TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAYS, 1919. MILLINER I JUST RECEIVED—SEE WINDOW SATURDAY. NEW SUMMER <1 HUNDREDS OF REMNANTS OF STAPLES—DRAPERIES—LININGS^ Etc. THE MARKED PRICE Muslin». Sheeting», Pillow Tubings, Cretonnes. Marquiesettes Scrims, Silkolinea, I ickings, Sateens, Linings, Outing» Flannels, Percales, Gingham», etc., in useful length» at Just TILLAMOOK, OREGON. HALF THE MARKED PRICE. Beginning at IO A.M. Saturday, May 10th A Phenomenal Sale of Remnants and Odds and Ends. ^HOSE who were fortumate enough to secure some of the Bargains offered in our last Sale of Remnants and Odds and Ends will welcome this opportunity for securing more wonderful values at reductions which are only a fraction of the former prices. Our Two Weeks’ Victory Thrift Campaign has left us with a tremendous lot of broken lines, short ends in piece goods, and incomplete selections in sized goods. In addition there are a number of discontinued numbers in various lines that are being closed out at startlingly low prices. The piece Goods listed below are all in the bolt and are lengths from 2 to 10 yards. Come early and participate in this feast of Remnant Bargains from every Department. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE IN LIEU OF CASH. I n * I REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF I Laces— Emb'd’a—Notions, I Apron Ginghams, 2c. Each. Pillow Cases, 10c. Each. Dress Ginghams, 19c. Yard. Spun Glass Linings, 19c. Yard. I 1 I 1 A Bargain Table of Lace Remnants, Embroidery Remnants, Ribbon Rem- nants and oadf. and ends in notions up to 25c. in value. I REMNANT SALE OF ■ I 39 inch Sateens, 19c. Yard. 1 I I I Splendid quality 39 inch wide sateens in light colors for lining purposes and for Comforts. Actual 50c. values for only 19c. yard. . I 1 REMNANT SALE OF I I Comfort Challis, 25c. Yard. I 36 inch wide Chailies in light, medium 1 and dark colors for making Comforts. 1 These are actual 35c. values for only 25c I REMNANT SALE OF Turk-Huck Towels. 19c. Each. Khaki Yarn, 19c. Skein. Linons—Lawns—Swiss. ] Fabrics, 29c. Yard. VVas/i Curtain Materials, 29c. Yard. I Useful lengths of Wash Fabrics in Curtain Nets in white and cream, Sheer and heavier weaves. White and Scrims in Arabian only and Marquis- Colors. Actual values up to 48c. only 29c. setes in values up to 45c. yard. yard. REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF Wash Fabrics, 69c. Yard. Athletic Union Suits, 75c. Each. I 1 A collection of articles of which we I have only one or two of a kind. 1 Good useful articles 1 value for only 98c. | up to $3.98 in Men’s Nainsook Athletic Union Suits in white, no sleeves and knee length. Ac­ tual 31-25 values for only 75c. per suit. REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF Odds and Ends, 98c. Each. I REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF Fine Wash Skirts, 98c. Each. , A splendid bargain in Ladies' Wash Skirts in very desirable styles, weaves and colors. Actual values to 33 50 for only 98c. each. Sport Jackets. 98c. Each. 19c. Yard. REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF Boys’ Elk Shoes, $1.75 Pair. Men’s Khaki Pants, Fine Dress Silks, $1.85 Pair. $1.93 Yard. Actual 32 65 values in these splendid 1 Yardwide Silks in plain colors and wearing Khaki Pants for Men. Sixes 32 1 fancy patterns in Taffetas. Messalines. to 42 in a Remnant Sale at $1.85 pair. 1 etc., up to 32.85 in value for only 31-93 yard. REMNANT SALE OF Ferris Waists, Actual 31-25 Cotton Ribbed Underwear for men. Sixes 32 to 46 and ecru color. Remnant price per garment 75c. REMNANT SALE OF House Dresses, 98c. Each. Displayed on one table a selection of 36.00 and 37 00 Spring Hatas in some very smart styles. Your choice for $3 98 Each. Ladies' Suits. $12.89 Each. $14.85 Each. $17.85 Each. Spring Coats and Capes for Misses and Small Women. Actual 316 00 values in such colon as Blues. Tans and Grey Mix­ tures. Blue Serges. Brown and Dark Green Cassimeres and fancy mixtures are the fabrics from which these actual 327.50 Suits are made. Sixes 34 to 42. 1 1 1 | Actual 329.00 values in splendid styles for small women only. Colon. Copenhag­ en, Navy Blue and Tweed mixtures. Balcony. 