TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH 13. 1919. plalnly, the busineee men should be aboiA the idustrial and business in­ given» a mat. But as several boosting terest of the city. Every busienss movements will have to be started in man now appears to be highly inter­ Fred C. Baker, Editor. WOMAN’S the near future which will require ested and they see the importance of SHOP more or leas money, some of the non- a business man's organization. We per year $2 00 essential subscriptions should be cut believe it would be money well spent SUBSCRIPTION out. For instance, the Fair Board is to employ a manager, to work under The Store That Gives You Dependable Merchandise At Far Lower Price Than You Are soliciting advertisements for the fair the direction of a live executive Advertising Rate«. book, which, as an advertising prop- board of- about a dozen members. __________________ Used To Paying Display Advts, per inch............20c. oslaion. does those who advertise in it Heretofore the burden of the work 99 have fallen upon the president or ” . .half page 17 Vie. no good. It simply being a scheme to a wonderful new Spring and Summer line of Womens and 99 99 99 full page 15c. make the business men pay for get­ I secretary. There are several matters Misses garments. of considerable importance to come per line 7c. ting out the fair book. If the Fair Locals .. Board want to do some real good ad­ up this year, viz: the number of Readers, with reading matter vertising for the county and help miles of hard surfaced road to be per line..................................... 7c. boost Tllamook county, it would cut laid (and where) by the State High­ Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. out the business advertisements and way Commission, the bonding of Resolutions .................. per line 5c give some of the interesting things I the county, the Roosevelt military THE GARMENTS offered are the production of the clever DESIGNERS we have been publishing the past highway and other legislative meas- as well as the LEADING DESIGNERS of this COUNTRY and abroad—the . ures to be submitted to the people, few weeks about cheese and the cheese industry of Tillamook county, ¡the entertainment and reception to styles are authoritive— -and verymoderate. with a whole lot of cheese receipts. be given the Tillamook boys who The Fair Board is not in need of i joined the army and navy, the coun­ Our Garments are the final word Don’t worry if the pavement south money this year, having the last ty fair, providing a camp ground for autos, improvement and beautifying of town is showing defects. We un- year’s money on hand. and. therefore in smart tailored derstand the contractor has to main- it is not necessary to "touch” the ! the cty. etc. There is a whole lot of tain the road for ten years. business men from »150.66 to ,200. work to be done and it will keep a ------- o Another thing, the Fair board should good manager hustling to carry out The train schedule between Port- refrain from interfering with other the progressive idea- of a live-wire land could and should be shortened, person's business, which it does executive board. We believe that The individuality of style, the ele­ and the slow poke pace of the train when it starts in with an advertising , with a good live organization it will gance of lines, the correctness of schedule put on a shorter schedule, stunt in which the business men are be possible to have 26 miles of hard every detail, all stand out in most Another thing trains should leave induced to pay for the fair book. I surfaced pavement contracted for this city earlier in the morning. The snap shot man was offered a and a strong effort should be made I convincing proof of their High Clasi- ,500.00 advertising proposition the ' to complete the construction of a ness and Superiority. Strange, is'nt it,, that not a word other day to become the agent of an hardsurfaced road to Garibaldi, as was said at the meeting at Fairview auto truck, but turned it down for well as completing the road to Bay­ DISCRIMINATING in Leading by State Master Spence about the the reason that we did not think ocean. The snap shot man is anxious cement trust? Or the farmer»’ lobby that it would be right for us to butt I to do his bit in helping carry out a Materials—Including at the state legislature, which was into that business, for the propriet­ well defined constructive policy for one of the biggest and most success­ ors of the several garages have treat­ | the betterment of the county, and Silvertons, Gaberdines, Poplines, ful lobbies at the recent session. It ed us fair in a business way and we we hope that the meeting on Friday depends a good deal as to whose ox like to play fair with them. Our con­ evening will get busy and select a Serges, Veioures and Mixtures. is being gored. tention is that the Fair Board could dozen of the best and