TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 18, 1910 should plan to cultivate a garden feature to put it in shape for aval- 1 this year, and thereby share in the lowing by its friends.—Oregon Voter . benefits and advantages to be secur­ ----- o----- ed from such undertaking. It will pay A Blighter’s Poem Preaching and Practice. A bloody, bloomin’ sparrow in more ways than one, so commence atest o ■ ■ to plan your "Victory” war garden Lived in a bleeding spout; Secretary of the Navy Daniels wax­ There came a bloomin' bloody rain early.—Observer. ed eloquent the other day at a meet­ And drove the beggar our. ing in a New York church in behalf The bloomin’ bleedin’ sun came out Grip Your Liberty Bonds. of the Inter-church Emergency Cam­ ------ o And dried the bloody rain, paign. He lifted his. eyes to heaven Nothing short of pressing necessity And the bloody, bloomin' blighter should lead holders of Liberty bonds and said: Went up the spout again. "Wars are at an end. The Cove­ to sell them. In some parts of the —Corvallis Gazette-Times. country the sale of government bonds nant of the League of Nations is an event second to none in the history Hurrah, girls! Hurrah! The French to purchase worthless or doubtful of the world, save the birth of the With made-to-order suits marriage laws requiring the presen- stocks has become an open scandal. Christ. Our ears have heard the bells (Until March 22 only) ' tation of buptismal certificates as an Nothing is sacred againBt the wiles ring in a thousand years of peace.” 1 essental preliminary has prevented of the rapacious sharks who are in­ LesB than three weeks ago, Secre­ the marriage of five thousand Amer­ ducing people to exchange their good tary Daniels sent to Congress (at the ican soldiers to French girls.—Ob­ government bonds for worthless "se­ urgent request of Mr. Wilson, Secre­ curities”—not even the patriotic sac­ server. O— rifice made by their victims to aid tary Daniel’s new prince of peace) a Electricity s latest gift to reduced price. Also get an extra pair bill appropriating *700,000,000 for i Talking about the extravagant ex­ their country in its time of peril. the housewife—greatest of pants free. This is positively the In other cases holders of Liberty the construction of ten new dread­ penditure of state funds, where does since the electric iron naughts, and ten scout cruisers, to most gigantic price-wrecking sale of the present national administration bonds are selling them at a sacrifice add to Uncls Sam's fleet of war ships, j and electric vacuum get off—when it comes to wading to buy luxuries and Indulgences. What for, if we are to have a thou­ recent times. cleaner—the These people, perhaps thoughtlessly, "waist deep” in the ruthless handl­ sand years of peace? Why spend this ing of the filthy lucre? There’s a are committing a three fold wrong. large sum of money, belonging to the SUITS MADE-TO-MEASURE $17.00 They wrong their government by mighty wide field for the practice of UP .WITH EXTRA PANTS FREE people? Secretary Daniels’ preaching economy in democratic circles, but helping to hammer down its credit. does not tally with his practice. P ortable 300 snappy Spring patterns and 65 smart new so far none of the wise guys has ad­ They wrong other holders of govern­ And right here, the American styles including every new fashion cut and idea S ewing M achine ment bonds, because every sale has a vanced a remedy.—Umpqua Valley on the market from tendency to impair the market value Economist begs to call attention to News. No more tiresome of the whole government issue. And the words of General Leonard Woods | ------ o----- in a recent speech at Grand Rapids, treadle pushing — no | Ever since peace was foreshadowed they wrong themselves and their Michigan. Gen Woods said: more backache—a little last fall, financial and business au­ families by frittering away their sav­ “War will come again. Wars will Lowest Price Ettablithtd 1889 Highest Quality electric motor does the thorities have been trying to fore­ ings. . Chicago Bonds acquired by self-denial are come until human nature is chang­ cast the business future. They have hard work. ed. Don ’ t let anyone betray you into issued the most diverse and contra­ in themselves of great value; but of the conditions you were in before. A foot control gives any Every suit will be made to order in the dictory phophecies. One man sees a greater habit is the habit of saving "It is not human for this nation to speed desired. bright future immediately ahead. inculcated in millions who never go unprepared. Don’t sit idle and highest quality at prices that will positively Another issues dark predictions of saved before. If that habit should trust in God to help. God helps him amaze you. The entire machine in disaster. Which is the common sense now be broken the men and women who helps himself. its case can be carried We guarantee absolute satisfaction. I view, and upon what foundations who break it will lose not only their ‘You may keep peace for a while anywhere—it’s no larger may the business man, the farmer, savings; but, in all probability will by a skillfully applied verbal mes­ Come in today and order your than a typewriter. and the working man plan out their be turning from thé road leading to sage. It may put you to sleep. It may Easter suit now activities and undertakings?