Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 08, 1919, Image 5

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Great Love.”
I c
Practically the same cast as “The Birth of a Nation” and “Hearts of the World.”
Q uality P ictures
They’re all fighting the War ; the man who shoulders the gun and the woman
who is transfigured by the Great Love -- the love that places country above
all else. You see the Dowager-Queen Alexandria, Lady Diana Manners, Miss
Asquith and a host of England’s “proudest,” working side by side with the most
lowly Londonites, in this picture. THEMSELVES, uot impersonators. Really
acting for the camera, not merely posing.
Adults 25c
Two complete, seven reel, shows. First show starts at 7:30; Second show about 9:20.
VO11J and
Come early
securejgood UVUVU.
Children 15c.
Tillamook Granges Supporting The a5a52S25a5252525a5a525a52S2525aSB5B5252Sa52£ia5asa52S25E52SaS25HSa525Z5a5a5US2SZ5Z52525a5E525H5a5a5BSa5a52£ia5 | The story of "The Danger Zone”
is that of a woman who overcomes
Roosevelt Highway.
The Oretown Grange and the
Cloverdale Grange have adopted the
the following resolution in support
of the Roosevelt Highway:
Whereas: on June 3rd, 1919, the
voters of the State of Oregon, will
vote on the question of bonding the
State for 12,500,000 to be matched
by the Federal Government with a
like sum, for the construction of the
proposed Roosevelt Highway, and
Whereas: said highway will in­
crease the taxable property of the
state by developing the resources of
the Coast Counties, in Dairying,
Lumbering and fishing; also as a
tourist and military road connecting
with Washington and California
road systems, and passable any sea­
son of the year.
Therefore: be it Resolved that the
Oretown Grange No. 354 and the
Cloverdale Grange No. 355 that we
heartily endorse the said "Roosevelt
Highway” measure. Vote 310 Yes,
.and hereby petition the members of
all Granges of the State to support
and vote for said measure.
Adopted this April 26th, 1919.
Oretown Grange No. 354
Cloverdale Grange No. 355.
“Battling Jane” Is Splendid Picture.
Greatest approval values at Golden’s Women’s Shop
We want every woman of Tillamook and vicinity to know the
advantages of buying here.
There is no difference between our stocks and the stocks
of Portland’s biggest stores, save the price—ours is invari­
ably lower. We buy the same goods from the same saurces,
but our rent and other expenses are lower, and we are satis­
fied with a smaller margin. Come and visit GOLDEN’S
WOMAN’S SHOP. You will be surprised at the quality and
wonderful volume of our merchandise. We offer a service
of courtesy and guarantee satisfaction in all garments.
Women’s Spring Suits from $21.95 up to $42.50, values $55.00
and $65.00.
Also coats from $14.90 up to $32.50, also Dolmans from 25.75 up
to $45.50,
We have the finest line of dress up skirts in the very
latest materials
Waists also coming from $2.50 up. This is the store that gives you
dependable merchandise at far lower prices than you pay elsewhere.
Dorothy Gish’s first Paramount
starring vehicle, "Battling Jane”
which will be shown at the Gem
Theatre next Sunday, May 11, is said
to be one of the finest photoplays is­
sued anywhere in many months.
That it affords Miss Gish a role of
wondrous appeal is conceded by all 52hs25a525a52S25aS2S25ZS2525HS252Sa52S252525a525B5a525Z52SB525aSE525Z52HS25a5252525Z525asa5H525a52525252525?
who have seen the production.
Miss Gish appears as Jane, a
nomad, who rides into a town in
The beautiful weather Sunday
Resolution of Condolence.
Maine out of nowhere on a Ijlcyclt
and sorrow.
------ o——
while a Thrift Stamp drive is under called out a number of the popula­
That this lodge drape the charter
Hall of Tillamook Lodge No. 94, I for a period of thirty days in re-
way and who meets with most un­ tion to picnic and fish for flounders.
O. O. F.
usual adventures. She befriends a The beach was grand.
memberance of our departed brother,
Whereas, at the command of an All
woman whose husband has deserted , Gcandma and grandpa Harris went
That a copy of this resolution be
her and when the woman dies, she I to Tillamook Saturday to be gone a Wise Father in whom we live and spread upon the minutes of Tilla­
takes charge of the latter’s child week on business, they have been move and have our being, the Angel mook Lodge No. 94.
which is found by Jane in the desert­ living with their son C. O. Harris, of death lies entered our fold and
That » copy be transmitted to the
ed home. This babe wins first prize since last fall. Alpha and Roy Olqcm summoned therefrom our dearly be- family of our departed brother, and
at a baby show and when the inhu­ are at the ranch during their absence llved brother Frank L. Dye, the loss that a copy be given to the local
man father returns to claim the and Leia Smith a friend of Alphas is of whom is a deep sorrow to us all. press for publication.
And whereas, this brotherhood
money, Janes gives him a real battle staying with them.
J. H. Johnson, S. A. Brodhead and
C. O. Harris returned last week deeplj mourns the passing of our John Aschim, committee.
and wins out in the end.
Miss Gish is finely supported by from a trip to Portland and Van­ brother in the pride of his manhood,
a picked company. Including George couver, Wash.,, where he went to and at the time when he wan most
Madlaine Traverse, At the Gem.
— o------
Nicholls, May Hall, Katherine Mac­ visit relatives and take a few days earnestly engaged in his labors to­
ward the fullfilment of the princi­
Madlane Travers, the new William
Donald. Ernest Marion, Bertram rest.
FrankReynolds is patching the bad ples for which our order stands.
