TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 6, 19 J 9. tlficates or bonds. NINE BILLS UP ON JUNE 3 Notice of Hearing of Petition to form constructed around the outer bound­ "Obviously, there are details w'hich ------ o—..... Drainage District. In the County ary of said district, of sufficient cannot yet be decided, and announ­ height to protect said lands from $7,500.000 Bond iMue to be Decided cements which cannot be made un­ Court of the State of Oregon, for over-flow from the waters of the ad­ By Electorate. The County of Tillamook. joining rivers and sloughs, with tide­ I til Conggress has legislated. — o--------- gates therein at such places as may "Le us not be confused by prelim­ ——o----- Nine measures are to be voted on inary discussions, but let us keep our be found necessary for the purpose Notice is hereby given that hear ­ at the special election which is to be minds fixed on the fact that our of affording the necessary drainage ing on the following petition will be held June 3 as provided for by the Government requires the money to of water from the lands in such dis­ legislature just closed. Included in complete the work It has undertaken. held at the Court House in the City trict. The lands included in the dis­ of Tillamook, Tillamook County, these measures will be provision for The attempted trict are all subject to over-flow, and industrial revolt issuance of >7,500,000 lit bonds. Of which collapsed at Seattle, owing to State of Oregon, on the 5th day of are cut up to a considerable extent May, 1919, for the purpose of de ­ these, >5,000,000 are to be for re- the firmness of the Mayor, is evi- by tidal sloughs, and it is proposed construction purposes and the other • dent that Hun propaganda is still termining whether the prayer of said to drain said lands and provide for petition shall be granted. >2,500,000 for the construction of a ! - — - i active. The "war” will not be over All persons owning land or claim­ keeping the waters dained off of tije coast highway to be known as i the I until the Huns have been given the ing an interest in lands described in land so that instead of the land re- Roosevelt coast military highway ' , _..l bill and have begun paying. Then, said petition are hereby notified to maining cold and wet as they do un- and the issuance of the bonds to be and then onlyi will they rettHle dtJ appear at said place on said date and der present conditions, the water will dependent upon the federal govern­ feat and confess error.” show cause, if any there be, why I the be drained off and the land will dry ment appropriating a like amount. prayer in said petition should not : be off more quickly, and be thereby ren­ The government has already prom­ dered more fit for cultivation and granted. Making Gift of Railroads, ised to appropriate >2,500.000. more productive. Erwin Harrison, o ------ ------ o------ In carrying out the plan of recla­ County Clerk. Certain labor politicians are said The measures submitted to the peo­ mation it is proposed to make use of To the Honorable County Court of have agreed on a plan whereby to ple by the legislature are as follows: some diking work already done by Tillamook County, Oregon: Senate joint resolution No. 25— the railroads are to be bought by the some of the owners, and also to act The undersigned, being the owners United States Government at a cost Amending article XI of the consti­ in connection with Tillamook County tution of the State of Oregon by ad­ of >18,000,000,000 and turned over of more than 50 per cent of the In raising the road bed of the coun- acreage of the contiguous body of to the employes to be run on a "co ­ ding section 7a. providing for the Is­ ty road which runs along a portion suance of not exceeding >5,000,000 operative basis.” Can you think of swamp, wet and over-flow land in of the boundary of the district. Tillamook County, Oregon, herein- any good reason why you should help in construction bonds of the State of X. buy the railroads in order to con­ after described, do hereby petition Oregon. The signers of this petition agree your Honorable Body to cause to be tribute them to somebody? Perhaps ------ o------ that they will pay any and all ex­ House joint resolution No. 32— you can think of better reasons why organized a drainage district for the penses incurred, and any tax or re- purpose of having such land your neighbors should be taxed >18,- For the addition to the constitution ef­ taxes that may be levied against of the State of Oregon of article Xlb, 000,000,000 in order to buy you a claimed and protected from the their respective lands for the pur­ fects of water for sanitary and ag- providing funds for the payment by house and lot, an automobile, and a rlcultural purposes, and for the cov- pose of paying the expense of organ­ grocery store. It is not safe to as ­ the state of interest, for a period not izing, or attempting to organize the that because a enients and welfare of the public, proposed district, the expense to be exceeding