Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 17, 1919, Image 3

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I A Famous Trio of Holstein Cows.
HIS agency also regards the Hartford Fire
Prevention Service as the most valuable service
the Hartford renders its policy holders.
Whether your property is a home, a store or a
. Actory we shall be glad to tell you about this
service and how you can get the benefit of it
ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man.
We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE.
All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid.
National Bld.
«Æ&i. Tillamook City, Oregon.
And again the favored dish
• for breakfast this Easter will
small margin. Mies Pieterje Alexina bred, are very.favorable.
It is worthy of mention that Mes­
------ o—•
2nd 199788, another six-year Hol-
The time will come when Tills- stein, owned by Messrs. Hargrove A srs. Hargrave A Arnold made fifteen
mook County, the natural home of Arnold,
______ _ _ of .,
was the 3011b records during the past year,
Norwalk, ___
the dairy cow, will be as noted for ' second cow in the state to pass the and practically all the cows that
pure bred cattle as for its*famous 40-Ib mark. Her milk production for made these records were kept under
cheese. In less than ten years the , 7 days officially reported as 662 Ibs., test for the full year, Seven of the
breeders of thi% county
will make containing 32.464 lbs. fat, equal to fifteen made over 1,000 lbs. butter
such advancement in their pure 40.58 tbs. butter. Since these figures during the year. These splendid rec­
bred cattle that buyers for this stock were announced she has increased ordB of product Ion in long-time tests
will be leaving large amounts of her record to over 42 pounds. "Miss are an assurance that the manage­
money in this county for purchases Pietertje” was admitted to the Ad­ ment of this noted Iowa herd is in
vanced Registry at 1 year, 11 mo, good hands. While the shqrt time
of pure bred stock.
If there is one state in America and 24 days., when she produced un­ record is valuable, there is a growing
that is making a bold and successful der official test 321 tbs. milk, 41.017 demand for dairy cattle capable of
bid fir honors in the Holstein-Fries- jibs, butter in 21 days. A year later maintaining a steady flow of milk
ian cattle breeding industry, it is she made a record of over 16 Ibs. throughout the year, and Iowa is
Iowa. Within the past year remark­ j butter from 299.8 lbs. milk, her first certainly doing her share to prove to
able records both for short and long- 1 test showing 4.29 per cent. When 4 the dairy world that the Holstein-
time tests have been reported from I years of age she produced 428.3 lbs. Friesian cow is in the lead.
the leading Holstein farms in this j milk (3.89 per cent fat) 20.82 Tbs.
State, and while the making of 40- butter, coming back at 5 years with
Shall the Public Schools Be Used for
lb. 7-day butter records is not all ¡30.156 Ibs. butter and finishing the
Propaganda ?
that a dairy cow is expected to 4o, 'year with a total production of 24,-
------- o-------
yet the fact remains that for one cow .219 Ibs. milk (testing 4.26 per cent
The right of a teacher in the pub­
to produce milk containing sufficient
lic schools to use her rostrum for
fat to make over 40 Ibs. butter in one .butter. Only ten other cows of the political or economic propaganda is
week entitles that cow to the hon- ' breed have produced more butter fat involved in a fight against the sus­
or of being classified among the 'in one year, and only .two other cows pension by the school board by the
| have made 40 IbB. butter in 7 days city of Washington of a teacher of
great cows of the breed.
The first Iowa cow to make an of- and over 1200_tbs. in one year. Miss Euglish who has been treating her
ficial 7-day record of over 40 lbs. Pietedtje Alexina 2nd was bred by pupils to radical political views.
butter is Nancy Lucy Hengerveld M. & W. E. Timmerman, of Ft. Plain i If the public schools are not to be
277796. She is owned by D. C. Max­ N. Y., and she is a daughter of wrecked they must be freed of all
well, proprietor of the Maxwell Pledge Concordia 586660 out of Miss politics, economic
and religious
farm, Waterloo, Iowa, and Is a pro­ Pietertje Alexina 157159, an A. R. O. propaganda.
duct of the well known and success­ cow with a 7-day record of 17.39 IbB . The citizen who is required to pay
ful breeder of show-ring winners, butter.
¡taxes to support schools in order to
If Miss Pietertje Alexina 2nd is to have some opinionated teacher thrust
Robert E. Haeger, ®f Algonquin,, Ill.
“Nancy” is a daughter of Woodcrest be considered one of the great cows partisan arguments upon his chil­
Hengerveld De Koi 46514, (son of of the breed what then must be said dren has a cause of grievance which
the first centure sire of the breed, about Lady Mutual Friend 118829, perhaps would stick in the courts.
Hengerveld De Koi), with 48 A. R. one of her stablemates, whose record ¡One thing that is ailing Germany is
O. daughters and several proven Bons of 41.008 lbs. butter from 661.8 Ibs. i the use of the public sc.iools for
to his credit. Her dam is Nancy milk is even more remarkable, tak­ propaganda. Let the propagandists
Spofford 51336, an A. R. O. cow of ing into consideration that she is 1 go and hire a hall or start a news-
show-ring fame, and a grand cham­ considerably over ten
years of age. | paper or take to a soap box. To take
pion at many state fairs, and six Lady Mutual Friend I i is certainly a
peOple’s money for the purpose
daughters and six sons in the ad- very remarkable cow as her record as of giving instruction in facts and
4 producer and reproducer will prove then to'use the time carrying for­
vance registry.
