TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 6, 1919 [of army discipline was natural to ex­ pect. taking young men suddenly away from private life and placing Fred C. Baker, Editor. WOMAN’S them under strict military descipline SHOP [something they knew very little 'about, or had any experience with. SUBSCRIPTION ¡'Realizing the sudden transformation The Store That Gives You Dependable Merchandise At Far Lower Price Than You Are from civil to military life, a large Advertising Rates. George Harvey in the Weekly says: number of officers have used good Used To Paying Display Advts, per inch............ 20c. ' "That a crisis of some sort is im­ discretion in not being too severe . half page pending in the business world and with their men when they broke a wondcrlul new sPrin£ and Sunimer !ine Of Womens and ... full page 15c. that we are drifting swiftly towards trivial orders, for it was a matter of Misses garments. education to comply with military .... per line 7c. that crisis is no idle dream. Business Locali in many lines is becoming more and discipline. In fact it was surprising Readen, with reading matter ; more stagnant. Mills and factories how soon the boys adapted them­ per line.................................... 7c. have either shut down or are prepar­ selves to army discipline. What is Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. ing to do so. The numbers of the un­ now causing a large amount of pub­ Resolutions .................. per line 5c. employed are becoming formidable. licity is a number of cases of insub­ THE GARMENTS offered are the production of the clever DESIGNERS Between the 3rd of December and ordination in the army where men as well as the LEADING DESIGNERS of this COUNTRY and abroad—the the 30th of January these unemploy­ have been sentenced to death and ed multiplied twenty-five times. As long terms of punishment for trivial styles are authoritive— -and vervinoderate. the latter date those who were out of offenses, which goes to prove that I work totalled about 1,500.000. At proper discretion have not been used Our Garments are the final word 2,000,000 by some officers. Numerous cases are lt would not surprise us in the present approximately in smart tailored leai-t to see another flu wave sweep men are looking for work which being mentioned, which looks like over the United States, for the dis- ( they cannot get. By the closing down an outrage to sentence a young man ease is again sweeping over Euro- of industries and the return of thou­ to 40 years imprisonment for refus­ sands of soldiers every week, the ing to stop smoking and for refusing pean countries. ranks of this vast army of workless to give up a package of cigarettes The individuality of style, the ele- Germany wants a just peace and are being swollen with alarming when demanding to do so by a lit u- German propaganda keep- on harp­ ' rapdity. The tension is becoming too tenant. gance of lines, the correctness of ing on the same lines. If justice I strong to endure definitely. Some- every detail, all stand out in most could be properly administered the thing has to give way, and when it Notwithstanding that Senators _l convincing proof of their High Clasi- war lords and the Junkers would all I does, the prospect of what may en- and Congressmen have been mak- be strung up for the horrible mur- | sue is not pleasing to contemplate.” Ing speeches complaining of the wil­ ness and Superiority. ------ o ders and cruelty they Were respousl- ful extravagance of the government, It is only right and proper that the ble for. congress continued to vote for vast DISCRIMINATING in Leading citizens of this county should show appropriations up to the time it ad­ ------ 0------ four stand pat Senators their appreciation of Senator T. B. journed on Tuesday last. It is esti­ Materials—Including against bonding for good roads at Handley and Representative C. J. mated that by the end of the present Edwards for their faithful and the state legislature two years ago year the United States »’ill have a Silvertons, Gaberdines, Poplines, were Walter A. Dimick, Alex La Fol­ strenuous efforts while serving In bonded indebtedness of $35,000,000,- lett. Walter M. Pierce and W. H. I the state legislature. We only express 000. At 4 per cent a year this im- Serges, Veloures and Mixtures. Layer. The same stand patters lined the sentiment of the people of the poses a standing burden upon the county when we offer these gentle ­ up in the Senate voted again against Prices are Ranged on the NewJJSpring men a word of commendation for ser­ people of one and one half billion bonding