TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH NUMBER — --------- ANNOUNCEMENT V1^ > *< ■• -— 2A.1N XX V/ U 11 a a 6, a 1919. THREE. ■ a ■ To the Dairymen of Tillamook COMPLETE PROTECTION Every Live Stock Insurance Company gives you complete Every policy policy of of the the Hartford Hartford Live protection which may befall your live stock. protection against against every every known known casualty i The contract is simple, liberal and brief in its terms and conditions. Your best interests require that you carry this insurance on your Dairy Cows • • aScund Business The city merchant who carries no insurance is considered a mighty pcor business man. Yet the st k farmer who car­ ries no i. st rance on his live stock is taki ng just as big risks. And needlessly, for HARTFORD Live Stock Mortality INSURANCE givei complete protection at a very moderato cost. The Hartford ir.su.ee farm work bersv-s, grade paper with copper half-tone Year, 22 ; copy, 20c. Sample, Ide. S back mtm- bers for 25a. Send now. The New WmtMaaO sine, 1211*WaJker Bank Bldg-, 8aM lake dfet Utah; 1004 White Bldg. Seattle. Weak; fW Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Address near­ est office, or place your subeertpCton throsflb this newspaper. TIIE Columbia Brand Oleomargarine DOUGHNUTS 1 ewp »nfir, 2% tablespoons COLUMBIA BRAND OLEOMARGARINE. 3 sees. 1 cap milk. 4 teaspoons baking powder. *4 toa- apooa cinnamon, H teaspoon grated not meg, 1H teaspoons salt, floar to roll. Cream the butter and add one-half sugar. Boat on anti! light, and remaining sugar, and combine mixture*. Add cups flour, mixed and sifted with baking powder, salt and sptees Then enough more flour to make dough stiff enough to roll. Toss one-third of BISCUITS —s' .. a T d UNION MEAT CO. PORTLAND, OREGON sh*W ’rtS ms. 1100 11000 Send us your Bondi by registered, letter and receive highest market price by return mail. WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO, 200 Central Bldg. Seattle Wash. 'Two Excellent Recipes in which Oleomargarine « t» Ig Ifnrowlbtoto. ,1"'' •• Sot w uquia owing tn th. Ilft.rano. la fkxx.