—Ump­ competence and independence to the put your enemy to sleep, but I tell Ask for a demonstra primrose path of extravagance, qua Valley News. & tion. which, though pleasant for the mo­ you it will be unsatisfactory twilight sleep. I • One liviing evidence of German ment, leads on to dependence, pover­ "To make sure of peace you must COAS! POHER CO cruelty is a bulky doughboy now in ty and a miserable old age,.—Spokes­ be ready to fight for it. It is some­ TILLAMOOK OREGON the Reconstruction Hospital at Fort man Review. THE times better to break the peace Riley. He carries on his body two * than to break faith with the founders ’ ELECTRIC STORE scars, one on the left side made by a Oh You Oleo Heroes. of the nation.’ ’ German bayonet as it entered the -——o------ Compare these utterances of an i . body, the other on the right side Dairymen of Oregon, should never experienced officer of the army and » * A where the point of the weapon came cease to remember the legislators a man outside of politics, with the (Sjgjgjgjgjgjgjg® * out. This wound was made by a who voted with them to pass the oleo political and fawning words of the I “mopper-up,” a German soldier who bill. For these legislators sacrificed Secretary of the Navy who has ! stood over him as he lay wounded on self-respect, truth, character and heard his master’s voice from across I the field and thrust the bayonet much more that decent men hold the seas. MODELS OF PERFECTION. through him. How the blade missed dear, and made all the sacrifices It was the influence of such men PERFECTLY] I the spine or the vital organs is a merely to oblige the dairymen. The as Daniels and Baker that kept this mystery.—Telephone Register. dairymen would be churls indeed— nation unprepared for war, and pro­ SIMPLE ingrates—did they not cheer com­ The dog tax collected by state will fort and support these members dur­ longed the recent conflict at least SIMPLY be two plunks per cannie, and his ing the years to come. Shall these two years. Give us the red blooded patriotism PERFECT.1 dog-ship must wear a muzzle when men grow old and lack appreciation of a Wood, rather than the sickly, off owner's premises. No .one admits of their obedient terpitude? The Tillamook Transfer Co., has political sentiment of a Daniels. Needles. Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing 5 having seen the bill at any stage of Numerous members of both houses If Secretary Daniels really believes • Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.* contracted the wood output of the its passage. Until the law is publish­ came to the editor of The Voter, be­ ed no one will know what rights fore and after the roll calls on the what he says, he should resign the New Home Users Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood ✓ their dogs have in this world. It has oleo bill, and confided to him that post of the secretary of the navy at are quality chosers. once. His words do not agree with supply from this plant iB not suf­ no emergency clause but if anyone they were ashamed of their votes For Sale By took the trouble to refer it to a vote for the bill, but so clamorous were his deeds.—Economist. ficient for the local demand we will of the people it would be voted down. the dairymen in their home counties SHARFF lb DUBIVER fill orders from other sources. It is admitted by revenue officers that they felt that they had to waive Vic Should Be Thankful. 172 3rd Street ------ o------ that the tax cannot be collected and their personal convictions and vote Our old friend Victor Berger has at NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE Place your orders for wood with us. the law cannot be enforced and as a for the bill. The confidence these measure to encourage sheep industry heavy hearted members reposed in us least this consolation: If he were in COMPANY. it will be a dismal failure. It will be we will not betray as to names—but socialist Russia, and found guilty of San Francisoo California. simply chaos in the hunting season. such confidences were many, frequent opposing the Government, he would I be given not twenty years in the pen ­ —News Reporter. apologetic and abject. We adminis­ ------ o------ tered such unction as seemed appro­ itentiary but twenty minutes to pre­ A fact overlooked by many who priate to confession unaccompanied pare for the firing squad. He ought to thank God, therefore, that he lives urged continuation of the daylight by repentance. saving of last year and scoffed at the As it passed the senate, the oleo in a "capitalist" and not a socialist farmer for objecting is that observ- bill was bo worded as to throw every country. It would be the height of vance of the hour-ahead rule was not difficulty in the way of serving or cruelty to treat the professional a matter of choice with the farmer as selling any butter substitutes—even apostles of liberty as they treat those it was with many business and pro­ though such substitutes are white who disgrace with them when they fessional men. In Washington county and uncolored, as are all the butter get governmental power in their at least, where dairying is the lead- substitutes on the market today un­ hands. 