the state for good roads. dollars for Interest alone. As the an- vices well performed, and which is and Summer Styles in ------ o------ nual expenditure of the government Probably there would not be as now highly appreciated. Very few will not be under $3.000,000,000, or much discussion over the League of few persons realize what a strenuous an annual charge of four and one Nations if it had been planned to time state legislators are subject to half billion dollars per annum. This settle disputes between nations by during a session of the legislature, to must come from the consumer for the arbitration. Too many persons are say nothing of the financial loss, for most part. In other words,, in addi­ stickers on phraseology, and .this $3.00 a day is a paltry sum to pay a tion to the profit the people must high sounding League of Nations is I state legislator. We are glad to say make to live and pay local taxation, bringing into notice the idealist who that the two local legislators did they must pay into the treasury of You Will Find Our Price« Very good team work and came to an quibble over words. agreement on on all local matters. the United States between four and ------ o------ Reasonable five billion dollars per annum, while The editors are In the same class But their best achievements were in the principal of the bonded debt re­ as the county attorney, the state their fight for hard surfaced roads. mains the same. Instcead of the gov­ It money has any value to you, then bear in mind that Golden’s Woman’s legislature did not raise their salary. It is fitting that all local bodies pass ernment becoming so interested in Shop offers you the best garments that the market can produce AT A SAVING But that wasn't exactly a square deal a vote of thanks to Senator Handley European countries, it looks to US on the part of the senate to allow a and Representative Edwards for the that the interests of the people of TO Y OU—50 PER CENT ON EVERY GARMENT BOUGHT IN OUR STORE. few salaries of county attorneys to be able manner in which they repre­ the United States should receive We have proved this statement to thousands of our custorhers, and we 11 prove sented the people of this county. We raised the first part of the session more consideration, The enormous his again. and kill off other bills of a like na­ can only add: "Well done good and waste of money, in prosecuting the ture later in the sesslnn and at a faithful servants,” with the hope war. is coming to light. Millions up­ ACROSS STREET FROM CLOUGH’S DRUG STORE time when senators wanted their lit­ that the people will honor them on millions of dollars have been tle bit of a $3.00 a day salary raised i again. wasted, which have helped to swell to $5.00 a day. I Persons who own autos may be in- the bonded indebtedness of the ------ o------ country, and the first opportunity W TILLAMOOK OREGON Jim Christensen says the snap shot cllned to think that the state legis- fhe people have of hurling the spend man was misinformed about him be­ lature did not act wisely in increas- thrift government from power we ing on the advertising committee, ; Ing automobile and auto truck licen- predict they will do so. and, of course has a "come back" 'ses. But in a few years they will see Let Us Show You Our Complete Line The Store That Gives The Guard of Style lhat we were made the "goat". Well, the wisdom of doing so, with thou- You More Goods for You Will Like It Quality and Good val- As To Pershing’s Politics. we'll let it go at that and the laugh 1 sands of miles of hard surfaced roads Less Money is on the snap shot man. But Jim's a to travel over. It is bad roads that is send for our FREE fashion booklet Washington and New York may be pretty good fellow anyway, and alms responsible for the laTge expenditure 3 to do what is right, and when it hap­ tn the upkeep of automobiles, which worrying, as was indicated in news pened that something was needed at to a large extent will be eliminated dispatches from these cities, about the cheese factory in his district, with hard surfaced roads. Another the political faith of General John J. manage It, I believe you could run niolisbed enough rolling stock to fit Jim was always the man to do the thing, as autos and auto trucks are Pershing, who led American forces Remick In a Fix. responsible for the. wear and tear on to victory against the Hun, but a the universe and I am not much of out a prosperous branch line. right thing and kindly act. puhlio load», U is only ' right lhat relative in Indianopolis has no ddabt Editor df Tillamook Headlight, Tilla­ a betting man at that. You are al­ ~r_ r w— Arranging a railway wreck is a mook. Oregon. ways very refreshing and I love you simple matter. Clearing up the de- The Wheeler Valley Reporter made they should be made to bear some of about the question, nor, he says, is Dear Sir.