TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 27. 191». Ôlillumouk ìjpaòltgljt Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION would be a great improvement every body should admit, but it question able whether Eastern Oregon will favor it when it comes to a vote. SMITHY’S VARIETY STORE. Soap Special, 5c. a Cake. I EXTRA Knit. Gloves ’ The report of the co-operative associations in Tillamook . dairy A good grade of White Laundry county which we published last week Advertising Rates. are highly flattering in many re- Soap, Per Cake.............................. 5c. Display Advts, per inch • • 20c. ' spects. Weather conditions last sum­ » ff For Men. Women and Children. ” . half page 17V4C. mer were anything but ideal for Regular price from 29c. to 79c.. See 99 ff dairying, it being one of the dryest 15c. ” ... full page them fly at Locals ........... per line 7c. springs Oregon has seen for many years, causing a poor crop and al­ Readers, with reading matter most a failure in some parts of Ore­ per line.................................. 7c. gon. 'lillamook County suffered to Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. .¡some extent, there being less green Resolutions ................. per line '5c. i feed in the early summer months, but notwithstanding this there was an increase in the production of milk and -in the amount of cheese manufactured. Although other parts of Oregpn-have had crop failures, it It Bro. Trombley Is really in favor can be said of Tillamook county that of a labor organization, he should this is unknown here, and it is in- turn his "scab" print shop into a i teresting to look over the cheese union shop, with the eight hour rule production of this county for the, past twenty years and see the rap d for his employes. strides it has made in that tim ------- o------- Evidently Germany is on the verge Probably the most gratifying featu of a revolution, if newspaper ac­ of the cheese industry in this couni counts from there are to be relied Is the high grade cheese that is mai good material—well made, not No. 2 Cold Blast—$1.45 values upon. This is not to be wondered at, ufactured to-day compared to tl e Containing 24 envelopes. 24 sheets ;he Of skimpy kind. Values from $2.19 Color Copen and Rose. Sizes 26— where Socialism obtained a deep hold poor grade in the early history of tl e paper, per box 28—30. A good value at $1.88 :o $2.65. upon the German people, even before industry in this county. It used to 1 that good and poor cheese wei the war. But the end Is not in sight, for the military party, controlled by dumped on the market, and, < f the junkers, have started a reign of course, did the industry a lot of hart One Of the best things the dairyme terror and assassination. ever did was when they decided t< We are Inclined to believe that in employ an inspector, and througt passing a law for the appointment of him a uniform high grade cheese ii s No. 2 size—good quality Well made, generois sizes—sizes Pearl Top No. 1 or No. 2 size a food and dairy inspector for Tilla­ now a premium on the market. Ii Wide and narrow widths—ruled mook county, that it is a tendency took several year* for all the dairy ige 4—5—6—7—8. Tslue 85c. to create too many public offices. It men to realize the lmportanoe ol i for __ th« e _, but ___ ttiey, ____ ___ seems to us that if the County Ag­ that wise move, riculturist was clothed with proper most part, see the wisdom of placing authority he would be the proper a hlfch grade eifeeee on the markel person to see that the barns and manufactured under strictly sanitary r dairy herds were kept in sanitary conditions. Another thing. The dairy­ men are managing their own affalrt condition. Light and dank cqlors—sizes, age No. 0 Tubular—Nb. 2 Cold Blast ------- c under a co-operative plan with th« 10 qt. good quality—every pur-J Ink—Blue or Black—Paste Per 6 to 11—Values 88c. and 95c. or No. 2 Short tfrobe In the scrap over the office of sec­ best of results and the best of satis­ pose pail retary-salesman for the Tillamook faction, which has to do with the , Bottle. County Creamery Association, sever­ marketing of the cheese. It used to be al persona were made "goats”. Goat that the jobbers put the price in Til­ No. 1 is Jim Christensen. A few lamook cheese. Not so now, however. prominent dalryme,n of Fairview It is right here where the co-opera­ went out to Pleasant Valley and suc­ tive associations have to be on the ceeded In Inducing him to oecome alert, for several attempts have been the bell-wether of the insurgents. made to disorganize the dairymen of Of good quality figured sateens of Color, Cardinal—Knit Worsted, Where Jim fell down in placing his Tillamook county, with no other pur­ different shades, elastic