TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 27, 1919, Holstein Breeden Association Meet­ appropriations now being made by Congress, including $746,000,000 ing. O. L. HOHLFELI), for the navy, $800,000,000 for the ------ o------ The fourth annual meeting of the railroads, and $1.000,000,000 to C'iunty Holstein Breed- make good the guaranteed price for Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone Tillan«t>olf Coun »; tf y er»' Assojfntion "wns'held fit ths af- ¡wl^ai, Ifai, i together witty lepser leaser sums, in TilltyfGoolt Oregon. ie as 1 fine of Kollle WatBqn on test Thuhi- the aggregate amounting to a prod­ day afternoon, Feb. 20th. In the igious total. absent of president Chas. Kunze, the ID ROBINSON. M.D , meeting was called to order by vlce- AUTOMOBILE LICENSE FEES ARE if B Pretyidept B. A. Folks. The usual DOUBLED. -------------- (J-------------- routine of business covering the as­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON sociation's activities during the past Motor-Vehicle Law Passes House— year were discussed, minutes read, NATIONAL BUILDING, Law Effective in 1920. reports of officers and correspond­ TILLAMOOK OREGON. ence disposed of. The following mem­ Salem, Or., Feb. 24—Automobile ber? were present: _J. J. Rupp, John licenses were doubled in the Oregon Schild, W. E. Noyes, E. A. Zurfleuh, motor vehicle law which passed the BOA1.S, M.D., J. B. Honey, Ben Kuppenbender, L. house tonight, the new schedule to D. Smith, B. A. Folks, C. N. Gilmore, take effect January 1, 1920. One- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hugh Barber, H. A. Springer, John fourth of the auto license fee will be Ebinger, Rollie Watson, W. J. Peter­ turned back to the county from Surgeon S.P. Co. son, Clay Daniel, of Mohler; Tom which the motor vehicle registered (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Obrieney, Bay City and Harry Nel­ and there will be no property tax on Tillamook • Oregon son, of KiUfhis river were alsl pres­ automobiles. ent. the last two breeders represent­ These are the three features of the ing the Jersey Cattle Club of Tilla­ bill which consumed a solid day of TO OBERT H. McGRATH, mook County who have a meeting at debate, during which time 76 bills the Fairview Grange Hall the 27th on third reading and a special order COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, of February to which all breeders on the reconstruction program had ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN?* were extended an invitation to be to take a back seat. So wearied were present. County veternarlan Dr. E. L. the members that they rambled, seek­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Glaisyer and County Agriculturist ing diversion in the senate, where orti and O ffice Roy Jones were present and entered the debate was on over the boxing |nto a general discussion relative to bill, or wandering upstairs, where 1110 ilcox B ld . promoting the best interests of the some philanthropist upstairs, where pure bred live stock breeding in Till­ ice cream to all comers. amook County. QARL HABERLACH So bored were representatives that Harry Nelson, John Ebii^er and when one of the vital sections was Ben Kuppefabender were appointed a under consideration there were only ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. committee to take up the matter with 38 voting, and instead of the coun­ the County Court relative to bulls ties receiving one fourth of the fees, T illamook B lock being picked along the county road. they would have received one-third, Tiilaiuook Oregon The Association went on record as a difference of about .$100.000 but being opposed to this practice. for the casual return to the chamber B. A. FplRs gave a good talk on co­ of three members, who caused the w ERSTER HOLMES, operative brooding with pur? br^d. ¿idoption , of the motion to give the bjuljp qlong neipuii lines io ajd the counties one quarter by a vote of 20 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW small breeder with a few epws, and to 18. ' who vould not afford to invest in an The vital parts of the Oregon mo­ COMMERCIAL BUILDING, tor vehicle law were written on the Individual bull. A committee was appointed ' gwLj floor while the house was in com- FIRST STREET. posed of Wutson, Jones and Glaisyer, : mittee of the whole, Here is the to complete data relative to the num- schedule i of license fees as passed by T1LLAMOÔK, OREGON ber of scrub bulls in the dairy herds the nouse: —“T of the county, Motor bioyslfe«, $31 liiotorcycles, Hugh Barber, cheesemaker of the $6; vlOClrlc pleasure vehicles, $18; £)K. L. L. HOY, FalrvleW