five years, on bonds issued I sume, however, and for the public utility and bene ­ by irrigation and drainage districts. scheme of legislation is intended to fit, and for the purpose of this peti­ taxed against the land of the sign­ tax the people in order to enrich ■■■ c------ tion we state the following matters ers in proportion to the number of Senate joint resolution No. 11— some particular group that it will as required by Chapter 340 of the acres owned by them and affected by not receive favor. If there are more Amending section 10 of article XI of General Laws of Oregon for the year the proposed project. the constitution of the State of Ore­ votes to be had by supporting it 1915, as amended by Chapter 414, of XI. gon, increasing the limitation of than by opposing it, plenty of poli­ the general Laws of Oregon for Wherefore your petitioners pray ticians will be found to boost it taxes by counties for roads. that the lands described herein, or along. Especially If the scheme con­ 1917. such of them as may be found by the ------ o------ i. House joint resolution No. 20— templates that a lot of those who The name proposed for such district court to be properly included in the Amending section 3 of article XIV of are pushing It and voting for it shall is Stillwell Drainage District. proposed district, either permanent­ the constitution of the State of Ore­ have big jobs with fat salaries at- ly or until further investigation and II. tached under the new arrangement. gon as to the location of public in­ The boundary lines of the proposed survey may permit elimination, stitutions of the state, and excepting shall be declared organized into a district are as follows: from the former constitutional pro­ A Novel War History. Beginning at the point where the drainage district under the provis­ visions an Industrial and reconstruc­ quarter section line running East ions of the Laws of Oregon relating tion hospital. Otto Kahn’s suggestion that a com- and West through the center of to such districts and hereinbefore re­ ------ o Section 26, Township 1 South, Range ferred to. House joint resolution No 31— petent committee select 500 letters 10 West. W. M., intersects the East Dated February 10, 1919. Ameding sections 1 and 8 of article written home by our soldiers abroad side of Tillamook river, and running Emil Benscheidt V of the constitution of the State of promises a novel history of the war thence East along said line to where M. V. Stillwell from a new angle. A modest amount Oregon and providing for a lieuten­ Ida E. Reynolds by E. W. said line intersects the right bank of comment and illumination might ant-governor. Stanley, her guardian. connect these letters so as to make of Trask River near the center of F. and Gottf. Josi. said Section 26; thence following the Senate bill No. 266—Authorizing a complete narrative which would right bank of Trask river up stream W. J. Stillwell the issuance of reconstruction bonds not supplant scientific history but Southerly, Easterly and Northerly Ulrich Wyss would give the personal equation of of the state, conferring certain pow­ Fred C. Baker. to the Northerly bank of a slough ers on the state board of control, pro­ war which would not only be inter­ connecting said Trask River with P. W. Todd. viding for the use of funds derived esting but would afford a phycholo- what is known as Trask River cut-off State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ mook, 88: from reconstruction bonds and public gical study of the young American at a point near the Northwest cor­ I, Emil Benscheidt, being first du­ buildings, the supervision of such mind under normal conditions. ner of the Southeast quarter of the Many years ago a great man said work, promoting land settlement, Southwest quarter of Section 25, in ly sworn, say that I am one of the land reclamation and providing em­ that the only history of any value Township 1 South of Range 10 west, signers of the foregoing petition; was thut which consisted of incident that I have read the said petition ployment. and anecdote. The proposed volume W. M.; thence following the bank and that I believe the allegations ------ o------ of said slough northeasterly to the Senate Bill No. 269—Providing would pretty well fit this condition, left bank of what is known as Trask thereof are true. Emil Benscheidt. state financial aid to honorably dis­ In years to come we shall have an River cut-off; thence following said Subscribed and sworn to before me charged soldiers , sailors or marines unending series of war volumes do- left bank of the Trask River cut-off enlisted or inducted into the service ing with men in masses. Mr. Kann’s Northerly to its intersection with this 15th day of February, 1919. The Tillamook Transfer Co., has (Notary Seal) H. T. Botts. from the state of Oregon who desire book would be a revelation of the the South or left bank of Hoquarton Notary Public for Oregon. to pursue a course of study in insti­ heart, mind and soul of the individ­ Slough; thence