most progres­ I sive business men as the leaders in ------ o------ get out a neat and interesting fair Prices are Ranged on the New£Spring Some persons may think that State book to boost Tillamook cheese and the movement for better road» and But for Senator T. B. Handley treated State the dairy industry. That’s more im­ i better local conditions, and Summer Styles in Master Spence of the Grange rough portant than advertising private heaven’s sake. boys, don’t get cold at the Grange Hall on Tuesday even­ business, And if the Fair Board is feet after a few weeks or months, ing. We think that the State Master really in earnest about advertising, Be a booster in season and out of got what he richly deserved. If we will offer another suggestion. season when the sun is shining and Spence, Walter Pierce, Eug. Smith Erect a pretty arch in the business when the rain is pelterlng down in and the radical element in the labor section of the city telling the number i torrents. Be a "sticker” and a boost­ organizations had had their way, of pounds of milk produced in the er, all the time, for Tillamook 1» the Oregon would now be in the throes county, the number of pounds of I best county in Oregon and should You Will Find Our Price* Very of a non-partlslan upheavel with cheese manufactured and the amount have the best roads, the best houses thousands of I. W. W.’s and bolshev- of money recieved for cheese the r.nd we’re the best people Reasonable l world. ikis tormenting trouble. State Sen­ pa»t ten year». ator Handley was right when he ------- o—— It money has any value to you, then bear in mind that Golden's Woman’s placed the non-partlsian agitators in The County Court had an informal TWO BILLION LOSS the 1. W. W. and bolsheviski class. meeting with the State Highway Shop offers vou the best garments that the market can produce AT A SAVING IN BUILDING SHIPS. Commission last week in Portland, ------ o------ TO Y OU —50 PER CENT ON EVERY GARMENT BOUGHT IN OUR STORE. When we heard State Master with a view of obtaining some infor­ Twenty-five Percent of Immense We have proved this statement to thousands of our customers, and we 11 prove Spence, of the Grange, make some mation as to what amount of nork Sum Spent at Hog Island to uncomplimentary remarks about the Commission would undertake in his again. Show for Investment. Commissioner Thompson. of the this county this year. The Commis­ State Highway Commission, the snap sion could aot give any accurate in­ ------- e------- ACROSS STREET FROM CLOUGH’S DRUG STORE shot man could not help sizing up formation on this point at present, Complete loss’ to the taxpayers of the two men. Thompson is a wide for it has not yet completed its pro­ something like two billion of dollars awake progressive business man, gram of work for thi» year. This will has been brought about by lax one of the big broad gaged men of be done as soon as possible, for the methods of the administration in the TILLAMOOK OREGON Eastern Oregon, who is doing won- reason that the Commission i» anx­ building of ships, according to state­ tiers to help develop that part of the ious to get as much road work done ment» made by Representative» Mon­ state. Spence tried to bring about a this year so as to give employment dell. of Wyoming, Republican during Let Us Show You ¡Our Complete Line The Store That Gives The Guard of Style non partisian league in Oregon. Had to men out of work, especially die­ debate in the house. You Will Like It You More Goods for Quality and Good val- Spence and his crowd had succeeded charged soldiers. The 1917 law pro­ Mondell, as a member of the it would have been a calamity to vides for a hard surfaced road from propriatlon» Committee, pointed Less Money send for our FREE fashion booklet Oregon. the Clatsop county line to Garibaldi, that there would be expended also for 29 miles or more of hard sur­ shipping under the provisions of It is a crime for the »laughter faced road south of Tillamook City. Sundry Civil Service bill about »660- house, oleo butter maker» to place Five miles of this has been construct­ 000,000. The present program, he coloring in their product, We rhlse ed and an additional five miles was said, calls for 2,532 ships, construct­ | war will be exceeded by 5,666,660 obeys orders to call 2820 Main. GEM THEATRE PROGRAM. the question in regard to cheese fac­ agreed upon. This was before the ed or to be constructed by the tons. Yet half of the expenditure “Mess”. Under pressure, he again ex­ ;——o— tories placing coloring in chee»e, and legislature passed the bill to raise Emergency Fleet Corporations, with I will be taken up in unnecessary plains to mother how he acquired Saturday, March 15.