TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY *7, 1919 constructed around the outer bound­ ary of said district, of sufficient height to protect said lands from over-flow from'the waters of the ad­ joining rivers and.sloughs, ,wit(k tide­ gates therein at' suth places ds may pJ M . _ ri that hear­ be found necessary for the purpose nJ Be sure you are free from this dreaded disease, which works such ing un. the following.petition will’be of affording the necessary drainage Ln nJ ravages in the mouth and causes the loss of sound teeth and often held' at the Court Heuse in the tjity of water from the lands in such dis­ trict. The lands included in the dis-, rd io of’ Tillamook, Tillamook Couiity, I produces disease and death by distributing its poison to remote State of Oregon, on the Sth day of trict are all subject to over-flow, and “ nJ 1 parts of the body. If taken in the early atages it can be success­ May, 1919, for the purpose of de- are cut up to a considerable extent fully treated. Come in and investigate. termining whether the prayer of said by tidal sloughs, and it is proposed to drain said lands and provide for 1 petition shall be granted. All persons owning land or cluim- keeping the waters dained off of ttje ing an interest in lands described In land so that instead of the land re­ said petition are hereby notified to maining cold and wet as they do un­ appear at said place on said date and der present conditions, the water will show cause, if any there be, why 1 the be drained off and the land will dry prayer in said petition should not be off more quickly, and be thereby ren­ dered more fit for cultivation and granted. more productive. Erwin Harrison, On Noyes & Folks Farm % mile East of Red Clover In carrying out the plan of recla­ County Clerk. Creamery on Trask River. To the Honorable County Court of mation it is proposed to make use of some diking work already done by (3 The results of neglect a Which include our entire herd of grade cattle and Tillamook County, Oregon: 1 Particular attention paid to plates and bridgework. g The undersigned, being the owners some of the owners, and also to act the entire number of grades and pure bred cattle now connection with Tillamook County in Cj Examination Free. Both Phones. K of more than 50 per cent of the owned by B. L. Beals, Sr. acreage of the contiguous body of in raising the road bed of the coun- WA linCC Tillamook County Dentist, a swamp, wet and over-flow land in ty road which runs along a portion 15 cows now fresh or due to freshen by April 30th. ■ «• ” Iwlij Office and Residence,7 across the H Tillamook County, Oregon, herein- of the boundary of the district. Those now fresh are averaging 52.7 lbs. fat per Mo. X. § street South of County Court House. i after described, do hereby petition 10 Heifers due this spring. The signers of this petition agree your Honorable Body to cause to be 2 Pure bred cows, 3 and 4 years of age organized a drainage district for the that they will pay any and all ex­ 1 Pure bred and 4 grade yearling heifers. purpose of having such land re­ penses incurred, and any tax or 2 Cows due this fall. claimed and protected from the ef- taxes that may be levied against fects of water for sanitary and ag- their respeçtive lands for the pur­ 2 Pure bred Bull calves, born Nov. 1918 and Jan, rlcultural purposes, and for the cov- pose of paying the expense of organ­ 1919. enients and welfare of the public, izing, or attempting to organize the We have completed fl years of cow testing associa­ and for the public utility and bene­ proposed district, the expense to be tion work, consequently the production of our herd has fit, and for the purpose of this peti­ taxed against the laud of the sign­ tion we state the following matters ers In proportion to the number of increased 44Ibs. fat per oow, including heifers which are as required by Chapter 340 of the acres owned by them and affected by 50 per cent of the herd. General Laws of Oregon for the year the proposed project. XI. This herd has a clean bill of health. •1915, as amended by Chapter 414, of Wherefore your petitioners pray the general' Laws of Oregon for We are selling to make room for Pure Bloods. that the lands described herein, or 1917. Terms Cash or Bankable paper. such Of: them a.