TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MAY 3. 1919 50.00 , John Morgan .. 250.00 E. Smith Estate 50.00 Schrader I 3000.00 , TILLAMOOK COUNTY OVER THE Zoe G. Waldvogel ... iniproved upon by having the stu­ 200.00 W'alter B. Aiderman 400.00 as much interested in the Roosevelt I dents >f the school of journalism J. B. Grider ... TOP IN VICTORY LOAN 50.00 50.00 Melba L. White .... Highway as the Coast Counties, there ■ Winnie Epplett . 50.00 50.00 Kenneth White ..... present. Lelia Doty ........ would be no doubt that the measure 50.00 100.00 Mrs. L. E. Partridge The Victory Liberty loan campaign Norman Christensen Fred C. Baker, Editor. would carry in June. But they should 50.00 100.00 Helene Epplett ......... closes on May 10th, 1919. and Tllla- will put J. B Kennedy .......... The Roosevelt Highway 200.00 be. The coast counntes have paid 100.00 A. A. Pennington .. • monk County, true to its past achiev ­ Arthur A. Raney .. _ new pep new »... life, new __ enterprise. 100.00 100.00 Mrs. Jeff Harris per year $2.00 their state taxes like other counties, aww SUBSCRIPTION new energy, new effort and new de- ements during the war, has again A. T. Dolan ... 100.00 50.00 Jeff Harris . and have done so cheerfully, espec ­ R. S. Hull .......... proved its patriotism under the —--------- 50.00 50.00 E. M. Condit . ially when it came to help improve­ termiation into the people living in severe strain of the fifth government Frances M. Wiley 50.00 50.00 G. A. Martin . Advertising Rates. ments in other counties. Now an op­ the coast couties. and will open up loan by a large over-subscription Henry Diehl ... 50.00 100.00 Maude M. Skidmore Display Advts. per inch........... 20c. portunity presents itself whereby and develop a vast stretch of country A. H. Harris . 200.00 300.00 R. N. Henkle . early in the drive. It Is estimated J. Merrel Smifh half page li'/jc. the Coast counties ask for some small that the people of Oregon know but 50.00 50.00 John A. Smith that the over-subscription is at least Lucy E. Harns 100.00 50.00 Ray Larson .. full page 15c. recognition and for the other coun­ little about, and will bring into ex­ Edw. F. Schultz istence a splendid scenic highway I *10,000.00. 50.00 200.00 Frank McClenny ... per line 7c. ties to reciprocate. That is only play­ that will surprise the people of Ore­ | Tillamook County is proud of her B. W. Neilson........ Locals 200.00 K. Case .... ing fair, especially as the Roosevelt Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Foland... 100.00 A. I loyal citizens, those who bought 50.00 Readers, with reading matter 50.00 Geo. Hanslmier Highway will be used more by the gon as well as the people of the Unit­ C. E. Walker........................... 100.00 50.00 G. D. Cookson per line................................... 7c. people living in the counties not .on ed States. It is in the rough now . but | bonds, or those who might have Vital Vogt ............................. 100.00 I bought bonds if they were in a fi­ 50.00 Ella Plank ... Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. the coast. Probably few persons with skilled engineers and experienc­ nancial position to do so. To all Elmer E. Snook....................... 50.00 50.00 Etna Daniel . ed road builders, it is our honest Heloise Bennett ....................... realize what a large percentage of 5c. 100.00 50.00 Alex Cigar Store Resolutions.................. per line ' others be it said in shame, that sixty Elmer D. Hall........................... prediction Oregon will have the most loo.oo people living in Multnomah county, 50.00 Merrel Smith .... have died Alva Finley ............................. and picturesque, high- \h;usand American 50.00 as well as the Willamette Valley. I magnificat 50.00 Mrs. L. E. Partridge way in the world. That is one reason | vain and tbe cal) of An.erica has Robt. Guy Grames ................. 500.00 H. O. and C. M. Dawson .... . .250.00 will use the Roosevelt Highway for Jay Baker ................................. 50.00 unangwered 50.00 N. E. Melchoir.......................... pleasure when it is completed. Every why everybody in Oregon should be D. D. West ............................. 50.00 ------ o 50.00 Mildred Finney ........................ a booster for the Roosevelt High- i The following is a contlued and body who owns an automobile in Fred Josi ................................. the 50.00 A. Woods ........................ If we do not miss our guess, the Portland, the Willamette Valley, way.