Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 15, 1919, Image 4

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MAY 15, 1919.______________________
Give Western Oregon
Roosevelt Highway Will Open Up Thousands of Acres of Valuable Land for Dairying Similar to Land in Tilla
mook County—Timbermen Say Highway Better than Railroad to Develop Coast Counties
One thing the editor tried d to ini-
im-j | Coast counties, it was plain to the committer with your financial and
Timbermen in Favor of Roosevelt i meetings here boosting the Roosevelt velt highway happens to be along
the shore of the Pacific ocean front
press upon persons when boosting I editor that Tillamook was doing the moral support and do it at once.
"Beside being good business from Washington to California is no rea­
for t.’'.e Roosevelt Highway the past best work in boosting for the high­
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two weeks is the fact that Western way. There is no planned opposition
Why the Willamette Valley and
P. S. Brumby, representing the the selfish stand point, there are son that the inland counties should
Oregon will not get a square deal if to the measure, and on that account Eastern Oregon people want the Blodgett Co., which owns consider­ other reasons why the Roosevelt fight it. Oregon is merely one link
this measure 1» defeated,
which, many persons think the measure will Roosevelt Coast Military Highway.
able timber in Tillamook County, as Highway should be built. It is the in the chain of coast states. Califor­
probably, few persons realize. The carry. What Is now required is a
1— Because of its military value well as heavily interested in timber second line of defense, should there nia and Washington propose to have
Eddy reconstruction measure, which more active campaign, especially In as a line of defense in the remote and the saw mill industry in other ever be a war on the Pacific. It Is a coasf highway to open up and al­
is to bond the state for $5,0U0,000, the Willamette Valley. One thing is possibility of an attempted invasion­ parts of the state, was in the city the part of the national plan for a coast low development of the millions of
was drawn with the idea ut having certain, it is going to take every vote remote (see the Navy).
first of the week. Mr. Brumby said highway from the Mexican boarder acres of unused lands in their coast
most of the large cities, counties and in the Coast counties to pull the
2— Because of its transportation he is heartily in favor of the Roose­ to the British Columbia border. The I territory. Oregon must keep step
educational and state institutions in- measure through, as well as a big value in distributing hay, grain and velt highway, and was pleased that National government will pay half with the procession if it is to gain
corporated in the bill, by giving the vote cast for it in Portland.
fruit raised in Oregon East of the the Tillamook Headlight and the of the cost. With this highway its share of business which will come
large cities certain portions of the
Coast Range.
people of Tillamook County were built, and the present plans of the this way in the next ten years.—
money 101 reconstruction purposes.
A meeting of the Roosevelt live
3— Because they want to see the boosting for it. Mr. Blodgett, the state completed Oregon will have Manufacturer.
Naturally the large centers of popu­ wires were held at the Tillamook wonderful coast country where the head of (he company, is a good roads four highways crossing the state
lation will vole tor the Eddy recon­ Hotel on Tuesday evening, the out of grass grows the year round, yet the booster from away back. Mr. Brum­ from north to south, all of which are
struction measure for that reason, on town boosters present being Frank i farmers have to let the cows do their by said that the people of Oregon did necessary and serve widly separate Use Good Judgment—No Jealously.
a swap vote plan. It is our prediction A. Rowe of Wheeler, and Dr. Hawk own mowing and buy hay from the not know the vast extent of the un­ sections.”
The bill authorizing $2,500,000
that the Eddy measure will carry and J. O. Bozorth, of Bay City. The Willamette Valley and Eastern Ore- developed land in the Coast Counties.
Roosevelt Highway bonds is condi­
lor the leasons we have stated, and work being done by Messrs H. H. gon.
