TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 27, 1919. The President’s Bolshevist Delegate. Allies Fleet Suiprised the Germans steamin. Through Mined Zones Uninjured. und (George Harvey in The Weekly.) as long as she could then up died. Lenine nad Trotzke or whoever Some little time before the end of amidship. a modern battleship is Meanwhile, the widow bought some sail appear for those advanced an­ land down in Metuchen, New Jersey, the war the German naval authori­ about as much afraid of mines as a. tank of sharpnel splinters. The most i archists at the Marmora conference and George started a free-for all ties had discontinued the practice of will meet a congenial spirit in the Love Colony for those who had mon­ laying mines altogether. They gave receut use of the device was on the ex-Rev, George D. Herron, whom ey. but recruits had barely begun to up the plan because it was of no use. occasion on which the British fleet President Wilson has appointed to arrive when the neighboring farmers The mines did not work. Time after entered the Baltic through a closly E ARE facing the most extraor­ represent the United States, along wives handed pitchforks to the hired time squadrons of British ships sail- ( I strewn mine area. dinary situation in the history of • with Mr. William Allen White of men and told them to get busy. Geo­ ed bn a straight course through the Destroyer of U-Boati. our country. Never before have Emporia, Kansas. Essentially the paravane consists rge saw them coming and didn't stop very heart of thickly laid mine-fields so many new problems—so many de­ George was born in Montezuma, running till he got to Italy, where, and came to no harm. With most of a long, bouyant, pear-shaped metal atended a college Indiana, in 1862, mands for re-adjustment—thrust them­ having left the widow at home, ,he exasperating immunity, England’s body. Ordinarily this would float on at Ripon, Wisconsin, received a D. D. selves upon men and women for settle­ could develop his socialistic theories fleet pushed on several occasions the surface of the water, but a plane degree from. Tabor College, began to right into the Bight of Heligoland, placed under the broad end of the ment. 1 preach in Lake City, Minnesota, con- in peace and quiet. He is now a full blown Internation­ which, if mines meant anything, body and inclining dawnwards serves ' tinned as pastor of the First Con ­ Things big with fate are happening and we must should have been an absolute death directly the paravane is towed gregational Church in Burlington alists and a budding Bolsheviki. We i trap. Somehow or other it was plain know how to adjust our business—our homes—our through the water, to drive it below quote from his more recent published and Berved later as Professor of Ap­ personal lives to the new conditions. i that the British navy was in possess­ the surface. The principle is the plied Christianity in Iowa College. utterances: ion of a device which rendered mines same as that by which the pull on a “ I am myself but an humble and This bank publishes a Monthly Bulletin Letter , Who's Who’s record, prepared by and minefields harmless. But the string drives a kite upward in the air unimportant follower of the inter ­ that represents a very unusual service at this time. himself, informs us that he "resigned German experts never solved the ' Once down, the paravane is kept at a In a dear and general way these Bulletins present owing to opposition of trustees to his national Socialist movement for the mystery. Now there is no longer predetermined constant depth by a overthrow of the system which at the pith of facts that influence your welfare. teachings.” As a matter of fact, he present dooms the peoples of all na­ need for mystery, and the murder is 1 fishlike tail rudder, actuated by a was expelled by both the college and This is one of the ways we are helping our friends tions to slavery, misery and hypo- out. The conqueror of the German 1 delicate hydrostatic valve. The valve Congregational church of Iowa. mines was the paravane. and customers to meet the demands of the present is set to keep the rudder horizontal I The “teachings" which produced . crisy. ■at a given depth. The increase or de­ and assisting them in their plans for the future. We ■ ----- — ------ -------- •- 1 The church has wrought mainly by Lieut. Burney’» Invention. this untoward effect conform precis- will gladly mail future copies regularly to anyone We owe it to the inventive ingenu- ■ crease of the weight of water as the '■ ely to the edicts respecting the mar­ brute anthority. That which was paravane plunges deeper or raises free for the asking, ital relationship recently imposed by atheism- to Jesus has thought the ity of Lieut. Dennis Burney, R. N., towards the surface at once deflects centuries been the orthodoxy of the and the persistent advocacy of Ad ­ I Lennie and Trotzky upon the Rus-’ Tillamook County Bank the rudder and rights the paravane. sian people. George wears no shack­ church.. The historic form of Chris­ miral of the fleet Sir Hedworth Tillamook, Oregon The perfected paravane, carrying a les in Love. A few sentences from tianity has done its work and now Meux, that the paravane, which was ; load of about 400Ibs. T. N. T„ and his published works will indicate his ought to disappear from the service first designed by Lieut. Barney as of life. The Socialist will at last a method of attacking submerged capable of being towed at any depth views, to wit: up to about 200 feet, and any speed "People who love each other and crown Jesus with a human glory I submarines, has been developed and i up to 28 knots, proved itself an ex­ therefore ought to live with each which shall spiritually transfigure perfected into a method of defense