llcaîiliflljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 27, 1919. Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale Why pay four or five hundred dol­ Kill Kare Klub. Private Guy Stockman Writes About 1 I went through the wonderful office Friday afternoon and Saturday lars for dairy land without improve­ ------ o------- Notre Dame Cathedral. This is an March 1st. » Versailles and Paris. -------0------* ments when you can get as good soil The Kill Kare Klub met on the immense piece of work, and has e Live Stock Ina.,—See Watson. Suttons’ market has located oppo­ with improvements for $300.00 per regular day at the home of Mrs. never been completed. Inside are all LeTheil, France, site Dawson's store. We handle fresh acre.—See C. W. Miller about this Mason, Mrs.. Poorman being the as- the statutes of the Bible time people, W. A. Wise, dentist. Jan. 25th, 1919. • sistant hostess. and cured meats. Your patronage so­ proposition. since the resurrection of Christ. The Dear Mr. Editor. — Now r that the Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, licited. • The klub plans to do Belgian re­ Louvre is another fine building. The We have a number of vacant build­ ; a line, lief sewing while there is plenty to war is over. I will drop you * Sutton pays 27c. for calf hides. All steel passenger cars, as well as ing lots for sale from $200 and up. do. Two new members were added to and let you know I am still alive Hotele de Ville is another fine build­ ing. There are so many fine build- Almost any desired location. With or Let W. A. Church write your insur­ Bteel baggage and mail care, have re­ without paving. Terms can be had the list, now making a full club and am fine and dandy. ¡ings that it would take up too much placed the cars previous used on the I participated in three ance. * aad of your space to name them all. on most of these and we will take membership, The new members be- come through without a _ scratch. Tillamook trains. Their subways are superior to Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough your Liberty Bonds. See Watson. • ing Mrs. Leo Morrison an Mrs. Billie The drives were namely: St. Mihiel, Lieut. John Olson, of the 116th Lewis. Guests for the day were Mes- ¡those of New York. Their terminals Co. • The Tillamook County Pomona dames F. C. Baker, C. I. Clough and Sept. 11 to Sept. 13. Meuse-Argonne, in the subways are equal to a large Engineers, arrived from France with Sept. 26th, to Oct. 4th. Lys-Scheldt ¿epot? You Spend your evenings at the Gem the regiment on Sunday, going to Grange will meet at Fairview next Hy. Crenshaw. - , — can —i take a car to any Thursday. T|pre will be an open Theatre. * Camp Dlx to be mustered out.. The duinty lunch was enjoyed by drive, Belgium, Oct. 31st, to Nov. part of the city from one terminal. the lltb, the signing of the armls- meeting in the afternoon at which I all and the meeting in March will be t A , gUlng tne armis- , The traffic on the BtreetH For Sale—Shoats, Address Ike Married __ _ at the Methodist parson- viuiv vi v will wiii uc tice. 1 ha was some happy day for Joke. They have bu88 room for t time m there be a uuuilt public Installs- with Mrs. Case. Quick, Mutual Uhone. 2* “Ke’ «vening, Feb. 24th. Wm tlon and jfrogram, i, to us as well as you folks in the good it they Hquee2e in tight tnough m which w uivit all are oia u. 8. A. _ __________ Don’t fail to see the farm tank at a mu “’.“Z Wheeler and Kathryn E. cordially Invited. they only have two cylinders, so you Goblli, of Nehalem. Receipt« for Cheeie Etc, $1,366,614. I won't try and tell you about the can imagine the nose they make. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * A bill passed the senate on Satur­ war, as It would take up too much of Disinfect your home with B-K~to- day providing for a deputy dairy and Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. V>e did not receive the report of your space, so will tell you of a trip They go like the dickens, and any in Tillamook the Upper Nestucca Cheese Factory I have just made. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. • day and make yourself Bafe from food commissioner I way to get through. I saw a women deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen- county. This is a similar bill to oui killed the day I was there, and I have just returned from Versail- ■ one of the boys told me he had seen Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- bender, both phones. * which passed the state legislature until after we went to press last week, consequently could not give les, and Paris, had a most wonderful « ware.