at top. Val­ sizes 28—28—30 A good value foi No. 0. Tubular $1.00 values. cards he started in to attack those pose In view than to allow the job No. 8 Galvanized Boilers—well ues $2.19 and $2.45 $1.48. who expended a large amount of bers and the big packing companiet made—Substantial money for advertising. It transpired to place the price on Tillamook that he was on the aommittee and cheese. There is not much doubt bul sanctioned the expenditure. Even if what the Interest of the dairymen Jim was made the "goat" he has been will be well looked after by the di a good friend and a willing worker rectors of the Tillamook County Creamery Association and if thal dor the dairy industry. body can manage • to keep the prlc« O ” — *•'*' -•*- When will the government and ;°f chqese sp to a good price it will be numerous bureaus and institutions doing well, tor the changed condi- quit riding newspaper men to depth? tlpns In the reconstruction of the You. buy 3 pair hose-rWe give you a pair free. FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN^ A letter yesterday says: "The bureau country Is sure to upset things for a of luternal Revenue is sending to time, but manufacturing a high fl£BAU Bites. Colors for Men: Black. White, Navy, Havana, Brown ; for Children and Women : White and your office ready to print plates con- Stade cheese there is always going Regular and Out Size» for Women, some with Rib Top. All from regular stock and first quality taining timely, instructive and ini- 1 to be a good demand for It at top ¿Black portant stories explaining the In- prices, Prices range from 15c. pair to $1.25 pair. A price for every purse. Buy now for your future needs. come Tax now being collected. The use of thest^ plates is, of course free Cheese Making in Tillamook. of charge." The follows who are hold­ of weeding out the boarder cows. and extended to the very bottom. The review of the cheese-making ing down soft Jobs in the revenue of­ For Sale. Ml.n5 . There is a lesson also tor other in- Possibly there is a feeling that re­ ------- o------- ___ fice are paid, the Western Newspaper industry for the year 1918, t w dustries in Oregon in the steady rise sponsibility for the situation la Union is paid for preparing and send­ comparisons showing Its growth ini A Registered Holstein Bull ten in favor of the famous Tillamook shared, because of acts of omission. ing out this plate matter; the ex­ the past ten years, makes interest- I I months old, a fine individual, bred cheese. That which no dairyman by Republican members of Congress press companies and postoffice are ing reading. The mere statement that could hope to do as an individual who have fallen in with the idea that by E. Werner, Aurora, from his fam­ paid for delivering it. But the the Tillamook county association, has been made possible through or­ Congress is and of a right ought to ous Sire, Fobe De Koi 2nd Johanna newspaper man gets nothing and for example, handled 45,100,156 lbs. I Duke, and a dam with a good record, from the looks of things should ex­ of milk for its members, and pro­ ganization. Both the salaried "sec­ be a mere seismograph for record­ will sell or exchange for a good cow retary- salesman” and the official ing White House tremors, but stop­ pect nothing. Every newspaper man duced 5,036,900 pounds of cheese, or heifer. Is about sick and tired of being rid­ valued at *1,352.94 shows the magni­ inspector and grader have been in­ ping waste sponsored by the execu­ Chas. Macpherson, strumental in accomplish I ng the re­ tive authority in a time of war is den to death on (lie free horse while tude of the business. This represents PERFECT. Grand Ronde, Oregon. other persons are paid wur time pric­ an increase from 23,416,(24 pounds sult. It is not by accident that like trying to put out a prairie fire "where Tillamook cheese is put In Needle«, Oil, Belts --------- ------------- ~....... with a garden hose. The people have and all kinds of e- Sewing of milk, 2,506,612 pounds of cheese es. Notice. Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty. competition with the east, or Wis­ rendered one verdict on this fright­ ------- o . and a valuation of *386,135, in ------- o — — consin, It captures the first prizes.” ful waste, but it is only a slight sug- ___ , Cheese __ _ _ Com The state legislature passed two 1909. The quantity of milk has near­ The Pleasant Valley New Home Users The honor and welfare of all the pro­ gestion of what they are going to pany wishes to receive bids on haul­ Important road measures. One is to ly doubled in that period, th« output ducers are Involved In the quality of hand the party in power and all Its i Ing cheese from its factory to Tllla- are quality chosers. of cheese has