TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 13, • > J ♦ !• • .i - y Is President Wilson sure that he knows the sentiment of the Anieri- can people better now than he did last fall? ------ O------ Some old fashioned Americans still have more faith in the Boston tea party than in the Buckinghapi palace dinner party. ------ o------ After looking over Henry Ford’s new weekly we believe that instead of being Dearborn it should have been stillborn. The officials who are defending the Brest camp ought to be given an indeterminate sentence to that mili­ tary hogwallow. ------ o------ Upon the adjournment of the preB­ ent congress the taxpayers of the country will mourn their loss, but not the loss of Congress. The league of nations scheme, ac­ cording to Senator Lewis, does not provide for disarmament. As a guar­ antee of peace, then, it is a Joke. ------ o------ A good deal has been said derogat­ ory to the Mexican war, but if we hadn’t saved Texas what would this administration have done for cabinet material? —o---------- Kaiser William expects to be recall­ ed to the German throne. The Kaiser may get a call, but he will be un­ expectedly fortunate if it is an invi­ tation to ascend a throne. ------ o------ "The women of America” held'a banquet at a fashionable Washing­ ton hotel recently, but why they in­ vited "Pansy” Baker to attend it has not been officially explained. ------ o------ President Wilson says that the American soldier fought as one in a dream but evidently it was more like a nightmare to the German troops arrayed against them. rio “holes" in it Red Crown’s uniform chain of boiling points gives easy starting, quick and smooth ac­ celeration, high power, long mileage. Mix­ tures have "holes’* in the power chain. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. o Prof. George Herron says "the kingdom of heaven is at hand” but those who know George think that if this is true he makes a very poor advance agent for the show. No mild punishment should be meted out to our home-grown bolsh- eviki; they should be sentenced to live in Russia, where they don’t seem to want to be. ------ •------ Here’s a suggestion for a Demo- cratlc national ticket in 1920: For President, Georgeg Creel; for vice president George Herron. Platform: "Let George do it.” ------ o------ Well, if Vic Berger has as poor an opinion of the government at Washington as he has always pro­ fessed he wouud prefer a long term in the penitentiary to a short term in Congress. ----- o ■ ■ President Wilson says that Amer­ ica must not fail the world. Nor must it fail Itself. To paraphrase fa­ miliar lines, the nation that is not true to itself will not be true to any other nation. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaWersM) Quality EL C. BOONE, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Tillamook, Ore. SEE W. A. CHURCH, If the platform of the league of nations is like a Democratic national platform, all you have to do is to construe every pledge to mean what It doesn’t say, and then you Will know what it really provides for. . FOR INSURANCE Fire, Life, àcDidBnt, Automobile i SPIRAL METAL OUTSIDE CASE AIR PRESSURE ON RUBBER INFLA­ TION BEGINNING TO SQUEEZE TEAT NEXT TO UDDER TEAT DISTENDED WITH MILK FLOW AIR PRESSURE HAS COMPLETELY EMPTIED TEAT OF MILK. AND THERE IS NOW A COM­ PLETE RELEASE FROM SUCTION PURE RUBBER INFLATION NO AIR HERE SANITARY ALUM­ INUM BOTTOM CUP Study This Teat Cup N THE action of the Teat Cup of your milk­ ing machine depends the comfort and health of your cows and the quantity of milk they give. Study carefully the Perfection Teat Cup ill­ ustrated above. It has been chosen for such well-known herds as the St. Olaf College herd at Northfield, Minn., the Grahamholm herd at Rochester, Minn., the A. L. Hyzer herd at Storm Lake, Iowa, the Upland Farms herd at Syracuse, N. Y. Nature’s Way Now put your finger in the Perfection Teat Cup. If you were to shut your eyes you might think your finger was in the calf’s mouth—so identical is the action of the Perfection and the calf. That is why cows like the Perfection so. It applies first a gentle suction, then a downward squeeze followed by a short fieriod of relese from suction. The Per- ection feels notural to them and they give down their milk freely to it. The Perfection Teat Cup fits all sizes of teats. You will find it a great con­ venience to be able to use the same teat cup for all cows. Like every part of the Perfection, the Teat Cup is as simple as it is strong. It has only four pieces and can be taken apart and put together again without tools. Put your finger in a calf’s mouth and note its action. You will find it first sucks, then squeezes toward its throat (downward not upward) and then momentarily stops sucking while swal­ lowing. Send For This Book Now Whether you own ten or one hundred cows you 2nd Ave. JB, between 1st