—"Lend also raise a protest. When the federal »16,666,660. It is more than prob­ a total tennage of 14,578,111 gross, | loss. wound stripes and reassures her that Your Name”—featuring Harold "We have here another lllustra- wound doesn’t trouble him in the oleomargarine bill was under discus­ able that the State Highway Com­ of which 578 ships, with a gross ton- 1 | Lockw ood, a lively comedy. sion It was contended that the oolor- mission will want the county to nage of 3.313,386 have been deliv- i t*on of what great mistakes people least, Harold Lloyd Comedy. ing was put in It to deceive people. build the road bed from the Clatsop ered. and 391 requisitioned ships of!maY make by entering into great 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.—Dutifully If that contention is true with re­ county line to Garibaldi, which a dead weight tonnage of 1,931,061. I programs without careful considera- attends reception in honor of re­ Sunday, March 16—"Nine o’clock gard to oleomargarine it must be would take considerable money. The have been delivered. The total appro- tion.” said Mondell. "In the desire to turned soldiers at grand opera house. Town”—featuring Charles Ray, a equally true with regard to coloring engineers for the Commission are printed in this bill will bring the ap I accomplish great things under • the Is so busy searching for a eertain comedy drama with Mr. Ray at his in cheese. The oleo slaughter house now making a survey of the best proprfations for the Shipping Board [spur and best. J stress of “* war the " mark was face and endeavoring not to appear butter makers have a come back on route, and when this is done the lo­ to »3,507.604,254. overshot. 1 am not blaming anyone self-conscious that he almost forgets Pathe News. the cheese makers. The snap shot cation of tie road will be finally Snyder, of New York, asked what i ill particular for suggesting it. I to rise when national anthem is Tuseday, Marsh 18—“Selfish Yates” man has often stated that the origin­ disposed of. It is thought when the part of this huge amount is now an ' should not like, however, to be the sung. featuring William S. Hart, in one al I’lM-dded cheese Is manufactured in Commission holds its next meeting asset of the government. To this ■ man who ought to be made respon- 4:31 p.m.— Succeeds in locating of his thrilling and pleasing plays England contains no artificial color­ some idea may be obtained us to question Mondell replied that the i sihie for some of the gross misman­ face, almost entirely concealed by of the west. ing, neither should Tillamook cheese, where and how much hard surfaced loss on the country’s shipping invest­ agement under it. Some folks ought post. for coloring is an adulteration. Prob­ road is to be built in this county ment will be about fifty per cent, I to be brought te account for the 4:35 p.m. to 5 p.m.-—Tries to get Thursday, March 20—’’Fame and Fortune”—featuring Tom Mix. ably it would not be wise to dispense this year, which will be probably somewhere between i »1.50«,000,000 j waste and loss ' ’ better view of fa«e behind post. Mr. Mix has won his way to____ with coloring right away, but it about 20 miles. Owing to the indus­ and »2,000,000,000. . He went on to fame Fails. and fortune by demonstrating that could be done gradually. trial activities at Garibaldi, there is say that we must strike i from all 5:30 p.m.- Reaches home. Calls Tobacco and The Boughboy. he is one of the most popular a strong sentiment In favor of hav- of our shipping something like ------- o------ 2830 Main. Tillamook people were grieved ing a hard surfaced I road built there thirty-five per cent, in order to get I screen stars of today. 6 p.ni. to 7 pm.—"Mess” Tobacco seems to be established as when they heard of the death of Gov­ this year. It seems that the County down to a cost basis at this time: “She Loved Him Plenty”—Two 7:10 p.m.— -Informs family he is ernor Withycombe. for he hud ninny Court is favorable to building to that as ocean freights are lowared a necessity in the soldiers' life, 95 reel Mack Sennett comedy. _ ftssu res ________ . per cent ef the members of She Amer­ going out foi evening. small staunch friends in this county, who Buy City, but it is hoped 1 by a large and readjusted to peace conditions held him in the highest esteem. It number of persons that the court another fifteen per cent must be ican expeditionary forces using it in brother that the box under his arm Friday, March 21—"True Blue” Wil­ liam lox Standard Special, featur­ was about 18 years ago w hen he will see its way to build to Garibaldi, struck off to get down to the peace some form. It is a part ef his regular does not eontain candy, tells mother ing the kiHg of the screen William visited Tillamook county with a for there is going to be some heavy value of some of the ships; and that daily ration,, but the quantity allow­ not to wait for him and that she can 1 arnum. A monstrous production number of professors from the O.A.C. hauling in that vicinity, and as it is the percentage of loss on wooden ed is not snlhcient for the average to- bay "Goodnight” by calling up 2830 in seven reels. bacco user. However, every soldier Main.