Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 08, 1919, Image 3

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All persons concerned are hereby
Notice of Intention to Improve Street
notified that said (esolution was duly
In Tillamook City, Oregon
adopted on the date aforesaid; that
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the first publication of this notice is
all whom it may concern, that the May 8th, 1919. and that objections
Common Council of Tillamook City, and remonstrances to the proposed
Oregon, deeming it expedient to im­
erhaps you wish to do business
prove the street hreinafter described, improvement may be filed with the
did, on the 5th day of May, 1919, undersigned City Recorder within
with a bank whose activities are gov­
adopt a resolution for said improve­ 20 days from said date.
erned by a spirit of community service
ment, which said resolution is in words
Done by order of the Common
—an institution prepared by matured
and figures as follows, to-wit:
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon.
Resolution and Notice of Intention to
thought, on close-at-hand knowledge, to 1 jc
Dated this May 5th, 1919.
Improve a Certain Street In Tillamook
Frances B. Stranahan.
much more to a customer than merely the
City, Oregon
BE IT RESOLVED that the Com­ City Recorder of Tillamook City Ore.
custodian of-money and securities.
mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­
If this should bo the caae, then the interest we
gon, deems is expedient and hereby Notice of Executor’s Final Account,
take in the success of our customers will
declares its intention to improve the
interest you.
following street in said city, to-wit:
Notice Is hereby given that the un­
Our membership in the Federal Reserve System
tending from the West side of Still­ dersigned executor of the estate of
completes our equipment to serve broadly and safely
well Avenue to the Western boundary John C. Sander, deceased, has filed
the proper requirements of every interest and indi­
of Tilamook City, by establishing the in the county court his final account
vidual in this section.
grade of said street; by grading the and that the said court has fixed Sat­
We will welcome your account regardless of its
same to proper sub-grade; by rolling urday, the 31st day of May, 1919, at
the roadway thereof; by laying there­ 110 a.m. as the time and th.e office of
on a concrete roadway 24 feet in width j the County Judge, of Tillamook
Tillamook County Bank
and six inches in thickness; by build­ ■ County, Oregon as the place for hear­
ing curbs, catch basins and laying
Tillamook, Oregon
drain pipes, together with inlets and ing of said account. All persons are
constructing laterals for sewer con­ hereby required to appear at said
nections, and making provisions for time and place and show cause, if
the necessary surface drainage of said aqy there be, why the said final ac­
street with all the appurtenances count should*not be allowed and the
thereto, and by laying and construct­ i executor discharged.
ing concrete headers.
Dated this April 28, 1919.
All of said improvements to be
Herman Sander, Execu­
made in accordance with the charter, |
tor of the estate of John
resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­
C. Sander, deceased.
mook City and in_accordance with the
plans and specifications, and esti­
Johnson & Handley Attorneys.
mates of work therefore made and
prepared by the City Engineer of
Notice to Creditors.
Tillamook City, Oregon, filed in the
office of the City Recorder of said
Tillamook City. All of said improve­ Notice Is hereby given that the un-
ments to be made at the expense of dersigndd has been appointed Ex-
the property, and all thereof, adjac­ ecutrix of the last will and testa­
ent thereto and specially benefitted ment of C. W. Hogen, deceased, by
by said improvements within the the County Court of Tillamook
limits of the dictrict established and
County, Oregon. All persons having
defiined by this resolution.
Be it further resolved, that the
__ , I claims against the estate are hereby
plans, specifications and estimates required to present the same ) to the
fnr the
tho proposed
nrono. oA improvements
.. so undersigned
, ,__ . . for allowance
______ at . the of­
made and prepared by the City En­ fice of H. T. Botts, attorney at law,
gineer as aforesaid, the estimate of
tue probable total cost thereof being Tillamook, Oregon, within six months
■the sum ot 318,406.97,
be and the from date of this notice.
Dated March 27th, 1919.
same are hereby approved.
Elizabeth Hogen,
That the boundaries of the assess­
ment district to be benefltted by
said improvements and
therefore are hereby established as
Notice of Final Account.
------ o------
_ ___
| Beginning at a point on
the _____
west i Notice Is hereby given, that the
For disenfecting where Contagious or
side of Stillwell Avenue in Tillamook ; undersigned has filed in the County
infectious diseases are prevailing.