—The West. Florence. Ore. 1 partial list of subscribers to Albert F. Smith....................... 100.00 W. P. W. Todd................................ 200.00 German delegation to the peace con- Eastern and Southern Oregon will One argument in favor of the Victory loan. Ulrich Wyss ............................. 100.00 J. Munro Wilson ................. 100.00 50.00 ference will show a most arrogant make several trips every summer Roosevelt Highway that cannot be i John M. Furrer ..................... Tillamook County Bank 50.00 50.00 Dr. O. L. Hohlfejd................. .. 'riiinnitMik Water Com 2500.00 Charley V. Hopkins............... disposition, and with Italy with- over it. which will give some idea of emphasized too strongly. Is the fact Tillamook Com. .......... . . C. A. & Grace E7 Johnson... 100.00 50.00 100.00 Oly Womer ............................. drawn, the Germans may consider it the benefit and pleasure it will be to that it will not make taxes any I A. G. Beals................. 50.00 J. B. Grider ............................ 100.00 50.00 James P. Fitzpatrick ........... 100.00 good policy not to sign the peace the people of Oregon, to say nothing higher for the average property own­ G. W. Wallace Sr. ... 50.00 Mary F. Cross......................... Andrew Vetsch ....................... 50.00 50.00 treaty if they cannot obtain conses- of the tourist travel from Washing­ er. The whole cost of the state’s Vai Fisher Sr.............. 100.00 Berthe Sandoz ....................... Arthur L. Thomas ................... 50.00 I Hugh V. Welch........................ 100.00 50.00 sions. share of building the road will be I Vai Fisher. Jr ............ Anthony Berns ....................... ton California and other states. We 50.00 Karl Kummerle ..................... 100.00 I* Marg. Balmer............................ 500.00 ------ o------ simply bring out these facts to dis- I paid iron: automobile'licenses and it 1 Roy O. Graves......... 50.00 50.00 Leo B. Sanders ..................... 150.00 I R. M. Savage ........................ It is the Intention of the Roosevelt prove of the foolish idea that the will not cost persons a cent who do I Carl W. Curl........... 50.00 i Talmage Claussen & Mannix 500.00 50.00 Wm. Stuivenga ....................... Highway Association to make a Rosevelt Highway . is solely for the not own a car. The automobile own­ le. L. Wooley........... 50.00 50.00 i H. Sander .................................. 50.00 Henry A. Springer................. whirl-wind campaign the next few ers are all willing to to pay these i W. P. Woldron......... 50.00 1 L. V. Everhart ............. .......... 100.00 , benefit of the coast counties. i Theadore Liisberg ................... 50.00 weeks, for it is surprising to find so licenses, if the money raised in this ’ Mrs. Lee I.yster .... 50.00 1 Ben Jacob.................................. 100.00 50.00 i Joe Rosech ............................. 150.00 Mrs. Eugene Jenkens............. 50.00 many persons who know little or There Is a gentleman in Eugene. 1 way is carefully expended in im­ Lee Lyster............... A. C. Vogler ........................... 50.00 ' J Conover and Condit............... 250.00 i Olise M. Liisberg............. - ... 100.00 nothing about the Roosevelt High­ a government official in the forest proving the public thoroughfares, J. W. Anderson . . • • 100.00 i ¡ C. Hilding Anderson ........... 100.00 i Ï. M. Smith .............................. 300.00 way measure. In the Willamette Val­ reserve service, who is opposed to the j We can see no good reason why Ore- Ore­ Roy Blanchard......... (continued next week) 50.00 ¡ Star Grocery Co....................... 250.00 1 ley there is a spirit of Indifference Roosevelt Highway, gon should not have a good system of A. Shultson ............. making the 100.00 : Till. Water Com..................... 2500.00 and apathy which must be overcome. statement that the $5,000,000 is not through roads, built from the State Edward G. Anderson 50.00 Ordinance No. 377. 50.00 ] Elmer L. Hopkins ............... Success dtpends upon whether suffi­ sufficient to build the bridges and funds and crossing the state from Lars Snorsvold......... 50.00 John Barney Schafer ............... ------ o------ 500.00 . cient interest can be aroused between thaj the coast is far better protected north to south and from east to west, D. Fitzpatrick.......... 50.00 200.00 Ernest E. Schultson............... An ordinance to prevent Cattle and now and June 3rd to get the voters without military roads than with wherever they are needed. This plan, E. J. Gienger.......... 