TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 6, 1919. ployers of industrial labor, It follows GOOD WIFE FOR BLIND SOLDIER, that no new industrial corporations o------ can be floated if their earnings are English Woman Writes Sir Arthur to be reduced to a minimum, as Mr. Pearson of Her Desire to Marry Russell says, so that labor can have ------ o------ more. Labor refuses to share the interpretation of military law and risks of industrial enterprises. The Tillamook ----- o-------- Oregon. How Sergeant Jackson of the Salem, Or., March 3.—James rigid enforcement of court martial railroad crew unions and other labor British army, a barber before the sentences. Judge ? Advocate General Withycombe, fifteenth governor of organizations categoriaclly repudiat­ war, returned from the battle field AVID ROBINSON, M.D 77V Oregon, passed away peacefully at S. T. Ansell, shocked beyond measure ed the idea two or three years ago. totally blind, but resumed his craft his home, 895 Chemeketa street, this at the barbaric severity of these In a few instances, such as copper in spite of it, and how he now does city, at 8:45 o'clock tonight. He was army sentences, uncovered the old mining and cotton weaving, wages a bigger business than ever before PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 64 years old. His death was due to a law of 1862 under which sentences have been raised as the selling price in his little shop, was told quite general breakdown In health that might be reviewed by the Judge Ad­ of the product advanced, but that is recently by Sir Arthur Pearson, NATIONAL BUILDING, had been coming on him for months vocate. Secretary Baker refused to not a division of the risks of opera­ the sightless author and publisher, TILLAMOOK — OREGON. and he had visibly weakened since recognize the validity of this merci­ tion. whose work for the blinded soldiers the strain of work had fallen away ful avenue of escape from brutal Labor can engage in business on a of Great Britian at St. Dunstan’s cruelty. He insisted that court mar ­ from him, leaving in its place a de­ large as well as a small scale. When Hostel in London had gained him T. BO ALS, M.D., tial cases are not so reviewable. He cided reaction. workmen invest their savings in the even more fame than did his maga­ relentlessly held young soldier boys His death came peacefully after a securities of their incorporated em­ zine and newspaper activities in the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. day which had been spent in the fresh from home to punishments for ployers they realize what business past. Electricity’s latest gift to service of the state as far as his trivial (otfenses that would have been means. Skilled workmen in a good Surgeon S.P. Co. When Sir Arthur related this in­ weakened condition would allow. He excessive tor manslaughter. He re­ trade can run a factory of their own. stance of the wonders performed at the housewife—greatest peatedly turned down recommenda ­ (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) passed on a number of bills and ve­ since the electric iron tions tor review in court martial Those who have tried it have found St. Dunstan s, a gasp of surprise what "overhead” means and how im­ went up in the audience that filled and electric vacuum Tillamook .... Oregon toed one. cases. When it came to the brave cleaner—the Wife at Bedside. young fellows eager to offer life and portant are the services of executives, the Academy of Music. Here the dis­ * At his home at the time of death for their country, the pacifist buyers and salesmen. Some coopera­ tinguished Englishman spoke to a TD OBERT H. McGRATH, were Mrs. Withycombe, his daughter, limb tive enterprises have been successful gathering consisting chiefly of sight­ autocrat had no mercy, no matter but the original toilers who organiz­ less men and woman. The meeting Miss Babel Withycombe, and his how trivial the offense. COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, i P ortable daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harry Withy­ And what were these offenses and ed them became case-hardened capit­ was held under the joint auspices of the Pennsylvania council of national ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN?, combe of Harve, Mont., and his son, the court martial punishments im­ alists when they succeeded. S ewing M achine Capital cannot be compelled to en­ defense and the British relief com- Earl Withycombe. His other sonB, posed on the mere boys convicted of TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Harry, of Harve, Mont., and Robert, them? For refusing to stop smoking ter the industrial field any more than mitee of the emergency aid. No more tiresome P orti and O ffice • of Union, are now on their way to and for refusing to give up a pack- labor cane be driven into the mills "I know it sounds unbelleveable,” treadle pushing -- no age o7 cigarettes 7o°a ’ con» ‘ 'eq “ uen7iui I again8t ‘ t8 * 1U ' Both demand a fair 1110 W ilcox B ld . Salem. said Sir Arthur, "but it is absolutely more backache—a little The governor had not been at the squirt of a lieutenant, a young boy, . return. If labor would accept some true. Jackson came to me complain­ electric motor does the state capital for about two weeks, ignorant of the very meaning of profit sharing plan that