I. X, SOME STARTLING STATEMENTS J^R. O. L. HOHLFELD It’s QUALITY that COUNTS ! VETERINARIAN. Bell Phone—2F2 Tillamook About the Facts and the Widespreading Re lationships oí the Mooney Case. Mutual Phone Oregon. There is satisfaction in genuine, all wool fabrics. Come in and see the Newest Patterns in plentiful assortment. ID ROBINSON, M.D, i525e525252S25S525ZS2S252S252SB52525252S?52SB52S25?5£525£5252SeSZF> TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH 13. 191» port in behalf of Mooney which was issued just before the Mooney trial. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON The report of the Mooney Media­ tion Commission sent out by Secre­ NATIONAL BUILDING, tary of Labor Wilson is said to have The San Francisco grand jury has been written by G. S. Arnold, son-in- TILLAMOOK OREGON. investigated charges against District law of ex-Conggressman Kent, of Attorney Fickert, made by John B. California, member of the U. S. Trade J^> T.tBOALS, M.D., Arnold contributed Densmore, nephew of secretary of Commission. Labor Wilson, and sent by Wilson to *500 to the Haywood defense fund; I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. We also make Suits at home. Good Clothes California, and has pronounced he holds a federal position as an in­ them false. Densmore was a known vestigator of the Department of La­ only, and from the best all wool cloth Surgeon S. P. Co. Mooney sympathizer when sent to bor. that is in the market. Robert Minor, wha had been editor (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) California by the national adminis­ tration. Densmore fled the state to of two anarchist publications, and Tillamook .... Oregon WE ALSO HANDLE Mooney avoid testifying before the grand was associated with the movement, was denied a passport by jury which investigated his charges. World’s Star Hosiery and Aladdin Lamp Chimneys Cameras and Photo Mooney was a professional anar­ the U. S. State department upon the OBERT H. McGRATH, Nu Bone Corsets. and Mantles. Supplies. chist, who helped to found and sup­ recommendation of agents of the De­ CoUNSELLOR-AT LAW, port two anarchist papers, the Revolt partment of Justice, on the same and the Blast. He was a friend of grounds upon which I. W. W.s' and ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN.?, Trotzky. Lenine was a contributor anarchists in general are being de- to the Revolt. Mooney founded a left ported from the United States, but TILLAMOOK, OREGON. wing socialist school for the In- later was appointed by George Creel PoRTIAND OFF1CK struction of children, in which his as an official representative of the 1110 W ilcox B ld . wife was a teacher. Beckman and i United States government in Russia. 5HS2SZSH52Sa5H5a5H5asasa52Sasa5asa5afiS2S252525BSaSESa5a525aS252S2SBS2Sasa525aS2SH52SHSZ5B5B5252SaSH5Z5aSB52 When Miss Theodora Pollock, lead­ Haywood were contributors to the I have made arrangements with DR. W. E. LEBOW to practice Blast; both are sentenced for sedition er of the I. W. W. on the Pacific $ HABERLACH Mooney was a member of the I. W. coast was arrested with other I. W. Dentistry with me, and have no hesitancy in recommending him to my W. and the Syndicalist League, a W.'s charged with many crimes, a re friends. He is a clean man in person and habits and knows how to do 1 letter of hers was found in which she German Socialist organization. He ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. preached anarchy, revolution and the 1 stated that George Creel assured her reliable dental work. One or both of us will be at my office across the T illamook ^B lock { that Frank P. Walsh was in symp­ overthrow of government. street, South of the Court House, on MONDAYS, TUESDAYS and athy with the I. W. W. Ex-Congress­ Mooney was one of the agitators Tillamook Oregon for the pardon of the McNamaras un­ man Kent, a member of President WEDNESDAYS ; at CLOVERDALE on THURSDAYS; at NE­ til they confessed the dynamiting of Wilson's Tariff Commission, used his HALEM on FRIDAYS; at WHEELER on SATURDAYS and the Los Angeles Times building and influence to shield Miss Pollock. EBSTER HOLMES. the consequent killing of a score of i J. Edward Morgan, who was so S UNDA YS until noon. working people. He was a friend of roughly handled by soldiers who at­ A TTORN E Y-A T- L A W Hillstrom, the I. W. W., who was tacked a Mooney parade carrying red The most important teettfare the 6-year Molars. COMMERCIAL BUILDING. executed for the killing of a grocer flags in New York city, that he had and his son while he was trying to to go to a hospital, is the same man FIRST STREET. rob their little store. President Wil­ who, upon being arrested in Califor­ Particular PYORRHOEA son intervened with Governor Spry nia, was found to have a letter from Bring your children to us for TILLAMOOK, OREGON in Hillstrom's behalf. Mooney wrote Secretary Tumulty in his possession. free examination. Be sure Lieut. Commander Van Tntwerp, letters threatening the assassination Attention Successfully you are right about their of Governor Spry if he did not par­ of the Naval Intelligence office of the 0R. L. L. HOY, don murderer Hillstrom and to Gov­ United States Navy, resigned when teeth. Paid To ernor Johnson, of California, if he he was called to Washington and re­ Treated buked because he had made state ­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON did not pardon Ford and Sohr, who killed a district attorney and deputy ments disagreeable to the Depart­ Plates When T illamook B lock , sheriff. During the fight to Induce ment of Labor relative to certain Governor Stephens, of California, to bomb explosions coincident with la­ Tillamook, Oregon. pardon Mooney, he received many bor disturbances in the Mare Island I and Taken in letters threatening his life, and his navy