TILLAMCOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 27, 10J9 iESZ52S2£2S2SB5H52S25Z5H525^2SZS2S25asa5252525B5252S252525E5asasa52525i MR. LOGAN, U.S.A,” Featuring Tom Mix GEM THEATRE, Thursday, March 6. Dashing Tom Mix in daring feats of horsemanship and straight shooting. A play full of life and pep, that no one but a loyal “Yankee” can put the spice and fire in. K Í6 Her Screen Idol,” 2 reel Mack Sennett Comedy. Adults 20c. i Children 10c. • 5H525HS25HSB5cL5H5aSH5a5H5BSBSE52S2SHSH52S25H52SaS2S25E5252SES2Sc!SB52Sa5?SB5asasaSa5aSHSH525H5B52SZ5Z5B5H52SH5a5H5252S252SHSZSB525H5aSZSESïSa5252! was driving his auto at such speed, papers and the Oregon Grange Bulle­ N0RDLUND FOUND GUILTY. and notwithstanding that he knew tin for publication. ------ o------ Edna Dammon, Maude Robertson, Pacific Lodge. No. 105, I. O. . F. of Charged with Manslaughter in the that he was unable to see through Two heifer calves, well bred, one the windshield he utterly failed and and Alice Edwards, Committee. Killing of Mrs. Leia Oberteuffer We guarantee every tire we sell bull calf—Dams Sire St. Maure, the Bay City, will celebrate the One neglected to attempt to do So until and make good our guarantee, right »1700 bull. Dam Katy of Shady Hundredth Anniversary of the found­ The trial of August Selin Nordlund after he hud driven the autp into Lawn ing of the order, on April 26th farm sold for »500 at Curtis Circuit Court Cases. here. Tillamook Tire Co. ------ o------ sale. 1919. W. W. Dugan, one of the took place on Monday at the court and against the body of Leia Ober­ P. W. Todd. • Wanted to adopt a baby boy be­ prominent Odd Fellow orators, of house before Judge G. R. Bagley, teuffer. and by reason of said negli­ Blaine Creamery Co. vs. E. R. Ayer tween the age of two and three. Aa- Portland, will deliver the Anniver­ He was indicted by the grand jury gence, lack of care, caution and cir- and Nellie Ayer. Action for money. Three New Flu Cases. dress No. 15, Tillamook Headlight.* I sary address. Mr. Dugan is a member on a charge of manslaughter in cumspection the defendant killed Reset for trial May 6th. I Robert Ellison vs. M. F. Leach and The A. F. Coats Lumber C o .’ b mill Mr. and Mrs. R. Matteson and two of Hassalo lodge No. 15, I. O. O. F„ knocking down and killing Mrs. Leia Leia Oberteuffer. A large number of witnesses were Henry Leach. Damages. Non suit. is now running again with a full daughters, at the Stillwell house in and has done much work for the Oberteuffer with his automobile on Odd Fellows Library and Home, in the evening of the 9th of December called by the Btate, and these includ­ W. Roenicke vs. W. W. Ridehalgh. crew. Thayer's Addition. Portland. He is a prominent young last, on the main road between this ed Mrs. Bessie Lamar, Mrs. Nancy Action for money. Judgment for County cases are — J. S. Nevins, With the tax of lc. per gallon city and the depot. Wilson, W. J. Himes, Dr. R. T. Boals, attorney, and one of the able speak­ plaintiff for »2P9.31. brings our price up to 25c. per gal- Bay City; William Paul, Garibaldi. It took the whole of the morning to Clancy, R. N. Henkle, Kathleen J. G. Schroeder vb . W. W. Ride­ Frances B. Stranahan, ers of the order. The Bay City Odd­ select a jury and visit the scene of John Ion tor our gasoline. Tillamook Tire Mills, James Campbell, Ethelyn halgh. Action for money. Dismissed. fellows need no introduction to Tilla- City Recorder. Co. • (muok County; Past Grand Master the accident, the following persons Crawford, S. A. Brodhead, T. J. Har­ J. S. Diehl vb . F. L. Baden. Action Westbrook gives them the credit of being selected on the jury: C. W. ris, A. M. Austin, A. W. Plank, C. C. for money. Settled and dismissed. Zeroline the oil for cold weather, Christian Church. being the ’ Crabbiest and Clamiest" Dawson, E. R. Ayer, John Graf, H. S. Jensen and C. V. Stoker, each of 15o. quart, 50c. single gallon; 48o. Maude E. Pinckned vs. John C. ------ o------ Davidson. Claude M. Lane, Frank w|iom gave the jury a correct ac­ Pinckney. Divorce. Decree. in five gallon lots or over at the Til­ Large audiences last Sunday, make 1 banqueters tn the state. Hunter, J. Beebehelser, C. L. Alley, count.of what happened at the time lamook Tire Co. them better by your presence. Jas. Goldsworthy, J. H. Rosenberg, of the accident and immediately We extend a cordial invitation to Messrs Smith and Wilkinson are J. U. G. Club. T. A. Porter and H. A. innaman. after. GREAT SCENES IN “FEDORA” in the city helping persons make out the public to attend all services at District Atorney T. H. Goyne pros­ The defense called M. D. Ackley, their income tax papers. They leave the Christian Church Sunday, Sun­ The young married women’s J. •U. ecuted the case and Attorney H. T. W. B. Aiderman and Warren Folund Pauline Frederick at The Gem Thea­ day School 19 a.m.; Preaching 11 a. G. Club held its first meeting, since Botts represented the defendant. Friday morning. and the defendant took the stand in I m. and 7:30 p.m. tre Sunday March 2. the flu ban was taken off, at the The substance of the indictment is his own behalf. He admitted that he We