down said Hoquartcp contracted the wood output of the tutions of higher learning In the ual soldier and would be all the more Slough, following the left bank My Commission expires Dec 21, 1919 Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood valuable and vivid because the let­ state of Oregon. ters were not written with thought thereof, to the intersection of said ------ o------ Notice of Final Account. supply from this plant is not suf­ Hoquarton Slough with the Tilla­ of publication. ------ o------ U 1 Senate bill No. 283-—Being an act mook River; thence following the ficient for the local demand we will All persons concerned are hereby ® to levy annually a tax of 1 mill on right bank of Tillamook River, up notified that Jessie McGinnis, Ad­ H the dollar on all taxable property in fill orders from other sources. stream to the place of beginning. A Movie in Two Reels. 9 the state for market road purposes, And all of the lands included with­ ministratrix of the Estate of Jamea Jefferson McGinnis, deceased, has S providing for a distribution thereof, Place your orders for wood with us. On January 7th the Publicity Di­ in said boundaries constitute a con- filed her final account in such estate S and containing other provisions. tiguous body or swamp, wet and rector of the Liberty Loan division in the County Court of Tillamook over-flow lands. County, Oregon, and that said Court g ■ House bill No. 147—-Providing for of the Treasury department, tele­ III. a the construction of a highway to be graphed Douglas Fairbanks that he The total acreage included in said has appointed Monday, March 24th, 1919, at the County Court room in g known as the Roosevelt coast mili- wanted him to put on a movie in proposed district is 432*4, acres. the Court House in Tillamook City, 3 tary highly, appropriating >2,500,- which he, Fairbanks, was to meet IV. and swat every critic of the adrnin- | 000 contingent on the United States The names of the owners of land Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. a) appropriating a like sum for the con- istration; that if he would do this in said proposed district as shown by in. as the time and place for hearing ¡g struction of said highway and pro- the Liberty Loan publicity depart- the records of Tillamook County, objections to said final account and B vldlng for the issuance of bonds by ment would agree to plaster the Oregon, and the acreage owned by the settlement thereof. country with the film. Doug was Dated February 20th, 1919. S the state of Oregon. urged to see Secretary McAdoo at his each of such owners is as follows: Jessie McGinnis, Ad­ Owner Acres. No. California home and talk over the ministratrix. || I Thrift Stamp Campaign for 1919. proposition. The text of his tele­ Fred and Gottfried Josi......... I 64. H. T. Botts, Attorney. P. W. Todd................................... I 65 aisi Every postmaster has been request­ graphic was given out at Los Ange­ Wilbur Stillwell ...................... 87 I Notice of Administratrix Sale. ed by Postmaster General A. S. Bur­ les. Thirty days later It was announced Ulrich Wyss................................. • 42 —:—o------ leson to give cooperation in the gov­ Minny V. Stillwell ..................... I 37.50 Notice is hereby given that the un­ ernment's oempaign for thrift during that Mr. McAdoo had been made at­ L. L. Stillwell............. < 47. dersigned administratrix will sell at 1919. Following is the letter of the torney of the United States Film D. Tomlinson ............................. I 36 private sale, from and after the 15th Postmaster General which has pleas­ corporation, the Douglas Fairbanks Rachel Stanley ........................ ] 15 day of February, 1919, the following ed Thrift Stamp executives in the concern, indicating that the inter­ Ida E. Reynolds........................... I 25 Twelfth Federal Reserve District. He view between Mr. Fairbanks and E. Benscheidt............................. 8.75 described real property, situate in Mr. McAdoo had bean mutally satis­ says: Fred C. Baker.......................... 2.50 Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 3 and 4 of Block 8 in Jane “The Post Office Department deep­ factory. It was reported that the Erick Erickson ........................ 2.50 Faller's Addition to the town of Bay ly appreciated the splendid patriotic salary to be paid MeAdoo for his Tillamook County, tract cov­ City, in Tillamook County, Oregon, war savings service of postmasters legal skill would run Into six figures ered by county road. according to the recorded plat there­ during the year 1918, mid inasmuch but both McAdoo and Fairbanks de­ V. as the thrift movement is to be one clared this was a secret. The proposed reclamation and pro- of. You musn't comment on this, how­ tection of said lands is for sanitary Said sale will be made for cash of the major operations of the Unit- ed States Government for the year ever, or Doug might put in his and agricultural purposes, and such and will be subject to contirmatloa 1919, the Post Office Department film as a pro-German, proposed reclamation and protection by the County Court of Tillamook earnestly asks your cooperation with will be conductive to the public County, Oregon, and bids will be re­ county, city and town War Savings and welfare, and of public ceived either at the residence of the health Just Suppositions. undersigned or at the office of H. T. