llcdiiligljt. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. MAY 8, 191» Glenn Terry was operated on for appendicitis at the Boals’ hospital on Wednesday of last week. ■ - o--------- If you are contemplating buying a Dr. Wise—Dentist. drag-saw see the Tillamook Feed Co., Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. and get prices. • Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. Tarpaulins—any size—made to order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side Sutton pays 27c. for calf hides. entrance-opposite. P. O. J-l. Let W. A. Church write your insur­ Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is ance. * safe, clean and powerful. For sale at Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Co. ♦ Let wour co-worker on the farm be Spend your evenings at the Gem I the Cleveland Tractor. On display at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • Theatre. * See Williams, of the Tillamook Practically new 1% h.p. gas en­ Co., and get prices on the gine for Sale at Allen Page's store.* Feed handsome 19 series Studebaker Don’t fall to see the farm tank at cars, before buying your new car. * the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • | Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ Apartments for rent. Address Box mook office across the street from 143. * the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Thay­ Wednesdays until further notice. • er on April 30th a daughter. For Sale—Small team, wagon and Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Scharff, harness, power boat and other ar­ ticles for claming. Call 97-3 Netarts, Sunday, May 4, a daughter. or write Will Dorr. ♦ Buy a Roosevelt Highway Button Before buying your auto tires, in ­ and show your colors. vestigate the Republic Standard five Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. thousand mile guarantee, price right Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. * at Tillamook Feed Co. • Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tromb­ For sale—Dairy ranch, will carry ley, on Sunday May 4th, a son. 50 to 60 cows. Inquire of C. W. Apartment with garage, close In. Miller at A. F. Coats Lumber office, ’ • For rent. Address Box 143. * | Tillamook, Oregon. Wanted — A team of Bunchgrass Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, horses, weight about 1000 lbs. each. Tillamook. Phone 72-W. Must be well broke to ride and drive. Why not place your feed orders for ; Write W. Roenicke, Woods, Oregon * the future with Kuppenbender. • Mrs. Vida Mlllis and Mrs. B. L. ' Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Beals, Jr. returned on Sunday after Wise. * visiting friends and relatives in Port- J". C. Holden was in from Portland land for several days. I the first of the week. See Willims about the Republic, For Sale—Nice white potatoes for [ the yellow chasis truck that BerveB so seed —Jim Simmons, Mutual phone * I well and honest at an honest price. I Tillamook Feed Co. Dahlia bulbB for sale, »1.75 per D. L. Shrode, of Salem, who was In dozen for choice ones. Mrs. Billings. the city last week, returned to salem Auto for sale, cheap. Suitable for on Saturday. He has bought out a hauling milk. Call at Heyd’s Shop. • grocery business at Salem. The County Court is in session this For Sale—Our entire herd of fine week. high grade Jersey milk cows, 11 Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at head. These are very heavy milkers. lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. • Rasmussen Bros. Dayton Ore. For Sale—20 acres of river bottom Mrs. L ou I b Labowitch made a visit land one and one'-half miles from to Tillamook during the week. Tillamook—Apply to Karl Kumerle, We handle Trojan Powder. Beet for Tillamook, Oregon. * stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. • Plain and childrens sewing. Price Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- reasonable. Apply at 3rd Street and ei Warehouse. * Miller, Avd. Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. See The Tillamook Feed Co. about Smith. Republic tires and save money. • W. J. Riechers, vice-president of Obtain your wood from-the Tilla­ the First National bank, accompan­ mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* ied by his wife, left on Wednesday to visit with relatives in Michigan. Dr. Reedy, veterinarian, says he is Miss Carrie Galwlth, sister to Mrs. back from France. Finish army and J. 3. Lamar left today for Lawrence, full of business. Kansas, her old home, where she The A. F. Coats commenced the op­ will make an extended visit. eration of their shingle mill In this The management of the Gem city the first of the week. Theatre will present William Grlf- For sale small house and two good fith’s screen success entitled “The