50.00 Magnus R. Wooley ............... 100.00 John C. Stults ....................... to the polls whether the measure will them. We must pay our respects to , if carried out. will leave the counties Wilbur Stillwell ... 50.00 horses being on sidewalks or parking ! 100.00 : Waiter J. Wilson..................... 50.00 strips and declaring an emergency. be carried or not. It is by no means this gentleman who, first has no and communities free to raise taxes James Stasek........... 50.00 500.00 , J. W. B. Edwards..................... assured that it will carry at the right whatever to butt into local af­ to improve the local roads which Henry A. Ely........... The people of Tillamook City do 50.00 200.00 Archie B. Davidson ............. present time, hence the need of an fairs. and is not even a taxpayer of connect the different communities Mary Munson ........ ordain as follows: 100.00 Peter Amacher ....................... 100.00 aggressive campaign in the Southern Eugene, but has a few lots at Oak­ with the state highways; these cross . Jos. Emmenegger .. 50.00 Section 1:—It shall be unlawful 100.00 Russel B. Miles ..................... Oregon and Willamette Valley. 50.00 ridge which are assessed at *360 up­ roads or county roads would be built ,E. E. Koch............... Carl G. Heisel........................... 100.00 ------ o---- - 50.00 for any person to suffer or permit Erank S. Yorks....................... on which he pays *7.81 taxes annu­ from the funds raised by a tax on all I Mrs. Olive Travis . .. 200.00 Charley K. Baker ................. 400.00 any cattle, or horses owned by him It is somewhat amusing. The Irish ally. But it seems that he is do­ the property in the county.—The Erwin Harrison .. . 100.00 agitators in the United States are ing considerable knocking around West, Florence, Oregon. J. H. Holgate ......................... 250.00 or under his control to be or remain Zella M. Harrison . . 50.00 Orvilla Holgate ....................... 250.00 on any sidewalk, or on any park against the league of nations, Ire- Eugene, and when the Roosevelt James Harrison .... 50.00 John Jenck ................................ 100.00 strip adjoining any paved street, in lend is not recognized. President Highway was taken up by the Eu­ Burleson says Mabel Harrison .... X Postmaster UOIU1MUV«. General __ _ 50.00 Tillamook City, and the owner of Wilson, no doubt, kept in mind that gene Chamber of Commerce he was riiai 500.00 Alvis Weber.............................. ti.c newspaper and Emma Harrison . . . that the u..d magazine - - " 50.00 any such animal shall at all times be Austin .................... 50.00 Elva the Irish in Ireland revolted when it the only person who opposed it. publishers are camping on his trail L. Hiner................... 50.00 Evelyn D. Hoag ..................... responsible as for a violation of this came to drafting them for the army Eugene would be the same one-horse and 100. Oti 100.00 _uu seeking to discredit ‘ -”t him. Very Frank Pohl ............. Paul Fitzpatrick ..................... in that country, and also were in town it was a few years ago when it •veil, accepting that is an explana- George Scharff .... 50.00 King Crenshaw Hdw. Co. ... 1000.00 ordinance if such cattle shall be on 50.00 any sidewalk or strip at any time. league with Germany, while millions had mud holes for roads, plank Mde-j 400.00 Miss M. Patterson ... while> by tbe way, Frank C. McGuire .. 100.00 of men in the United States either walks, a sorry looking depot, ] P°or nobody is particularly 50.00 Frank Blaser ............. Section 2—Any person convicted of interested • —.-a in Tony Maris ............. 100.00 a violation of this ordinance shall be volunteered their services or were looking business houses, bum hotel Motives I, what has Mr. Burleson to Sam Yukish............. 50.00 Albert Schlappi .... 50.00 -fi Marolf........... drafted. There's the difference be­ accommodations, and a two by four gay 100.00 Arthur say about the changes involving the Henry Jordan ......... 50.00 i punished by a fine of not more than . Chas. H. Goyne......... tween the two countries. It is just as sjreet car drawn by a mule and !* uvuuuvt ond““t of his office—something Gus Bess ................. 50.00 Frank Buell ............... 50.00 i ten dollars and in default of pay- well to admit it. The Irish and Ire­ traveled at a dog trot gait, which we 1 the 50.00 1 ment theieof shall be imprisoned in 50.00 Florence Buell........... . ___ people are interested in? They Fren Van Horn ... 