more than doubled, and bond the state for 110,000,000, with the product bearing their name. Sec­ I apologists and defenders I „„a defenders the next mook car and depot, and supplies the emergency clause attached. Sev­ the money yield has been trebled. For Sale By ond-grade cheese 1« ruthlessly classed I time they get an opportunity. enty-five percent of the money is to The moral obviously is that by de- [from Tillamook to its factory, Pleas­ SHARFF lb DUBIVER as such, and sold on its merits. At be used in construction of pavement voting themselves to a worthwhile ant Valley. Leave bids at offiee of The London Pott on frilson. the same time constant effort is made 172 3rd Street and betterment of roads deslgna'tl>tl iiitivistry to which their locality was j Carl Haberlach, Secty., Tillamook, to reduce the proportion of seconds, The London^ ” ~England, Morning ° r^on' °n or b,fere February 28th.’ I NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE In the road law passed in 1917, as well adapted, and by working to* i so that inspection works profitably hardsurfaced highways, and Jhq re- gether harmoniously, the Tillamook hi two ways. The broad, ethical'pol- Post, discussing the Paris conference I J91,9' Company reserves right to re­ i COMPANY. nialning twenty-five per cent.4,1 rtnf» have “'“<1« definite progress, icy pays. ject any or all bids. says: San Francisco California'; be expended In the dlscretion-pt tM. ,helr Prosperity, be- ; Another phase of eo-operation Pleasant Valley Cheese Co. "Our conception ef President Wil­ State Highway Commission Its fbo cuvss they have mude it for tbein- son is that he is a very considerable which is worth noting is the econom­ ,.„R .. .uc «yyiiom diplont!wpo js endeavoring to! conati action of other roads of any «TV«. *’* ■' That Terrible Headache. ies which k has made i . possible. In-I ... . . ,, ... fjic sum of $6,604.503, which has class included in the same law... The ——o------ country to a policy of dis- ’ stallation of plants to save the sur ; COBin,‘t new law practically adopts the’’rop’d been received from this source in the Do you have _ period!« ___ .... attacks of plus cream which goes Into th whey likes. On the one side, he lulls his system to be Improved us In the 1917 past ten years, is a tidy addition at tanks, and which last year ...ed [own country by giving to a universal headache accompanied by sickness of the same time to the wealth of Ore ­ luw, which designates a hard sur­ *24,479. ie an illustration of tl. . system of alliances and interventions ■ the stomach of vomiting, a sallow faced roinl from Clatsop county line, gon. for there is no doubt that Tilla­ new name. On the other side, he skin and dull eyes? If so, you oan get From various angles, the example of by way of Wheeler, to Garibaldi, and mok dairymen are fixtures In the the Tillamook dairyman .ggests to Europe that he is hostile ■ quck relief by taking Chamberlain’s seems to whirtt also provides for 29 miles or community, or that they spend their >furnish a model for others to pattern to the principle of balance of power Tablet,* as directed for bUliousnews, more of hard surfaced pavement money at horn«. It is doubtful wheth­ after. Oregonian. at the very moment when he is put­ and you may be able to avoid these er they could have so well served from Tillamook City. That this ting it in practice. attacks if you observe the directions county will receive favorable consid­ themselves and the state in any other "President Wilson, in our view, is with each package. eration and some of the first work to way; certainly they conld not have The People Know Who is Responsi- the ablest practitiener in balance of be undertaken by the State Highway done so by chasing rainbows, or by ble for Waste. power since Lord Castlereagh. He is Coaimlselon Is safe 40 predict, for sitting idly by th« railing at fate. trying, with Infinite skill and ad­ Senator Handley put up a grpat fight Successful dairymen, as a few per­ ( Senator Kenyon, of Iowa, is right dress. to save Germany from the con­ in behalf of the State Highway Com- sons | know, requires an admixture of in saying that the people of this sequences of defeat and to deprive mission in the senate and evidently several virtues. The chief of these is country are incensed by the extra- the alkies of the consequence of vic­ won out, nithough he wan in the tireless industry. The man who owns vaganee and waste, to use no strong­ tory.” a herd of cows must keep a watchful er terms, which has characterised minority first off. He had the good If the last sentence is true. It is sense to ks«p out of the cement trust eye on them. There is always some­ the conduct of governmental affairs thing to be done around the dairy during