For Sale—Seven head good grade cows, all fresh, at Oscar Tittle’s ranch on WllBon River. Call and see them. * For Sale—20 acres of river bottom land one and one-half miles from Tillamook—Apply to Karl Kumerle, Tillamook, Oregon. * • Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ mook office across the street from the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays until further notice. • Big Carnaval Dance at Barview, Saturday May 31st. It will be a lot of fun, and dance till morning if you want to. M-29* For sale—Dairy ranch, will carry 50 to 60 cows.—Inquire of C. W. Miller at A. F. Coats Lumber office, Tillamook, Oregon. • Before buying your auto tires, in­ vestigate the Republic Standard five thousand mile guarantee, price right at Tillamook Feed Co. • For Sale—young registered Hol­ stein bull, ready for service, in good condition and good breeding. Bob Stillwell. * Wanted—A team of Bunchgrass horses, weight about 1000 lbs. each. Must be well broke to ride and drive. Write W. Roenlcke, Woods, Oregon • See Wlllims about the Republic, the yellow chasis truck that serves so well and honest, a truck at an honeste price. Tillamook Feed Co. * The flu appears to have disappear­ ed once more from Tillamook. There appears to be an opinion amongst doctors that it will make its appear­ ance next winter. Tillamook Jottings. ------ o------ Dr. Wise—Dentist. Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. Sutton pays 27c. for calf hides. • • • • Let W. A. Church write your insur­ ance. * Hoofror Remedy at G I. Clough Co. * Spend your evenings at the Gem Theatre. • Practically new h.p. gas en­ gine for Sale at Allen Page’s store.* Don't fall to see the farm tank at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Apartments for rent. Address Box 143. * Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Kunzi, May 12th a girl. Buy a Roosevelt Highway Button and show your colors. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. • The rain the last part of the week was what was needed. Apartment with garage, close in. For rent. Address Box 143. * Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, Tillamook. Phone 72-W. Why not place your teed orders tor the future with Kuppenbender. • Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Wise. * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pike of Bay City, on May 10th, a girl. Mrs. Charles Dudly, of Oregon City, is visiting at the home of E. P. Maine. Albert Byers left on a business trip to Portland the first of the week. For Sale—Nice white potatoes for seed —Jim Simmons. Mutual phone * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Clenny, a son, on May 9th. Auto for sale, cheap. Suitable for hauling milk. Call at Heyd’s Shop. * Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. * We handle Trojan Powder. Best for ■tumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- •l Warehouse. * See The Tillamook Feed Co. about Republic tires and save money. • Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Letson, of Cloverdale, on May 14th, a dau­ ghter. For sale small house and two good lots. 3750.00. Easy terms, owner. W. L. Campbell. Dancing every Satudray night, at Barview. Excellent music and floor like polished glass. * For rent—Eight room house, mod­ ern throughout, will only rent by the year.—Apply to M. R. Hannenkratt. For Sale, all the horses, harness, buggies and other things at the Noyes' Barn. Pasture for rent, for horses and cattle. Inquire of Clarence Hanen- kratt, Bell Phone. • Just received a car of mill feed at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices are lowest. * Regular services at the Christian Church next Sunday. The public in­ vited. Four good milk cows for sale, been fresh one month.—J. D. Johnson, Sandlake, Oregon. * If you are contemplating buying a drag-saw see the Tillamook Feed Co., and get prices. * Tarpaulins—any size—made to order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side entrance-opposite. P. O. J-l. Let B--K be your disinfectant. It is safe, clean and powerful. For sale at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Let wour co-worker on the farm be the Cleveland Tractor. On display at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Mrs. W. S. Buel left this morning to attend the Sunday School con­ vention at Corvallis, representing the Sunday Schools of Tillamook county. For Sale—Our entire herd of fine high grade Jersey milk cows. 11 head. These are very heavy milkers. Rasmussen Bros. Dayton dre. The editor returned last week from the