and 2nd Sts. should study the milking machine now and' see how .While America free traders are it can help you. Find out how you can increase your Successor to J. S. Stephens twittering about the removal of all herd in spite of labor problems. Let us send you | economic barriers, , John Bull puts tight fence up a steer-high, hog 1 against the importation of nearly every article of American manufac- ture. ------ o------ It is very surprising indeed to 2125 E. Hennepin Avenue most American soldiers to know that what they were fighting for was the defense, not of the American flag, WHOLESALE and RETAIL f but of the Fourteen Points, but of course it is better to have this news CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND late than never. ------ c------ BRICK’; DOMESTIC STEAM AND The 1919 method of keeping us out of the war by making us parties to SMITHING COAL. an agreement to go to war upon the Warehouse and Oflice Cor. Front and 3rd A ve. West, TilJamoik Or. vote of a majority of the members of a league of nations doesn't seem H5E5HSH5aE2525BSa5B5Z5HSaSH5î5H5a525ïæ525HSZ5a525ïSc!S25aSESZSZSïS2S?SBS to have very many advantages plausibility over the 1916 model. a free copy of our great book, “What The Dairy­ man Wants To Know,” which answers every ques­ tion you can think of about milking mashines. Write now. Perfection Manufacturing Company LAMB-SCHRADER co , Minneapolis, Minnesota Agents Tillamook Sheet Metal Works Would it be too much to ask of the Democratic leadership of the country that it supply the unsatisfied de­ mand for self- determination in the southern states under their centrol where the "mock” has been put tn I democracy, before they begin to supply the export trade? , °------ What has became of the old fash­ ioned Democrat who used to charge the high sost of living to the infam­ ous Payne-Aldrich tariff law? He is now busy explaining the 1912 Dem­ ocratic platform which demanded an immediate return tp that economy and simplicity befitting a Democratic government. o------ President Wilson says that other fighting men in Europe fought nobly because they "had a vision; they had a dream. Probably the colored troops had a vision of a Dixie election under Democratic auspices at which they would be lynched for approaching the polls by President Wilson's asso­ ciates in party leadership. ---- o----- The limitation of the hours of la­ bor will be an easy problem in the United States if we get through the league , of nations that freedom of , I Its your own f you get stung.' says OCbnnòr~ “Your own horse­ chew of ordinary sense ought to tell plug.” taste, imsller chew, you what is the best Good longer life is whet makee Gen­ value when a small uine Gravely cost lea» to chew chew of Real Grave­ than ordinary plug. Write to.— ly tastes so good, G enuine G ravely and lasts so much DANVILLE. VA. for bocHrt an chtwiot plat longer than a big Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in- pouck economic barriers so mueh talked about. With the world’s work done in the cheapest labor markets the American wage earner will have nothing to do but. to “loaf and re­ fresh his soul.” - .. * Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone, All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. To be entirely fair with the south- ern Democratic politician we believe they would be willing to regulate the price of cotton by fixing it at I forty cents a pound now that the war 1 b over. TILLAMOOK. ORE. ——o------ One of the most prized specimens in the coin collections of the next WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS generation will be a nickle with a : FOR SPOT CASH date prior to 1921 that was .not ' ANY ISSUE. spent a couple of times by the'na-l - —o — tional administration. $50 $100 RALPH E. WARREN, The figures on the coinage ought to be changed before the end of the present administration. Indians, ea­ gles and buffalo's don't move fast enough to be appropriate. A jackrab­ bit rampant would symbolize -the flight of money under a Democratic administration pretty well. H. I. Bott«, Pres. Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson, Sec retary Treas., Attorney at- I. aw and Notrary Public. '* Tillamook Title anst Abstract Co. Law Abstracts. Real Insurance. Both Phones. Estate TILLAMOOK—ORF.GON. Notice to Water Uters. ------ o------ After March 1st. 1919, all water rents will he collected at the City $500 $1000 Hall of Tillamook City. The rules require that all water rent must be paid In advance before Send us your Bonds by registered. the 10th of each month and this rule letter and receive highest market will be strictly enforced, and failure price by return mail. to pay will result In water being WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO. shut off and a charge of 50c made for turning on again. 200 Central Bldg. F. L. Berkey, Supt. Seattle Wash.