the past two years especially. possible that the hand of one, Mr. Sold by and paving trust fights.. House, is seen? When a line can be obtained on barn. As In other Industries, com­ But the people are not deceived, and Tillamook Feed Company. what the State legislature have done petent help is not always easy to ob­ cannot be deluded, as to the respon­ C. 0. A C. M. Dawson In other road matters. It Is proposed tain. We may be sure that Ike Tilla­ sibility of this. It belongs with the Private 1 Private! Conover A Condit. to bond Tillamook county, to co-op­ mook cheese producers have had administration and the party ki A Pari, cable »ays. Geo. R. Edmunds. erate with the State Highway Com­ thetr share of vexations. Yet the fig­ power; an administration and a of growth tell the story ef how party which promised the American 'Th« freedom of the seas, which mission In building a hard surfaced ures 1 Tillamook, Oregon been , more or less lost in the road through the county, but thia they overcome obstacles. peeple in 1912 a "return bo that i has . ,,, . t —........... — I A. Anderson. Wheeler, Ore. We take from the Tillamook Head­ simplicity and economy befitting a will not be done until the County '*■»•» W. A. Rowe, Brighton, Oregon. “p for ,he firs' ,ime <»day by the Court or a delegation waits •n »he light the significant statement that democratic government.” Responsi- 1 Riw Fiv* •• State Highway Commission for the the high price of feed was not an un­ Nitty for this orgy of extravagance Big Five.” "The discussion was private." purpose of ascertaining whether the mixed evil. The dairyman, it appear» cannot by any sophistry be separated be a philosopher. "The from those who have been exercising Private? Private? Is this the Commisslou will agree to a 50-50 may also BUY LIBERTY BONDS ---- prac- w— | When contemplating Monumental proposition. The other road bill In dairymen who played safe (and who the appropriating and expending tlcal application of Mr. Wilson's doc- work, FOR SPOT CASH — *■, do not over look White of "open covenant»? ” Why Rrnn. what 1» known as "The Rooeevelt i Increased their bank accounts) are power. The people understand that I trine ’ - ____ Bronze. This material cannot rust or ANY ISSUE. Coast .Military Highway.” It calls those who followed the example of Congress has been a mere tool in the .have the mighty fallen? ■ o 1 corode. There is nothing to support for a bond issue of *2.500.000 to be (he early dairymen and who raised hands of the executive power for the $50 submitted to the people. There are all of their own feed." A good many past six years, and especially for the 1100 vegetable life. It is hard and dense $500 For Sale or Trade. conditions In this law, which provide "poor milk producing cows were dis­ two past years, when every demand I $1000 and will not chip or crack. In beauty O J that the government is to appropri­ posed of and helped out the meat has been backed by the cry of war I Have about 40 acres of land, south of design, artistic and general effect Send us your Bonds by registered ate a like amount of money. In all market." But it 1» reasonable to sup­ necessity which made opposition ___ ______ __ irulI1 v ____ Trask river six miles from town. probability this road would go pose that in even greater degree the seem unpatriotic. The people have a of _----- ----------- market Plenty of wood on place. Wood will no stone can compare with White letter and receive highest through Hebo and Cloverdale to Nes- 1 disponing of them helped out the pretty clear idea of where the re ­ nr.u, *1—- -« -a— •»— -c- more than pay for place. Will take Bronze. price by return mail. k win and Join with Lincoln county farmer also. The history and progress sponsibility Iles for a carnival Represented By 1 WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO of auto in trade. Inquire of _. I a that place. That a coast road 1 *'» ,h* d»lr7 Industry is also a history waste which has begun at Tn S 1 REYNOLDS. the top Childers, near the land. > 200 Central Bldg. per year $2.00 LIMIT 100 cakes to a customer. EXTRA 25c Real Honest-to-Goodness Sale. Editorial Snap Shots LASTING SIX DAYS— Starting Saturday Morning, ending Friday, March 7 COME EARLY. LOOK 'EM OVER !e r. Box Writing Paper Women’s Aprons & House Dresses Children’s Knit Middies Lanterns : 25c. $1.39 $115 * Ink Writing Tablets $1.89 Children’s Coveralls 4 for 10c. 69c. » • Lamp Chimneys Galvanized Tubs 10c. Writing Inks, i Boy’s Blouses Library Paste $1.95 Lantern Globes Galvanized Pails 6c. Women’s Petticoats 69c 15c. 59c. Children’s Sweater Coats Lanterns Galvanized Boilers $1.79 98c. 75c. $1.95 PAIR HOSE FREE I EXTRA ! WITH i . EVERY 3 PAIR YOU EXTRA I BUY- ---------- I Tillamook _ Oregon. Seattle Wash.