50.00 1 the City Jail one day for each two land were "slackers" and did what have hud the honor and pleasure of (h‘“ ae*n the service steadily dotfir- 100.00 Geo. Tone ................... deter- Gust Anderson .... 50.00 dollars of such fine. they could to defeat the allied armies riding in. if some of the old moss iorate in spite of - mounting cost, S. H. Rock............. 50.00 Mrs. Lena Pelz........... 50.00 anil the Irish agitators In the United backs had had their way. We take aelegraph and telephone service has Ole Berg................. 500.00 Joe Enzler................... Section 3—The present ordinances 50.00 i Nicholas Pelz ......... States who are continually appeal- issue with C. R. Seitz in regard to lapsed into a disorganized condi­ C. S. Wells............. 100.00 Godfried 50.00 i not being sufficient to cover the Fassbind .. to the people of this country for the statement that the *5,000,000 is tion, and in spite of promises that J. Z. .Riggs............. 50.00 G. C. Vaughn ......... 800.00 1 fore-going matters and cows being money to help the Irish cause- and not sufficient to build the bridges, government operation would I mean 50.00 Fred Bohmer............. 100.00 1 permitted to be on sidewalks and mean Matthew Weber . . to feather their own nests—should for if he is so foolish to run away economy radical advances 50.00 1 park strips and thereby endangering 100.00 Lester C. Daniels .... ’-------- of rates "— Frank C. McGuire . be told that they are trying to raise | with the false notion that It would have 50.00 I the public health, an emergency Is 100.00 Daniel Darby ............ nave been uvvii made without employes „..R John J. Weber ... 50.00 money fot "Slacker" Irishmen in be better to allow an enemy to land U1 50.00 Geo. A. Perkins........ of inr, the companies Antone Szewczak . . _ reefiving any su Arthur Holden ........ 50.00 I declared to exist and this ordinance Ireland, who are identically in the and concentrate an army < on he Htantial increase in pay. The collapse Jtfllus Erickson . . 50.00 Joseph Biser ............ 50.00 ) shall be in full force upon its appro­ same class as “slackers” and pro- <>»...., the soldiers 50.00 J. G. Kennedy............ soldiers 1 A. J. Amlerson . . . coast than to biuld roads so thjit the i°I the lnail service to the 100.00 val by the Mayor. Germans In the United States. 50.00 Mrs. Marion Hopkins uppea^'t'o ‘be"poo; logic into and the mighty 100.00 enemy could be driven sea, l?Ver18eai’ W"‘ "Ot T" be f')rgotten’ C. A. Anderson .. . Approved, -- o------ 100.00 W. L. Campbell ..., 100.00 ------------- a _ __. I, . * for it conies very close to the hearts F. I. Johnson......... R. T. Goals, Mayor. It is to be hoped that the revised poor argument, especially as the mil- ■ of _ mothers F. B. Hyder ............. 150.00 home- T. W. Lyster......... 100.00 ________ and fathers of —r the —— lntJara covenant of the league of nations lltary authorities have recommended .nicrv 50.00 H|ck boy8 fan to receive letters R. C. Neilson......... i/vju wbo .. ---- will satisfy the United States Con­ 'a military road through the coast [committed 50.00 to -- Mr. — Burleson I •----- ’s depart- O. H. Johnson .... gress. but it is safe to say that there counties for military purposes. No 'monf I aie'nt7 All 50.00 ah of these things are proper R. Kroscli............... are some points in the covenant that one pretends to argue that the »5,- f suujwxo 50.00 ----- * and the B. E. Turner......... subjects for explanation. will be considered objectionable. 000,000 will be sufficient to engl- claim by the postmaster 50.00 ------ general that H. B. Johnson .... This is sure to lead to considerable | neer, grade, hard surface and build he Is the victim of a newspaper con- Carrie B. Marolf .. 50.00 discussion amongst those who are op­ the bridges, but as the federal gov- |splracy does not explain them.—In­ A. G. Crimmins . . . 50.00 posed to the United States' old world 50.00 Bertha Crimmins . ------ o------ dependent. quarrels and bickerings, but it must ernment passed a bill appropriating 50.00 Geo. W. Crimmins be admitted that the revised cove­ ■*200,000,000 for roads previous to 50.00 The crises in affairs of Portland’s Mattie Crimmins . . nant Is greatly Improved, and goes the adjournment of congress, with anti-work army was reached at 6:30 Nickolas Horras . . 50.00 to prove that President Wilson was other road legislation previous pro­ I o'clock lest night, when the whole Fred Wyss............. 100.00 wrong when he became peeved be­ viding money for roads, it appears to I outfit, afterarlde of 120 miles on a 0. W.Olson ........... 