City, Oregon, 105 feet North of the Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
North side of Third Street, and run­ his final account as administrator
ning thence West parallel with the of the estate of Willis B. Powell, de­
line of Third Street to the ceased, and that said Court has fixed
ful Germicidal mixture and by its'use
West boundary of Tillamook City; Monday, May 5th, 1919, at the hour
will improve general stable conditions
thence South along the West boun­ of 10 o’clock a.m., at the County
dary of Ullamook City to a point 105 I Court room at the Court House in
feet South of the South line of Third TJllamook City, Oregon, as the time
Street in Tillamook City; .thence 1 . and place for hearing objections to
East parallel with the South line of said final account and the settle­
Third Street to a point in the West ment thereof.
Dated this April 3rd, 1919.
side of Stillwell Avenue 105 feet
H. T. Botts Administrator.
South of the South line of Third
Street, and thence North along "the
SlS2SSSiSBSiSiSiSiSiSZSSS2S3SBS2SSS2SSSlS& West side of Stillwell Avenue to the
Administrator’s Notice to Creditors.
place of beginning.
( That said assessment district shall
Notice 1 b hereby given, that the
be and is hereby designated as Local undersigned has been appointed ad­
Improvement District No. 10, and the ministrator of the Estate of F. P.
property, and all thereof included Klelm, late of Tillamook County,
within said District, is described as Oregon, by an order of the County
Court for said County, and has
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 1;
qualified as such. Notice is further
Lots 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, given that all persons having claims
13, and 14, in Block 2;
against the said estate must present
I Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 3.
the same to the undersigned, or to
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4. in Block 4.
his attorneys, Johnson & Handley,
I All in Maple Grove Addition to at Tillamook, Oregon, together with
Tillamook City;
proper vouchers, duly verified, with­
Lots 5. 3. 7, and 8 in Block 4;
in six months from and after this
I Lots 5, «, 7, and 8 in Block 5;
' Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 6.
Dated March 31, 1919.
Lots 1, 2, 3. and 4 in Block 7.
Otto Klelm,
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 8.
Administrator of the
I Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 3.
Estate of F. P.
• Lots 5, 3, 7, and 8, Block 10.
Klelm, deceased.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
i Lots 5. 3, 7, and 8 in Block 11.
All in Stillwell's Addition to Tilla-
.Notice of Sale.
mook, or Tillamook City.
------ o------
| Tract beginning at the intersection
Sealed bids will be received by the
(0f the West side of Stillwell Avenue
with the North line of Third Street, United States Shipping Board Emer­
and running thence North 105 feet; gency Fleet Corporation, Room 534
thence West 125 feet; thence South Northwestern Bank Building, Port­
to North line of Third Street; thence land, Oregon, until two o’clock p.m.
¡Wednesday, April thirteenth, Nine-
East to place of beginning.
Tract beginning at the Intersection ’ teen hundred nlnteen, for the follow­
of the West side of Stillwell Avenue ing materials located at Tillamook,
with South line of Third Street, and Oregon.
Approximately 250,000 ft. B. M.
running thence South 105 feet;
thence Wer.t 210 feet; thence North lumber, at railroad dock, Tillamook,
105 feet; thence East to point of be­ Oregon.
Approximately 50,000 ft. B. M.
i Tract beginning at the intersection lumber, al Feeney & Bremer ship­
Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd.Ave. West, Tillamoik Or.
of the West side of Seventh Avenue yard, Tillamook, Oregon.
Approximately 45,000 ft. B. M.
■ West with the North line of Third
Street; and running thence North lumber, in boom at Feeney & Bremer
'105 feet; thence West to the West shipyard, Tillamook, Ore.
boundary of Tillamook City; thence ■ One carload foundry coke.
____ I One car load foundry sand.
South to the South line of Third
Street; thence East to the place of j Five tons cast iron scrap, at Feen­
ey & Bremer Foundry, Tillamook,
Tract beginning at a point 60 feet Ore.
West of the Northwest corner of ' Specifications of lumber can be
Block 9, of Stillwell's Addition to had by applying to A. W. Morris,,
the Town of Tillamook (now Tilla­ resident auditor, Tillamook, Ore.
No proposals will be considered un­
mook City), and running
West to the West boundary of Tilla­ less accompanied by certified check,
mook City; thence South 105 feet; payable to the order of the United
thence East to a point due South of States Shipping Board Emergency
the place of beginning; thence North Fleet Corporation, in the amount of
,Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00)
the place of beginning.
•'Go ahead and good tobacco taste
Be it further resolved, that the Dollars. The checks of the unsuccess­
City Recorder, be and she is hereby ful blddefs will be returned to them
chew your sweet, stays with it."
tssto, »«toller shew,
instructed to cause this resolution 'promptly. Terms of payment are cash
, if you Good
longer life .«whet make, Gen­
and notice to be published for three on delivery of material. Material
ut there uine Gravely coat lee» to chew
consecutive publications in the v city *must be accepted within a reanon-
isn’t an ordinary than ordinary plug.
official newspaper; that the dty 'able time.