lots. »750.00. Easy terms, owner. W. Great Love” nevt Tuesday, "May 13. L. Campbell. James Campbell, son of Sheriff Glen Woolfe, who has been in the Campbell who has had a severe at­ service of Uncle Sam arrived home on tack of the flu for the past three weeks is able to be out again. Monday. For Sale—10 or 15 head of grade The Tillamook City schools opened on Monday last, after being closed Holstein cows, some fresh, others to for two weeks on account of the flu. freshen this month and 4 to freshen in early fall. Joseph Lagler, Nehalem Mr. Hayter, of the First National Oregon. Box 28. * Bank of Dallas came in on Wednes­ A delegation of people from Rock­ day on business. away were down the first of the The employes of the Brighton mill week to confer with the county court subscribed the total of »6,500 to in regard to opening up roads in that section. the Victory loan. For sale on easy terms, either a For rent—Eight room house, mod­ ern throughout, will only rent by the four or five room house, with modern year.—Apply to M. R. Hannenkratt. conveniences. May pay like rent. If you want a home, write me. D. L. One set used double farm harness Shrode, Salem, Oregon. for sale »24.00. At auto top shop, en­ Tillamook has an auto top and trance of building opposite postoffice harness repair shop of in rear Wanted to buy 30 young pigs. building opposite post office, Auto Brighton Mills Company, Brighton, tops, curtains and cushions repaired and waterproofed, harness repaired. Oregon; * Both phones, * For Sale, all the horses, harness, There will .be a meeting of the buggies and other things at the members of the Oregon Dairy Council Noyes' Barn. at Portland May 19, it is requested Ralph Moore, principal of the Mc- that all members in Tillamook coun­ Mlnnville schools was in town last ty make an effort to attend. week. The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ chine Agency is now permanently lo­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hicker­ cated opposite the post office, where son. of Bay City, May Sth, a daugh­ monthly payments may be made and ter. supplies ordered. Both Phones. • Pasture for rent, for horses and Organ Cost »79.00, will cattle. Inquire of Clarence Hanen- take »45.00. Also new »24.00 duet kratt. Bell Phone. bench at a discount. Inquire at the Singer Meh. Agency, opposite Post “Yetf”, That's the way. Office. What way» The Roosevelt Highway! Commencing next Sunday the train There will be a meeting of the Red service between this city and Port- Cross at the City Hall next Tuesday land will lesson its running time 30 miutes, leaving here at 10:30 and evening at 8:00 p.m. arriving at Tillamook at ?: 45. Orade Guernsey cows and heifers Mrs. Erick Glad, accompanied by for sale, all milking now, at Hud­ her daughter Blanch, left on Wed­ son's, 3 miles south of Cloverdale • nesday for Portland and the Willam­ Just received a car of mill feed at ette Valley, where they will visit for the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices several weeks with friends and re­ are lowest. • latives. Tillamook Jottings The ground for the Ackley & Mil­ public much money. Position wtll ler garage, is being graded and the pay from »1.000 to »3,000 a year. basement excavated preparatory for E. J. Hamilton, 311 Globe Bldg. putting in a foundation for the Portland, Oregon. • garage which will soon be going up on the site. GEM THEATRE PROGRAM .------ o------- Why pay four or five hundred dol- Saturday, May 10—"The Gold lars for dairy land without lmprove- Cure” Metro production featuring ments when you can get as good soil Viola Dana. with improvements for »300.00 per Harold Lloyd Comedy. acre.—See C. W. Miller about this * Sunday, May 11—"Battling Jane” proposition. Paramount Production featuring Commencing Monday, May 12, the Dorothy Gish. A 100 percent com­ R. F. D. out of Tillamook will leave edy. in the afternoon after the arrival of Pathe News. the train, giving the people on the Tuehday, May 13—'The Great Love’ route their mail the same day it ar­ Artcraft production featuring an all rives. star cast, the- majority of which For Sale, a 25-candle power acety­ took part in “The Birth of a Na­ lene gas plant, to be sold at a great tion” and “Hearts of the World”. sacrifice. Splendid opportunity to In offering this wonderful photo­ procure gas plant for* farm house at play, we feel that it ik positively a small cost. C. B. Wiley, north of the greatest production ever offer­ Tillamook City. • ed in Tillamook. It is only one of several special features which v.e Mr. Alex McNair, is moving his have contracted for this season. large stock of hardware from his See our display advertisement on storebuilding to the old Pennington page five of this issue. store building on 1st Street, prepar­ 7 reels Children 15c. atory