would divide ing that he could not return to his hard work. meeting a few people ut his home as military discipline, was sentenced to losses as well as profits it would find old profession. QARL HABERLACH that manufacturing was not all plain the end of the legislature grew near. forty years imprisonment at hard la­ "And why not?" I asked him for I A foot control gives any While it was generally kno^n that bor. Another private who went with­ ■ sailing. Well a mechanic who has have unbounded faith in what blind speed desired. attorney - at - law . he was in poor health, his end com­ out leave to see his dying father was saved a thousand dollars and is a men can do. capitalist to that extent invest it in ing so quickly was entirely unex ­ The entire machine in T illamook . B lock "Because I can't cut hair’ he an­ sentenced to thirty years in prison, pected even in his own family. its case can be carried although he had conscientiously hur­ a new factory, whose future is un- swered. 1 certain, if the law says that he shall Tillamook . . . Oregon With the death of Governor Withy­ ried back to report for duty, not "Well that should not prevent you ä anywhere—it’s no larger combe, Ben W. Olcott, secretary of even staying to attend his father’s never receive more than five per from shaving! 1 replied, and I told than a typewriter. state, automatically becomes gover­ funeral. In France a private who was cent if the enterprise succeeds, but him to try it on me right then and EBSTER HOLMES, makes him take the risk of losing all Ask for a demonstra- nor and remains also as secretary of sick and refused to drill was senten­ there. I assure you he gave me one state. tion. ced to death and was only saved by ¡of it? Mr. Russell’s idea of the rights of the finest, closest shaves I ever ATTORNEY-AT-LAW James Withycombe has been a res­ executive clemency. Another young , of capital and labor would destroy had. And he has been/ doing it ever ident of Oregon since 1871. He was soldiei- hare in this country who large-scale industrialism and lower since—with a good old fashioned COAS! POH ER CO COMMERCIAL BUILDING, born at Tavistock, Devonshire county went without leave to the bedside of the earnings of the toilers. open razor!” THE England, on a tenant farm, March 21 his dying father was sentenced to ' FIRST STREET. Says Blind Can ‘‘See”. 18 54, the son of Thomas and Mary leath. He, like the one mentioned Why Not a Head Tax for Unnatural­ ELECTRIC STORE Sir Arthur told this story as an il­ TILLA MOOK, ized Aliens? OREGON Ann Withycombe and lived there above, had voluntarily returned to lustration of the fact that blind peo ­ until he was seventeen years old. duty as soon as his father died. Ex­ ------- o------- « ple can “see”. » ecutive clemency alone saved his There are ten million unnaturaliz­ Boyhood Spent on Farm. "Don’t ever think we do not see.’’ QR. L. L. HOY, Although he attended the public lite. A private who went home with­ ed aliens in the United States. he said. “I am looking at you now A head tax of >100 a year on every just as I suppose you are looking at school and later the preparatory out leave to see his sick and destitute to which he traveled three wife and child was sentenced to fif­ alien not naturalized or in process of me. A blind man knows the color of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON school, MODELS OF PERFECTION. miles each day on a saddle horse teen years imprisonment. Another I naturalization would yield a billion the carpet on the floor of his room, provided for him by his father, it was soldier absent without leave was dollars. T illamook B lock , the patern of the wall paper, the PERFECTLY sentenced to forty years imprison ­ Why not? as a boy on the farm that he learned shape of the chairs and the table. He ment. And so on through the whole These people received the benefits sees them.’ ’ the agricultural lessons which stood Tillamook, - • Oregon. SIMPLE him in such good stead during his list of thousands of cases of infamy of American citizenship without as- In this connection, it was noted so outrageous in their brutality as ' suming any of the burdens or re- later life, and which aided him in SIMPLY that Sir Arthur, toward the end of | sponsibilities of citizenship. They are his lecture, repeatedly pulled out a placing his impress for generations to be fairly grotesque. J T T. Bui ia That is what the pacifist Secretary not required to render military ser- PERFECT. to come on the agricultural develop- handsome watch and looked at It. of War stood for when it came to ¡vice in case of war. In many in­ Sir Arthur’s talk was replete with Needle«, Oil, Belta and all kinds of Bcwinu ’ attorney - at - law . pnuishing the peccadillos of real stances their property holdings are humor, and only a few times he « Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty. ♦ Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in men wearing their country's uniform in foreign lands. In many others touched upon the pathetic side of Office. and ready to lay down their lives they send their saving abroad. New Home Users blind life. that their country might live. But Why should not those who profit Taxes Paid for Non Residents. “The most touching figure in St. are quality chosers. when it came to the contemptible by the protection of the American T illamook B