*} niaÿ be-found by the - I. Free lunch court to be properly included in :the The .name proposed for such district •4 ft ..W - I * ' ’’■ ’ * •' 'V ■ 4 , g. proposed district, either-permanent­ W. N0YFS & B. A. FOLKES. is Stillwell Drainage District: “ • 1 ly or until further investigation and n. Í7 COL. HUGHES, Auctioneer. The boundary lines of the proposed survey may permit elimination, shall be declared organized into a district are as follows: Beginning at the point whet-e the drainage district under thé provis­ 7 *• quarte? section line running. East ions pf the Laws of Oregon relating and West through the center > of I to such districts and hereinbefore re­ Section 26, Township 1 South, Range ferred to. .... z 10 West. W. M., intersects the East Dated February 10, 1919. > Emil Benscheidt 1 side of Ttllamook river, and running M. v. stiiiwtn thence East along said line to where Ida'E. Reynolds by E. W. 4 said lind intersects the right bdnk Stanley, her guardian. of Trask River near the center of F. and Gottf. Josi. said Section 26; thence following the W. J. Stillwell ' right bank of Trask rjver up stream • ■ . . ■ .J J ‘ ‘ Ulrich Wysè For disenfecting where Contagious or Southerly, Easterly ..and Northerly < Fred G. Baker. 1 to the Northerly bank of a slough P. W? Todd. ' infectious diseases are prevailing. connecting said Trask River with j what is known as Trask River cut-off State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ mook, ge: CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ at a point near the Northwest cor­ I; Emil Benscheidt, being, first du­ ner of the Southeast quarter of the ful Germicidal mixture and by its use H Southwest quarter of Section 25, in ly sworn, say that ' I am one of the ->A signers of the foregoing petition; will improve general stable conditions -, .i in Township 1 South of Range 10 west, ¡25Z5ZSZ525H5Z5HSZSB5ÜS25HS2SZ5Z5ZSBSH5HSBSH525Z5ESZ5H5ZSB5ÎSZ5H5Z5E525 W. M.; thence following the bank r’ that I have ’read the said petition of said slough northeasterly ■ to -the and that I believe the allegations ■ ■ 1 ' ' ’ left bank of what is known aB Tri’sH ithereoi are true. Emil Benscheidt. River cut-off; thence following said left bank of the Trask River cut-off L Subscribed and sworn to before me Northerly to- its intersection tyith this 15th day of February, 1919. -' RELIABLE DRUGGISTS- f ♦• -h • H. T. BottSs.' ‘ the South or left bank of Hoquarton ' (Notary Seal) Notary Public for Oregon. Slough; thence down said Hoquartop Slough, following the left bank My Commission expires Dec 21, 1919 thereof, to the intersection of said Notice of Final Account. Hoquarton Slough with, the Tjjlg^ • •n •* —' ■ Q mook River; thence following the All persons concerned are hereby right bank of Tillamook River, up notified that Jessie McGinnis, Ad­ stream to the place of beginning. ministratrix of the Estate of James And all of the lands included with ­ The Tillamook Transfer Co., has Jefferson McGinnis, deceased, has in said boundaries constitute a con- filed her final account In such estate contracted the wood output of the tiguous body or swamp, wet and in the County Court of Tillamook over-flow lands. Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood County, Oregon, and that Baid Court Ill. has appointed Monday, March 24th, suppl}' from this plant is not suf­ The total acreage Included in said 1919, at the County Court room in proposed district is 432acres. ficient for the local demand we will the Court House in Tillamook City, IV. Oregon, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. fill orders from other sources. TRADE IN TILLAMOOK The names of the owners of land m. as the time and place for hearing EM EMBEK in your buying and your bank- in said proposed district as shown by objections to said final account and Place your orders for wood with us. itig—that all roads lead to Tillamook. Keep the records of Tillamook County, 1 settlement thereof. Oregon, and the acreage owned by the your money in local circulation by either Dated February 20th, 1919. each of such owners is as follows: spending it with home merchants or putting Jessie McGlnnlB, Ad­ No. Acres. Owner it safely away here in the FIRST NATIONAL ministratrix. Fred and Gottfried Josl......... 1 64. BANK. It goes on working for the good of the H. T. Botts, Attorney. P. W. Todd ................................... I «5 community and YOU. Wilbur Stillwell ...................... 87 I DIRECTORS: Notice of Administratrix Sale. Ulrich Wyss................................. 42 ■ A. W. Bunn, Farmer. P. Helsel, Farmer. ------ o - - Minny V. Stillwell..................... ! 37.50 C. J. Edwards, Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. Notice la hereby given that tho un­ L. L. Stillwell .......................... 1 47. B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. dersigned administratrix will sell at W. J. Riechers. Cashier. D. Tomlinson ............................. I 36 private sale from and after the 15th Rachel Stanley........................ 15 J day of February, 1919, the following Ida E. Reynolds........................... 25 I described real property, situate in E. Benscheidt............................. 8.75 Tillamook County, Oregon,