TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 15, lyiO. effort, the effort of heroic sacrifice. We do not trust the rumor that , when Mr. Wilson has saved the world i for democracy, he is going to suggest to Carter Glass that a little of it be introduced on trial into the Virginia It must be admitted that Demo­ constitution. cratic politicians can tear down The advocates ol the league of na­ quicker than Republican statesman­ tions covenant, now that it has been ship was able to build up. patched and half soled, are like the ------- o------- One statesman of "unyielding fellow who drank embalming fluid opinions" can get along in a con­ out of the whisky jug; they don't ference, but with two such states­ know what's in it but they know men meet, a conference becomes they like it, whatever it is. ------- o merely a dead-lock. Robert W. Wooley, member of the ------ o------- Commission, When some statesmen get into a Interstate Commerce ♦ f-w conference they treat their dissent­ says that railroads should not be ing conferees as if they were a turned back to private ownership bunch of school children engaged in until the Democratic party has had «Of giving back talk to the teacher. a chance to make a campaign issue ------- o------- of the matter. Mr. Wooley is the in­ If the peace conference itself can't ventor of the Democratic party's keep Italy and Albania from fighting campaign slogan; "He has kept us does it suppose anybody is going to out of war.” Probably' he has take seriously the claim that it has thought up something equally cute conjured up a world constitution on government owneship for 1920. that will turn the trick? ------- o------- ------- o— Those who say that the secret “Nobody can ever accuse a New treaty entered into by the powers York legislature of being stingy with which we are asked to asso- with the taxpayers money,” says date ourselves in a world league, that faithful Democratic organ, the dividing up prospective winnings of I I New York World. The only stingy the war, is evidence of the necessity legislative bodies we have in this of a world alliance. To the level ; country are Democratic Congresses. headed American it looks more like ------- o------- evidence that we are invited into a North Dakota’s first Non-Partisan combination, as a minority partner, party legislature added a few hun- the members of which have demon­ , dred more names to the public pay- strated anew the foolishness of the I roll and increased taxes 21 per cent, idea that they have ceased to have , besides providing for a bond issue of selfish aims. about forty dollars per inhabitant. Socialism comes high, but we must Vice President Marshall ia running have it. true to administration form, In 1914 ------- o------- he said in a public address that he The North Dakota farmers who had taken a vow, after attending have accepted Mr. Townley's social­ the funeral of a sailor killed in the ism as a means of escape from the Vera Cruz expedition, that he would oppressions of the grain men remind never support a war except against one of the fellow who gave his horse an alien invader, and the other day, a sprinkling can full of paris green in Texas, he declared that he was in after seeing him swallow a potato favor of sending to Russia an army bug. big enough to exterminate the bol- ------- o------- shevikl. Democratic statesmanship The late Mr. Woolworth never seems to consist of inconsistency. ■ would have made a good member of I an Appropriation committee in a Whose Sunday ? Whose Loan I I Deniocr itlc congress, for he handled ------- o------ I The reported threat of a local cler­ ordinary nickels and dimes. A Dem- I ocratlc Congressman cannot recog- gyman, in protesting against the use nlze a piece of money snialler than a of moving picture screens for the Victory loan campaign that "if they ten thousand dollar bill. do not respect our Sundays we will ------- o------ - The first item in any sane labor not respect their loan", needs further Sunday and program is to make it possible for explanation. Whose productive enterprises to go ahead whose loan? It generally has been and do business so that there may be supposed that Sunday was the Lord's uo unemployment, but this is the day, and Americans patriotically be­ item that most of the big talkers lieve that the war and the loan about labor choose to overlook en­ which ar< to pay for ti aiAi the Lord'B world against the sacrilege of tirely. the Hun. Patriotism never has been barred Tlie Dimoeratlc papers now engag­ ed in shrieking about Burlesonism in the United States as a proper ap­ , know very well that there is not a peal of the pulpit, nor has its serv­ more thoioughly administration po­ ice been regarded as inconsistent lltician and officeholder than the with the sacredness of the Sabbath, present Postmaster General, Burle- nor is it likely to be so considered by O.. L. H.HOHLFELD. | TJ T. nona, oriisni is merely one variety of Wil- any considerable part of the com­ - A . munity at the present moment..— sonisiii, that's all. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. VETERINARIAN. Philadelphia Bulletin. An administration which KOt into Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone I Complete Set of Abstract Bo< ks in high power crying out against the t Blowing Hot and Cold Office. ------- o - - cost of living is now engaged in ar- Tillamook Oregon. Taxes Paid for Non Residents President Wilson’s reversal of his i titlcially maintaining high living T illamook B lock , ! costs by hoarding vast stores of earlier statement that there was a Tillamook, .... Oregon | food and other supplies purchased reason fol every word in the league AVID ROBINSON. M.D., Both Phones. for the army on the basis of war's constitution and that it must be ac- continuance, in order to keep the cepted as submitted. Is only the lat­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON cost of living up and force it even est in a long list of reversals since he QR J. G. TURNER, was elected President. Here are a higher. NATIONAL BUILDING. few of the declarations on which he I o------- EYE SPECIALIST. ! Whenever the Mexican« run out of has revised himself; TILLAMOOK OREGON. Maintenance of the merit system in any thing else to do they kill another PORTLAND |- ¡OREGON American. This is likely to remain the civil service. p> T.jBOALS, M.D., Regular Monthly Visits to Free canal tolls for American coast I the favorite Mexican out-door sport until the various kinds of Istus run wise shir ping. Tillamook and Cloverdale. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Pitiless publicity. out of Americans or an administra­ watch paper for dates . Economy in administration. tion conies into power at Washing­ Surgeon S. P. Co. No injury to llgitimate industry by i I ton which believes that Americans <1. O. O. E. Bld».) have sonn rights that foreigners are tariff reductions. H GOYNK, Merchant marine without taxing bound to respect. Tillamook • . . . Oregon the people. ------ o — ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Single Presidental term. If you don't believe all the pulpi­ Presidential primareis. teers who say the world is ready for T^OBERT H. McGKATH, Office: O pposite IC ourt L use "We have not neglected prepared­ Internationalism, Just start a move­ Tillamook . C ounsellor - at L aw , O. I gon. inent for file federation of the ness." Demand that Huerta salute the Christian. Mohammedan, Zoroastrain ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN Confucian and Buddhist religion, flag. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, Opposition to a tariff commission. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. provisions against the in- with fixed Opposition to the congressional of them by any vasion of any one 1 oRTIAND O f FICK ' ATTORNEY other faith, and watch the entlius- caucus. 1 ItO W ilcox B ld . AND Opposition to equal suffrage iasm. COU N S ELLOR A T-LA W amendment. ------- o------- Opposing the regulation of commis­ How shall it profit the people of T illamook B lo " k , QARL HABERLACH the United States, by involving them sion. Tillamook - . . - Oregja, Non-intervention in Mexico. selves In the European system, to ROOM NO. 261. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Full discussion in Congress. make foreign questions paramount Dollar diplomacy,” in re Chinese tn American politics and keep one T illamook B lock element in our citizenship arrayed loan. I "Strict accountability ’’ in re Ger­ Tillamook against another. Instead of turning Oregon our attention to the rather gd- man aggressions. NACHINiS to Eingargo in shipment of arms slzed Job of discussig and deciding ■HILI IF | ^^EBSTER HOLMES, Mexico. the affaire of our own country? ----- o----- "Too proud to fight.” PERFECTLY The responsibility for war rests "Peace without victory." ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SIMPLE upon two classes; the bully who "Kept us out of war.” COMMERCIAL BUILDING. thinks he can scare other people into Open diplomacy. SIMPLY sacrificing their own rights and in­ Self-determination for races. . first street , terests. and the pacifist whose pusll- PERFECT. anlmous conduct when threatened TILLAMOOK OREGON Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing gives the bully the basis for this V Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.» belief. The man who will not stand 0R. L. L. HOY, up for hi. own tights Is Just as con- TI m eoaspl«*« Electric Light aad New Home Users temptable as the bully wh/ tramples Fewer Plant are quality chorers. on other people. Plenty of bright, safe clean PHYSICIAN ANDSURGECN ------- o ■■■— For Sale By electric light. No more hot, Organization leaders put through T illamook B lock , sntoky lamps. SHARFF Tb DUBIVER the recent national convention of the D A. R a resolution thanking Pres- Tillamook, 172 3rd Street Oreg< n. Idet Wilson for his efforts to bring NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE peace to the world, A patriotic or- COMPANY ganixatlon. in extending t hanks. C. HAWK, should not ha»« overlooked giving San Francisco California. credit tor bringing peace, to the the did ACKLEY & MILLER soldiers and sailors who PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON A subscriber asks for a short defi- Tillamook Oarage, fighting that realyly ended the war. nition for bolshevism, It's going Tillamook Oregon. Theirs, after all. was the supreme Bay City Oregon craiy and biting himself. I Anyway Gene Debs has the conso- iation of knowing that he won’t have to teip pay the war debt. TRADE MARK The City of GOODRICH Akron. Ohio _ Compare Goodrich 375’s with other FordCarTires If you have not used these husky, dr luxe tires for the Ford car, go at once to a Goodrich deal­ er and say to him,“Give me a Goodrich Three- Seventy-Five.” Compare it with an or­ dinary Ford-size tire, and you will find it bigger and burlier in every way. • * • As a matter of figures and measurements, it is an inch bigger on the cir­ cumference, and much thickerin the cross sec­ tion-that is, a 31x3% inch tire. That extra size means a finer looking, easier riding Ford car to be­ gin, and a longer lived car and tires in the end. see Though “ Three-Seven­ ty- Fives” coat a little moreat theoutset,built to meet the especial needs of the Ford car and bring out its known virtues, they soon re­ veal a greater dollar economy,which makes it the better buy in the long run. Buy Goodrich 77re* from a Dealer % HIRES! BEST IN THE LONG RUN < a F **£.*•♦ HIS agency is cooperating in every possible way with the Hartford Company in helping property owners to insure against fires. T Let us explain the plan to you in detail It is a service you ought to have and one you are entitled to. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man. We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. Office 34 J and Mutual. National Bld. Tillamook City, Oregon DK Sold by Tillamook Feed Company. C. 0. & C. M. Dawson Conover & Condit. Geo. R. Edmunds. Tillamook, Oregon A. Anderson, Wheeler, Ore. W. A. Rowe, Brighton, Oregon. Wilson & Co., Beaver. Mohler Supply Co., Mohler. TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SUCKER Practical as a plpw. and just as necessar Make every rainy day couni. Watorproofa Absoluto are Markod thus — AL TOWES CO. BOSTON DELCO-LIGHT H. T. Botts, Pree. Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson. Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and (Abstract Co. Law Abstracts Real Estate ¡Insurance. Both Phones TILLAMOOK—OREGON.