50.00 fore he left for France on account of us that Oregon should be using every stolen train was captured by two W. H. Goyne ......... 400.00 the criticism the first copy of the effort to obtain some of the money troops ot United States cavalry at Ar­ Alfred Cerren .... 100.00 covenant received in the United thus appropriated, otherwise other lington and quickly turned oack to R. R. Johnson .... 50.00 States. There I h some doubt in our states will get it and Oregon will get this city under military escort,.—Ore­ Anton Weiss .... 50.00 mind whether the labor question it where the chicken got the axe. We gonian, April 20, 1894. 50.00 James Brandes . . . should be incorporated in the cove­ want to say that the *5,000.000 will 100.00 The Coxey army marched from A. T. McShane .. . Dr. A. E. Maltern, optician, formerly of L. C. Henricksons, nant. One important amendment Is make a good start anyway, and that Portland toTroutdale, 100.00 where it E. L. Worthington that the United States can withdraw the government will appropriate a campedfoi several days, some of K. Zweifel ............. 100.00 368 Washington St., Portland will be at the Tillamook Hotel from the league should It desire to much larger amount of money to whom had left good positions to T. Leverlch ........... 50.00 two days longer than usual including Friday and Saturday, do so. to prevent it from mixing and complete the road. Tillamook county join it. The editor was present when A. Brown............. 50.00 getting tied up with some of the had two bar Improvement projects, ¡a train, with the officials of the O. R. Lyster ............... May 9 and 10, with a complete line of Optical supplies in­ 50.00 quarrelsome countries of Europe and on a 50-50 basis, and the government ' R. & N. on board reached there C. Proctor ............. 50.00 cluding a quantity of Auto Drivers glasses. the Balkans. It is, however, exceed­ did not stop until the projects were front the east, which had two pas- B. J. Stephens . . . 50.00 ingly Important that the manufac­ completed, so It will be with the ¡senger cars. The engine was detach- A. G. Beals........... 100.00 All work guaranteed, and remember we have a permanent ture of aims, munitions, war ships, military highway. There is another ---------- 50.00 " — |ed and went t0 tbe water tank for V. 8. Brown ......... address in Portland. and confining armies and navies to thing that should not be overlooked, a supply of water, and while this Alice M. Phillips . 100.00 * small proportions will not only take and that Is the state highway can Iwas being done the Coxeyltes sud­ C. A. Lyster......... 50.00 away the Incentive to go to war, for co-operate with the federal govern­ denly became excited and rushed to Chas Desmond ... DON’T NEGLECT YOUR EYESIGHT 50.00 If the European countries keep large ment and make their system of high­ the engine, where it was seized a d J. Zurflueh, Jr....................... 50.00 DO IT NOW. standing armies and navies, they are way to conform to the Roosevelt attached to a number of freight .‘.1 x Walker ........................ 50.00 sure to go bankrupt with the enor­ highwsy. for the State Highway cars which were side tracked. The 50.00 W. Robitsch ................... mous amount of debt they are con- Commission will build considerable Coxeyltes Immediately boarded the 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Noyes. . 100.00 fronted with on account of the war. roads along tbe coast which will be the cars and the train pulled out for Gertrude M. Laing............. 50.00 o------ 50.00 the East. From the time that the Alex McNair ........................ used for the Roosevelt Highway. What a consternation It must have 50.00 railroad official's train arrived un­ Henry Plasker ...................... ------ o------ caused In Germany when It became The Willamette Editorial Asso­ til the Coxeyltes pulled out occupied Wesley Raney ...................... 300.00 known that the allies had decided to ciation, were the guests of the Eu­ but a few minutes. Next morning. H. T. Botts .......................... 200.00 try the ex-Kaiser and those respon- gens Chamber of Commerce and th* * about five 50.00 ___ o’clock, the train came G. H. Watd .......................... ible for the war and who violated University of Oregon, when a sue- I back on its way to Portland, the en­ E. H. Porter ........................ 50.00 Internal tonal law. There are a whole cessful business conference was held. gineer tooting the engine’s whistle F. E. Dodge.......................... 