lock , Dunstan’s," he said, is Drummer cowards who saved their cur hides flag, and share in American prosper­ For Sale By Tillamook .... Oregon by sneaking under whinning pleas ity, pay something into the public Dow, the doorkeeper. He is not only SHARFF Tb DUBIVER blind, but he alsb lost one hand and Both Phones. that thsy were “consciencious ob- treasury for the privilege? all of the other except the little fin ­ 172 3rd Street jectors”—when it came to these ver- Such a system would serve two min the pacifist Secretary was all purposes: It would yield a large ger. I think he is pathetic, because NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C. HAWK, I realize how pertly and proudly he tenderness and consideration. revenue; it would locate definitely, COMPANY. For a real soldier caught smoking for the benefit of the national gov­ must have swung the sticks over his head when he was in the kilty band San Francisco California. a cigarette and refusing to obey a ernment all unaturalized aliens; it PHYSICIAN AND. SURGEON petty order, forty years at hard labor would bring about the naturalization at the front. "But Drummer Dow is not despend­ and no appeal to a reviewing court. of many who would otherwise re­ Bay City .... Oregon For a cowardly cur openly refusing main aliens both legally and morally. ent and neither is he helpless. Not a bit. I have known him to take a cig­ to wear a uniform, refusing to obey Such a law need not, of course, ap­ any military orders, openly defying ply to foreigners only temporary in arette case out of his pocket, put TURNER, the whole authority of military law the United States, but to those who a cigarette to his lips and strike a —for such as these considerate treat­ make their residence here for a given match, squeezing the match box be­ ment" and no punishment until the period. It could not cause interna­ tween his upper and under arm. The EYE SPECIALIST. Secretary of War had passed upon tional complications if universal in only thing he cannot do is button his collar! ” PORTLAND — ¡OREGON the case! its application. Two-fifths of the men at St. Dun­ Regular Monthly Visits to That is what happens under our stan's, Sir Arthur said, were married pacifist Secretary of War, the most Plant More Berries. Tillamook and Cloverdale. since they entered the place. Some of ' o effecient public servant President Ben W. Olcott WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. Graves Bros., will contract your them married their old sweethearts, Wilson has ever known! Oregon's New Governor. Logan berries and blackberries for 5 and others were wedded to girls they met after their misfortune befell years. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, ment of his adopted state. At the pre­ Arrange to plant some acreage this them. Solving the Labor Problem. spring. For particulars write. paratory school which he attended in ------ o- ■ - Plain Women Seeks Marriage. ATTORNEY Graves Bros,, England he also took a special course (From the New York Commercial) A hearty roand of laughter greeted Dallas, Oregon. his reading of a letter he recieved AND under a tutor In veterinary science. Corporations are the chief em­ His first actual plowing was done from a young woman. It ran as fol­ counsellor -A t - law , ployers of labor. The manufacturer For Sale. in 1872, a year after he had settled lows: When contemplating Monumental who begins at the bottom of the lad­ T illamook B lock , ------ o------ with his parents on a fhrm near "Dear Sir Arthur: I have heard of Tillamook • Oreg**. Hillsboro. In 1873, however, he der and builds up a great industry I b A Registered Holstein Bull ten your blinded soldiers, and I would work, do not over look White usually obliged to incorporate it for ROOM NO. 261. branched out on his own accord and months old, a fine Individual, bred like to marry one of them. I am a Bronze. This material cannot rust or the purpose of insuring its stability purchased a farm in Washington by E. Werner, Aurora, from his fam­ good cook, a good housekeeper. I am corode. There is nothing to support and continuity after his death. The ous Sire, Fobe De Koi 2nd Johanna very even-tempered and—exceeding­ vegetable life. It is hard and dcr.se county which he operated for about fifteen years, also practicing as a inventor of some important device, Duke, and a dam with a good record, ly plain.” and will not chip or crack. In bep.vty veterinarian, at that time, and go­ the introduction and manufacture of will sell or exchange for a good cow The majority of the men who leave of design, artistic and general effect which call for a large amount of cap ­ ing into Portland once a week where or heifer. St. Dunstan's Sir Arthur said, make he cared for horses brought from as ital, must form a corporation to se­ Chas. Macpherson, more money than they did before the no stone can compare with White cure the money. Investors will not far away as Astoria, The Dalles and Grand Ronde, Oregon. war. The best profession for a sight­ Bronze. buy the securities of new industrial Albany. Represented By less man, he added, is massage. Then corporations unless they have a For Sale or Trade. C. E. REYNOLDS. Portland Once Home. come poultry farming, stenography chance to receive a fair return in ------ o Tillamook — Oregon. and carpentering. Eventually he gave up the farm