Writ» tn—
Bids must be placed In sealed en-
Engineer Is directed to cause to be I ' — -I,.».-.
tobacco that’s one, G bnuinb G ravely
..AArz.uuozl tz>
onnn v Fleet
velope addressed
to Vmar
two, three with Real
»• rttow»»«
Gravely. The real
a copy of this resolution and notice Bank Building, Portland, Oregon,
within three days from the date of and marked "This is a sealed bld to
the first publication of such notice, be opened at two o'clock p.m. Wed-
and that all persons concerned be nesady, April 30th, 1919.” Bidders
thereby notified of the date of the are Invited to be present at the time
first publication of said notice, and bids are opened.
Blds will be opened at 534 North­
that objections and remonstrances to
the proposed Improvements may be western Bank Building, Portland,
filed with the City Recorder within Oregon, at Two o’clock p.m. Wed­
Plug packed in- pouck
nesday, April 13, 1919.
20 days from Mid date.
The right to expressly reserved to
& co
Kitchen Ranges and
Heating .Stoves.
co .
*Itsyour own money
you're spending,
says Barney McG
Peyton Brand
reject any or all.bids.
Dated at Portland, Oregon, April
15. 1919.
United States Shipping Board
Emergency Fleet Corporation
Notice to Creditori.
Notice is given that the under­
signed has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Anna M. Mc­
Leod, deceased, by the County Court
of Tillamook County, Oregon. All
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
them to the undersigned for allow­
ance within six months from the date
of this notice. Presentment to be
made to the undersigned at the office
of H. T. Botts, Attorney at Law, Til­
lamook City, Oregon.
Dated this March 27, 1919.
G. H. McLeod Administrator.
H. T. Botts, Attorney.
------ •------
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Bay City, a Municipal Cor­
poration, Plaintiff.
Eugene McGill, M. F. Murpby
and Stephen Collins.
To Eugene McGill, M. F. Murphy^
and Stephen Collins, the above nam­
ed defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer or otherwise plead to
complaint filed against you In the
above entitled cause on or before six
weeks from the date of the first
publications of this summons, and if
you fail to appear and answer as
aforesaid, plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in the
complaint, to-wit: that the plaintiff
be declared to be the owner in fee
simple of Lots Nine and Ten (9 &
10) of Block Four (4) of Bay City,
Tillamook County, Oregon, and that
the defendants have no right, title
or interest in and to said property or
any part thereof; that defendants
and each of them be forever barred
and enjoined from claiming any
right, in and to Bald property or any
part thereof adverse to the plaintiff
herein, and that the plaintiff have
Judgment against the above named
defendants for the costs and dis­
bursements of this cause, and for
such other and further relief as to
the court may seem equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication by order of Hon. A. j
M. Hare, County Judge of Tillamook ’
County, Oregon, in the absence of
Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Circuit Judge,
said order having been made and
entered on the Sth day of March,
1919, and directing such publication
to be made In the Tillamok Head­
light, once a week for six consecutive
weeks and the date of the first pub­
lication is the 13th day ot March,
Geo. P. Winslow,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. O. Address, Tillamook, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Bay City, a municipal cor­
poration, Plaintiff.
W. S. Cone, Peter Mani, and
W. E. Thompson, Defendants.
To Peter Mani and W. E. Thomp­
son, the above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer or otherwise plead to
the Complaint filed against you in
the above entitled Court and cause
on or before six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this Sum­
mons, and if you fail to appear and
answer as aforesaid, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint, to-wit:
That the plaintiff be decreed te be
the owner in fee simple ot Lots 8 A 9
of Block 1, Base Line Addition to
Bay City, Oregon, and that the de­
fendants and each of them have no
right, title or estate In and to said
property or any part thereof; that
defendants and each of them be
forever barred and enjoined from
claiming any right, title or estate in
and to the property or any part there
ot adverse to the plaintiff herein,
and that the plaintiff have Judgment
against the above named defendants
for the costs and disbursements of
this case, and tor such other and fur­
ther relief as to the Court may Beem
This summons is served upon you
by publication by order of the Hon.
A. M. Hare, County Judge of Tilla­
mook County, Oregon, in the absence
of the Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Circuit
Judge, said order having been made
and entered on the 3rd day of April,
1919, and directing publication of
summons to be made in the Tilla-
mook Headlight, once a week for six
consecutive weeks, and the date of
the first publication is the 3rd day
of April, 1919.
Geo. P. Winslow.