—R. W. Bennett. Orchards and hedges and all kinds some years ago, but was vetoed by the actual figures of all the cheese trip, and will try and tell you a few ; seven accidents in one evening. Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, of shubbery trimmed, Good job Governor Chamberlain. factories in the county, It is more of the things I saw, which will be of Some of the cars, or rather the busses Tillamook. Phone 72-W. i have no lights. Most of the streets guaranteed. Charles Scnrude-", 9ta C. E. Jennings who recently re­ than pleasing to note that this some interest to you. Why not place your feed orders for Ave and €th Street. turned from France and was dis­ cheese factory has more than doubl- I left LeTheil at 6:30 a.m. arriving are lighted by gas lamp postB. Some of the streets are so crowded that you the future with Kuppenbender. * Just received two fine Kohler & charged is back in Tillamook. To give ed Its output of the previous year. In at Versailles, at 11 a.m. went and have to wedge your way through. 1917 the milk received was 206,000 bad my dinner. 1 will tell you how Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler Chase pianos, fumed oak cases. See Home idea how mall miscarried, he i The way the ladies go to market is office Saturday, February 22. * them at Singer Agency, opposite P. never received one copy of the Head­ r ¡pounds. Last year it was 475,882 they serve you a meal. First they a big joke. In the morning they get „„„ sent to him every pounds The cheese manufactured in | bring you a hunk of bread and your light whieh was O., Both phones. For sale—Eight spring calves. week. He is glad to be back in '1111a- J1917 was 26,316 pounds, while last t coffee, then your meat, next your what we call a dairy lunch. They For Sale—any one wanting young mook. Write to Box 38, Woods, Ore. * ¡year it increased to 51,680 pounds. I potatoes, next your salad, and lastly have a pitcher to get their milk in. pigs, six to eight weeks old, write. _, . ... . 'The report does not mention the to- i your dessert . The only trouble is Then they go to a bakery and get a Will buy your calf hides, 27 cents Wilbur Kirk, Hillsboro, Ore. Route 1 igure is out on a $16 tire. 10 , jaj amount received for cheese, but ! that you have one thing eaten up be­ loaf ot bread about three teet long. cash at Tillamook Meat Co. ♦ box 3. P!r“n_l.P_r?mJum *V*.0;.?n..a ’20’ H i is 8 estimated ifsold estimated that that it-sold for1 fore the next arrives, especially in Bread under one arm, and the pitch­ Tillamook Meat Company will pay • There are just two kinds of Milk­ $2.00 premium; on $30, $3.00 prem­ about $13,000, as the cheese from tha __ ____ case __ of _________ a soldier. A meal, served er in the other hand, they go down 27 cents cash for your calf hides. * ers—Sharpies and all others. Sharp­ ium; on $40, a $4 premium. Given that factory is not inspected. I on silver trays, costs ! 10 Francs or the Btreet. Can you imagine our from our line of Gasoline, oils, grease The total amount ot milk produced about $2.00, so you see the eats are American ladies doing their shopping Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at ies will do all that other Milkers do, or tire eccessories. This is a cooper­ * ative or a profit saving plan at the j in Tillamook county, and which was expensive. 1 then formed in with a like that? lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. * plus the "Upward Squeeze.” The Mademoiselles that work in manufactured into cheese, for 1918 party, and went through the King’s Have you been in the new meat Tillamook Tire Co,, E. F. Rogers, is 45,576,038 pounds. the stores go to a bakery, get a We handle Trojan Powder. Best for Palace, some wonderful things in ­ stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. ♦ market across the street from Daw­ Mgr. Cheese manufactured amounts to deed, and one cannot express them in chunk of bread, put it in their bas­ To be sure you have a place to live son’s store. They have the best words, the way he would like to, so ket, and that’s their dinner. There You get 27c. for your calf hides by j they can get. Give them a call. meats * buy a home today. Never has the de­ 5,088,588 pounds. The value of the cheese and whey 1’11 just sketch it through. We enter­ are some mighty funny things “over taking them to Sutton’s Market. * amounted to ed a large iron gate, come to the here”. Before