Nancy Lucy Hengerveld made her During her verification test which ward some private or party or class
record of 620.2 Ibs. milk, 40.25 lbs. covered a period of two days she or other agitation upon a conscripted
butter at 6 years of age.. She nas 8 produced 9,737 Ibs. fat from 189.43 audience afraid to talk back is a
half sisters, all by the same sire, in Ibs. milk, this being equivalent to a fraud on the public.
the Maxwell farm herd, and three of little over 12 Ibs, of commercial but­
There is a wide spread, organized,
them have made over 30-Ibs. butter ter in 48 hours. No other cow has a powerful movement to prostitute the
each in 7-day tests. Mr. Maxwell is
publis schools of the country to
an admirer of beauty in dairy cattle, ter in one week after having passed economic and political propaganda.
and in the herd of over 100 Holsteins the age of ten years, and it is hardly It is reflected in text books, school
will be found a preponderance of possible that there is another 40-tb papers und in the. partisan views
handsome individuals, who are also cow that is the mother of twin dau­ handed out by many teachers. The
producers of the best type. "Nancy” ghters, each having 7-day butter schools should not be used for Re­
is but the first high record cow to be records of 34 and 32 lb. A junior publican, Demcratic, Socialist or any
reported from this progressive Hol­ 2-ycar-old daughter of this great other sort of propaganda.
stein farm, which under the super­ great cow has made a 7-day record I The text book in "English” used in
vision of C. C. Beebe, is already be­ of over 21 lbs., and over 900 ibs. the District of Columbia high schools
coming one of the most noted dairy butter in a year; there are two is almost entirely a compilation of
cattle preeding establishments in the other daughters making exceptional­ President Wllson'B sp'eeches and mes­
ly good records, and still another sages. That was a fair start on the
With the big recdrd season in full one that will be heard from in the school room politics that has brought
swing it was not at all surprising near future. Messrs. Hargrove A protest from the school patrons who
that the challenge of the Maxwell Arnold have seven daughters of Lady object to having eth political-educa­
farm had been accepted, and the 7- Mutual Friend and also a full sister, tion of their children taken over by
day honors wrested from Nancy Lucy so that the prospects of this family those who happen for the time being
Hengerveld, though only by a very becoming one of the greatest of the to contral the schools.
j The National Republican urges its
readers to be on the watch for evi­
dences of this nation-wide move­
ment to make the schools safe for
partisan Democracy and socialism,
• or for any other sort of political or
'economic "ism,”-—even Republican-
ism. to bawl It out locally, rid the
schools of those responsible for it
wherever possible, and report the
facts to this paper for ventilation,
This abuse Is getting beyond the
point where it can be dfealt with
Law Says, Kill Squirrels.
That same mellowness and incompar­
Miss Pietertje Alexina 2nd
able flavor which for years has delight­
ed thousands of particular families will
again be enjoyed at every meal this
Fried, baked or boiled, “Columbia
Brand” Ham tempts ta&e and appetite
when served either way.
Order your “Columbia Brand” Easier
' Ham early—from your grocer.
Easter Sunday Comes April 20th
j S
For Bilious Trouble.
Nancy Lucy Hengerveld
North Porttand. Oro.
"Kill ’em." That’s what the law
says every land owner, renter, or
overseer must do with the squirrels
that infest the land over which he
has dominion. Unless said owner,
etc., "shall proceed to continue in
good faith to exterminate said
ground squirrels,” the county court
is empowered at the end of 30 days
to hire the work done and charge it
to the owner, the land being taken
as a lien.
The best way to kill the squirrels
is to feed them poisoned grain, says
George W. Kable, county agent of
Benton. Since squirrels feed early in
the morning It is best to scatter the
poisoned grain late in the evening
or early in the morning. Aw prepared
by Benton county the poisoned bar-
ley is safe to handle but must be
kept away from children and llve-
stock. It is not an effective rat
poison but is sure death to field mice
Mr. Kable says the poisoned grain
is best carried in "a flat whisky bot­
tle, if you have one of these relics of
former times.”
To promote a healthy action of the
liver and correct the disorders caused
by bllliousness, chamberlains’ Tab­
lets are excellent. Try them and see
how quickly they give you a relish
for your food and banish that dull
and stupid feelifig. Adv.
If I Were a Farmer.
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector
The County Court will receive
sealed bids for furnishing 1(M) cords
of wood to be delivered at the Tilla­
mook County Court House during the
month of August, 1919, said blds to
be for fifty cords of alder wood and
remaining fifty cords of either Alder
Hemlock or fir slabs, Bids to be
opened May 8th, 1919. at 10 am.
The Court raaervea the rtght to ac-
capt or reject aay or all bids on
elf fear 199 er 69 cord lots.
■Twin Harrison. Clerk
Lady Matusi Friend
If I were a farmer I would keep at
hand a few reliable medicines for
minor ailments that are not so ser­
ious as to require the attention of a
physician, such as Chamberlain’s
Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy for
bowel complaints.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
coughs, colds and croup.
Chamberlain's linament for sprains
bruses and rheumatic pains.
By having these articles at band it
would often save the trouble of a
trip to town in the busiest season or
In the night, and would enable me
to treat slight aliments as soon as
they appear, and thereby aveld the
more serious diseases that so often
follow. Adv.