Attorney for Plaintiff
P. O. Address Tillamook, Ore.
Important to Sriect Good Books, but
Practically Anything Is Better
Than Nothing.
A teacher who had the real Interest
of her pupils at heart, and who took
a genuine Interest In them and theft
activities after as well as during school
hours, was trying her best to reach a
particularly trying boy of about thir­
teen years. He did not seem at all In­
terested in his work or studies, and
she was attempting to discover just
what he was Interested tn and how he
spent his leisure time. Upon inquiry
she found be was fond of taking long
and solitary walks, although he dis­
claimed any Interest In the beautiful
or scientific In nature.
"But what do you do with yourself?”
the teacher Insisted. “What do you
think about?
You don’t read very
much, do you?"
The boy denied that he read, and as­
serted that when he was off alone that
way he liked to think his own
I wonder what kind of thoughts that
poor boy occupied himself with? He
never read, and he was apparently Im­
pervious to new Ideas of any sort. He
was just content with his own empty
thoughts—they must have been poor
and stale and empty, for be never
opened bls mind to new ones.
The best and most efficient way to
get ideas is by reading—and It makes
such a difference, therefore, what we
read. But it Is decidedly better to read
almost anything that comes to hand
than nothing at all. For If one has
nothing In the mind at all, such pe­
culiar things are bound to creep in.
Isn't it better to re-thlnk the thoughts
of fine men than to think your own
mean little ones?—Exchange.
Scientists Have Shown How Happen­
ing at Whloh Many Have 8coffod
Wae Quito Possible.
Many have refused to believe the
biblical suggestion that the walla of
Jericho fell down before the Israelites
as a result of the sound caused by
their shouts and the horns blown by
the seven priests.
Modern researches and discoveries
In regard to sound phenomena, how­
ever, show that such biblical miracles
could be reconciled with natural law.
Vibration of Bound to a-thing the
posslbllitiea of which we do not yet
understand. It to said that one of the
great tenor singers can break a wlne-
-lass by singtng Into Its keynote,
-je sub-bass of the pipe organ Is
known to rack pews to pieces with Its
sympathetic note.
The authentic story ts told of an
old tiddler who, angered by the work­
men constructing the first suspension
bridge at Niagara, threatened to fiddle
It down. Of course he was laughed
at, but, seating himself near the
bridge he began to experiment with
his bass string.
When he found th® note that suited
him he sawed away on that note. The
cables responded and soon the bridge
was swaying In an nlarmlng fashion.
If he had not been stopped he might
have fulfilled his threat. In any case
care was afterward exercised to
vent a particle of vibration In
Frenchman Given Honor.
The first white man, as far as
be determined, to discover petroleum
In America was Joseph de la Roche
D’Allon, a French missionary who
spenks of his discovery In a letter
written 180 years ago. He had crossed
the Niagara river and made his way
southward through western New Tork
Into northern Pennsylvania, where ho
round a spring from which oil flowed.
The oil was highly esteemed by tho
Indians for medicinal uses. Tills old
rpring was probably Identical with
one described by the Massachusetts
Magazine In 1789, which speaks of "a
creek called Oil creek, which Issues
from a spring, on the top of which
floats an oil similar to that called Bar­
bados tar, and from which one may
gather several gallons a day.” The
waters of this spring were supposed
to give great relief from rheumatism
and to possess many other healing
Tho Tsetse Fly.
The dreaded “tsetse fly (pronounced
tset-se, accent on first syllable, whoso
vowel e has short sound, as In set)
1s an African gadfly, about the size
of a housefly. The symptoms of Its
victim are at first those of a severe
cold. The eyes, nose and mouth be­
gin to “run," the body then swells
while emaciation sets In, ulthough not
always fatal. The harm done Is found
to be not the result of poison from the
fly Itself, but communication to the
blood of Its victim of a microscopic
parasite similar to that of Texas fe­
ver which It has received from a dis­
eased animal. Animals or persons
that recover are usually Immune. The
greet dread of this fly formerly enter­
tained has proved to be unjuatlfled.
Didn't Leek It
"What would you say," asked the
fair tlieosophlst, “If I should tell you
that I was born tn Egypt three thou­
sand years ago?"
"Why," said the man addressed, “I
should say you don't look It"—Boston
Evening Transcript
------ o------
Toe Dangs roue.
The new, up-to-date trolling boai,
"Here's a story about a girl who
built by the late W. T. Newcomb, swallowed a diamond ring."
for sale. 3400 for boat lines, and
"She was a very foolish girl. A
trolling hooks. Address Mrs. Bertha diamond ring Is too rich for anybody's
Newcomb, Tillamook, Oregon.