200.00 1 lot of cold blooded murders In Ger- The editors thoroughly enjoyed the ,and the Coxey army prisoners in the M. L. Currey ........................ 100.00 ! many who should be shot, and hospitality of the Eugene people, but I .freight 50.00 Altnedt McNair .................... 1 cars. should this be decided upon a whole­ what interested them most was the B. C. Daniels........................... , 50.00 some effect of preventing wars in the school of journalism at the univer­ ------ o------ E. G. Lantz.......................... 100.00 future. No mercy and no compassion sity, where there are a large num­ 50.00 S. G. Thayer ........................ Two Pure Bred Bulls For Sale. should be given those who were ber of bright, pleasant, intelligent ------ o------ W. J. Stephens..................... 200.00 responsible for plunging the world young men and women who are fit­ 50.00 I have two bull calves for sale. One C. M. Vidito ........................ into war and the atrocities perpe­ ting themselves to the newspaper of these is a 2 months calf out of R. Edwards . . . ................. 50.00 SAVES LITTLE CHICKS and trated upon women, children and ( profession. It was a great pleasure to Canary 50.00 ......... .. Fobes May De Koi, No. F. L. Berkey ........................ helps them to grow into big. strong, healthy bird«. prisoners of war, Germany, it is us to sc? the progress that Is being 330077. the 1st champion and grand C. F. Pankow ...................... 100.00 often said. Is wanting a just peace, ’ made, with a fairly equipped print­ champion of the Holstelrf breed at , Ira G. Lance........................ 100.00 * A el—n, whnlaserna, natural foo d no dust—no waste. and to obtain that the ex-Kaiser. the ing office. This was a valuable ad­ the last Tillamook County Fair in D. M. Oliver.......................... . 100.00 Kesps the clucks healthy end makes them grow fast. war lords and junkers who grew rich dition to school of journalism, for it 1917; his sire is the Juck Rupp bull I W. H. Banke ........................ 50.00 J^*Lee(/er ser Now and 7iwd> Manfe enEoery Origins/ P s r taf i manufacturing munitions of war. is highly Important (hat the students Hollywood Spring Brook Artis. No. Bat O'Hara .......................... 50.00 ¡¿(owry should pay the penalty of death. As should know something about the 1467 96. Both the sire and dam show 50.00 tn those who were responsible for the merhanlcal side of the business, and wonderful producing records of pro- lN pboI>ard 50.00 ruthless destruction of un-armed a large amount of money can be sav­ duction and show typ»s of the breed. | Chester Johnson . . . 50.00 »Of “Diamond Quality" Poultry Supplies, listing vessels and the loss of life, even of ed in operating a country newspaper If you want something worth while Fannie Smith .... 50.00 •veiythingnsc—ry for the profitable production of poultry this women mid children they should be If one Is familiar with the printing let us sh< w you records behind this I Mrs. J. S Lamar .. 50.00 mailed free an request. Ask for Catalog No. taken to sea on a submarine and left business. The newspaper men made a big. beautiful calf. . 100.00 P. B. C. Ltlcas .... uii the deck while the submarine wise move when they decided to have 50.00 Rollie W. Watson. Mrs. Albert Byers . n 6 R T L A NJÖ dived Germany needs that kind of a a conference every year at the 50.00 Albert B>ers......... ------ o b- son. "or they appear Just i.a arrv- school of journalism. They are In a . 100.00 N. A. Hodgden ... r ür r rx r HTx Poultry Card of Thanks. . 50.00 gnnt todny as they did when the position to give the young students E. W. Stanley .. . Eoa . 100.00 whole < f Germany shouted with joy valuable advice and when these con­ Connie Dye ......... We wilt hto express our thanks to when war was declared, with the ob­ ferences are held every student who FIRST NATIONAL BANK ject of prosecuting a swift war and Is taking the courses In journalism the many friends who so kindly as­ (• continued list) ainlr.g • big indemnity. 100.00 should b« expected to attend. The sisted us during our bereavement. Sherman W. Conover .. Mr. Frank Kutcher and family. I Ira C. Smith 50.00 meeting recently was somewhat con­ Mrs. J. Stasek and family. fined to uewspaper men. and can be |- all the countie« In Oregon were Œillunwok SfaòLight. ~•-- Editorial Snap Shots a I EYES TESTED FREE ! Friday and Saturday by a Compe tent Optician in Tillamook g Diamond CHICK FOOD OUR 1919 CATALOGUE