of raising his frame store Adults 25c. building and building on the site a Thursday, May 15—“The Danger Zone” Wm. Fox production featur­ modern concrete or brick store. ing the beautiful new star Madlane i MrB. Martha Adams, of Maynard, Traverse. A story of high society Iowa, who has been visiting at the life, including scenec from the homes of her brother Len Hiner and home of J. P. Morgan, the home of sister Mrs. Foland for the past two Vonderbilt, at Newport, R. I. and months left on Saturday for Albany, a great many scenes from the Pa­ where she will visit with another cific Coast. Don't fail to see this brother, Ike Hiner. particular photoplay. We are sorry to announce the death of Julius Thorell, which occur­ All Parts of the State Getting Behind red in Idaho recently. Mr. Thprell The Roosevelt Highway was a resident of Tillamook county a number of .years ago and is a In response to a number of com- brother of Mrs. Erick Glad and a son- munications sent out by the local in-4aw to Mr. Stuivenga. Roosevelt Highway Association they If you want your homes beautified, are getting a number of encouraging landscape work, pruning hedges and replys, some of which we give below: Medford, Ore. May 2. shubberies, and nufsery stock put in, lawn put in a perfect grade, or or­ Roosevelt Highway Association. chards pruned, apply to Chas A. Tillamook, Oregon. Dear Mr. Rosenberg:—I have your Schrader, E. 10th St. All work circular letter of the 24 ult regard guaranteed. Drs. Wise and Lebow will be at Roosevelt Highway and in connec­ tion therewith will say that I am Dr. Wise’s office and residence heartily in favor of this project and across the street south of the court will use whatever influence I may house Mondays, Tuesdays and Wed­ nesdays to do dental work. .Thurs­ have in this section in favor of it. I days at Cloverdale; Fridays at the might add that I would do this re­ Nehalem Hotel and Saturdays until gardless of whether I was a taxpayer noon on Sundays at Wheeler. • in Tillamook County or not, as I am a firm believer in good roads for all The many friends of Mrs. M. E. sections of the state. With kind per­ Gruber, will be pained to learn of sonal regards, I beg to remain. the death of her sister, Mrs. Oatfield, Yours very truly, of Portland, Oregon, which occurred Wm. G. Tait, Sunday night. MrB. Gruber has been Pres. First National Bank, with her several weeks. Mr. Gruber Medford, Oregon. left on Monday to attend the funeral. McMinnville, Ore. Ben. Kuppenbender, President of April 28. 1919. Tillamook County Dairymens' Asso­ Mr. H. H. Roeenberg. ciation, left this morning for an ex­ Tillamook, Oregon. tended business trip to San Francisco Dear Sir:—I have your circular Los Angeles and San Diego, in con­ letter of the 24th Inst, concerning nection with the boosting of Tilla­ the benefit to Tillumook County in mook county and advertising Tilla­ connoction with the Roosevelt High­ mook’s famous cheese. Ben is ship­ way, ad beg to assure you that I am ping his car and expects to make a giving this project my hearty sup­ general tour of southern Cdllfornia port, as I believe it is of equal im­ before returning to Tillamook. portance to the entire stgte of Oregon So far as I am advised I think our There will be a dance given by the world war veterans of Tillamook people are quite favorably inclined County at the Armory, Saturday, toward this proposition. Personally, May 17. All those who have been in I sincerely trust it will carry. Yours very truly. the service are requested to wear E. C. Apperson. their uniform. Wilkins’ orchestra will furnish the music. Portland Oregon, May 1. 19. Mayor Boa is has made a proclama­ Mr. H. H. Rosenberg, tion declaring May 15 as the begin­ Tillamook. Oregon. ning of Clean-Up time. And the City Dear Sir:—You can put .me, per­ have provided to assist in the matter sonally down as being in favor of by furnishing conveyance to haul off Roosevelt highway and will certain­ the rubbish. It is requested to have ly vote for it. same as near a paved street by May Yours very truly, 15, when the same will be hauled off. E. P. Hopwood, Circulation Mgr., The Oregonian. The Tillamook Chamber of Com­ merce will hold a special meeting on Astoria, Ore., May 1, 19. Friday, May 9th, at the Council Mr. H. H. Rosenberg. Chamber in the City Hall. It is re­ Tillamook, Oregon. quested that all members and busi­ Dear Sir.