Willamette Valley where he had been boosting for the Roosevelt highway. Tillamook County Bank vs. C. M. Churchill and W. W. Todd is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover >143.00 on a promissory note. For sale on easy terms, either a four or five room house, with modern conveniences. May pay like rent. If you want a home, write me. D. L. Shrode, Salem, Oregon. • • Sheriff Campbell is trying to locate two Austrians who stole >3,000 from a man at the Brighton logging camp. They took to the hills and have not been seen since. Look! My Interest in acre tract and also lot 14 in Pacific Addition, all In Bay City, for sale for tax val­ uation. Write Gilbert Eyk, New Auburn, Wis. * Ida E. Reynolds, sister of Mrs. R. E. Stanley, died at Salem, Ore., May 11, Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church at 1:30 p. m„ Thursday, May 15. Interment at I. O. O. F. cemetery. C. T. Star, who represents some of the timber companies in this county, was in the city on Wednesday. He is in favor oi the reconstruction meas­ ures to be voted upon in June. For rent, 4 room modern furnished house. Want to sell gasoline iron, baby swinging chair, breakfast table and chairs, dresser and stand, tables. Call, at 8. E. corner of 8th Street and 6th Ave. East. * Tillamook has an auto top and harness repair shop in rear of building opposite post office. Auto tops, curtains and cushions repaired and waterproofed, harness repaired. Both phones, * . The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ chine Agency la now permanently lo­ cated opposite the post office, where monthly payments may be made and supplies ordered. Both Phones. * Why pay four or five hundred dol­ lars for dairy land without improve- I ments when you can get as good soil ' with improvements for >300.00 per ;acre.—See C. W. Miller about this ' proposition. * For Sale, a 25-candle power acety­ lene gas plant, to be sold at a great sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to procure gas plant for farm house at a small cost. C. B. Wiley, north of i Tillamook City. * i If you want your homes beautified, 'landscape work, pruning hedges and ishubberies, and nursery stock put in, {lawn put in a perfect grade, or or- ’ chards pruned, apply to Chas A. | Schrader, E. 10th St. All work 'guaranteed. * A. N. Fuqua, who moved from the Highlands to Tillamook last fall, was here last week on business mat- ( ters. He says the coast climate agrees with him splendidly and his health is much improved from the change ! he made.—Sheridan Sun. ! H. H. Rosenberg, a Tillamook County live wire who has given con­ siderable time and energy in behalf iof the Roosevelt Highway measure, left for Portland thiB morning . to 'confer with the Roosevelt Highway 'association at Portland. I R. M. Wade & Co. vs. Tillamook Farmers' Co-operative Warehouse Co and M. T. Chance. Gus Goeres, H. B. Johnson. James Williams and John Naegeli is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover >471.79 for mer- See Williams, of the Tillamook ’ chandlse. Feed Co., and get prices on the For Sale.—Two fine registered handsome 19 series Studebaker Holstein bulls, one ready for service cars, before buying your new car. • and from Toby De Koi 2nd Johanna We are sorry to announce the Duke. 75 per cent same breeding as death of Mrs. Wallin, wife of Carl Lady De Koi. 36 59 butter at 5% vallln. who died at her home east years, world's record when made. ,,f this city at five o’clock this morn­ Ako one 6 weeks oid well bred.— Chas Macpherson. Grand Itonde. Or.* ing, after a long illness. XT ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY ! >25HS2S252S2SaSBSa5BSZ5a52S2S2525B52SBSa5HSE5ZSa5ZS25252SaSB5a5BS25i It MEANS—Quick mobilization of guns and men for national protection. IT MEANS—Commercial and agricultural develop­ ment of seven Oregon coast counties —Clatsop, Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Douglas, Coos and Curry. B K ’ H n K K B D ru ui B K B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B I s. IT MEANS—The opening of a year-round paved road from British Columbia to the Mexican border. IT MEANS—The opening to sportsmen of the county's fishing and hunting para­ dise. IT MEANS—The employment of thousands of skill­ ed mechanics and laboring men in its construction. IT MEANS—That Uncle Sam will match every state dollar for construction and will maintain the highway forever. You owe it to your country—you owe it to your state, to go to the polls at the special state election June 3 and vote 310 X Yes. I? High School Notei. ------ o------ The first semester examinations are now in progress at the High School. On Monday morning the work of the second semester will be­ gin and it is hoped that all wishing to take up new subjects for credits will enroll between now and Monday Hon C. J. Edwards was an as­ sembly speaker this week as was al­ so Mr. Henderson, both being great­ ly appreciated by the pubils. The first simester examinations On Saturday, May 17th, the stu­ dents and faculty will join for an all day picnic at Netarts bay. The trip will be made by auto truck, and each girl will prepare a bit of lunch for herself, plus one more, the boys will look out for the fruits and other needed accessories for the day. Nazarene Church Services. ------ o------ 1 The special services at the Nazar­ ene Church are continuing with in­ creasing interest and the New Eng­ land evangelists are preaching pow­ erful sermons on the vital subjects of the times. Every evening at 7:30 o’clock the people gather for prayer and the song service begins prompt- ' ly at 8. Rev. A. F. Ingler, the pastor, conducts the singing and renders an ¡appropriate solo before the sermon, and sometimes at the close. Evan­ gelists Hopkins and wife are en­ couraged with the devotion of the membership and see nothing but victory and prosperity ahead. The meetings will continue indefinitely at the usual hour daily and on Sun­ days at 11 a.m., 3 and 7:30 p.m„ Sunday School will convene at 10 a.m., as usual. All who have no church home are cordially Invited to all the services and the public in general will be welcomed to hear the evangelists. Victory Loan Subscriben. H5HSZ5ZSZ5H5Z525Z525H5H5B52SZS252S2SZSBS252SZSB5Z5H5H5HSZ52525HS25H5 Tillamook County Bank. D. C. Collier ........................ 50.00 E C. J. Ramsey........................ lOJ.OO J. W. Eidwall ...................... 100.0'1 I Albert &. Katie Marolt .... 500.00 James Goldsworthy............. 100.00 L. E. Partridge and wife . . . 150.00 B 2 G. P. Hackett ...................... 50.00 B lone Mae Talcott.................. 50.00 B Esther Swenson.................... 50.00 B Carl E. Swenson.................. 50.00 ¡L. O. Anderson .................... 100.00 Anna B. Swenson 250.00 August Boquist.................... 50.00 B Harry Leach ........................ 50.00 Erick A. Erickson................ 150.00 ¿5a525a5B5a525a5a525H525E5B5HSaS2SZ525a5252S2SH5H5Z5a5H5B52S25B525Z5ZSa5 ClayDanlel ............................. 1000.00 Clyde Craver ........................ 50.00 Oregon Life Ins. Co............... 1000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sander, of W. J. Whitten...................... 100.00 DrB. Wise and Lebow will be at Dr. Wise’s office and residence Prolerta, California, who have been F. D. Mitchell...................... 50.00 across the street soath of the court visiting at the home of E. P. Maine Bert A. Leach...................... 50.00 house Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed­ for several days left on Monday for Jennie B. Nordstrom ........... 50.00 nesdays to do dental work. Thurs­ the Willamette valley where they F. M. Wilson ........................ 100.00 will visit with friends and relatives days at Cloverdale; Fridays at the Henry White ........................ 50.00 Nehalem Hotel and Saturdays until before returning to California Mr. Karl Wilhelms .................... 100.00 noon on Sundays at Wheeler. * Sander is an employe of the Southern Herman J. Tohl.................... 50.00 Pacific and was very much impressed M. Sue Henderson ............. 100.00 P. S. Brumby was in the city the with Tillamook county. M. F. Leach.......................... 150.00 first of the week. He represents the For Sale—Two improved lots, full Daisy Blackburn .................. 100.00 Blodgett Co., and was here to make 50.00 arrangements for fire protection this size, well located, tn desirable part of Ethel B. White.................... summer. The County Court has city, on one of the most prominent L. V. Stewart .................. , . 100.00 promised to fix the Wilson river road paved streets in town, concrete walks Henry A. Ely........................ 500.00 and when this is done the timber house of seven rooms besides bath, Mary Munson ...................... 200.00 company will put into service an pantry, washroom, hall, dore's and Jos. Emmenegger ................ 100.00 porches, modern plumbing, electric E. E. Koch............................. 100.00 auto for better fire protection. wired, commodious woodshed and Mrs. Olive Travis.................. 