—Will you please not very much but I also want to keep bries is quite another. A train may its appearance last week, G. B. Nunn the cost. Most every county in Ore­ there ay doubt on the question in the having leased the newspaper plant gon is levying large road taxes, mind of General Pershing's brother, copy of Mr. B. A. Johnson's letter of out of scrapes and am pretty good at escape comparatively unharmed in it, but this one puzzles me—so come real life. In "reel” life the film ar Wheeler belonging to Frank A. which have been inadequate for James Fletcher Pershing, a Chicago February 27th? Will you please mail Mr. Johnson across! Hastily your friend. Rowe. We wlih the Reporter success, maintenance charges, consequently manufacturer. critics are not satisfied unless it Is "General John J. Pershing.” said a copy of your paper which had all Boling Arthur Johnson. all "busted'' up. but supposed it Is to be a dyed in it was necessary to raise more money (The editor suggests that it be re- the wool Democratic organ for Mr. for hardsurfaced roads, and in that the relative, who insisted that his this information as to cheese? It is Nunn announces that he belongs to way eliminate the large maintenance name be withheld, “is not a politician my intention, in our Lumber adver­ ferred to the peace conference.) Willamina Star Route Not Approved. the free trade party which placed charges. With the great Inciese in 1 do not think he has any politics, tising to co-operate with cheese mak­ lumber on the free list. We suppose the number of autos and auto trucks and in a talk last summer with hi* ing, putting Tillamook on the map. Dairy Farm For Sale. Washington, D. C. Feb. 25, 1919. Bro. Trombley will swell up now something had to be done to procure brother, James Fletcher Petshing, of They have succeeded in doing it pret­ ------ o Hon. Fred C. Baker, Tillamook. Ore. that there are two democratic free hard surfaced roads and the two Chicago, we just about reached the ty well as to cheese, and we would I have for sale the finest dairy My dear Mr. Baker:—In further Irade tourers to one Republican ed­ last state legislatures huve made it conclusion that as a soldier the gen­ like to do It as to timber, and I farm in the Columbia river basin, reference to the proposed change in possible to give Oregon a system of think this will help to a great ex ­ eral had never cast a vote. However, itor in the county. consisting of 362 acres, seventy-five the star route service between Willa­ highways that will be a direct ben­ General Pershing's father was a Re­ tent. ------ o Will be glad to have you advise Mr. of which is bottom land and thor­ mina and Hebo, I am enclosing a The Irish question Is nut a subject efit to the state and will come near publican; his brother is a Republi­ oughly tiled; two hundred acres copy of a letter just received from for the peace conference or President placing Oregon in the same position can and so is his sister, Mrs. Butler, Johnson direct if you will, also ad­ clear, one hundred and twenty-two [the Fourth Assistant Postmaster as California and Washington with vise this office what you have done whose first name I do not recall. She Wilson to butt into. It concerns only acres more than half cleared; forty General in which he states owing to hardsurfaced roads. the mater. in Is editor of a Law Journal in Lincoln. Ireland and Englad. If the Irish ques­ acres timber, good for farm use; existing road conditions the change --------- 0--------- Neb., where women enjoy partial Yours very truly, tion is a debatable subject at the There is one class of men in the suffrage. The general’s young son is J. C. Remick. sixty head of Jersey cattle, including is not consided practical at the pres­ peace conference then the disfran­ one imported Jersey bull, six horses, ent time. ------ o chised negro In the South have a army and navy one hears very little there with her. There are a good sheep, hogs,* chickens and other farm He states that the improvements about, notwithstanding they have many Pershings in the Chcago, Ill., Feb. 20. 