—This will acknowledge ness men attend, as matters of ifri- receipt of your literature in refer­ portance to Tillamook County and ence to the Roosevelt Highway. You City will be discussed. can count on us to do the needful for Mr. K. B. Kugel, representing the the adoption of this measure during Yours truly. Aetna Life Insurance Company, in election. Union Fish Co-Op. Pkg Co. the branches of Life, Accident and Astoria, Ore. Health Insurance, is now connected with the office of Rollie W. Watson in writing various lines of insurance, ............. Portland, Ore., May 3, 1919 Mr. Kugal expects to locate in Tilla- H. H. Rosenberg, mook county permanently in the Tillamook. Oregon. Dear Sir:—In response to your ap­ near future and make his home here. peal for votes for the Roosevelt For Sale—Two Improved lots, full Highway, permit me to assure you size, well located, in desirable part of my vote and influence are always for city, on one of the most prominent good roads in the whole U. S. and paved streets in town, concrete walks I'd go farther than the highway Com­ house of seven rooms besides bath, missioners do in making them, for pantry, washroom, hall, clore's and bo many of the Oregon Highways are porches, modern plumbing, electric dangerously narrow, and very little wired, eommodious woodshed »and more cash outlay would have made barn. Price »2,650.00, »1,000 cash, the roads more beautiful as well as balance on terms to suit purchaser. safer. Apply at F. R. Beals office. * You know how it is; one never We are looking for a woman at wants to pass another car without, Tillamook, past 30 years old as resi­ the third car coming from the other dent manager, to take charge of col­ way just in time to make three lections, renewals, circulation of abrest, and (I think) most of our most all magazines published. Must highways will not permit that, be- have some salesmanship ability and cause too narrow, so one miiBt lag good references. Our new plan makes back and keep repeating the man- everybody a customer and saves the oeuver till fate holds the third car back. Our turns and curves should be ‘‘THE GREAT LOVE” PROVES much Droader. Sure, 1'11 boost and THAT WAR LEVELS ALL RANKS vote for the Roosevelt Highway, would do that even if I did not have Noble Women of Britian Assiit In a foot of ground in Tillamook Co. Production of Big Griffith Play. ------ o------ Sincerely, Dr. Ella K. Dearborn, If the time-worn saying, “Love levels all ranks” be true, the newer one "War levels all ranks” is doubly Portland, Oregon. Portland, Ore., April 29, 1919. true. This is plainly shown in David H. H. Rosenberg, W. Griffith’s speciul production for Artcraft, "The Great Love" which is Tillamook, Oregon. Dear Sir.—Replying to your circu­ to be displayed at the Gem Theatre lar letter of the 24th would say that next Tuesday, May 13. This remark­ we count ourselves as boosters for able picture was filmed largely in the Roosevelt Highway. It is bound the homes and on the country es­ to be build sooner or later, and the tates of several of the titled fami­ sooner the better for the reason that lies of England, and the actors in » hen it is finished it will make at^ many of the scenes were members of all year round highway into Califor­ .the nobility, who have given their nia, and from a scenic standpoint it all to the prosecution of the war, will be one of the wonders of the I turned their magnificent homes over to the government for hospital pur­ Urited States. Thanking you for calling our at­ poses and sacrificed every thought of tention to the matter, and assuring self, every indulgence in pleasure, to you of the hearty support of both aid and do their part in the great members of this firm, we are. struggle for human liberty and free­ dom from autocratic dispotism. Yours truly. This remarakble photoplay re­ Jaeger Bros. Portland Oregon. veals a wonderful story. It portrays the awakening story. It portrays the awakening from a lethargy tIvat had Tillamook Moose Initiate Large Class been produced by the conditions in the “piping times of peace" bringing A class of 67 were initiated into out the wonderful character and the local Moose lodge last Saturday nobility of purpose, the self-immola­ night in Moose hall, in addition to tion, the letting down on the bars of Tillamook, Nehalem and Wheeler caste on the part of the noble fami­ were well represented with a large lies of the Empire. Chief among the representation from Garibaldi. high social célébrités of England, The candidates were made up of who are conspicuously shown in the business men, farmers and mechanics photoplay, are Qoeen Alexandra, Judge Allen R. Joy, of Portland, Countess Masserene, Lady Lavery, Deputy Supreme Director, officiated Lady Diana Manners, reputed to be for the occasion. After which he the most beautiful woman in Eng­ made an address on Mooseheart, land, Miss Elizabeth Asquith-, dau­ which was much appreciated by the ghter of the former Prime Minister old ar well as the new members. A of England, Lady Paget, the social r.plendid lunch was served by the en­ dictator of London, and many others. tertainment committee, and was said The chief rolls are in the hands of to be the best