100.00 The delegates to the grand lodge barn. Price >2,650.00, >1,000 cash, S. H. Rock............................. 50.00 of the Oddfellows, which will be held balance on terms to suit purchaser. at Salem next week are R. W. Wat­ Apply at F. R. Beals office. * "Such a Little Pirate” Filled With son. S. A. Brodhead, D. R. Tlnnerstet, Here is an important ruling just Highly Dramatic Incident«. F. H. Matthews, J. L. Stelnback and issued by the postoffice department John Aschlm. The editor would sug­ of the government: "War savings The remarkable contrasts, between gest that the delegation wear plug certificates are not transferable and hats with a Roosevelt highway band, postmasters have been instructed not the dainty sweetness and youth of How about it, Rollie? to pay certificates on which erasur­ Lila Lee, and a rollicking old grey bearded salt, between the dreams of Next Monday a public sale of 35 es or changes in entry of the name a young girl and the bloody machin­ have been made. When an affidavit head of high class grade Jersey and ations of a cutthroat crew who are Holstein cows will take place at the Is submitted.»however, satisfying the no less piratical in disposition be­ postmaster that no change in owner ­ Fair Grounds, which are said to be a cause thej are of present century in­ splendid b.inch of animals. They be­ ship has taken place, and explaining stead of the days of bucaneers—such the erasure or corrections, payment long to W. Connell and W. T. contrasts make of “Such a Little Kerr of Hillsboro and are now at the may be made to the original owner, Pirate," it is asserted, a most win­ the affidavit being attached to the fair grounds /or inspection, and ning film subject. those wanting good cows should paid certificate.” This picture which wifi be shown De Koi Grace Lilith Korndyke, a look them over. at the Gem Theatre next Sunday, registered Holstein cow four years of Pete Lamar bought out a grocery age tested by Bert Folks, made the May 18ih is the second starring Lila store at Corvallis and is operating it following record under the following Lee on the Paramount list, and is on a cash basis. Corvallis is one of conditions: Grace was turned into declared by experts to surpass even the several pretty and up-to-date the pastuie day and night and was her first offering. The story is by cities in the Willamette Valley, with given ten pounds of mill run and Monte M. Katterjohn, based on a fine educational advantages for barley with a little oil meal added novel by James Oliver Ctirwood. Geo. those who want to give their chil­ per day. Test was begun 28 days Melford did the directing. The mar­ dren a college education. There are from calving. 560 tbs. milk contain­ ine scenes were taken at Catalina several from Tillamook who are at­ ing 17.33 lbs. fat equivalent to 22.5 Island, aboard an old boat that has now been seized by the United tending O.-A. C. \ lbs. or 80 per cent butter. She has States Government. We are looking for a 'womgn at averaged 85.7 Tbs of milk per day to An interesting scene is that in Tillamook, past 30 years old as resi­ date, which is better than she was which the old hooker is caught in a dent manager, to take charge of col­ doing when tested. As this is the tropical storm. A fine cast surrounds lections. renewals, circulation of first A. R. O. test to be made in Till­ the lovely little star and there is most all magazines published. Must amook county. Folks and Noyes are every reason to believe that the pro­ have some salesmanship ability and pleased to start the good work. Grace duction will create a tremendous lilt good references. Our new plan makes and three others are continuing in among those who are on the look­ everybody a customer and saves the semi-official or yeaily test. out for freshness, beauty and orig­ public much money. Position will inality, as well as picturesqueness 111 pay from >1,000 to >3,000 a year. plot and character. Card of Thanks. E. J. Hamilton, 311 Globe Bldg, o------ Portland, Oregon. We wish to thank our many friendr. Miss Brockwell Reads Complex Soul who so kindly assisted in the sick­ of Women. ness and death of our baby girl. Al­ so for the beautiful floral offerings. A women's soul cannot be read like Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thayer, a book. It is too complex. Yet it is Dealers In high grade pianos and Mrs. C. R. Funk. possibl ■ to take fragments of it and P!.’yer pianos for over 45 years The job of unmosing is going to reveal some of the keen suffering, Sold on easy monthly payment«. Write for catalogue and terms.