factory, gave a good talk electric < service vehicles under one on the values of high and low test ton capacity, $25; all steam, gasoline PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON milk in- cheese production. The tllus- and : hydro-carbon operated vehicles trations brought forth in his talk (exiiept motor trucks, one ton rated T illamook B lock , were worth while, every dairyman capacity and over) up to and includ­ in Tillamook county would have ing 23 horse power, $12; in excess Tillamook, Oregcn. been interested and profitably so if or i 23 horsepower and inclusive of they could have been present and hores power, $15; in excess heard his talk. horse power and inclusive 4 T. HUll b Officers were elected for the en­ horse power, $20; in excess suing year as follows: B. A- Folks, horsepower and inclusive of 36 horse ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Pres.; L. D. Smith, vlce-Pres.; Direc­ power, $35; in excess of 36 horse Complete Set of Abstract Hocks in tors: J. -B. Honey, 1 year; John Eb­ power and inclusive of 40 horse inger, 2 years; John Schild, 3 years; power. $45; in excess of 40 horse Office. Rollie Watson, Sec-tres. power, $55. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. Ben Kuppenbender made a tulk on Following is the schedule for motor T illamook B lock , legislation covering stock and barn trucks and trailers: Tillamook .... Oregon inspection which will become a great One ton and not over one and one .jh» Both Phones. . ... factor In improvement in a general half tons, $32; over one and one half way in the county. Kuppenbender tons and not over two tons, $48; and Watson were appointed as a com­ over two tons and not over two aud C' hawk . mittee to promote the matter of the a half tons. $60; over two and one- Pacific Livestock Association which half tons and not over three tons, has given Tillamook County a quota $72; over three tons and not over PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- of $2,500.00 to raise 100 shares at thiee and one half tons, $84; over $25.00 per share, which will be used Oregon to build a live stock pavalion at Port­ three and one half tons and not over Bay City four tons, $96; over four tons and land. The Holstein breeders went on not over four and onehalf tons, $108; record giving their support to the over four and one half tons and not 0R J. G. TURNER, proposition. over five tons, $120. Salem, Or., Feb. 24.—The senate EYE SPECIALIST. STRAIN TOO GREAT. tonight passed house bill No. 147, by -------o------- PORTLAND — .OREGON Hundreds of Tillamook Readers Find Jones of Lincoln, which submits a $2,500,000 bond issue to a vote of Regular Monthly Visits toii Daily Toil a Burden. the people for the purpose of con­ The hustle and worry of business structing the proposed Rosevelt Tillamook and Cloverdale. men, memorial highway down the coast WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. The hard work and stooping of counties to the California line. workmen. The measure will be on the ballot The woman’s household cares. at the June election. In speaking in OHN LKLAND HENDERSON, Often weaken the kidneys. behalf of the bill Senator Handley of Backache, headache, dizziness. Tillamook said it was one of fhe ATTORNEY Kidney troubles, urinary troubles-- most important and meritorious AND frequently follow. measures presented this session be­ Read the following and learn the COUNSELLOR. AT-LAW cause the highway will be of great way to find relief. scenic, military and commercial val­ T illamook B lock , E. E. Switzer, 401 N. Meridian Sa., Tillamook • . - • Oleg J m i Newberg, Ore., says: "The nature of ue. ROOM NO. order aud stop the misery in my back, which also gets my kidneys out of fix. I fiud that I Xian's Kidney Pills put my kidneys in good working Th« Many Mysteries of bOLSOS 09 MLW01 CV ' order and stop the misery in my back Nature I couldn’t recommend a beter luedl- aaaiNvayrio cine for backache and kidney trou- BY L. W. BOWER, M. D. NOUDVJSIXyS bld.” dn 9Ujn|' joip’qoi Price 60c., at all dealers, Den’t You can take an onion seed and a pansy simply ask for a kidney remedy—get seed, and plant them side by aide in the uo »eoa noŸ jnd jaej 'Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that same spot of ground. In one case, you ! Mr. Switzer had. Foster-Milburn Co., get an onion, with its peculiarly strong p°°^ w °’°®i odor, and m the other you get a flower of 'Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd Adv. <.XÌo)nio»qy rare beauty. You can plant a poppy seed and get opium (a dangerous, habit-forming joojdjotvji Plea for Economy. drug), or you can plant a