Our Friends and Customers Will be Glad to Learn that Mrs. Katherine Puffer, Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Ginghams and Percales, Just 2 Price. Muslins and Sheetings, Just 2 Price. On (^Monday, ^7Warch 3rd, Takes Charge of Our Splendid qualities and lengths in these fabric Dressmaking Parlor. Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Cotton Wash Goods, Just 2 Price Silkolines and Sateens, Just } Price. Including Hemstitching and All Alterations Required on Garments Sold in Our Ladies’ Readjl-to- Wear Department. All kinds of plain and novelty ached Muslins & Sheetings, Good Weave * 0 0 £ Wool Dress Goods, Just 2 Price. Good Silk Remnants, Just J Price. 0 m o Sale of Remnants and Odds and Ends Useful lengths and good colors. Plain & fancy. Plain and fancy Silks of all Kinds. Promptly at 10 A.M. SATURDAY, ¿MARCH 1st. Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Only small quantities of the Bargains adver­ tised remain. so it is important that you come early if you would avoid disappointment. BE HERE WHEN THE DOORS OPEN ON THIS THE GREATEST OF ADD SALES. Good Cretonne Draperies, Just 2 Price. Scrims and Marqiiissettes, Just 2 Price. 27 and 36 inch wide Cretonnes, pleasing colors Plain & fancy draperies in White, Cream, Ecru inch wide fabrics for Comforts The Doors will Swing Y .de for this Wonderful Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of zzi Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of GOOD LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS 3 for IOC. White. hemstitched, embroidered, initialled Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of 150 MEN’S FLOWING END TIES 49^. Each Actual $ 1.00 values—Many colors and designs aturday, March 1st, SALE OF Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of MEN’S DRESS SOX, 5C. Pair. Actual 35c. values—Tan, Grey, White. Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of GIRL’S GINGHAM DRESSES 59 nfo few »..G articles of a Vinrl kind, honpp hence tlio the roa.son reason for onlv only a three dav day event. event, In Apparel for every member of the family, and Goods for use in the Home. In mam ■ ces there ' are - only portant that you should come early if you would avoid disappointment. some cases (see special section below) there is only one article of a kind. It is, the very important STOCKS MUST BE I n ED UP Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS 65^. Each Actual $1.50 and $2.00 Values. ONCE AT And all Short Pieces and Odds and Ends disposed of immediately. r This " three day \ event is n Jto effect the desire >d clearance, for we have priced the Remnants and Odds and Ends regard- less of either regular selling or original cost price. In addition to the wonderful Bargains list the ad., there are hundreds of others all over the store which, for want of space,could not be included herein. Also in conjunction with this Sensational Event we will continue our Great Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of SATEEN PETTICOATS 69<. Each Actual $1.50 Petticoats in Black only. “Everything in the Store Underpriced” Clearance S aturday, Monday, Tuesday, March 1st, 3rd, 4th. Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of AMERICAN LADY CORSETS 79^. Pair In -as-niuch as only small quantities of these advertised Specials are available all sales must b dercd final. No Mail, Phone or C.O.D. orderscan be accepted and nothing exchanged, Liberty Bonds of any Denominati ken at Face Value in Lieu of Cash BARGAIN TABLE OF REMNANTS AND ODDS AND ENDS. Actual value« to 15c. in Shelf Paper, Crepe Pape«-. Em­ broidery Thread. Buttons, Thimbles, Darning Worsted, No­ tions of many kinds and remnants of Laces etc. Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Gossard Corsets, $1.87 Pair. BARGAIN TABLE OF REMNANTS AND ODDS AND ENDS. Curling Ton^s. Needles, Hair Nets, Snap Fast tiers. Bronze Hair Pins. Novelty Braids, Rick Rack Braids, Crochet Thread and other articles up to 25c. in value. Remnants and Odds and Ends Sale of Nemo Hygienic Corsets, $1.93 Pair. Actual $3.00 and $4.00 late models Actual $5.00 and $6.00 values in good models of whic Remnants and Odds and Ends of Boy.’ Oil Hats, line for School wear, each ..... Boy.' Caps, formerly $1.00 slightly soiled, • • • 10s Actual $1.50 values in Women’s Spats for per pair .... 39c. • 10c. Actual $1.25 Child's F.id Leggins, 2 to 8 years. Pair . 15c. Men's Checked Jumpers. Good wearing fabrics. Each . . tQc. • •• 19c. Women's actual $1.60 Rubbers, all kinds, Per Pair .... 49c. • • • 23c. Men's Actual $2.50 Khaki Jackets. Remnant Price .... tf5c, ••• 25c Children's actual $2.00 Shoe«, Size« 2% — 8 for Pair . . . 09 c,