tremely formidable weapon against other need no laws to bind them to­ man. It is not Jesus that we ought to against moored mines, so complete submerged submarines. The towing follow, but the highest truths of our as to render the mine as obsolete a gether. The coercive family will pass weapon as the bow and arrow. Quick rope touching a sunken submarine away with the coercive economic sys­ own soul. its smooth sides the "I have no expectation that the to realize the enormous possibilities slips along tem. Even when love exists on the part of one and not on the part of present kind of civilization can be of the paravane. Sir Hedworth Meux nose of the paravane is brought into ____ . the violent contact with the submarine’s the other there can be no possible amended—it can only be ended. The spared no pains to encourage young inventor, and secure official hull. Instantly the T. N. T. explodes new system that shall give to every good in the two being kept together man at first what he is supposed to adoption of the idea. The very first and the U-boat ‘is destroyed, By a by external law. paravane was fitted on H. M. S. 1 further ingenious appliance it was “Love must be set free and liberty have earned and afterward what he Melampus in November, 1915. It was provided that it the towing rope, in- trusted if noble and beautiful homes i needs, can no longer be called a a great success. Early in 1916, spec- stead of slipping along the submar- I.party or sectional term. All kinds of are to spring up to make the earth I became nipped -■ or caught ial factories had been built, and the ine ' ’s side, '* *■------ ------ • - a garden of truth and gladness. ■socialism mean the organization of a in some part of its exterior, the in- manufacture and fitting of paravan ­ world in Ahich every man shall be There is a new world coming whose es on both warships and merchant | creased tension of the rope was suf­ wa,y can be made ready only by those born with an equal inheritance. ficient to actuate the striking mech- ships was in full swing. "What shall become of God and who will throw away their good ' unism and fire the charge. Towed Although the secret has been so gods, if temples, creeds and faiths names and accept, perhaps, everlast­ Red Crown” is straight-distilled, jealously guarded that right up to the ' 1 from the stern of a destroyer or a ing disgrace as the price of their I in the new morning of socialism? It all-refinery gasoline. Look for the ¡seems to me that the effect of the very end the Germans had no idea of trawler, the explosive paravane protest. Red Crown sign before you fill. the means whereby the mooring quickly proved itself a most formid- "Lives that are essentially one, co­ socialistic idea possessing the world ropes (tough steel wires 1 Vi inches able weapon, and very many sub- i would be to change the entire atti- STANDARD OIL COMPANY operative in the love and truth that (CaUIoraia) thick) of their mines were cut, and marines have fallen victims to its i tude of human life regarding the makes oneness, need no law of state cut so repeatedly as to lead them in i fishlike activities, 4 or church to bind or to keep them future. "Protestantism stands—though it the later day's of the war to abandon | The outcome of the explosive para- together. Upon such the imposition mine lay^pg altogether, yet the para- • vane was the twin paravane, with of force is a destruction and a blas­ doesn’t stand very well today—by vane has'been extraordinary widely one side of the depressing plane keeping man in an attitude of tear phemy. On the other hand, no law in used. Soon after the device had been weighted, causing it to tow, not in the universe has a right to keep, to­ toward the unknown. Can you find fitted to English ships,as fast almost, the ship’s wake, but obliquely and gether those vitally and essentially me any representative Pretestant as the special “Otter" type for this away from the hull. These are towed .Church In the City of New York to- one It in only in ireeaoiu iu»i ww ~ ...... — - ........ - — - one. is freedom that love can find its own, or truth blossom in day who would not think civilization purpose could be constructed—its in pairs, one on either side, from a employment by merchant shipping point as low down on the ship’s bow the sour or other than a slave indi­ would fall into chaos if men were to as possible. The towing ropes stand take seriously the things that they became general. vidually unfold. Since the equipping of the fleet away, therefore, at a considerable profess in their churches? Protestant network of "Civilization with its ___„____ of retribu- . Christianity believes 1 today a thou- with paravanes only two ships—H. angle from the ship’s hull, and mine­ falsehood and suspicion _______ _ ropes, which are encounter­ nd revenge is a sort of world sand times more in the > devil than in M. S. Cassandra and a light cruiser, mooring tion at— _____ have been reported sunk by mines. : ed as the ship moves forward, are conspiracy against the soul's lnteg- goodness. rity and against individuality. Yet j ! "There is not a bit of spiritual That is a wonderful record, but so forcibly deflected from the ship and complete is the protection which along the whole length of the towing me right of _______ ________ the a single soul to t fully difference between the Standard Oil paravanes afford that squadrons of rope, until they come to the para­ and freely express Itself to live out | combination and the the Presbyterian and show forth all the truth about Church, or rather, take the Presby- warships can now steam with im- vane itself. Here a sharp saw set in —.... within it- it- ! j terian church in which I was born punity through the thickest mine a slot, into which the mine cable is so .ho» that