TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH «13. 1910 Selfish Yates Fame and Fortune featuring featuring WILLIAM S. HART TOM MIX GEM THEATRE, TUESDAY, March 18 GEM THEATRE, THURSDAY, March 20 William S. Hart is the man who is taking Buffalo Bill s place This is the best picture of his long and distinguished career The scenes of the pictures are laid in the Dos Cabasas moun- tains of Arizona. A Western Picture in 18 carat pure. There is real red blood in the veins of Tom Mix and his com­ panions. He performs daring stunts with amazing skill and lightning speed. His fight with-the bully is a wonder and his riding is a treat. Don’t miss this. ADULTS 20c CHILDREN 10c: ADULTS 20c. CHILDREN 10c. Wl I | large number of commercial clubs and other organizations had affiliat- led with the Oregon State Chamber of , ¡Commerce. Owing to the fact that a I meeting of business men is called , for Friday evening at the City Hall, ! no action was taken on Monday evening. In each case where payment in full William S. Hart's Naw Picture $60.00 Bonus to be Paid to Soldiers Proposed Chamber of Commerce. Kobins. is not made, the first payment must ‘‘Selfish Yates” Has Powerful Discharged Since April 6, 1917. be at least one fourth of the total tax About 30 business men met at the I seem to hear the voice of spring Theme. due. or at least one fourth of the Secton 1406 of the Revenue Act city hall on Friday evening and con­ In each dear robin’s call— settlement tax due. No matter which approved February 24, 1919, author­ sidered the advisability of forming a “Selfish Yates” the new Artcraft izes the payment of a bonus of $60.00 Of all the birds that chirip and sing, of these methods is used in paying business man's organization. C. W. I love them best of all. taxes due March 15th, the payment photoplay featuring William S. Hart, to officers, soldiers,, field clerks and Miller acted as chairman, and after Their song, it fills my heart with Joy the famous Thos. H. Ince star in must actually be in the collector’s nurses of the army upon honorably obtaining the sehtiment of those As each dear note they sing; western productions, is said to be separation from active service by office by the due date, accompanied present it was decided to form a one of the most remarkable pictures discharge, resignation or otherwise. It seems to say to each girl and boy: by a return.” Bureau of Internal Revenue. Chamber of Comerce and the chair­ Oh listen! It’s Spring! It’s Spring! Very respectfully. in which that sterling portrayer of This bonus is not payable to the —o man was instructed to appoint a Milton A. Miller western roles has yet been seen. Im­ heirs or representatives of any de­ Oh give me spring and robin’s call. "A person who waits for an In ­ committee on constitution and by­ agine Mr. Hart as a confirmed ego­ ceased soldier. Of all the seasons dear; Collector. laws. The meeting adjourned to meet come Tax man to pull his door bell tist, whose motto Is “myself first and Those who are discharged here­ It makes me think of dear old home again tomorrow (Friday) evening or his coat-tails, may find himself a to the devil with all others.” That is after will receive this bonus on the So far away from here. at the city hall when it is hoped delinquent subject to severe penal­ “Selfish” Yates, the supreme master same roll or voucher upon which Of green hills and of flowers. Belgium Relief. there will be a large attendance of ties.” is the warning sounded today of the sordid clique In Thirsty Cen­ they are paid their final pay. ------ o------ • Of the grand old ocean’B roar. by the Internal Revenue Bureau of­ business men. ter over which he presides. Those who have been discharged Of shady nooks and bowers. Dear Chairman—The enclosed tele­ ficials. "The duty of getting the ------- o------- But it is the woman, the simple, and have received their final pay Where I have roamed before. L. E. Crouch, of Portland came tn payments and the returns in by gram is the latest bit of news and sweet Innocent little woman, who, without the $60.00 bonus, should Oh listen to the robin’s call, appeal that has come to us about the March 15th lies soley with each in ­ on Saturday as the representative by the magic force of her compelling . write a letter to the Zone Finance Down by the foaming sea; and spokesman of the Oregon State dividual fend corporation liable un­ Belgium work. The earlier telegram, eye and soft yet rigorous example, Officer, Lemon Building, Washing­ Yes, I love you best of all. Chamber of Commerce, in the drive der the law.” The bureau has sent the gist of which was telegraphed redeems him from his shocking men­ ton, D. C., stating their service The more I think of thee. for membership that will take place every man it can spare directly to you, appealed to us to continue our tal condition and brings him to a re- since April 6, 1917, the date of last aid for yet a while longer, especial ­ the people to aid in an advisory ca ­ L. F. Franklin, Brownsville. all over the state next week. Several allzation that the love for a noble discharge and their present address business men met at the court house pacity,” said Commissioner Roper. ly during the winter months. The re­ women has a subtle power to the • to which they desire their bonus on Monday evening and he explained “But our men have no time to can­ construction work in Belgium is force of which egotism and selfish- checks to be sent and enclosing with the aimB and objects of the Oregon vass people at work or In their going on slowly, but if we can for a | this