Fox star, will be seen at the Xlem
Grasby, Raymond Cannon and Kate
And, whereas, we realize that Theatre, next Thursday, May 15, in a
places in the road with new plank
so the machines can come In with there are left to mourn their loss a story called "The Danger Zone.”
safety after the Rhododendrones family whom he dearly loved, and to Miss Travers, who came under the
whom the loss is even more deep Fox banner with her recent big suc­
which are just coming out.
E. G. Anderson, of Hemlock, has than ours, as they sustain in his cess, “The Caillaux Case” won a fine
The Sandlake country is sure com­
ing to the front, everything green sold his Sandlake place to outside death the loss of the one whom they reputation on the llgitimate stage.
had always looked to for guidance For years she toured the country
and growing, dairy cows doing fine parties.
We are glad to say the flu took no and protection.
with her father, and she had a con­
and cheese factories running full
Be it further resolved, that we ex­ spicuous part in "The Chorus Lady"
blast. All we need is good roads and death tolls from Sandlake, the Gal­
we sure will get them when the prop­ loway and Reynolds families were tend to the family and relatives of which played so long in New York
er ones find out the productiveness ;the only ones afflicted whir it and our departed brother, our deep sym­ and th?n toured the country from
pathy in this their hour of affliction coast to coast.
*»f our soil and many other resources. they have all fully recovered.
obstacles which ltave bound her for
some years. She rises into fame with
her voice, and is about fo marry a
very wealthy man when her former
sweetheart, thinking of profit by her
fame, turns up. He is cut cold, but
he places himself in a position that
is dangerous for the woman. He
threatens to tell her husband to be
who and what Bhe was. The climax is
'a powerful one.
Whooping Cough.
Give Chamberlain’s Cough remedy
to keep the cough loose and expector­
ation easy. It is excellent.—Adv.
Do You Sleep Well!
------ o------
To be at his best a man must have
sound, refreshing sleep. When wake­
ful and restless at night he is in no
condition for work or business dur­
ing the day. .Wakefulness Is often
caused by Indigestion and conatipa-
lloh, and is • quickly relieved bjf
Chamberlain's Tablets. Try a dose of
these tablets and see how much bet­
ter you feel with a clear head and
good digestion.—Adv.
Pretty Polly.
“Polly, want a cracker?”
“Why, yes,” answered Poll as she
plumed her plumage and neatly
brushed out her cage with her port­
side wing. "Now that the war Is won
and the necessity for food conserva-
«rtalg de­
gree, I feel that I may indulge Tn my
favorite jlsh gltfrout serious damage
to my eonldence."
j^nd the wealthy munitions worker
who overheard the remark bought her
on the spot for *1,000 cash, saying
that she should be surrounded with
luxuries for the rest of her days, yea
though she lived to be as old as the
mother-in-law joke.
Note—Gentle readers who look for
• moral to this particular piece of
patriotic persiflage will please try to
bear up under the disappointment.
There ain’t none.—Indianapolis Star.
Matter of Patches.
------ o------
Hundreds of Tillamook Readers Find
Daily Toil a Burden.
The hustle and worry of business
The hard work and stooping of
The woman’s household cares.
Often weaken the kidneys.
Backache, headache, dizziness,
Kidney troubles, urinary troubles—
frequently follow.
Read the following and learn the
way to find relief. ’
E. E. Switzer, 401 N. Meridian Sa.,
Newberg, Ore., says: "The nature of
order and stop the misery in my back,
which also gets my kidneys out of
fix. I find that Doan’s Kidney Pills
put my kidneys in good working
order and stop the misery in my back
I couldn’t recommend a beter medi­
cine for backache and kidney trou­
Price 60c„ at all dealers. Don’t
Rhnply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Loan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mr. Switzer had. Foster-Milburn Co..
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd Adv,
For Cold*, Catarrh or
Do you feel weak and unequal to the
work ahead of you? Do you still cough
a little, or does your none bother you?
Are you pale? Is your blood thin and
watery? Better put your body into
shape. Build strong!
An old, reliable blood-maker and
herbal tonic made from wild roots and
barks, is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical
Discovery. This “nature remedy’’ comes
in tablet or liquid form. It will build up
your body, cure your cold, and protect
you from disease germs which lurk every­
where. One of the active ingredients of
this temperance alterative and tonic is
wild cherry bark with stillingia, which is
so good for the lungs and for coughs;
also Oregon grape root, blood root,
stone root, Queen’s root, — *11 skilfully
combined in the Medical Discovery.
These roots have a direct action on the
stomach, improving digestion and assimi­
lation. These herbal extract« in the
“Discovery” aid in blood-making, and
are best for scrofula. By improving tha
blood they aid in throwing off an attack
of influenza.
Catarrh should be treated, first, as a
blood disease, with this alterative. Then,
in addition, the nose should be washed
daily with Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy.
8even-yesr-old James and his moth­
er were visiting the latter's spinster
aunts. As was their custom these
maiden ladles showed their visitors
their vast supply^of home-pieced
quilts. "This IsJffe first four-patch
Jane ever nume,” announced one
proudly, delaying a quilt whose
blocks were made up of four square
"And this Is Mary’s nine-patch,” ex­
plained Jane. “She made It when she
was only seven years old."
The third quilt was an embroidered
silk one, made of myriads of tiny Ir­
regular pieces—the gifts of friends
and the remnants from ancient wed­
ding and reception clothes. Jam°a
Send 10c for trial pkg. of Medical Dis­
stared at It a few minutes and then
be turned to bls mother. “Is this one covery Tablet« or Catarrh Tablet« to Dr.
Pierce. Invalid«’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
an all-patch?” be asked.