case of success. Small Investors are Have about 40 acres of land, south “They make fine carpenters and for his practice In Portland and in always the hungriest for big divi­ of TraBk river six miles from town. cabinet makers” he continued, “and 1889 he received appointment as dends and run risks that millionaires Plenty of wood on place. Wood will state Veterinarian, which position he would not dream of taking. the remarkable part of it is, they re­ more than pay for place. Will take held for nine years, resigning that Charles Edward Russell, a promi­ aqto in trade. Inquire of J. L. fuse to work with specially made, to become director of the Oregon nent Socialist, who is regarded as an protected tools. They just use the Childers, near the land. Agricultural experiment station. ordinary, sharp open utensils.” authority on Socialism, says: ’'Em­ I During his directorship he devoted ployers must be content to take less Sports are a great feature in the Can’t Do the Work. a great share of his time to the de­ and labor must have more.” That is life of St. Dunstan's Sir Arthur said, will keep ■o------- velopment of dairying, the growing a good catch phrase, but will it The men, and especially the younger It’s too much to try to work every ones, swim, box, wrestle, hold run­ of clover and general farming. When stand analysis? Thousands of em­ FISH BRAND you dry POMMEL,th» he took the directorship the dairy ployers have lost money instead of day against a constant, dull backache ning races and even do horseback b»ri Saddi» nothing output of the state was >3,500,000 making any. The records , of our or sudden darting pain In the small riding and dancing! Coai in ih» worM- • ^else will annually, and when he left it had bankruptcy courts prove that manu­ of the back. Be rid of it. Try Doan's "There is nothing a blind man can­ mounted to >20,000,000; and he had facturing, mining, contracting and Kidney Pills. Your neighbors recom­ not do—except see" he declared. e DEALERS EVERYWHERE! also lived to see clover generally building are extra hazardous occu­ mend them. A.J TOWER CO — — BOSTON. "New lives for old!—that is the Mrs. H. Lidyard, 4th Ave., Forest principal idea of the training, and grown throughout western Oregon as pations, in which labor receives high one of the reliable crops. During the wages while more than half of the Grove, Ore., says: "Three years ago the new life is just as normal, inter­ time of his directorship he estimated employers fail in business. This la my kidneys were in a bad way. My esting and fascinating as the former. that he had traveled over the state true of corporations as well as indi­ back nearly killed me, It ached so. Tillamook Feed Company. carrying the word of better farming viduals. In the Congressional report For several days at a time, I couldn't and a higher grade of lifestock to published last year it was shown that get about to do my work, my kidneys C. 0. &. C. M. Dawson Ornamental Fire Placei Built 280,000 people in his addresses at more than nine-tenths of the Ameri­ were also congested and my limbs The complete Electric Light and Conover & Condit. of Brick and Stone, All Fire began to swell. My head felt dull and Power Plant numerous functions. can corporations in existence paid no at times I was so dizzy I could hard­ Geo. R. Edmunds. Places absolutely guaranteed Plenty of bright, safe clean dividends. In the case of large cor­ ly stand. All sorts of spots and ob­ Tillamook, Oregon not to smoke or money re­ electric light. No more hot, Bad Taste in Your Mouth. porations whose securities have been jects seemed to appear before thy funded. A. Anderson. Wheeler, Orc. smoky lamps. ------ o------ listed on the New York Stock Ex­ eyes. I felt so miserable I didn't care Brick work of all kinds done W. A. Rowe, Brighton. O wl : on short notice. When you have a bad taste in change, an examination of the trad­ if I did anything or not. I had taken We make a specialty of re­ your mouth you may know that your ing lists of the last thirty years will only tw'o boxes of Doan’s Kidney pairing amoking Fire Places. digestion is faulty. A dose of Cham­ disclose an astonishing business mor­ Pills when I began to feel better in tality, yet everyone of them possessed <-p H OOYNK, berlain's Tablets will usually correct every way. I used four boxes in all this disorder. They also cause a gen­ large assets and were going con­ and they cured me of the backache ATTORNEY AT-LAW. tle movement of the bowels. You will cerns at the time the governors of and put my kidneys in a normal con­ find this to be one of the best medi­ the stock exchange admitted their dition.” ACKLEY & MILLER Office: O pposite C ovrì i cines you have ever become acquaint­ securities to ’.he list. TILLAMOOK. ORE. 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Tillamook Garage, Corporations being the chief em- ed with. — Paid Adv. Co. Mfgrs., Buffalo N. Y. — Pd. Adv. Tillamook Oregon. Tillamook - • - - O. O. L. HOHLFELD, GOVERNOR WITHYCOMBE OF Atrocities in the Army. o OREGON IS DEAD. VETERINARIAN. — o------ (From The Weekly) The pacifist Secretary of War is End Comes After Illne» of Two Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone stern indeed when it comes to strict Weeks. T he , L atest r 1)1 ! I, Wes fiern1 Electric I! I i FISH BRAND SLICKERS DELCO-LIGHT RALPH E. WARREN, ?