are giving 10 percent premium ------ o------ Harry E. Tucker, Minister. home of Mrs:'Preston Williams. Mrs. as follows: could not see through the wind I The famous play of Victorien Sar- on all pneumatic tires. Save from Williams and Mrs. Fred Christensen August Selin Nordlund Is accused shield, and did not see the deceased »1.50 to »5.00 on each tire at the served the club with a very dainty by the grand jury of manslaughter in the road, but claimed that he dou, the great French playwright, Tillamook Tire Co. * Bids Wanted on Hauling. served as starring vehicles for such ------ o------ . I and delicious lunch and all the girls as follows: The defendant on the 9th looked out on the side of the auto, talanted playerB as Sarah Bernhardt Before you buy your next auto tire " '? pleasure in being of December, 1918, did wilfully, un­ and was not travelling more than 12 Clover Leaf Creamery Company expresBed ’ their and the late Fanny Davenport for call and inspect the Dayton Airless, wishes to receive bids for hauling 1 ______ together again after such a long va­ lawfully, feloniously, negligently miles an hour. many years. The picturtzation of absolutely trouble proof also eco­ cation. and involuntarily kill Leia Oberteuf­ cheese from its factory to Tillamook, ( The jury brought in a verdict of nomical. Saves time and saves money. The following officers were elected fer while the defendant was driving guilty, recommending the defendant I several of the more notables of these Oregon, and hauling supplies from plays by the Famous Playera- Tillamook Tire Co., E. F. Rogers. * Tillamook to factory, also on hauling f°r ^e coming year, Mrs. George an automobile along and on a pub­ to leniency. Lasky Corporation with Pauline Mrs. Preston Owing to the fact that the cheese boxes. Leave bids at Carl Haberlach's Hanslmair, President, lic highway in the night time, with­ The penalty in a case of this Mrs. out due caution or circumspection, character is from one to fifteen years Frederick as the star, lias attracted ■....... ‘ , vice-Pres.; and market took a big drop last week office. Tillamook, Oregon, on or be-' Willi»#»«. and for that reason some adjustments fore March 7th, 1919. Company re­ Cloyd Dawson Sec. and Treas. the automobile Btriking Leia Ober- in the penitentiary and a fine of much attention everywhere, and chief among these in point of beauty will have to be made between sever­ serves right to reject any or all bids. I The club will hold its next regu- teuffer in such a manner that she »5,000.90. and effectiveness is “Fedora,” which the home of Mrs. lar meeting at al factories, January milk checks was thrown upon the pavement for­ Clover Leaf Creamery Co. ; Wednesday afternoon the.judge Cloyd Dawson, March 12th. Mrs. cibly and violently that she was mor­ passed sentence upon the defendant,, will be shown at the Gem Theatre, will not be out until the middle of Dawson and Mrs. Geo Hanslmair *111 tally injured and died within a few and imposed a sentence of: 1 to 10 Sunday March 2„ next week. This is an unusually strong photo- Bids for Wood Wanted. be hostesses at the next meeting. hours thereafter from the effect of years in the penitentiary and a line ulay, and the story affords Miss ___________ Before your buy your Spring Bon- I ‘•the injuries. of »2,000. He was paroled on thè Cloverleaf Creamery Company I net. Call and inspect my line of Mil­ That the negligence and failure of penitentiary sentence on condition Frederick one of the finest portray­ linery, the latest styles. Prices right, wishes to receive bids on wood up to Death of William F. Latimer. the defendant" to then and there utte that he pay »600 and report quarter- als of her career in the silent drama. It is a story of Russian love and r also have a beautiful line of needle 100 cords of wood put in its shed or due caution, circumspection while Jy. • political Intrigue, and, like most of William F. Latimer who had been and art specialties. Mrs. E. F. Rog­ piled at the factory. Wood to be de­ driving the auto consisted of the fol ­ Sardou’s creations, the theme is in­ ers, Art Instructor. * livered not later than Sept. 1st, 1919. sick for sortie time with heart tr to the family | wife. She eludes him and swallowing Christian Church up to the time his cleaning up the stocks and the mar­ and testimony on Thursdays at 7:39 miles an hour, and knew that he and that a copy be Bent to thq.lpqal poison dies at his feet. health began to fail. p.m.. Strangers welcome. ket today is in good condition. Tillamook Jottings Registered Calves For Sale. I Bay City I. 0. 0. F. Celebration. ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER THREE To the Dairymen of Tillamook Stock aSound Business Basis The city merchant who earn..« insurance is considered .< mighty poor business man. Yet the stock farmer who car­ ries coinsurance on his live stock is taking just as big riskx And needlessly, for I Watch for the Announcement in this Space Next Week. HARTFORD Live Stock Mortality INSURANCE gives completo protection et a very moderate co. t. T. > Hartford insure« farei w't't horse«, delivery and trucking