-thirds or more
of the area of the property within
such improvement district may make
and file with the Recorder a written
objection or remonstrance against any
such improvement, except those pro­
viding for the construction or repair
of a sidewalk or sidewalks, and said
objection or remonstrance shall be a
bar to any further proceedings in the
making of any such improvement, ex­
cept those providing for the construc­
tion or repair of a sidewalk or side­
walks, for a period of six months.
The Common Council shall have full
power and jurisdiction to proceed with
the construction or repair of any side­
walk or sidewalks, not withstanding
meeting after the time for filing ob­
jections and remonstrances to qpch
proposed improvement has expired
or at such other time as the hearing
thereof may be continued to by it, hear
and determine any objections or rem­
onstrances which may be presented
against such proposed improvement.
Provided, that if any objection pr rem­
onstrance shall be signed by the a-
gent or attorney of any property
owner such signature shall be disre­
garded unless there shall be filed with
the Recorder within the time provided
for filing such objection or remon­
strance, written evidence of the auth­
ority of such agent or attorney to so
sign said objection or remonstrance.
Tillamook City shall not be respon­
sible to any person whomsoever for
any injury sustained by reason of any
defective sidewalk within its corpor­
ate limits whenever the Street Com­
missioner or City Engineer shall have,
previous to such injury, posted notice
at or upon such defective sidewalk
notifying the public of the unsafe con­
dition thereof.
That said proposed charter amend­
ment is proposed by the Common
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, in
pursuance of resolution adopted by
said Common Council on the 8th day
of May, 1919, requiring that each legal
voter who votes for the adoption or
rejection of said measure shall vote
"Yes” of “No” in answer to the
affirmative or negative of the question
propounded upon the ballot for the
adoption or rejection of such measure,
and that the ballot title to be used at
said election for voting upon said
measure shall ready as follows:
Shall be a measure entitled “A
Measure to amend Section 5 of Article
VII of the Charter of Tillamook City,
Oregon, as referred to the People of
Tillamook City, Oregon, by resolution
of the Common Council adopted May
8th, 1919, be adopted?”
This measure proposes to amend
Section 5 of Article VII of the Char­
ter of Tiilamook City so that the con­
struction of sidewalks by the Common
Council at the expense of the property
awners shall not be barred by rem­
onstrances or objections but that ob­
jections or remonstrances shall be
heard and determined by the Common
Council before said sidewalks are
constructed. And it further provides
that the City shall not be liable for
damages caused by defective side­
walks after notice of the unsafe con­
dition thereof is given by posting
notice at or upon such sidewalk.
Mark X between the number and
and answer voted for.
Said election will be held at the hour
of 8 o’clock A. M., and will continue
till the hour of 8 o’clock P. M., and will
be held at the regular voting places
for the general election to be held on
said date.
this 8th day of May, 1919.
Frances B. Stranahan,
Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon.
Notice of Intention to Improve Street property, and all thereof included
within said District, is described as
In Tillamook City, Oregon
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 1;
all whom it may concern, that the
Lots 3. 4. 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Common Council* of Tillamook City, 13, and 14, in Block 2;
Oregon, deeming it expedient to im­
Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4, in Block 3*
prove the street hreinafter described,
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 4.
did, on the 5th day of May, 1919,
All in Maple Grove Addition to
adopt a resolution for said improve­
ment, which said resolution is in words Tillamook City;
and figures as follows, to-wit:
Lots 5. 6, 7. and 8 in Block 4;
Resolution and Notice of Intention to
Lots 5. 6, 7. and s in Block 5;
Improve a Certain Street In Tillamook
Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4, in Block 8.
City, Oregon
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 7.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Com­
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 8.,
mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­
Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4 in Block 97
gon, deems is expedient and hereby
declares its intention to improve the
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8. Block 10.
following street in said city, to-wit:
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 11.
All that portion of Third street ex­
All in Stillwell’s Addition to Tilla-
tending from the West side of Still­ mook, or Tillamook City.
well Avenue to the Western boundary
Tract beginning at the intersection
of Tilamook City, by establishing the
grade of said street; by grading the of the West Bide of Stillwell Avenue
same to proper sub-grade; by rolling with the North line of Third Street,
the roadway thereof; by laying there­ and running thence North 105 feet;
on a concrete roadway 24 feet in width thence West 125 feet; thence South
and six inches in thickness; by build­ to North line of Third Street; thence
ing curbs, catch basins and laying
drain pipes, together with inlets and East to place of beginning.
Tract beginning at the intersection
constructing laterals for sewer con­
nections, and making provisions for of the West side of Stillwell Avenue
the necessary surface drainage of said with South line of Third Street, and
street with all the appurtenances running thence South 105 feet;
thereto, and by laying and construct-, thence West 210 feet; thence North
ing concrete headers.
All of said improvements to be 105 feet; thence East to point of be­
made in accordance with the charter, ginning.