—Life. The snap shot man met them at a waste of mor#*y to expend money »hips will be even greater. may buy at the canteens cigars, cig- Note:- It is seldom that we are able North Yamhill and came across the on mecadam roads where there is "Then we come to the question ol Call far Warrants. mountain» with them. It wuh at the heavy hauling, it is a matter of fabricating yards” said\tbe Wyom­ .•••ettes, and smoking tobacco at to offer as strong a program for an ------- o ------- time of year when u buckboard was economy to put down a hard surfac­ ing man. "Mr. Piez. of the Shipping ,,..jes considerably lower than pre- entire week as this one time. To All coent-y road warrants endorsed used to carry the mall and when ed road to Garibaldi as soon as pos­ Board, says that our »«>5,000,600 I Vuil in th« United States. Smoking all who like photo-plays of extra­ lhere were more than three passen­ sible. Of course a good deal depends Hog Island yard has no future. I do I has increased in our army overseas prior to December 16th. 1918, will ordinary merit, we will say, you of the armistice. be paid upon presentation. Interest gers, those who had not reserved one on bonding the county, for without not know liow much the scrap that ¡since the signing can’t afford to miss any one of ceases this 12th day of March 1919. The average monthly purchases by of those seat» had to take the hurri­ local funds this county will not be will remain at Hog Island after it is these Our personal endorsement Khthleen Mill». cane deck of a cayenne. It was long able to co-operate with the State all over will bi Ing. It may bring I the subsintancc division now amount on each one is given as te the County Treasurer. about eight o'clock when the party Highway Commission and Federal twenty-five per cent of the amount to 425,060,660 cigarettes and 26,- pleasing qualities of all. sat down to dinner at • the reason why it la ing and operating ships.” ly to bed. a triplet and It obtained a nonepica- hard to keep up Interest In a busi- Many of the vessel» constructed by * 7:30 a m. to 8 a m.- BreaWast. at ■ OUS place at the banquet tab+e given item men's organisation. The snap the Shipping Board were fabricated i which mother reuiizee vividly how by the flalem Comnerciel €l«b. ’^te shot man has often thought that if for certain ______ _______ ________ special __ purposes such as , ! necessary It was for the folks back governor was there and he net only this city had a competitor a few the tarrying j ,o **v* food. Explains how he carrying of aeroplane«, muni- i praised Tillamook cheese, hut pre­ miles distant it would lrave a ten­ tlons and machinery, and therefore ‘ a1c^“lJ’ed wound ’tripes an blouse ferred It to most all other tempting dency to cement ths the business men cannot be so readily adapted m the I sleeve. things that were on the banquet together and they would not get carrying of ordinary cienmerce. At I 8am to » 30 a m.—(tells 2830 table. The governor was always de- cold feet. It will not be long now be­ ....... Main, romps with Rover, instructs that-some of the wooden — ones willbe Ighted with his visits to Tillamook fore this city has a real live com­ worthless, as Indicated by the fact i young brother tn small arms man- ciunty and when hobnobbllng with petitor, and probably that is the that a few tipped over before the ua*' Breet8 several dozen admiring the dairymen and visiting their reason why the live business men of engines were installed in them. 1 neighbors. Explains how he acquired dairy farms. the city are wakng up to the situa­ Mondel said he had no doubt that wound stripe on blouse sleeve. 9: SO a m to 12 m — Walks down­ tion and wanting to do something to some use would be found for the As the business men were called boost the city. Several of the busi­ wooden ships, if sold very cheaply. town with dad. finds handshaking upon last year for all manner of sub- ness men have In the past endeavor­ He stated that after the completion fully as tiresome but more pleasant s ;-iptions. some system should be ad- ed to keep that spirit alive.* but it of the government’s program for the than saluting. Explains how he ac­ * >t d whereby this should be cur- was hard work when bus! nee« men next year and a half, the tonnage of quired wound stripe on blouse sleeve. t... d the present year. To put it are so indifferent and unconcerned the entire world before the European 12:30 to 1:80 p.m.—Returns home QQI Œillumunk IjraMight apnivun AKK1V EÜ A First Showing of New Models In Spring and Summer SUITS. COATS and DRESSES Editorial Snap Shots Coats, Suits, Dresses Coats, Suits, Dresses $10 to $35 GOLDEN’S Woman’s Shop BERRIES WANTED 200—Acres Planted This Spring—200 Loganberries Blackberries Raspberries Make Tillamook County Famous For Berries Graves Canning Co. Main Office Sheridan Oregon