The Roosevelt highway would do
tioned upon the government putting
The Tourist Crop.
for the reason that it is for the best Rosenberg and G. W. Dwight, who
Why the Coast counties want the I more to develop Western Oregon ‘
up a like amount.
interest of the state to go through a are managaing the campaign in this State Bond payment of Irrigation , than a railroad and it would put new
This means that Oregon would get
Among the measures submitted to
reconstl notion period for the next county was gone over. Owing to lack and Drainage District Bond Interest: life and energy into the Coast
$5,000,000 road If the people vote
few years so as to catch up with of funds the local committee can-
1— Because it will encourage the counties, and help to boost Oregon.
other progressive states. It is differ­ not do al) that it would like to, but development of territory more fitted Mr. Brumby became quite enthusias­ at the special election on June 3 is the bonds and the automobile license
ent with the Roosevelt Highway owing to the importance of the for raising hay, grain and fruit tic when speaking about the propos­ the issuing of $2,500,000 of state would take care of Oregon’s share.
Millions of acres of new country
measure. The Coaat Counties are highway to the Coast counties, the which Is not largely raised along the ed highway. He is thoroughly famil­ bonds to construct the Roosevelt
would be opened up and Oregon
sparcely settled and have not the people of the county should give it Coast.
iar with the coast counties from
would have a coast defense road con­
voting population like Portland and more financial help. These gentle­
2— Because they want to see the Astoria to the California line, and he ia along the coast to the California necting with the one being built by
the Willamette Valley. But the Coast men are giving their entire time, smiling countenances of the people predicted that if the Roosevelt high­ line, to connect with roads built with
counties will be unjustly discrimin­ and it is no more than right that who raise that produce when they way was built it would be a most the adjoining states, on condition Washington and California.
Good Judgment and not sectional
ated against of the Eddy measure they should be backed up financially ride along the Roosevelt Highway wonderful highway, and from a that the United States appropriate
carries and the Roosevelt Highway by all the leading citizens and prop­ and blow the money they got for it. commercial stand point would bring $2,500,000 for the same purpose. It Jealousies should guide the votes in
this election.—Manufacturer.
measure is defeated. In that event erty owners. The editor in his two
about wonderful developments. All is claimed that the auto license fees
Western Oregon would receive but weeks visit to the Willamette Valley
Organizations that have given the the timbermen he had talked with now provided by law will pay the
two insignificant sums from the Ed­ can vouch for the splendid work the Roosevelt highway measure their were in favor of the proposed high- interest and principal on these bonds
Tillamook Behind It.
dy reconstruction measure, viz: For local committee is doing, for every­ support are as follows:
■ ■■ o ■
way. Mr. Brumby said he is heart in addition to all others outstanding
armories at Astoria and Marshfield. where he went he saw evidence of
That Tillamook county is aggres­
The Stute Federation of Labor.
and soul with the people of Tilla- or authorized. California and Wash­
Tiie Roosevelt Highway measure is what they were doing. It was decided
The Central Labor Council of Port­ mook county in booscting for the ington have adopted plans and are sively behind the Roosevelt Highway
to all purposes and intent a splendid at the meeting on Tuesday evening land.
fast constructing their portions of project is evident from the persual
Roosevelt highway.
reconstruction measure, for it opens to make a strenuous campaign in
of The Tillamook Headlight, which
this great highway.
The City Commissioners of Port­
up to development much valuable Polk and Yamhill counties, and the land through its commissioners.
Promoters of the plan say that the fills two pages with expressions of
Grange Pass Resolution Favoring the building of the road will develop farmers and business men in its fa­
land that have been "bottled up”- committee will send a delegation to
The Portland Kiwanis Club.
for want of roads, and which will re­ those counties. Several of the boost­
many thousands of acres of very vor. If a heavy enough vote for the
Roosevelt Highway.
'I’lie Portland Ad. Club.
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main "bottled up" if this commend­ ers put up money to help defray the
rich lands in the many small valleys highway can be brought out in the
The State Chamber of Commerce.
Adopted by Sandlake Grange No. along the coast, Also, that as a re- coast counties, the indifference of
able reconstruction measure is de­ expenses..
The Portland Chamber of. Com­
546, at its regular meeting held suit of this the taxable property of Eastern Oregon will be overcome and
feated. All that the coast counties i
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ask in .x square deal, especially from 1
the measure will have a chance to
the state will be much increased,
The Men’s Club of the First Con­ May 9, 1919:
Here's a good one on the editor.
Whereas: The proposition to bond
the people of Portland and the 1 When he called for his mail at the gregational Church.
