TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH Ö. 1919, Scraps ----- of o------ ? ie . hare a prohibitive tariff against such officiai common sense! ■niownoK TTOi ws ,1Ì When the present national admin­ public Between appropriating money and appropriating private istration was called upon to select a property this administration seems governor general for the Philippine r/tt Islands it selected a Tammany con­ to be a very appropriating affair. gressman who seems to have made a Greece has presented President fairly typical Tammany record in the Wilson with an olive branch. This position. If we are making mandator­ could have made a fine campaign ies for Syria or German East Africa ;iuit auicjuftMani J/i j emblem during the hekeptusoutofwar we might be able to save 'em for OREGON GROWN Seed« and democracy by putting Tammany on K campaign of 1916. Plants— Improoed oarietias of out the job. ------ o------ OME people do not realize the many oum introduction— have stood the test of The last election proved that you different ways in which this bank can time and competition and are established William Allen White says that can scare some of the people all of standards in the coast markets. serve them. It is unusually well equip­ Wilson has played Pied President the time and all of the people some The lollowint bi, suxsssa art ■ our arituui TJu Piper to the people of Europe and ped to furnish valuable information and of the time, but It is hard to scare a introductions Standard Refer enei led them away from supoprt of their Earliaatof All andPrtda of Multnomah majority of them out of voting their for Home Gardeners advice on financial and business matters. Potatoes. Gedda n Wtd Sugar Corn, governments, refusing to bring them real sentiments on election day. Oregon Ytllou DanMri Omwu, St. Val- Our customers have often been able to back unless be has his way in the enfm« Broccoli, Shadoland Sood Otltt, ------ o------ Dragon Tallow Dent Corn, Nat Oragan avoid serious losses by making use of our WESTERN AGENTS >] r«. Wilson WUWii has nan piatcu Mrs. placed uci her uiuci order peace conference. Don't know how Strawberries, Rio or aid a Giant Rhubarb. •D..INCUBATORS for her spring dresses with a Paris . that is. but It s a sinch Geòrgie Creel Thnee haee won large returns Joe grower». access to first hand business information. Buckeye brooder stoves They will win for you producer say the Creeled cablegram. has played the Pied Piper to the L h ' i Food« and Remedies Our membership in the Federal Re­ Made in the U. S. A. clothes will con­ American newspaper correspondents f)UR 1919 Catalogue and Planters* OUR SPECIAL-CATALOGS tinue to be good enough for the most now in Europe. serve Banking System gives us special Guide is the standard reference for NURSERY STOCK of the folks who bought war savings Growers of the Northwest, listing the best facilities for meeting the requirements of POULTRY SUPPLIES Prof. George Herron, who declared of everything for Farmers, Gardeners, Home stamps. BEE SUPPLIES this community. Moreover, it is our I in a eulogy of President Wilson writ- Owners, Poultrymen and Bee Keepe es FERTILIZERS reliable information and is a safe to aim to give a helpful, progressive per­ What the returning soldiers are 1 ten last year that the American Mailed on request your purchases. saying indicates that having fought Revolution was fought merely to en­ sonal-service to every depositor—regard­ one war to establish world democracy able Puritan traders to make profits Your name should be on our list. Ask for Catalog No. £) 9Q less of the size of his account. they are going to fight another in out of the West Indian trade, has 1920 to exterminate the kind of de- been appointed a member of our un- Put our sincerity to the test. Step in WARE. HOU MS macracy in this country you spell official diplomatic corps. Well, he's EAST FIRST. ALDER and have a talk with us. a fit companion piece for the Secre­ with a capital "D”. AND SECOND STS, tary of War who said Washington’s ------ o------ Tillamook County Bank The armistice was signed three soldiers were on a par with Villa's Tillamook, Oregon months ago. There has been plenty I bandits. ------ o------ of time since for much political talk Frank Walsh, who recently de­ about the rearrangement of the af­ fairs of the world, but not a minute manded that the federal troops be of consideration of the reconstruc­ sent to California to oxerturn the decisions of the courts and carry tive needs of the United States. Toni Mooney out of their juriad'etiop If Constantinople is made the cap­ now wants an international police ital of the world, and we take charge I force to control world affairs, and of it, the eunuch jobs can readily be ; presumably, following his suggestion filled by the appointment of such in the Mooney case, to overthrow politicians as hare been designated our legislative and judicial bodies as Republicans on boards and com­ whenever they do not perform to missions which the law makes bi­ suit the internationalists. partisan. ----- o----- NCOME Tax Statements must be] filled on or be­ ------ o------ The president national administra­ fore Saturday, March 15th. This applies to single President Wilson says that woman tion has hoisted the express rates, persons whose incomes are $1,000 or more, and suffrage is a domestic question, not jacked up the postage rates, elevated married persons receiving $2,000 and more. “Red Crown” is straight-distilled, to be discussed at the peace confer­ > the telephone charges, lifted the If you are not fully informed—come to the " old all-refinery gasoline. Look for the ence. It is no more of a domestic [freight and passenger rates about a reliable” First National Bank and we’ll gladly Red Crown sign before you fill. question than the tariff, which the .hundred per cent, swelled the cost of President's third point disposes of government and the cost of living answer your questions. STANDARD OIL COMPANT DIRECTORS : with the theory that we should | to unbelievable figures and increased (CaMformaj A. W. Bunn. Farmer. P. Heisel. Farmer. abolish all economic barriers. : the fédérai pay roll by the addition C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. by nearly three hundred thousand B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. Senator James Hamilton Lewis, is names. Well, didn't they tell us they W. J. Riechers. Cashier. contemplating bitterly about the were uplifters’ treatment of American life and prop- ’ -o------ erty in Mexico. Is it possible that this With three billion dollars worth of executive mouth piece is dissatisfied 'commodities f foreign production with the workings of the sacred prin­ entering our markets yearly under ciple of self determination on the the operations of a tariff law devis­ ÇlOOP premises of our next door neighbor? ed to foster alien as opposed to home ■ industry, the Democratic politicians The war has been over three pretend to be surprised because our months. In that time no progress has failure to make this stuff at home is been made toward perfecting a peace i liable to restore the conditions of un- -LTLELA-T with Germany settling the causes i employzLent which prevailed in this for which the war was fought. It is country . der the existing tariff law- evident that it is going to take the before the war began. administration about as long to get ------ o----- H. C. BOONE, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Tillamook, Ore. out of the war as it did to get into It. We have been told that Great Our French Dry Cleaning makes the Britian accepted the fourteen Garment Clean and Sanitary—also makes The anti-immigration law being point- one of which, we believe, re­ f them Moth Proof. i252S2525252525252525H52525Z5c!S2S2S252S2K52525Z!>2525?S25Z5H5?S?Ç25?Ç?5? pressed by Democratic politicians and fers to the overthrow of economic We know How Nuff Sed. professional labor leaders Bhuts out barrier- The acceptance of the third even the most intelligent European point woeld seem to be slightly mod- workers, but admits the peons of fied by the recent action of the PACIFIC CLEANING AND TAILORING CO. Mexico and the East Indies because British Government in placing an Bell Phone—31 J. they are useful as laborers on south­ imbargo on imports, Tet we are ex- ern plantations. Same old story. CLOTHES pected to continue to ballere the HIFTEY -------- 0-------- soulful word-elingera who cabled us Any organization, either public or the Creeled •• . ff from Paris. private, takes on the character of Its 52 ------o — chief executive. If there is ineffi- The Democratic New York World 'ciency and wastefulness and disre- thinks that the British House of gat'd of public welfare at the top that Commons n. xt respond to the reso­ spirit will spread to the most ob­ lution urging favorable considera­ 2nd Ave. E. between 1st and 2nd Sts. scure official, and the whole mass tion of the -.e.x of Ireland to self ¡take on the semblance of the chief determinate,.-. by pting a resolu­ j Successor to J. S. Stephens. directing force. tion inquiring : tc be enforcement «i5HS25E5ESE3B5E535ZS2SH5aS2SZ52525e5a525252525aS252SH5e52S2Sa5H525H5H52S | ----- o----- of our Fourteenth amendment. Both W. D. Hnniphrey, chairman of the these suggest io:.- dem .nitrate the Oklahoma corporation commission, complete hypocrisy of .oc e of the 2525Z525a5Z52S2S2S2S25H5a525a52S25HS25252S2S2S25252525H5HS2S2SHS25ZS252S and of course an active Democrat, in talk ih high *br,.- the rule of speaking of the telephone situation, majorities ano -.1 ce erm.nation. BELL PHONE. MAIN; 3. MUTUAL PHONE. declare* that an "arrogant autoc­ ------ Q----- racy” Is on the job at Washington, Not only w . ..4 Ab-sLan. Laneoln and that the Oklahoma Congressmen not have i , ■ ■ !3! are afraid to oppose it. and have be­ aa press age a . a- George come "ambassadorial rstellites.” WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Creel and Pr< ' Hero* ».•.-» : him Call For Bids. Old Custom of Wearing Black is as the great«•' «. < « . - e CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND It is announced that President Wil­ possessed of the • • 't-' -er of Gradually Passing Out. son will accept the presidency