1919. right to demand redress. The govern­ county, and, stock, all farming implements; three of the roads are under the direction had very important duties to perform as far as I know, none of them has Mr. Jesse C. Remick, President ment of the United States has plenty silos, ninety tons each with one of the Bureau of Public Roads in the to do to look after l he Interests of its and have been In close touch-With voted any other than the Republican Cummings-Moberly Lumber Co. hundred tons insilage on hand. One Agricultural Department and he is own citizens without getting tangled men in both branches of the service. ticket since the Civil yar."—Phila­ Lewis Bldg., Portland, Ore. My Dear Jesse—I wonder if you dairy barn, modern, cement floor, transmitting a copy of the report to up with the squabbles of other coun­ We refer to the chaplains. Now and delphia North American. member one glorious morning patent stalls, capacity 60 cows and that bureau, in the event lhat the tries. We agree with the president again some kindly references are when you came into my office full of 250 tons of hay. everything modern. ; Federal Government might be inter- that the Irish question is not a sub- muds in letters from the front or at the cantoi'inents regarding the work Red Clover Creamery- /:>ergy and ambition—both business One barn not modern. Seven room ! ested in cooperating to make neces- Ject for the peace conference. ------ o------ tile chaplains were doing in looking > d political—and made a great house. Bunk house for hired men. . sary improvements. I shall be glad to r‘ stalls " in Rive the matter further attention. This Is what the New York World. after the spiritual and moral welfare The factory recelved2,421,266 ms. stab about printing a "cheese, bees Cement water troughs at and trees” advertisement in the barn. Three streams of running wat- , With best wishes, I am a democratic newspaper and a sup­ of the boys in the regiments, but es­ of milk. porter of the democratic party had pecially in cases of sickness. An­ Truly yours. Milk contained 97,653 Tbs. of Lumber World Review ? You sug­ er on place. Windmill with tank, i 500 gallon capacity. This farm is one ' gested that I write your friend B. C. to say about Congress, which ad- I other things. There are u good many butter fat. W. C. Hawley. Jourbed on Tuesday; "The country Is more things being written, and right­ Average butter fat in milk, 4.033 Lamb. president of the First Nation­ half mile from Scappoose where they I al Bank, of Tillamook, Oregon, for have good schools and good stores; legislatively bankrupt. It must be ap­ ly so, about the morale of the Ameri­ per cent. Washington, D. C. Feb. 24. 1119. a hard surfaced public highway ! w parent to every American citizen can army, and we believe this was 267,549 lbs. of cheese manufactur­ information. I did that and just now on onlv twentv mil».. non. w. C. Hawley, House of Rep­ __r.. W. 1 have In front of me a letter of his only twenty miles from Portland. who concerns himself with affaire in brought about to a large estent by ed and sold. resentatives. Washington that the Congress of the t he effort of army chaplains. It is Average yield was 11.05 lbs. dated Jan. 2Sth that has been hang­ Terms to responsible party. Address My Dear Mr. Hawley.— With «05 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., American army was true that the ing here In the office for some time, United States has ceased to function cheese per 160 lbs. nrllk. * further reference to your letters of as a legislative body ♦ • • Worse made up of the best manhood of the 972.317.78 was realised from sale which has attached to it a bale of Portland, Oregon. October 31, November 5, 7, 8 and 14, detailed information which would still. It has shown it is practically country, which had a great deal to of cheese. 11918, and the 6_jh ultimo, transmit- lues pa ble of doing anything.” We do with It* morale, but the kindly Average price was 27.03c. the 1b. fill a 38 foot car. It is most wonder­ ‘‘Framing" Railway Wrecks. ' ting communications regarding pro­ ful and illiuninating—but what am disagree with the World in this par­ advice of theae God fearing chap­ Tillamook. ------ o------ posed changes In star route service lain* being in close, personal touch I to say to Mr. Lamb? Nowadays, through the medium of In the vicinity of Willamina, Hebo. ticular. It has done something. It 2,884 lbs. of butter fat was sold in with the men helped wonderfully tn Jesse. you must really atop having the cinema^ it Is possible to experi- whey cream. proved itself to be the most extrava­ Tillamook, Otis, Taft & Rose Lodge. gant, wasteful congress in the his­ giving the American army a splendid 91.571.53 was realised from Mie these scintillating ideas if you do not ence all ».ft the unpleasant eens*- Oregon, I beg to state that the in­ want to carry them out It means tionsjGTi great battle, a terrible rail tory of the United States, squander­ reputation. Probably why so little of whey cream. 