— be more difficult that than of mem­ the unKtiown joy that surge through a women’s heart. Inland B. Erwin, Rep . Tillamook.* ins. For the Roosevelt Highway. I Oregon’s Road to Prosperity. Gladys Brockwell has done this to perfection in "The Call of the Soul,” a William Fox photodrama which comeB to the Gem Theatre Thursday, May 22nd. In this play she portrays a wofh-m whose heart is torn between love for the little child that came to her as a result of a dreadful ex­ perience and her love for a man who believes her to be a pure woman. It is a bitter love she tastes while the child is kept In hiding, and still more bitter is the trial when her husband discovers the secret. But his heart softens as her overpowering motherlove is revealed, and he takes the mother and child into his arms. The tensely emotional role of the mother is a typical Gladys Brockwell role, and Miss Brockwell does full justice to the manifold opportunities it offers her dramatic skill. The work of the supporting cast, also, 1 b excellent. Memorial Day. Tillamook, Ore, May 14, 1919 To the public:—May 30th, mem­ orial day, this year has a wider meaning than it ever had before, sacred as the day has been in our national life, because of the memory of the sacrifice of those who have given their lives for the establish­ ment of the principles of liberty and justice in our beloved land.. This year its meaning has been broadened and enriched by our par­ ticipation in the world war. Along with our own soldiers, men of other nations have fought and bled that these principles might be established through the whole world. It is fitting, then, that in our ob­ servance of Memorial Day this year we give thought to its widened scope and that we render tribute to the memory of that multitude of men of all nations who in the recent war made the supreme sacrifice as sol­ diers of the army for the right, with this added weighty reason for the observation of Memorial Day no community should let the day pass without fitting recognition. I can conceive of no recognition more fit than the observance of it in the school rooms, for in our schools lies the hope of the nation. So on the 30th day of May let us forget one and all the duties of every day labor and attend Memorial Services. As the Commander of Corinth Post, No. 35, G. A. R., I tender an invitation to soldiers of every war to come out and help to make May 30th the grandest Memorial ever pulled off in Tillamook City. On May 25 the Post and W. R. C. will meet at the K. P. Hall and go to the Christian Church, at 11 o’clock •a.m. All are invited to turn out. By order, • C. E. Reynolds Commander. GEM THEATRE PROGRAM ------ o------ Saturday, May 17—'Her Inspiration’ Metro production featuring May Allison. A splendid comedy drums, such as Miss Allison has always been so popular in. “Hoot Mon” One reel Rolin Com­ edy. Sunday, May 18—"Such a Little Pi­ rate" Paramount production feat­ uring Lila Lee. This will be a par­ ticularly pleasing photoplay. Miss Lee is cast as "Such a Little Pi­ rate” which part she takes to in wonderful style, in fact she makes a wonderful "Pirate". . Pat lie News. Tuesday May 20—"Wild Youth”, J. Stuart Blackton production. A re­ markable story and a remarkable cast. We are proud to be able to offer you a Btory by world-famous Sir Gilbert Parker. This Is one of those rare pictures that you simply cannot afford to miss. Pathe News. Thursday. May 22—"The Call of the Soul” William Fox production featuring Gladys Brockwell. When ever Miss Brock well appears In one of our photo productions, we feel that little need be said as to the ability of the star. She has won her way to great popularity with all. "The Cook” Two reel Fatty Ar­ buckle Comedy. "Wild Youth" At the Gem Theatre. - ■ ■ o------ A story of the age-old call of youth to youth will be found at the Gem Theatre next Tuesday. May 20, when J. Stuart Blackton Paramount photoplay, "Wild Youth” will be shown. "Wild Youth" is an adapta­ tion of Sir Gilbert Parker's famous book by that name and has been pic- turlzed and personally directed by Mr. Blackton himself. The story deals with the love of a young ranch­ er for the girl wife of a crusty old neighbor, the latter role being taken by the inimitable Theodore Roberts. The old husband la murdered and for a time the dark shadows of suspicion points to the girl wife and her young admirer but events prove that another agent brought about his end. Th- photography which Is by Paul Perry, adds greatly to the charm >f the picture and the outdoor scenes, filmed in sunny California, will be greatly appreciated.