buying your auto tires, ’in­ mand for houses been so great. Prop­ butter and cream Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- vestigate the Republic-Standard five erties are selling every day but bar­ $1,366,614 for last year. The weather here is freezing and front court yard, where they huve all ei Warehouse. * thousand mile guarantee, price right gains are not all gone yet. Some of the ground is covered with snow. I the statutes of the different army the best buys were listed today for * quick For Sharpies Mechanical Milkers at Tillamook Feed Co. leaders. They also have Louis the have received about 15 issues of your Dairy Farm For Sale. sale. A payment down, balance see R. F. Zachnian. Tillamook. * 13th, and 14th, some statutory too, paper, and 1 surely appreciate them. ----- o ----- For sale, eggs for setting, or day'j'monthly, .. places .____ . you _J tn a home of Of all the sights I have seen over I have for sale the finest dairy One can just stand and look at it, Play safe and insure your live­ old chicks from either Brown or your own. See Everson at once. * here, I still stick to the motto I and wonder how it ever could be ac ­ farm in the Columbia River basin, White Leghorns. Bred to lay strain. stock—See Watson. * The bill to increase the salary of the I consisting of 362 acres, seventy-five complished by the hand of man, one used to see in the papers, “See Amer­ Wm. Stuivenga. * E. A. Worthington sold his store at district attorney for Tillamook of which is bottom land and thor- really has to be an ancient historian ica first.”. With best regards to everyone, I Have a quantity of seed potatoes, county was killed in the senate on|Oughly tiled; two _______ Mohler to Rosenberg Bros. hundred acres to appreciate it all. Yours truly. Earliest of All, for which I am taking The first flight of stairs leading am. For fresh and cured meats call orders at $2.50 per hundred. Mutual Saturday. Notwithstanding that Sen- ; clear, one hundred and twenty-two Guy Stockman. ator Handley recommended the In- - acres more than half clear; forty to the spacious rooms, are of marble. Sutton’s Market. Both phones. Phone. A. T. Blackburn, P. O. Ad­ crease, the ways and means commit- acres timber, good for farm use; 1 was afraid to step heavy with my ♦ tee turned in a report unfavorable to sixty head of Jersey cattle, including boo nailed shoes for fear I would One lot and small house for sale, dress Hemlock, Ore; GEM THEATRE PROGRAM $560, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * ------ o------ C. W. Hatfield who bought the Ar- the bill, whereupon the Senator call- 1 one imported Jersey bull, six horses, ci ack one of them. I will mention a few of the rooms Saturday, March 1—“Opportunity”, We buy and sell second hand autos. still place at Cloverdale, and his son- ed the committee the tight wads of sheep, hogs, chickens and bother farm Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* in-law Merl F. Holman, who is dis­ Oregon,^but as the bill cMieup at a - stock, all farming Implements; three I went through: the Hall of Mirrors, featuring Viola Dana. charged from the army .were in the time when the steam roller was silos, ninety tons each with one the Reception Room, the Chapel, the Sunday, March 2—"Fedora” featur­ Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ city on Monday. flattening out a lot of increase-salary hundred tons insilage on hand, One rooms of Napoleon, the rooms of ing Pauline Frederick. mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* bills, the steam roller went over the dairy . barn, ____ modern, cement floor, Louis the 13th and 14th, their bed­ When you want eggs for breeding | patent stalls, capacity 60 cows and rooms, and the family rooms, the Tuesday, March 4—Paramount Pic­ For bargains in second hand auto­ I purposes, baby chicks or chickens, Tillamook bill and killed it. ture to be announced later. No, we are not dead yet! We have ¡250 tons of hay, everything modern. room where peace will be signed. I mobiles go to Case's Garage. call tipon or write John Hofman, stood on the same spot where the Thursday, March 6.