letter their discharge certificate ness must succumb. State Chamber of Commerce. Mr. homes. Every person liable to a tax few months longer, perhaps until - or military order for discharge and the beginning of the summer keep As "Selfish Yates ” Mr. Hart af-- initiative or a return must take the Crouch stated that owing to the The Many Mysteries of large amount of business the Port­ in performing the duties required up our organization and send our fords his admirers another of those both, if both were issued. Nature land Chamber of Commerce had to by the revenue law. If he needs in- funds for the care of these little strong, robust western churacteriza- 1 Upon the receipt of the Zone Fi­ attend to which more or less pertain­ formation, blank forms, or advice, strays and orphans, by that time tions, for which he is famous. When nance Officer, Washingtgon, D. C. BY L. W. BOWER, B. D. ed to that city, it was decided to 1 he should seek an income tax offi­ Belgium will undoubtedly be able to the selfish devil in his breast is fin­ of this information and the soldier's form a state organization for the cer. The big thing now in Income have formed plans for caring for ally evicted, Yates fights fiercely to discharge certificate, this officer will You can take an onion seed and a pansy win and retain the respect and love cause checks to be drawn and mailed seed, and plant them aide by side m the purpose of helping worthy projects Tax is to get the first payment in I them herself. Belgium, w with the courage that of the girl he has learned to rever­ to the claimants in the order in same spot of ground. In one case, you •• ---- ■ -------- --■* «•tvinm between now and March 15th. That j in all parts of * n Oregon, and ■- in ¡between has accompanied every phase of her ence for her sweetness, self-denial which their claim was received by get an onion, with its peculiarly strong forming a Chamber of Commerce in is the nate under the new law. Frankly speaking, the Government exlstance since the beginning of the and purity. He saves her from a him. The discharge certitlicate will be odor, and in the other you get a flower of every county in Oregon it would rare beauty. You can plant a poppy seed bring about a co-operative system in needs the money to meet its obliga- war. is is trying to rehabilitate her scoundrel and in turn protects this I , returned to the soldier with the i and get opium (a dangerous, habit-forming check. man from an avenging mob at her I tions falling due on that date. The , country. It will be a long and dffi- an effort to develop the state and drug), or you can plant a rhubarb seed and It is estimated that at least one get something that helps constipation. create more industries. Mr. Crouch I returns of 1918 income are due at. cult task, but it is being undertaken own request. Then he is left looking million and a quarter persons have No scientist, living er dead, can explain illustrated this in the matter of the ■the same time. Either a complete re- with the same spirit that enabled at the light in her cabin window— Roosevelt memorial military high­ 'turn showing the true tax, or a ten- her to endure, without perishing for a man transformed, purified, forget­ been discharged from the service these mysteries of Nature. Behind the invisible life germ in each seed is hidden way through the coast counties. To tative return of the estimated tax, four years under the heel of the op- ful of self and seeking happiness In who are entitled to the benefits of the deep secret that nobody understands. obtain the support of the Oregon must accompany each and every pay- pressor. Homes are being re-estab- the love of her through whom this this Act and while payments will be I Everything growing out of the ground I made as expeditiously as practicable, State Chamber of Commerce, the meat made between now and March lished and families united, but it is magic transformation of his nature seems intended for some use in establishing it will manifestly take considerable natural conditions. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, county Chamber of Commerce would 15th. The tentative return of esti- the little ones without homes or had been effected. Thi» is a great theme treated in a time to write and mall this many N. Y.. long since found out what is have to prepare an hrgugment in mated tax is a relief measure adopt- families that we must assist a little naturally best for women’s diseases. He big broad way. ’’Selfish Yates” will checks. favor of the military highway and ed by the bureau for taxpayers who longer. learned it all through treating thousands submit the same to the parent organ­ cannot complete their full returns on ■ The colony in which we have been be presented at the Gem Theatre At Boston suffragists lighted a of cases. The result of his studies was a ization, which would make an inves- time. A tax-payer who needs addi- especially interested and to which next Tuesday, March 18, and all fire on Boston common and every medicine called Dr. Pierce’s Favorite tibation. Should the investigation tional time for making a return can- ' much of the funds raised in Oregon who see it will agree that Mr. Hart time President Wilson mentioned Prescription. This medicine is made of not be relieved of the payment of have been sent and which was locat- never has done a better thing than committee report favorably, then a vegetable growths that nature surely in­ the word “democracy” a Pauline tended for backache, headache, weakening referendum vote would be taken at the tax due or the estimated tax ed at Amersfoort, Holland, where this, and that, like all of his pictures Revere wrote the word on a piece of drains, bearing-down pains, periodical ir­ all the Chamber of Commerces in dif- due. But, on making a required pay-' the children are receiving excellent "Selfish Yates” conveys a splendid paygr, ran to the common, and drop­ regularities, pelvic inflammations, and for moral lesson. The picture was direct­ fernt parts of the state, and when a ment between now and March 15th. ■ care and schooling. ped it in the fire. If the ladles had the many disorders common to women in favorable vote is recorded then the the taxpayer can secure further time ! Will you then continue your splen- ed by Mr. Hart himself under the used the word "I” instead they all ages of life. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite parent organization will get behind up to forty-five days in which to file did efforts for a few months longer, supervision of Thos. H. Ince, and in would have run themselves to death Prescription is made of lady’s slipper root, the project and it is the duty of the complete return. The bureau in stimulate the interest of the people support appear such notable players black cohosh root, unioorn root, blue and started a prairie fire on the cohosh root and Oregon grape root. every chamber to do the same. Mr. this way meets the convenience of of your community anew in the bot- as Jane Novak. B. Sprotte, Harry Common. Women who take this standard remedy Butterworth, Crouch state that it would require taxpayers who are pressed for time, ' ties by some new publicity, and en­ Dunkinson, Ernest know that in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ $50,000 annually to conduct the but it cannot relieve them of the able us to finish up the work that Thelma Salter and others. scription they are getting a safe woman’s business of the State Chamber, and requirement that their taxes due on Oregon began in the support of these tome so good that druggists everywhere Tillamook County’s quota was $1,- March 15th must be paid between children. sell it. * DR. R. W. DONOHOE, Try This for Your Stomach. W ’ ork in the schools might now be now and the due date. 020.00. The minimum fee was $5.00 Favorite Prescription should have the ------- e------- It is argued that every taxpayer taken up for the remaining months the Dentist, for non-voting members and $10.00 full confidence of every woman in America Eat slowly, masticate your food for organization members. No organ­ who can do so, make payment in full of the school year, if you think best because it contains no alcohol and no Will be in Cloverdale the narcotic. Dr. Pierce knew, when he first ization, no matter how large, could , when filing his return. This method Please continue to send your remit­ thoronghly. Eat but little meat and week beginning made this standard medicine, that whiskey have more than five votes. Mr. will greatly aid the Revenue offices tances as before at the end of the none at all for supper. If you are ’ and morphine are injurious, and so he has March 24. Yours cordially, still troubled with sour stomach take Crouch showed that the manage­ and relieve the taxpayer of the month. I always kept them out of his remedies. Florence H. Rees, one of Chamberlain’s Tablets before ment of the organization was scatter­ necessity of guarding against over­ ! Send 10c to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel, sight on future installment dates. Secretary-Treasury. going to bed. — Paid Adv. ed all over the state. that a Buffalo. N. Y. for trial pkg. Tablets. --- 1 Weekly Health.Talksl ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER THREE To the Dairymen of Tillamook rl COMPLETE PROTECTION A Every policy of the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company gives you complete protection against every known casualty which may befall your live stock. The contract is simple, liberal and brief in its terms and conditions. Your best interests require that you carry this insurance on your Dairy Cows and Farm Work Horses aSound Business Better Get in Touch with Us To-Day, To-Morrow May he To Late Basis, Fill out the following now and mail it to me for literature Name _________ ’_______________ P.O. Address I am interested in knowing more about the extent of Live Stock Insurance Protection. Mail Me Literature. » Th« city marcbaat who carriss no inrasanc« is considered a mighty poor bosineas man. Y«t th« stock farmer who car- ai«s no insurance on his live stock is taking just as big risks. And needlessly, for HARTFORD ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man Live Stock Mortality INSURANCE gives complete protection at a very moderate coat. Tl.v Hartford insure* farm work horses, delivery and tracking teams and dairy bards. Call a. write or telephone. I We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. Telephone 43J and Mutual. TILLAMOOK CITY, OREGON. Dairyman find K good bo«i- MM to bouso and fowl thaw •trxA ws*. It costs mors, bat it pay*. It also costa a ilttla asors to oarry HARTFORD Live Stock Mortality INSURANCE but it protect« you from eU money lo«e through the death, from any cauaa what­ ever, of either tingle animals or your whole herd. As a business proposition you cannot afford to be without this protection. Office National Building ¿5a5B252S2S2SZS252525ZS2S2S2S25ZSZS2S2525Z5B5ZSaS252SÍSZS2S25Z52S2SZ5Z525BSZ5a5Z525ZSa52SS52SZ5ZS25B5252Sa5a5a5a5a5a5252525a5a525Z5Z5Z5Z5HS¿5H5aS2S2525Z525252Sa52SÍ5252525B5252525ZS2S2S2SB5ÍS252Sa5252SZSa525Z5HS^