1 ing industry, the rule meant that der existing federal regulation. In ' milk wagons ran on the schedule of addition to the new state restrictions That Cruel Delay. ------ o------ • the condensery, which of course fol­ the senate bill imposed a tax of *100 President Wilson’s theory as to lowed the example of other industries a ^ear on retailers—a tax intended and set the clock ahead. There was to be prohibitive. We published the how the war was won is interesting. no daylight saving for the dairymen senate roll call several weeks ago in He says that for three years the Eu­ ropean soldiers fought stubbornly near the beginning of the route, but The Voter. instead he was sometimes obliged to In this form the bill reached the and with their heads down, thinking do his milking by lantern light in house and at once became the subject they were fighting only to defend order to catch the wagon, and the of controversy before committees and their own lives and their own na­ critics may get an understanding by among members. The dairymen, led tions. Suddenly they were told by When contemplating Monumental crawling out of bed before daylight by ex-senator C. L. Hawley, had a Mr. Wilson what it was all about. work, do not over look White "When these accents of what it was a few times, splitting a lot of wood well organized lobby plan. Telegrams or running the lawn mower with a were sent to all members from dariy- all about reached them from America Bronze. This material cannot rust or headlight for a while and then wait men constituents from all counties of they lifted their heads, they raised corode. There ii nothing to support around until the sun had warmed the state demanding that their rep­ there eyeB to heaven”, Wasn’t it vegetable life. It is hard and dense things up so the work of the day resentatives vote for the oleo bill. cruel of Mr. Wilson to keep them y and will not chip or crack. In beauty could begin, Perhaps then the extra Dairymen meetings were held, reso­ waiting so long and to let so many I of design, artistic and general effect hour for the auto spin at the end of lutions passed and telegraphlp em­ millions of them die before he decid- THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN the day would look different, But, bodiment of them wired to the legis­ ed to let the world in on the secret * I no stone can compare with White THE COUNTY. glory be, the provision was talked lative delegations. The dairymen of of what the whole blooming thing Bronze. down and was not passed by con- the state seemed aroused to a man la was over, and thus win the war? Represented' By See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. gress this year.—Independent. C. E. REYNOLDS. favor of the bill. Mr. Hawley staged ----- o----- Tillamook Dairy Farm For Sale. Oregon. a first class piece of lobbying and it •----- o----- i The best reason that is being ad- was carried out effectively. I have for sale the finest dairy vanced to induce people of thls Meanwhile the injustice and silli­ —r—, . r—> countr? to keeP UP their "war” gar- ness of the bill became known to the farm in the Columbia river basin, -CM rj -l-A- dens this year Is the fact that it pays members. The injustice to poor peo­ consisting of 362 acres, seventy-five KEEP and pays well,, to engage in this un­ ple was evident. Why should they of which is bottom land and thor­ dertaking. Last season nearly five no’ be permitted to use a white oughly tiled; two hundred acres million persons cultivated so-called spread for their bread if they could clear, one hundred and twenty-two 1 war gardens, and the result of this not afford butter? Why should it be acres more than half cleared; forty Our French Dry Cleaning makes the ¡effort was a vast increase in the made difficult for them to obtain acres timber, good for farm use; Garment Clean and Sanitary—also makes amount of foodstuffs produced, a this white spread from their little sixty head of Jersey cattle, including them Moth Proof. ¡thing that materially helped in win­ dealers instead of having to gk as If all were lost will be dividends in good health of hibitive in intent and needed 90 per ; land Sir Josephus Daniels. Good but honor in Germany, and that was inestimable value. Everyone who can cent trimming in its most essential knight. misplaced when the war began. Wtat the Editors Say EXTRA & L PANTS FREE Q AVE MONEY! Get a new Herald Suit now at a greatly Herald Tailoring Company I 5 PETER BECKER, TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO., LIBERTY TEMPLE RUEX. MeNAlR & CO. GERERRU HRRDU1RRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. Cleaning and Pressing ustizfti E j Y clothes Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector Western Electric r