1 Men’s Work Shirts of good washing and wearing quality, striped and plain color chambrays. Actual $1.25 values. Sixes 14i/x to 17. 1 1 I I REMNANT SALE OF 1 Men’s Fine Shirts, $1.45 Each. 1 1 Men's Golf and Negligee Shirts in fancy 1 stripes and plain colors. Actual 32.25 1 values and sixes 14 to 17 for only 31.45 1 each. I I Actual 34.00 values in heavy black and With very little work these dresses can oc made iuto very pretty styles. Voiles 1 dark brown calf and Elk-hide shoes for and other materials. Values formerly to 1 work. Sizes 6 to 11. Remnant price per 37.75 for only 3198. pair only 32.65. Actual 35.00 values in good heavy quality Crepe deChine Waists, White, Flesh. Copen and Black. Remnant price each 32-89. Suits, 1 1 1 $4.85 Pair. * Men’s 1 Men’s Work Shoes, $2.65 Pair. $4.39 Each. Coats and Capes, 1 Wash Dresses, $1.98. Each. $3.98 Each. REMNANT SALE OF 1 1 $2.89 Each. REMNANT SALE OF Wash Fabrics, 49c. Yard. REMNANT SALE OF Men’s Dress Shoes,- ¥ 1 REMNANT SALE OF Spring Millinery, k ■ REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF Work Shirts, 85c. Each.' 75c. Garment. REMNANT SALE OF * 1 1 Men’s Men’s Underwear, Dress Skirts, Silk Poplin Dress Skirts in colors Rose. Copenhagen. Navy and Black. Actual 37.00 values and new models only for 34.39. White Indian Linons, 25c. Yard. REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF Spring Silk Waists, 1 1 1 1 1 Actual 75c. to 95c. values in these I Actual 65c. to 75c. values in the love- 1 famous Waists for Misses’ and growing I liest of Spring Wash Fabrics in sheer 1 1 girls. Buy them at Remnant price, 39c. I and suiting weaves, white and colors. REMNANT SALE OF . I 39c. Each. REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF REMNANT SALE OF a firm 1 27 inch wide India Linons, Fancy I 30 inch wide India Linons in Lawns and Dotted Swiss for linings and 1 evenly woven quality. Actual 35c. qual- 1 I ities in white only for 25c. yard. 1 childrens’ dresses. White only. These Jackets formerly sold for 35.00 and they are dandy garments for out­ A mixed lot of House Dresses. Various ing or sport wear. Buy that at Remnant colors, weaves and styles. Actual values to price 98c. 33.75 at the Remnant Price each 98c. REMNANT SALE OF Boys’ Elk-hide Shoes in Black and Brown. Actual $2.85 values in sines 11 to 2 at the Remnant price per pair only #1.75. Stripe, check and plaid dress ginghams 1 Actual 35c. values in Spun Glass Lin- 1 in splendid colors and patterns. Just the I ings in white, pink, light blue, grey and 1 I green. All 36 inches wide. 1 kind for Girls’ Dresses. REMNANT SALE OF Broken lot of Boys’ and Girls' white and Actual 79c. to 98c. values in Spring Cream Union Suits in actual >1.19 to Wash Fabrics in Voiles, Gabardines and $1.45 values. Buy them at Remnant other Suitings in White and colors. price 59c. I v REMNANT SALE OF White and Brown Turkish Towels and I Actual 35c. skeins of good quality and good quality Huck-aback Towels in site I good color Khaki Yarn. These are l1/, 18X36. Actual 35c. values for only 19c. I ox. skeins and are fine for sweaters. each. Boys’-Girls’ Unions 59c. Suit. 1 I 1 I 1 Actual 45c. Striped Percale Pillow Cas­ I 27 inch wide Apron Ginghams in small es in a dark blue ground. Very useful for I medium and large checks, in light blue I navy blue, black, brown and white. camping or driving. REMNANT SALE OF I 15c. Yard. 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 REMNANT SALE OF 1 Ladies' Dress Shoes, $8.65 Pair. 1 1 Actual 38 00 and 39.00 values in Men’s Actual 312.00 Dress Shoes in a variety 1 Dress Shoes. Button and lace styles. 1 of styles, colors and leathers. Mostly 1 English and medium toes. Black and 1 the famous Red Cross Shoes and Widths 1 Chocolate. $4 85 pair. 1 AA to EE. All sizes. I REMNANT SALE OF 1 Capes and Dolmans, H S. & M. Suits, I $18 95 Each. $27.65 Each. 1 REMNANT SALE OF | Actual to 331 50 Coats. Capes and Doi- 1 Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits in mans for Ladies. Blue. Taupe. Tan. 1 icot,c\ Tweeds and fancy mixtures. regular 342.50 Kings Blue, Brown and Navy. Balcony. 1 English models in values for only 327.65 Each 1 I 1 I