yard. Simon Lubin, of Sacramento, head home in Sacramento was dynamited. Crown Time. Two I. W. W.’s arrested in San of the Immigration and Housing* T. BOI IS Francisco confessed that Mooney was Commission, appointed members of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. one of their two paymasters. In their the I. W. W. to Investigate crimes of and Work Done Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in custody was found a quantity of arson alleged to have been committed bombs, phosphorus to be used in de­ by members of the I. W. W. against Office. stroying crops and barns and start­ the Redwood Lumber Company in an Bridge Work. Evenings Taxes Paid for Non Resident*. ing forest fires and anthrax germs effort to destroy war material. Lubin T illamook B lock , for infecting and killing cattle. was referred to in I. W. W. corres­ Painless Tillamook .... Oregon Johannsen, named as the other pay­ pondence as "our trusted friend." Judge Franklin Griffin, trial judge master by these I. W. W's. has been Both Phones. — touring the country making Mooney in the Mooney case, whose state­ Appointment. Extracting. speeches. He is under indictment for ments have been quoted in connec­ c- HAWK, dynamiting and was a delegate to at­ tion with the Mooney verdict, is a tend the trial of Haywood and the Sinn Feiner, who publicly expressed the other I. W. W.’s In Chicago on his sympathy with Sir Roger Case­ These are the first permanent teeth the child errupts. Are most PHYSICIAN AND: SURGEON “ behalf of the Reds In San Francisco. ment. The jury which convicted Moon sure to decay early and should be filled before its too late. While attending the Haywood trial, ey was unanimous in its verdict. It Bay City Oregon Secretary of Labor Wilson appointed comprised two union labor men. The Most parents mistake these teeth for temporary ones and let them Johannsen United States mediator foreman of the jury has stated that go until too badly gone to save. THERE ARE HOUR SIX YEAR the testimony of Oxman, whom nub- of munitions strikes. Frank P. Walsh, member of the sequent events have discredited, wae QR J. G. TURNER, MOLARS. We will gladly tell you what should be done, also the cost. War Labor board until recently, is not determinative, but that there No charge for consultation mentioned in the correspondence of was a great mass of other evidence EYE SPECIALIST. Berkman and other Pacific coast an­ 1 against Mooney. The friends of M’ce Residence Across the PORTLAND — ¡OREGON archists as the Washington influence Mooney, comprising many powerful ~ ~ wvuvu VI Wil upon whom they must depend to get individuals and organizations, have n Regular Monthly Visits to themselves out of trouble. Gerge P. spent millions in defending him. but Tillamook anti Cloverdale. West, United States investigator have not developed any plausible i under Walsh, wrote a letter to Berk­ I theory as to who else committed the WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. Forgot What He Needed. man, found among that anarchist ' crime for which Mooney was convict- ------- o------- assassin's papers. In which West told ■ed. Governor Stephens was re-elected From the Republican, Mt. Giliad, GOYNK, (governor after refusing to pardon of what he had done to change the sentiment of laboring men in behalf Mooney and Fickert was re-elected Ohio: The editor had an interesting ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. of Mooney and furnished Berkman ' prosecuting attorney by a large plu­ experience some time ago, when a young gentleman came to this office an advance copy of his official re- rality after having convicted him. Office : O pposite C ourt I JUBh and asked for a copy of the Morrow County Republican. He scrutinized Tillamook • O. (gon. test, not a single case of venereal it 8 allowed to go on attacks if you observe the directions the Univertity took the stand and from month to month, with nobody with each package. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ laid before the Jury Its entire disci­ looking after the good name of the Bad Taste in Your Mouth. plinary history sinse 1872. including university, hence we suggested that For Sale. ful Germicidal mixture and by its use ------o- . . {cases that Fullerton never heard of Mr. Onthank do so. ------ o------ When you have a bad taste in In all that time not a single Univer­ will improve general stable conditions. A Registered Holstein your mouth you may know that your sity woman had ever gone to the bad. For Sale or Trade. months old. a fine individual, bred digestion is faulty. A dose of Cham- according to the evidence, and cases o by E. Werner. Aurora, from his___ fam­ berlaln's Tablets will usually correct of discipline among the men stu­ Have about 40 acres of land, south ous Sire. Fobe De Koi 2nd Johanna thia disorder. They also cause a gen­ dents had been astonishingly few. of Trask tiver six mtles from to»n. Duke, and a dam with a good record, tle movement of the bowels. You will In t he recent army examinations. I Plenty of wood on place. Wood will will sell or exchange for a good cow find this to be one of the beat tnedl- ' " hich every male student, hr.d to un­ moro than pay for place, Will take ir lieifer reliable druggists cities you have ever become aeqilnlnt- dergo, the army authorities reported auto in trade. Inquire Chan. Macpherson. ed with. Paid Adv. that there was. on the microscopic Childers, necr the land. Grand Ronde. Oregon. i Some startling statements are made concering the Mooney case in an article by F. R. Welsh, some of which are that: KAHN Made-To-Measure Suits From $30.00 and Up EDWALL’S, Tillamook, Oregon. £ S M Q a a a a a a 0 W. A. WISE, ’ Tillamook Countv J xvuvwv, DCDtiSt street South of I SL1CKE R CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO. .