—"Mr. Logan, U. One barn not modern. Seven room been doing business in Tillamook Every Dairyman in Tillamook Tillamook, Oregon., Have 20 variet- S. A.” featuring Tom Mix, and a County for nearly 20 years—here’s house. Bunk house for hired men. "Damn Kaiser” stood, and was made county should have his live stock in­ ies of poultry. Mack Sennett comedy “Her Screen hoping the Good Lord will let us con­ Cement watering troughs at stalls in Emperor of Germany. I saw a paint­ sured. See Watson. * Idol.” For sale—6 hole used range, good tinue to do business in Tillamook barn. Three streams of running wat­ ing that was the work of one man, Read out big advertisement on baker, $12.00, also white enamel for the next 20 years. We want your er on place. Windmill with tank, all he accomplished in his whole life. another page. See Watson for your dresser, 14x24 inch, bevel plate oval business for every business man 500 gallon capacity. This farm is one 1 went to the Royal stables, saw all Viscount Shows His Gratitude. Insurance protection. * mirror, 4 drawers, $7.00. Call at knows that he must have business or half mile from Scappoose where they the gold trimmed carriages that * ViBcount Peufeulhoux, a French quit business. Our business is to pro­ have good schools and good stores; those birds used to ride in, in those Small herd of dry cows for sale, all Siuger agency opposite P. O. Dr. Wise can be found at his Tllla- tect your business and give you on a hard surfaced public highway days, and they sure put it on pretty. gentleman and a property holder in coming fresh. Herman Thun, Blaine, only twenty miles from Portland. The gold trimmed harness looked as Tillamook, several months ago con­ Oregon. ’ 3* mook office across the street from every facility and service of this of­ the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays fice.—Rollie W. Watson. All kinds of Terms to responsible party. Address good as new. They had everything tributed $20.00 as the initial fund ’for the relief of wounded soldiers Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First Wednesdays and Thursdays until insurance protection—No Mutuals 805 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, there but the horses. I then went through the gardens, of Tillamook.” It was explained to National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., further notice. * or assessments. • Portland, Oregon. or I mean a very small part of them. the Viscount that our beneficent gov­ In Dr. Allen’s office. * Attorneys’ fees of $10,000 are For sale on easy terms, either a They only contain 1,00 acres. It has ernment would take care of the Very desirable apartments for rent I four or five room house, with modern sought by Sam White and John H. Tillamook Boys at the 0. A. C. some wonderful fountains, walks, wounded soldiers of the country, and White in a motion filed in the Mult ­ like rent. If Theatre. ’ See A. C. conveniences. May pay above the Gem ------ o------ lawns, and everything it takes to an offer was made to return his con­ nomah circuit court in the case of Everson. gentleman writes I | you want a home, write me. D. L. J. The number of students attending make a park. This ended my sight tribution. The R. Marsh against the T. B. Potter * college from . seeing in Versailles. I then took an from France as follows: the state agricultural The Sharpies Milker 1 b the fastest I : Shrode, Salem, Oregon. Realty company. As attorneys for S. "I duly received your letter of the and most efficient milker in the II i The best is the cheapest in the end. B. Vincent, receiver for the realty Tillamook county is Increasing. This electric car to Paris. It is just 10 ks. or 12 miles, crossed the Seine River. commencement of October and 'Sharpies Milkers have proven them- world. * I concern from March 22, 1915, to May year there are ten. several of whom On one side stood the Eiffel Tow­ apologize to have not answered must are prominent in college activities. soon- 1 selves an absolute success, for six Geo. Loerpabel, has bought the years in Tillamook County. Why 1, 1918, the petitioners ask that the er, stretching Itself 984 feet into the er, but for some weeks I have been Orval M. Bodie, of Bay City, is a Fisher place at Mohler and is now spend your money on experiments. * court fix their fee, averring that the heavens, and is some structure. It very busy and sometimes sick. The reasonable compensation is $10,000. Junior in Electrical Engineering. has a lift which goes to the top, but | I quality of food, chiefly bread, is now living there. The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ They have already been paid the Bodie as a sophmore, was advertising at this time of the season it is clos­ often poor and not favorable to peo­ James Lommen sold his dairy farm chine Agency is now permanently lo­ sum of $1,605 on account. John H. manager for the Barometer and Stu­ to a Swiss and