ever. Lillian Gish, Robert Harron and Another class will be initiated next Henry B. Withall. Friday night. May 9th, which is .the This Is by far the greatest play ever day night, May 16th. The charter shown in Tillamook, so don’t mill it closes May 20 after wjiich the en- Next Tuesday, May 13, first show trance fee will not be less than »15. begins at 7:30, and the second show For the benefit of thise who cannot about 9:20. Seven reels. come for initiation on Friday nights, arrangements will be made to ini- tiate on some Saturday night later. Straw Vote Taken on Four Measures In view of the large membership There was a straw vote taken on of the Tillamook Moose Lodge, and the streets of Tillamook on Wednes­ condition, their splendid financial day on four the important measure and Teady funds on hand, a new which will appear on the ballot at home of their own looms up In the the coming June election, with flat­ near future. tering results. The measures placed Application for membership, will on the ballot were: Roosevelt High­ be received up to Tuesday night. way: Five million reconstruction May 20th, at the open charter rate, measure; Irrigation and drainage after which Mr. Bower, Deputy Su­ bill and the Market roads tax bill, pervisor will leave for eastern or with the following results. Southern Oregon. Roosevelt Highway Measure—281 Yes; 1 No. Circuit Court In Seiiion. Five million reconstruction meas­ ------ o------- ure—181, Yes; 15 No. The May term of the Circuit Court Irrigation and drainage bill—247 convened on Monday with Judge Geo Yes; 17 No. R. Bagley on the bench. The grand Market roads tax bill—206, Yes; jury was called and brought in one 3, No. Indictment againBt Clay Daniels for throwing calves into Foley creek, Death of Mrs. F. Kutcher. Daniels pleaded guilty and was fined »10.00. Mrs. Frank Kutcher died at her The following cases have come up home south of Tillamook City April, and dlspbsed of: F. D. Small et al vs. H. Il. Spencer 29. aged 81 years.. The funeral wan and E. E. Parker. Action for money. held May 1, 1919 at the Sacret Heart Church, Father Hildebrand Dismissed. .Blaine Creamery Co. vs E. R. kyer conducting the services. Anna Mary Sernec was born in and Nellie Ayer. Action for money. Bohemia in 1838. At the age of 24 Verdict for defendant. State of Oregon vs. May Jackson she married Frank Kutcher and from this uniyn ten children were born, Indictment. Dismissed. • Ida Barnett vs. Florence Phelp«. the following seven of whom are liv­ ing gto mourn their loss of a loving Slander. Non suit. Clara Hiner vs. W. W. Ridehalgl', and devoted mother, Mrs. James et al. Action for money. Settled and Stusek, of Tillamook, Mr. Frank Kutcher Jr., Greely Cal.; Mrs. M. W. dismissed. First National Bank vs. Estell M. O’Shay, Seattle Wash; John and Harris. Action for money. Dismissed. Joseph. Portland; Mrs. Philip Bates, M. W. Harrison vb . Geo. B. Jacob, Portland and Miss Lena Kutcher, of Tillamook. el al. Action for money. Dismissed. Emil bpahr vb . Rudolph Zweifel, Action for money. Dismissed. Christian Church. Scandinavian American Bank, a ------ o------ corporation vs. G. E. Walling. Fore­ Mothers’ Day with appropriate ser­ closure of Mortgage. Judgment and vices. Make It a great service in Decree. memory of, or respect for your Emma Wilson Wesco vs. L. R. mother. Wilson. Foreclosure of tax lien. Morning—11 o'clock. Judgment. Evening. Evangelistic, 8 p.m. Iva Saenion vs. John Seamon and C. E. at 7 p. m. Alfred Seamon. Divorce. Dismissed. Bible School 10 a.m. You are cor­ Edward Kleist vs. Irma M. Vose, dially invited. et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Judg­ Harry E. Tucker Minister. ment. W. R. Powers vs. Thompson A Co. et al. Foreclosure of lien. Dismissed. Nazarene Church Services. ------ o--- W. Wilkins vs. Wyrtle Wilkins, Sunday School will convene at the Divorce. Decree. August M. Hammond vs. Raymond usual hour, 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 o’clock by the Hammond. Divorce. Decree. Mary Wilson vs. Janies R. Wilson. Rev. C. H. Hopkins, the New Eng­ land Evangelist. Divorce. Decree. Praise service at 7:30 p.m., follow­ Bertha Crane vs. Frank Crane. ed with.a message from the evangel­ Divorce. Decree. ist or his wife. Special solos will be sung by the pastor, Rev, A. F. Ing- ler, who will be assisted by the Call Tor General Fund Warranti o------ choir . All general fund warrants endorsed Rev. and Mrs. Hopkins are on their prior to and including February 28. way from an evangelistic campaign 1919 will be paid upon presentation, in Iowa and expect to remain in Interest ceases this 8th day of Tillamook and vicinity for several May, 1919. weeks. A cordial Invitation is extend­ B. C. Lamb, ed to the public to hear them each City Treasurer. evening at 8 o’clock. Seats free.