rhubarb seed and ------o------ get something that helps constipation. The admonitions against govern- No scientist, living or dead, can explain ment extravagance uttered in the these mysteries of Nature. Behind the by Mr. I invisible life germ in each seed is bidden House of Representatlvek Fordney, .of Michigan, are circulated the deep secret that nolxidy understands. Everything growing out of the ground to imfke the conscientious legislator seems intended for some use in establishing stop, look and listen. He stated that i natural conditions. Dr. Piorce, of Buffalo, QNW19 HSU on December 31, 1918, the outstand­ N. Y., long since found out what is S.a3A\OJ..l ing obligations of the government naturally best for women’s diseases. Ho amounted to $21,000.000.000. which learned it all through treating thousands means an annual interest charge of of cases. The result of his studies was a medicine called Dr. Pierce’s Favorite $ 1..000,000,000. He enumerated the Prescription. This medicine is made of vegetable growths that nature surely in­ tended for backache, headache, weakening drains, l>earing-down pains, periodical ir­ regularities, pelvic inflammations, and for the many disorders common to women in all ages of life. Dr. Pierce's Favorito j Prescription is made of lady's slipper root, black cohosh root, unicorn root,- blue j cohosh root and Oregon grape root. Our French Dry Cleaning makes the Women who take this standard remedy I know that in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- Garment Clean ami Sanitary also makes I scription they are getting a safe woman’s tonic so good that druggists everywhere them Moth I’aoof, sell it. Favorite Prescription should have the No job too Tuff for us. full confidence of every woman in America because it contains no alcohol and m narcotic. Dr. Pierce knew, when he first PACIFIC CLEANING AND TAILORING CO. made this standard medicine, that whiskey Bell Phone 31 J. and morphino are injurious, and so he has always kept them out of his remedies Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. for trial pkg. Tablets. VETERINARIAN. P W WOMAN'S ANNOUNCING The Store That Gives You Dependable Merchandise At Far Lower Price Than You Are Used To Paying 4 OUTWIT a wonderful new Spring and Summer line of AKK1 V LU Misses garments. A First Showing of New Models In Spring and Summer SUITS, COATS and DRESSES THE GARMENTS offered are the production of the clever DESIGNERS as well as the LEADING DESIGNERS of this COUNTRY and abroad-the styles are authoritive— -and vervmoderate. Our Garments Are the Final Word in Smart Tailored SUITS COATS and DRESSES the individuality of style, the elegance of lines, the correctness of every detail, all stand out in most convincing proof of their HIGH CLASINESS AND SUPERIORITY DISCRIMINATING The Leading Materials—Including SILVERTONS GABERDINES POPLINES SERGESES VELOURES and MIXTURES J I Weekly Health.Talks áuü puv W irons X31J3H Womens and Prices are Ranged on the New Spring and Summer Styles in Coats, Suits, Dresses t $10 to $35. You will find our prices VERY REAS­ ONABLE It money has any value to you, then bear in mind that Golden’s Woman’s Shop offers you, the best garments that the market can produce AT A SAVING TO YOU—50 PER CENT ON EVERY GARMENT BOUGHT IN OUR STORE. We have proved this statement to thousands of our customers, and we 11 prove this again. ACROSS STREET FROM CLOUGH’S DRUG STORE GOLDEN’S _ „ The Store That Gives You More Goods for Less Money Woman’s Shop TILLAMOOK OREGON Let Us Show You Our Complete Line r You Will Like It The Guard of Style Quality and Good val- send for our FREE fashion booklet Giant Tires Giant EAVY loads require tires with wide tractive surface. The Firestone 14-inch Giant Tire is the widest single tire made. It replaces former dual tread tires. H When traveling over rutted roads, most of the load was formerly carried by one of the dual treads. The strain was thrown on the rim be­ tween the two treads. This weakened the rims and caused the tires to wear unevenly. With Firestone Giant Tire», the wear is evenly distributed. The strength of the rim is uniform throughout iu width. The entire surface of the tire fcives a shock-absorbing action that thoroughly protects the truck against vibration, shocks and jolt*. They increase the life of the truck and reduce repair bill*. Firastone Giant Tires are made in 7-, 10-, 12- and 14-inch width* for all classes of service. We also furnish nar- rower widths for lighter service. Consult us as to the equipment best suited to your needs. STAR GARAGE, Tillamook, Oregon. ŒSTZEJLT Cleaningland Pressing NTFTEY LOTHES Giant T ruck Tires