then purchased the cated opposite the post office, where White, son of Sam White, is making dent Engineer. He is now business ed. It was just about dark wtyen I ple having stomach trouble like my arrived there, so I went and got my self. Charley Easom place. monthly payments may be made and his first appearance in local courts manager ot the Omega Upsllon Fra­ room, had a fine room, cost 10 Francs "Before receiving your letter I ternity* and 1st Lieutenant in the Tarpaulins—any site—made to Bupplies ordered. Both Phones. * since his entrance in the army. and Oh my, the beds they have is gave some suggestions to Jose. Mi­ famous O. A. C. Cadet regiment. order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side No, we are not cutting the price of A success requires no improvement. Robert Watt, also from Bay Qlty, a sure great, and I sure got a kick out chaud to use my draft to honor the entrance-opposite. P. O. J-l. Sharpies Milkers have not been tires, neither are we Bellipg second Junior in agriculture, is prolminent of it. Just to give you an idea what memory of your countrymen killed in Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is changed in construction since they grade goods. We are giving our by his connections with college pub­ they are like, just my nos. stuck helping my native land to expel the safe, clean and powerful. For sale at came on the market, A success from customers a 19 per cent premium on lications and as a fraternity man. out, some springs and feathers, just Huns. Since it is impossible to em­ all makes of tires in stock. We have i Mr. Watt is assistant editor of The a little different from what we are ploy it for the wounded soldiers, I the Kuppenbender Warehouse. the start. on hand, Diamond, Amazon, Fisk, Oregon Countryman, publication i , used to, you know. I was up early give you full authority to use this We are sorry to announce that Geo. Let wour co-worker on the farm be Boon, Standard Four, Republic, editor ot the Beaver Annual, 1st I the next morning and doped out on money in the best way to accom­ the Cleveland Tractor. On display at R. McKimens is leaving this county United States, Congress and Fire­ Lieutenant in the cadet corps and a my map the route I would take, so I plish this purpose. and will move to McMinnville this the Kuppenbender Warehouse. see the most, I first had an- "I loved the United States as soon week. He has Bold his farm at Moh­ stone, all of which are standard member ot the Gamma Tau Beta fra­ could other course meal, Then I went as 1 saw them a long time ago. Now, Just received a car of mill feed at makes and every tire is guaranteed ternity. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices ler to Ansel Lommen. and we make good. Can fit your car Other students from Tillamook through the Hotele d« Invalids, two after seeing the marvelous things R. G. Clostermann vs. W. C. Hawk I in every size, from 28x3 to 36x4H. county are Miss Eva Wheeler, Tilla- French guides took me through and done by them to preserve France are lowest. * also to the topmost part of the dome. from German barbarity, an infinite and Mrs. H. Miller, partners doing of the standard Blzes. If you have a For Sale, S. C. White Leghorn eggs business under the firm name and standard make of tire that is not mook; Joseph S. Boyakin, Nehalem; I crawled through holes, went round gratitude is added to my old admlna- Nehalem; Lenord Albert Tilden, for hatching. Mrs. C. W. Hatfield, style of Bay City Drug Co., is a suit making good we can make you a fair Cane, Nehalem; George W. Durrer, stairs that made me dizzy, and final­ tlon. I don’t hesitate to tell you; the Cloverdale, Ore. Phone ot write. filed in the circuit court to recover adjustment on it—Tillamook Tire Co. Tillamook; Don Gilbert, Tillamook; ly came to the top. Had a grand view States have delivered Europe from E. F. Rogers, Mggr. For Sale—Berkshire pure bred $97.85. Clyde Hudson, Cloverdale and Paul of the city, and looked down into the German tyranny. At the present time dungeons where they used to cast it is necessary to exact severe pun­ Pigs, four months old. Enquire of Marie Parker vs. William Parker C. Newman, Brighton. of Hebo, and Herman Bailey, the people in those days. To give you ishment and reparation for so many E Williams, Mutual Phone. is a divorce suit filed In the circuit Samuel W. Stanley, of Tillamook court. These parties were married at an idea how high 1 was. the men be­ crimes, so many useless devastations. Davis Bournonville Co. vs. L. who