3.791 boxes cheese produced, all of nothing to me If you want to print way »«flash ing the peoples' money In a most has been heard about the army chap­ fash, or a devastating explos- spector to whom was referred the matter of rearranging the star route this advertisement, although there towf reckletw manner and thereby adding lains is because they have no public­ which have been shipped. in question, recently submit­ billions for the present and future ity bureau io sound their praise, like Company received 19,071.19 for does not appear to be any sense to it The heroism and the financial ex­ service the Y. M. C. A., which sends columns making cheese. as far as I can sec. You may have penditure are scarcely generations to groan under. realized. ted a report, after an investigation ‘of matter every week to the news­ Expenses for the season total 17.- known just what you wanted to do There is one officer now at the front in the field, in which he states that ----- o—---- but at all events this is the situa­ who has gone out with his camera owing to the existing road condi­ California and Washington are papers praising and puffing up som« 275.73. Creamery was built during the tion. highly Interested In the proposed very inslgnlflcent Incident. and filmed the creeping barrage of tions it is not practicable to change I will have made a copy of the let­ his own artillery. It is not surpris­ the present service and that Federal year at cost of 111.533.09. Roosevelt military highway along Following represents resources and ter I dictated to Mr. Lamb, a copy of ing that he already carries two aid will be required to repair and the Pacific Coast, and for that reas­ | No one questions that there should construct the necessary roads. another letter dated Jan. 16th. and wound stripes on his sleeve. on an active campaign should be be strict dicipllne In the army, and liabilities of the company. It is, therefore, deemed inadviMble started in Oregon to consumate the we are free to admit that military i Resources—Building and ground. another letter dated Jan. 27th, The filming of railway "thrillers" plan. It Is going to place Oregon In discipline have been a great benefit 911.533.09; Supplies on hand paid which was to stir him up some more, is costly rather than dangerous. So to take further action regarding the a wrong position if the people fall to thouMnds of young men who were for. 92.402.65; Accounts due com­ and will enclose them to you under great is the demand for this type of matter at this time, but a copy of to pass the measure to be voted upon drafted or volunteered their services pany. »2.185 08; Cash in bank $256.- this cover, and then when these let­ film, however that Just before the the inspector's report has been trans­ ters come to hand, and you have per­ war there were at least two railway mitted to the Director of Public at a special election In June, which for the duration of the war. The 28; Total $16.647.10. Liabilities—Capital stock out­ sued them very dedately suppose you companies in America which made roads. Agricultural Department, who provides for a bonded Indebtedness lesson they have learned In discipline of $2.500.000 on condition that the is going to remain with them and stand. $2.625.00; Bills payable $9.- tell me what to My to Mr. Lamb, and from $30,000 to $50,000 a year in has jurisdiction in matters pertain­ federal government contribute a like not only with good results to them- 300.00; Due patrons for December 11 will My it. If your energy were staging train wrecks for the “mov­ ing to Federal aid in the construc­ at lount. Oregon is a long way behind 'selves but to every community. That cheese. $3.021.90; By balance, (sur­ temered down Into some sort of ies”. One film company since its or­ tion of roads. Sincerely yours, thermostat so some fellow could ganization has purchased and de­ i k Ultornla and Washington in paved jthere should be trivial infringement plus). $1.700.20. Total $16.647.20. James I. Blackalee, Fourth Assistant P. M. General. roads, and all progressive persons in the state must not lag behind. But a campaign of education is necessary for the Roosevelt memorial military highway, especially In counties in I Eastern Oregon. It is reported that ..the government's money is available. ŒiUanuink ifraMiijht > ^iOLDELN’S iDDIVPn AKK1VLU A First Showin ng of New Models In Spring and Summer SUITS, COATS and DRESSES Editorial Snap Shots. Coats, Suits, Dresses Coats, Suits, Dresses $10 to $35 I h * Woman’s Shop I I