Another thing to be gained will be pass. Actual construction of the
the State of Oregon in the sum of the great number of tourists who Roosevelt highway would create a
Willamette Valley, in helping de­ Salem postoffice last week, his
The Hotel Men’s Association.
velop Western Oregon, which will be 1 correspondence had this notation
The Oregon Motor Dealers Asso­ $2,500,000 to be matched by a like will be attracted by this route, for valuable asset for Oregon. Not even
sum by the Federal Government for "the tourist crop” is even more de­ the Columbia highway would be
done it tbe Roosevelt highway is 1 written across it: "One F. C. Baker ciation.
the construction of the Roosevelt sirable than any other crop we can worth so much, for the scenery along
built. There la another reason why dead, wife lives at Hotel Athens,
Seventy-six papers in the State.
Highway along the coast will come have, because it provides Oregon the coast Is matchless, and connect­
Portland und the Willumette valley 13th and Morrison, Portland.” The
Portland papers.
should support this measure. It will j editor did not feel like a dead 'en
Fiften Granges
throughout the up before the voters of the State of people with employment to serve the ing with California it would bring
Oregon at the election to be held on tourists’ needs and consumes our tourists by the tens of thousands
not only develop a lurge amount of anyway, even If the postoffice offi­ State of Oregoip
the 3rd of June, and
unproductive land und give the dairy cials had hint classed in the dead list
products at home.”—Carlton Senti­ who otherwise would not come to the
Whereas: Said highway connecting nel.
industry a boost, but it will bring ’ und nicely tucked away under moth­
state at all.—Oregon Voter.
Farmers of the Willamette Valley
into existence u most beautiful high­ er earth. The ingenious official at no longer take the view that the Pa­ with the highway system of Wash­
way which will be used considerably Salem must have had in mond, F. C. cific Highway is a road being built ington and California, in our opinion Of Interest to Eastern Oregon and
more by people living in Portland Baker who was State Printer some for tourists. It was a little surprising is a military necessity for the de­
Western Oregon.
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and the Willumette Valley than by years ago. This Is not the first time to the editor to hear farmers, who fence of the United States and,
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Representative Ben F. Jones Points
It will also enormously increase
tiie people living in the Coast coun­ that the editor has been mistaken voted against the $6,000,000 bond
Each and every constitutional am­
Out Its Advantages.
for the deceased state printer. The issue, say that the Pacific Highway, the taxable value of the state by de­
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editor was dining with his wife and or that portion which is now built, veloping the great resources in endment and measure put to the peo­
ple for their approval on the 3rd of
representative in the
It is highly Important that the peo­
Is the best market road in the state,
June is worthy the support of every state legislature from Polk and Lin­
ple of Tillamook county vote for the when a telegram was handed him and that is the reason the farmers the coast counties and will furnish a
route free from snow all the year voter in Oregon. They all, in fact, are coln counties, has coined a slogan
county bond measure on the 3rd of from Salem, which read "Meet me at have been converted and want it
of great importance to the growth for the proposed Roosevelt Highway
Juno. Wo understand thut u few per­ the depot” at a certain time, signed completed as soon as possible, The round for all traffic, therefore be it
and development of the state.
the campaign to create a fund for
sons are contending that it will not
same thing will take place if the
Of especial interest to Eastern Ore­ the construction of this military
be necessary to bond the county if editor scratched his head, for he was Roosevelt Highway is built. It will
gon is bill 304, which provides for road. It is "We want a good road
the Roosevelt highway measure car­ not acquainted with a lady by that be a splendid commercial road for said "Roosevelt Highway" measure;
Vote 310 X Yes, and hereby petition the payment of interest on the bonds and we want it bad.” Representative
ries. We want to say right here that name residing at Salem. It suddenly Western Oreggon.
the members of all the Granges of of irrigation and drainage districts Jones is the father of the resolution
It is absolutely necessary to vote the dawned on him that the telegram
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the State to support and vote for by the state for five years, this mon­ by which the legislature at its recent
bonds it the county expects to pro­ was for the State Printer, anyway,
It is highly important that the said measure.
ey is to be returned, with interest, session, unanimously decided to sub­
cure hard surfaced roads. There is that is how he squared himself with
people of the Coast counties go to the
by the districts later. Thus settlers mit a referendum
Sandlake Grange No. 546
no certainty whatever that the his better half. The smokes are on
polls on the 3rd of June and vote for
By, C. E. Ward, H. A. Brandt, Roy will be telieved of a heavy burden at that the slate be authorized to spend
Roosevelt Highway measure will car­ the postmaster at Salem, but If he
the Roosevelt Highway measure, By Robertson, Clyde webb, Eugene At- a time of development, when every
ry, and should the counties of the will vote for the Roosevelt Highway
$2,500.000 for the building of the
doing so it may be the means of kinson and Elva B. Atkinson.
energy and resource is taxed to the
Willamette valley cast a large vote we will call it square.
proposed highway along the coast of
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' •
against the measure, it is our predic­
Oregon on condition that the Feder­
tell whether the measure will carry
In western Oregon, the people are
tion that the measure will be defeat­
Eastern Oregon can rest assured or be defeated at the present time. What Eastern Oregon thinks About vitally interested in bill 310, which al government contribute a like sum.
ed. us the Coast Counties have but a that Western Oregon is going to give
"The construction of the Roosevelt
Anyway, a big vote in the Coast
provides tor the construction of the
The Roosevelt Highway.
smull vote compared with the Will­ the irrigation measure a good big
Highway,” says Mr. Jones, "Is a vital
counties will prove to the people of
amette Valley. Neither Is there any majority on June 3. for we in the
necessity to the future growth of the
Oregon that they are anxious to de­
Astoria to California. This measure
assurance that Southern Oregon will Coast Counties know what it is to
The Ontario Argus in an editorial,
seven coast counties
of Oregon.
velop this bottled up section of Ore­
provides for a bond issue of two and
give a favorable vote, but a large contend with adverse conditions on
shows that Eastern Oregon is going
These counties compose one-sixth of
vote is expected In Portland for the account of lack of roads, and al­
to support the Roosevelt Highway
the land area of the Btate of Oregon
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on the appropriation of a like am­
measure. It is a little hard to Judge though there I* an abundance of rain
measure. It says:
and they are practically isolated
The vote taken in this city last
the situation, aad, to our way of in Tillamook County, the dairymen
"Oregon needs the Roosevelt High- ount by the government. There can from the rest of the state at present.
thinking, if the Willamette Valley know Its takes plenty of rain to week on the reconstruction meas­
.i., Eastern Oregon is, or should be, be no question as to the merits of With ths completion of the highway
votes the same way it did when the make a success of farming. This they ures confirms what the editor had a.. ,n teres ted In the development of this measure.
Western Oregon realizes the impor­ we have in contemplation and result­
$6,00o.000 bond measure was voted do not get In Eastern Oregon, and told a number of persons In the Wil­ the coast counties of Oregon, as are
ant lateral roads from the Interior
on, tt is a little doubtful to us with commendable enterprise they lamette Valley that the people of the people residing in that section. tance of our irrigation measure and we will have advanced a hundred
whether a sufficient vote can be ob­ are doing the next beat and wisest I
Likewise it is true that the people
years In development.
tained to off set it. Another thing, thing—resorting to Irrigation. We for all the reconstruction measures, living over on the coast should be in­ boosting, “Vote 304 Yes.” They ask,
"It is conservatively estimated that
voters of the
should the measure carry and the hope the people of Oregon will give
terested in the growth and develop­
eastern part of the state aid their the Roosevelt highway will open up
government decide to build the road, the Irrigation measure a big major­ pulling a 100 per cent vote for the ment of Eastern Oregon.
a territory, the
development of
plans tor a great highway.
it will take several years before any ity. It will do much to encourage the I Roosev-ilt Highway.