Tract beginning at the intersection
resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­
mook City and in accordance with the of the West side of Seventh Avenue
plans and specifications, and esti­ West with the North line of Third
mates of work therefore made and Street; and running thence North
prepared by the City Engineer of
Tillamook City, Oregon, filed in the 105 feet; thence West to the West
office of the City Recorder of said boundary of Tillamook City; thence
Tillamook City. All of said improve­ South to the South line of Third
ments to be made at the expense of Street; thence East to the place of
the property, and all thereof, adjac­ beginning.
ent thereto and specially benefitted
Tract beginning at a poifit 60 feet
by said improvements within the West of the Northwest corner of
limits of the dictrict established and
Block 9, of Stillwell’s Addition to
defiined by this resolution.
Be it further resolved, that the the Town of Tillamook (now Tllla-
plans, specifications and estimates mook City), and running
for' the proposed improvements so West
to the West boundary of Tilla­
made and prepared by the City En- mook
City; thence South 105 feet;
gineer as aforesaid, the estimate of . thence East to a point due South of
the probable total cost thereof being
place of beginning; thence North
the sum ot >18,406.97,
be and the the
to the place ot beginning.
same are hereby approved.
Be it further resolved, that the
That the boundaries of the assess-
ment district to be benefitted by City Recorder, be and she I k hereby
wald Improvements and
assessed instructed to cause this resolution
therefore are hereby established as and notice to be published for three
consecutive publications In the city
Beginning at a point on the west official newspaper; that the City
side of Stillwell Avenue in Tillamook Engineer is directed to cause to be
City, Oregon, 105 feet North of the conspicuously posted at each end ot
North side of Third Street, and run­ the line of the proposed Improvement
ning thence West parallel with the a copy of this resolution and notice
North line of Third Street to the within three days from the date of
West boundary of Tillamook City; the first publication of such notice,
thence South along the West boun­ and that all persons concerned be
notified of the date of the
dary of 1 lllamook City to a point 105 i I thereby
first publication of said notice, and
feet South of the South line of Third
Street in Tillamook City; thence that objections and remonstrances to
East parellel with the South line of the proposed Improvements may be
Third Street to a point in the Went filed with the City Recorder within
side of Stillwell Avenue 105 feet 20 days from said date.
All persons concerned are hereby
8outb of the South line of Third
Street, and thence North along the notified that said resolution was duly
West side of 8tillwell Avenue to the adopted on the date aforesaid; that
the first publication of this notice la
place of beginning.
That said aaaesament district shall May 8th, 1919, and that objections
be and is hereby designated as Local and remonstrances to the proposed
Improvement District No. 10, and the /improvement may be filed with the
Council of Tillamook City. Oregon.
Dated this May 5th. 1919.
Frances B. Stranahan.
City Recorder of Tillamook City Ore.
Notice of Final Account.
------ Vi —
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned has filed In the County
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
his final account as administrator
of the estate of Willis B. Powell, de­
ceased, and that said Court has fixed
Monday, May Sth, 1919, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a.m., at the County
Court room at the Court House in
Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time
and place for hearing objections to
said final account and the settle­
ment thereof.
Dated this April 3rd, 1919.
H. T. Botts Administrator.
Administrator’s Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned has been appointed ad­
ministrator of the Estate of F. P.
Kleim, late of Tillamook County,
Oregon, by an order of the County
Court for said County, and has
qualified as such. Notice is further
given that all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
the same to the undersigned, or to
his attorneys, Johnson & Handley,
at Tillamook, Oregon, together with
proper vouchers, duly verified, with­
in six months from and after this
Dated March 31, 1919.
Otto Kleim,
Administrator of the
Estate ot F. P.
Kleim, deceased.
Change of Location.
The building owned by F. R. Beals,
located on the corner of 2nd Ave. &
4th St., occupied by the Tillamook
Tire Co. and Mrs. E. F. Rogers' Mil­
linery Store, is being moved this
week to the corner of 3rd Ave. and
3rd St., across the corner from the
Tillamook Hotel. The old building
will undergo a thorough repairing
and painting, and the same business
lines will be carried on, only In a
more extensive way.
The same plan of square dealing
and abiding by the Golden Rule will
go forward that has built up these
businesses to its present magnitude,
and, in fact, only time will tell of
the development of these businesses
in Tillamook. We certainly appre­
ciate our patrons and will try to do
all within our power to satisfy them.
We will be glad to meet all of our
customers in our new location and
many new ones. We are here to stay,
and will save you money in your
purchases. Both phones will be In­
stalled again as soon as possible.
Yours for business.
Tillamook Tire Co.
E. F. Rogers, Mgr.
Mrs. E. F. Rogers, Milli-
ner and Artist.
Our Platform.
------ o------
W’e have no apologies to make,
neither have we done you any dis-
honest tricks to make good. If any­
thing you have bought from us have
not given satisfaction we will make
good if you let us know.
On this platform we are building
up a nice business. Call and see us In
our new location.
Tillamook Tire Co.
E. F. Rogers, Mgr.
T he .
L atest r
Electricity’s latest gift to
the housewife greatest
since the electric iron
and electric vacuum
Western Electric
P ortable
S ewing M achine
treadle pushing - no
more backache a little
electric motor does the
hard work.
A foot control gives any
speed desired.
The entire machine in
its case can be carried
anywhere—it’s no larger
than a typewriter.
Ask for a demonstra