are with the 162nd Regiment Tacoma, Wash., on the 23th of De­ low us that were removing the sand The Huns merit no pity. Have they Sale of Useful Articles. Hiner and L. Reed is a suit filed in : arrived in New York Saturday, and cember, 1914. The complaint alleges from Napoleon’s tomb, looked like had any pity for our young girls and the circuit court to recover $98.06. i went to Camp Merrit with Compan- that defendant exhibited toward The ladies of the Altar Society in fleas. They had this sand around his their patents carried away like cat­ 1 ies L and M. Ui jealousy, jcmuuB/, J°,nt *‘ale wlth the YounK Ladies’ tomb to pievent the cracking of it, tle, for our men and boys working 14 plaintiff a disposition of For sale, a few Brown Leghorn On Sadality of Sacred Heart Church of- in the past air raids on Paris. They hours a day like slaves without rat­ Rollie Watson writes live stock in­ accusing her of being I immoral ...... cockerels, thorough breds. $1.50 each fers to the public, March 3rd and have boko German Artillery lining W. Stuivenga. Tillamook. Oregon. • surance. Every dairyman in Tllla- the 3rd of January last the defend­ 4th, exceptional values in artistic the inside of the courtyard, and ional food, for our prisoners, with­ out food, clothes, shoes and the sim­ mook County should have this in­ ant threatened to assault and injure For sale at a bargain 4 h.p. Fair- surance on his stock—if only a little the plaintiff with a razor, and soon hand work, embroidery, lace work. every description of a gun that was plest medicines, without even fire in bank & Morse gasoline engine in on each animal—as losses are fre­ after deserted and abandoned the center pieces, quilts, comforters, etc. ever made. winter? Sometimes these Attila good order, W. D. Shafer, Rockaway, quently occuring, yours may be thfe plaintiff, leaving her with her two May be secured at this sale very From here I crossed tne fine bridge soldiers have not destroyed our Oregon. next. * i children, to pay all bills, debts and reasonable. The public Is cordially of Napoieon the III. This Is a fine churches, but they made stables for ' accounts which the defendant had invited to inspect all articles offered bridge. It has his statute on one end. their horses out of our finest cathed­ For Sale, two 2 year old heifers, Wanted,, to rent, a dairy farm., in­ will calve about April 1st. H. A. cluding livestock of about fifty milk undertaken for the benefit for him­ for sale at the Palm Confectionery. 1 then went through the Palace de rals. Do you know our foes put a lot Springer, half mile south of Tilla- i cows for one or more years. If possi­ self. The plaintiff asks the court to I Sale will be held Monday and Tues­ Glasses. This Is a fine structure. of mines in this city and a few days From here I went to the Arch of after leaving many children and allow her $30.00 per month for her day, March 3rd and 4th. mook. ble not too far off from the coast. support and $25.00 per month for Triumph, this is a great piece of other civilians were on that account For sale—Bairy ranch, will carry Apply to Alfred Hlrsig, 246 Salmon the support of the children, and $7 5 architecture, on every stone that is killed. The papers do not print all For Sale. 4* 50 to 60 cows.—Inquire of C. W. [St. Portland. Oregon. in it, a name of a man is carved, this events.” ------ o------ for attorney's fees and suit money. Miller at A. F. Coats Lumber office. I Tillamook has an auto top and Registered Guernsey Bull coming arch has been closed since the French The editor had the pleasure of Tillamook, Oregon. • j harness repair shop 3 years March 4th. Very gentle. Rich were defeated by the Germans. Pres­ forming the acquaintance of Vis­ of in rear The Allied Churches. ------ o------ in the Yeksa and Glenwood breeding. ident Wilson has been through the count Peufeulhonx when he resided Anyone wanting eggs hatched, building opposite post office, Auto in Tillamook City some years ago send them to me. I will set them in tops, curtains and cushions repaired I Hold services every Sunday at. 11 ■ Price, freight prepaid $200. Photo- arch since I graph furnished on request. R. R. here” It will be open when peace is and he became acquainted with quite my incubator at $4.50 per 100 eggs. 1 and waterproofed, harness repaired. a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Meyer, R. 2, Cornelius, Oregon. signed. Sunday School at 10 am. Both phones, • Wm. Stuivenga. a number of our citizens at that time. s Tillamook Jottings.