"The desire for the mutual benefit
which will add $100,000,000 to the
uirect benefit would be obtained, for people of Eastern Oregon, as well as
of their respective districts is not
taxable wealth of Oregon. The road,
Tillamook people are united and based on state pride or sentiment, carefully these measures and the ar­
to survey and prepare plans will make the people prosperous and hap­
which is designed to connect with
take at least twelve months. So It Is py. If all the people in Oregon felt all pulling to get the Roosevelt but upon good sound business Judg­ guments therefore, and their success
the coast highway systems of Wash­
necessary to bond the county to take like Tlllantookers the success of the
ment. The coast counties have be­
ington und California, will for a link
advantage of road work that Is proni- bill would be assured, for when a t I beat argument that can be made for come, by reason of the growth of the Malheur County.
in the great boulevard from British
ise<> by the State Highway Commis­ straw vote was taken In thia city the measure. They know the needs of dairy industry one of the best cus­
Columbia to the Mexican border and
sion. in tact, if the local bond meas­ 147 voted for It and only 17 against. the Coast counties, and are the best tomers of the ranchers of Eastern
Good Business Propositions.
will attract hundreds of thousands
Judges of what is required to open Oregon. During the past year more
ure fails and the County Court Is
of tourists to Oregon annually. The
up Wertern Oregon.
without money to do the grading, it
The leading citizens and property
There are different ways of spend­ highway is not only an economic
will deprive the county of ten inilea
------- o-------
gon from the coast counties for alfal­ ing the taxpayers money and using necessity for the state, but It is need­
owners ol Tillamook County have
of hard surfaced road this year.
contributed a fairly good sum of I The editor must congratulate the fa with which to feed the herds the state credit. Measures which add ed by the government as a military
■ o- - -
money towards boosting the Roose­ local committee. We found traces of over there. It is only good business to the wealth of a state and increase road.
The editor returned to the city velt highway, but the live wires who their good work in a great many for the ranchers ova here to desire its agricultural and industrial re­
"The coast counties are putting
Thursday after spending two weeks are running the campaign are some­ places, and if all the Coast Counties that the coast counties grow and add sources, by increasing its population forth every effort to educate the rest
l.i the Willamette Valley boosting for what handicapped for want of funds. were as energitlc as the Tillamook more herds to use more hay. It is and assessed valuation, are good of the state as to the importance of
: > Roosevelt Highway. The fate of | It la In the interest of Tillamook and Committee, public sentiment would only good business for the dairymen business propositions.
constructing this highway without
that measure depends largely on the Coast Counties that the commit- be
-- strongly In favor of the Roosevelt over there to want more irrigation
Among the meritorious measures delay. We are also working hand in
projects over here to insure them of before the people June 3, are two
. • active work that is to be done tee is devoting its time, and we sin- , highway,
hand with eastern Oregon and the
a plentiful supply of feed for their , which are of great interest to the
between now and the day of election, cerely hope that It will not have to
other Irrigable sections of the state
enthusiastic 'put
A< there are some
put a a stop
stop to
to Its
Its good
good work
work I on ac-
[ whole state. They would Increase the to pass the bill whereby the state
This is how one editor said he was
lamook cheese and other products.
good road boosters in the Willamette | count of lack of funds. Those who was boosting t l\e
wealth of the state by millions of ' will be enabled to lend its credit to
"It Is for these reasons that the dollars and add no new burdens to
Valley, one cannot get away from have not contributed but should do measurer vote for all the even num­
Irrigation districts by guaranteeing
taxpayers. The state guarantee of
the fact lhat a spirit of apathy pre­ 'ao will be doing their part also if bers on the ballot. And this editor
the interest on irrigation bonds.
interest on irrigation and drainage
vails amongst the people, which they will drop Into the Roosevelt was the president of the State Ed­
"For the first time in the history
by the people of the Oallagher am­ district bonds,
makes it hard to size up the situa­ Highway headquarters and pungle itorial Association.
’ would be repaid by of the state the great coast region
j the districts
tion. We are glad to say that the up a little "dough" to help out. You ,
ting the state to guarantee for five Highway bond and the Roosevelt and the mighty empire comprising
r -wspaper men we have hob-nobbled will feel more happy if you help out
issue would be repaid the irrigable portions of Oregon are
on Irrigation and by automobile
w h. and we met quite a number. financially should the measure car- |
license receipts, al- united in a common cause—good
What way?
ready provided for.
living the Roosevelt Highway
roads and irrigation. These twin pro­
Just because the proposed Rooee- jects which mean more to the de-
sire their support. Amongst the to carry it over the top. Back up the ,