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN Chairmen for the year 1919. utility, and benefit. Botts, attorney at law, both in Tilla­ "It is not true, as many seem to be­ VI. THE COUNTY. The following remarkable calcula­ lieve, that the war is over. The war All of the lands included in said mook City, Oregon. This sale Is made See Us for .Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere will not be over insofar as our people tion on the length of time which it proposed district are properly in- in pursuance of the order of the are concerned until financial obli­ would take a person to take a bil­ eluded therein, and will be beneflcal- County Court in Tillamook County, gations we have iacurred lion recently appeared in an issue of ly affected by the operations of the Oregon. Dated this 1th day of January. 1919, have been completely discharged. the English Mathematician. proposed district. What is a billion? The reply is Catherine A. Long As a representative man of your VII. Administratrix de bonis community, there devolves upon you very simple. In England a billion is The benefits of such proposed re­ of the Estate of Mina J. a duty to our country and to the a million times a million. This is clamation and protection will exceed Campbell, deceased. people with whom you come in con­ quickly written and quicker still pro­ the damage to be done, and the best tact, to cooperate in the most im­ nounced. But no man is able to count interests of the land Included and of portant activity sponsored by our it. You will count 160 or 170 a min­ the owners of such land as a whole, Notice to Water Users. government. Hence I bespeak your ute. But let us suppose that you go and of the public at large, will be as high as 206 a minute, hour after cordial cooperation in War Sawings promoted by the formation and pro­ After March 1st, 1*19, aM water hour. At that rate would count 12000 posed operations of such district. for this year.” rents will be collecMd at the City an hour; 280,000 a day, or 105,120,- VIII. Hall of Tillamook City. 000 in a year. Let us suppose now The formation of a drainage dis­ The rules require that all water The Liberty Loan. For disenfecting where Contagious or that Adam, at the beginning of bls trict under the provisions of Chap­ rent muBt be paid in advance before ------ o------ James K. Lynch, Governor Federal existence had begun to count, and ter 340 of the General Laws of Ore­ the 10th of each month and thia rule infectious diseases are prevailing. Reserve Bank, Twelfth Federal Re­ had continued to do so, and was gon for the year 1915, as amended will be strictly enforced, and failure counting still. Had such a thing been by Chapter 414 of the General Laws to pay will result In water being serve District, writes as follows: CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ "Telegraphic reports of changes in possible, he would not yet have of Oregon for the year 1917, under shut off and a charge of 50c made ful Germicidal mixture and by its use the plan for financing the govern­ finished the task of counting a bll- the provisions of which this organ­ for turning on again. ment have produced a feeling of un­ lion. ization is proposed, is a proper and All arrears for February should be will improve general stable conditions. To count a billion would require a advantageous method of accompiish- paid without delay to John Aschlm certainty in the minds of our citi­ person to count 200 a minute for a Ing the reclamation and protection at the Sheriff’s office. zens. "We have positive assurance from period of 9521 years, 542 days, 5 of the lands included in said propos- F. L. Berkey, Supt. Secretary Glass that a popular loan hours and 20 minutes. But suppose ed drainage district. If the number of fedoral jobs keep will be offered for subscription on we allow the counter 12 hours daily IX. for rest, eating and sleeping. Then April 21st, and that this will be The proposed plan for reclamation growing and the number of Demo­ R ELI ABLE DRUGGISTS. salable loan."—in other words, a he would need 18,025 years, 391 and protection of the property In crats keep shrinking, some of these loan that will be attractive to the days, 10 hours and 45 minutes to the proposed drainage district Is. days there’s going to be a shortage that a dike or embankment shall be of federal help. 5Z5e525252SBSZ52S2SZ^52S25Z5252S2S252S2S252SZS investor whether in the form of cer- complete the task. TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO., LIBERTY TEMI ALEX. MeNAIR & CO. GENERAL HARDCUMRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO.