11 til s’il TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 20, 1919. ■ Scraps of Paper. I their industries as the Democratic politicians are for refusing to do the same thing in behalf of the people of the United States? o The carpets in President Wilson’s quarters as Versailles are reported , by the Creeled cablegrams to be an inch thick, while the mud in the mil­ itary hog-wallow provided for the ’’fellow crusaders" who are quarter­ ed at Brest is reported by returning soldiers to be twenty times that deep But this war was won with words that cut deeper than swords, we are told. ♦ VX/hof- fril« Friifrnrc Qau W ildL L11C LfUlUvlu cleaned and every car load is gone. Douglas county has 3000 acres of ____ o____ prunes In full bearing, 1000 non- ------- o------- A census of the scale of pay of one : bearing and the total yield for the Waste of public money during the Seattle shipyard showed 800 men re- ¡season was 8,630.000 pounds. Marion war may be treated simply as ineffi­ ceiving daily wages of $10, and yet county has 5000 acres i in bearing, ciency; waste since the war ended 2083 non-bearing and 12.000,000 the men receiving this wage struck: i should be treated as criminality. because of dissatisfaction with a ------- gov­ yi*»ld. Clark County’s yield on 5000 o------- ernment wage award.—Independent. ¡acres was 14,000,000. The order of Men’s dress for the coming year, counties in their prune yield is as according to a national tailor’s con­ Marion, Douglas, The Graphic has felt all along that ! follows: Clark. vention is gaing to be ’inspirational.’ when President Wilson brought pres­ I Polk, Yamhill, Lane, Washington, The rule of rhetoric has ever reach­ sure to bear on the railroad officials ' Linn and Benton. The remainder of ed the realm of haberdashery. and virtually compelled them t-3 the counties combined have u total —o---------- yield to the demands of the threaten­ of only 750 acres in bearing.—Ump­ Lenine is trying ' to assassinate ing strikers, two years ago, he was qua Valley News. Trotzky and Trotzky Lenine. The laying the foundation for future two worthies evidently do not want Perhaps the reason Secretary Bak­ trouble, and the unreasonable de­ to be consumed in the flames they New Savings Stamp. er turned loose 113 "conscientious mands noW being made by the strik­ have started without doing some- objectors" at Laven worth with from ers at Seattle serve to confirm our thing for which humanity will think Something new in the line of war 3400 to >600 each of Uncle Sant’s conviction.—Newberg Graphic. of them gratefully. savings stamps now is offered by the money while half of the conscripted ------- o------- ---- o------- government— a stamp of $100 de­ men who did their duty by the gov- The state senate has voted to re- It was the dream of our American nomination that may be purchased eminent were still in the retained * submit to the voters of Oregon the forefathers that we might, by the service, was that he wanted a few .matter of capital punishment for during the present month for $82.60, simple force of example, ultimately fellows about who could stilb truth­ murder aid treason. The new meas­ this price to be increased twenty Americanize Europe. It seems to be fully repeat the Democratic slogan of ure embodies the provision of leaving cents with each succeeding month. the dream of some of our modern I Five years hence these stamps will be 1916: "He kept us out of war.” the punishment—death or life lm- American statesmen that they may redeemed by the government at face prisonment—with the Jury. An ad- value, which will net the purchaser be able to Eurppeanize America. What the country needs is not 'ditiona.1 provision, similar to the ------- o------- lengthening of the public payrolls I Iowa law. would strengthen the a profit of $17.40, or about four and Of course a few ex-soldiers are and shortening of the private pay­ measure and insure its adoption by one-half per cent on the original in­ found in socialist and bolsheviki rolls. but the shortening of the pub­ the people. In Iowa the Governor or vestment. The plan is practically the meetings. They were "caught In the lic payrolls and lengthening of the parol board have no jurisdiction over same as for the smaller war savings “““ 1 draft” as i they put It. To claim that stamp, but the single stamp of larg­ .nr—nt th» «in. »r ...» ^.._ they represent the spirit of any con­ prU*ts Payroll«.. 7« there are poli­ | life termers. It requires a legislative er denomination probably will at­ ticians who think l that ‘ . " I__ ^enatuicnt to secure their release from everything siderable number of soldiers is an in­ tract many buyers who gave little will be all right with the American 1 the penitentiary.—Itemizer. * ■ sult to the American uniform. attention to the $5 stamp. people if all of them can be given | Evidently the government regards political Jobs. The question of who Profiteering is not always on the The people of the United States “ “ the ------ ..-a.- under thisnelecta- —1— 3 .. . the .. _for Leslie’s the savings stamp plan as an excell­ are taxpayers jde of capitalists will save from f’.re to six billion dol­ ble arrangement does aot bother a | Weekly states that the "Dairymen’s ent method to induce the people to lars a year thro'igh the prohibition Bave their money and invest it in safe demagogue. League demanded $6.01 per 100 tbs. of intoxicants, but it won’t set them and profitable securities. And this ------ o— for milk furnished New York City in ahead any, because the Democratic The twittering of Secretary Red- January, and dumped the milk Into plan indeed has accomplished this party has so arranged it that all the field about American conquest of the the fields rather than sell it for less" to a very remarkable extent, more saving will go to pay federal taxes. world’H markets after the war by the Let's believe that the Oregon Dairy­ than a billion dollars have already ------- o------- psychological method is again inter­ men’s League will never resort to been saved by the American people It’s a fact that even the Republi­ rupted by the atatemant that Great such tactics. The dairymen, whom we and entrusted to the government. cans in Congress haven’t been able to Britian has increased her steel out­ know, are too big-hearted and intel­ There are some, moreover, who be­ do much toward stopping the extra­ put during the war front 69 to 70 ligent to condone such actions from lieve the same plan should be con­ vagances of the administration, but per cent and is preparing to build a any organization to which they may tinued indefinitely,, thus to encour­ stopping waste under existing cir­ age thrift and economy, which have single plant with an output of 29,000 belong.—News Reporter. cumstances is a good deal like going been so greatly stimulated by the tons a week in the belief that steel ------- o------- out with a bucket to put out a prair­ necessities brought on by war. One can be produced in England more The problem of unemployment con ­ ie fire. cheaply than anywhere els« in the sists rather in the willingness of does not have to be skilled in finance ------ o------- world. Those who have bee« lulled workers to stay on their jobs than in to appreciate the desirability of pos­ President Wilson has succeeded sessing as many of these savings to sleep by the rhetoric of the ro- finding of work for them, if we may in getting favor for the idea of estab­ stamps as possible and it is this fea­ mautic school of politics and politi­ consider the situation at Seattle as lishing "mandatory" government in ture of perfect simplicity which com­ cal economy are due for a rude awak­ an example. The director general of the conquered German colonies. The mands this plan and makes it popu­ ening in the cold, grey dawa of the the emergency fleet corporation de­ foreigners may not understand what lar with many not accustomed to morning after. « dares that the government will not other forms of investment.—Observ­ the word "mandatory" means in con­ grant any excessive demands of er. nection with government, but the N«tice. striking workers, but will "let the American Congress understands all ---------- •---------- job stand’’ before it will submit to about it. Notice of Administratrix Sale. Sealed bids addressed to the county extortion. It is obvious that labor ------- o------- disturbances are not precipitated by court of Tillamook County, .Oregon The Railway administration, des­ Notice 1 b hereby given that the UB- men eager to work but unable to find pite the fact that the government has and endorsed "Proposals for opera­ built acres of new office buildings at tion of Wood* Ferry" will be receiv­ it. The disturbers are not the return­ dersigned administratrix will sell at Washington during the past eighteen ed by the county court of said coun­ ing men but men who stayed at private sale from and after the 15th months which presumably, now that ty at Tillamook, Oregon, for the op­ hom« in lucrative jobs and fought day of February, 1919. the following the war is over, will be vacated, has eration of the ferry at Woods, Ore­ only for higher wages while the boys described real property, situate in leased additional quarters at Wash­ gon, from the period from March 1, "over there” were fighting for Amer­ Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit:/ Lots 3 and 4 of Block 8 in Jane ington at a rental of $60,000 a year. 1919, to Jan. 1, 1920. Said bids to be ica and the world. The strikers in the Fuller's Addition to the town of Bay United Kingdom, who are demand ­ a.m. on opened at ten o'clock Feb. Come easy, go easy. ing a 40-hour and even ' a 30-hour City, in Tillamook County, Oregon, 21 St, 1919. The County Coure reeerves the* week are not the men who fought according to the recorded plat there­ Senator Pollock, of South Carolina, through three terrible years of war. of. declares that "the people will not right te reject any and all bids. Said sale will be made for cakh — Telephone Reggister. Dated this Sth day of Feb. 1919. look with favor upon any man who and will be subject to confirmation -■ ■ «------ - Erwin Harrison, tries to play politics with the peo- , County Clerk. With the greatest yield per acre of by the County Court of Tillamook pie’s blood”. Evidently Senator Pol- any county in the northwest, in County, Oregon, and bids will be re­ lock got the message the people ln- prune production. Douglas county ceived either at the residence of the tended to communicate on November Call For Bids. ranks second in the total acreage undersigned or at the office of H. T. 5th in all parts of the country where ------- o------- and total yield for the stat« and 3rd Botts, attorney at law, both In Tilla­ free elections ar« held. The Trask Drainage District will in the Northwest, according to a mook City, Oregon. This sale is made receive bids for construction of its A French writer says in the "Fig­ drainage ditch up to February 22nd, I summary of the season as it has been in pursuance of the order of the aro”; "One can almost say to Presi­ 1919. Plans may be seen at the office complied by county fruit inspector* County Court in Tillamook County, dent Wilson what used to be said of of the Secretary, and bids to be left Pearcy. The average per acre in Oregon. Douglas county was 3000 pounds Dated this 1th day of January, 1919. God, that his ways are dark.” The with him at Tillamook. Catherine A. Long while Marion county, which holds French journalist has hia metaphors H. T. Botts, Secretary. Administratrix de bonis the record in the station for produc­ mixed. It was Bret Harte who said it, of the Estate of Mina J. tion, has an average of only 2400 and he was speaking of somebody That Terrible Headaehe. Campbell, deceased. pounds per acre. Clark county, Wash­ else: "For ways that are dark, and . ------ o------- ington, holds the record for the larg- l tricks that are vain, the heathen Do you have periodic attacks nf eat yield with Marton county second 1 Chinese is peculiar.” Plant Mor« Barrier headache accompanied by sickness of and Douglas third. This county ship­ -------o------ ------- o------- Graves Bros., will contract your x It is said that Democratic members the stomach of vomiting, a sallow ped 127 cars of dried prunes this year of Congress resent the British re­ skin and dull eyes? If so, you can get and for the first time in the history , Logan berries and blackberries for 5 striction of imports for the protec- quck relief by taking Chamberlain’s lot the industry the product has been years. Arrange to plant some acreage this tion of British industries. Is Great Tablets as directed for billiousness, ¡cleaned up by February. This is the Britian so much to be censured for and you may be able to avoid these I first time for many years that the spring. For particulars write, Graves Bros., looking after the interests of the attacks if you observe the directions dealers have not had some small | quantity left, but now the floors are | Dallas, Oregon. people of Great Britian by protecting with each'package. i DAIRYMEN Before buying a MECHANIAL MILKER I I I Look over the County Scrap Pile ! You will find no SHARPLES there they are all WORKING The Tillamook Transfer Co., has contracted the wood output of the Coats Lumber Co., Mill. If the wood supply from this plant is not suf­ ficient for the local demand we will fill orders from other sources. Place your order» for wood with us. TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO LIBERTY T I » CLOUGH S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS 152Sa5S5Z5Z5aS )-¿ j ¿5¿5£5¿525H5?5E5H5¿525 c 15Z52 í Z525B5 c L5B5ESZ52523E5Z5?52SES¿SE5Z5E5?.5H5¿5HS25H525?5?5SSZ5HS25E5?5H5?5E5H525E5H52S¿5¿5?SZ5H5¿5Z5¿5ZSH5ZSES25H52525 SBSB5HS2SH52S ï SE5ESZS ï 5Z5E525H5Z5H525Z5Z5 c L5H5H5E5H5 ï !SB5H5?5B5H5 ï 525H525 ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER TWO. To the Dairymen of Tillamook aSound Basis HARTFORD È Lwe Stock Mortality INSURANCE givo« completa protaction at a vary modarata coat. The Hartford insure« farm work borse«, delivery and tracking teams and dairy bard* Coll co, write or telephone. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSURANCE Every Dairyman, Stockman and Live Stock owner should take the time to investi ate the protection offered thru the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company. This form of insurance covers your animals against death arising from disease, accidental injury, fire, lightning, tornado and the hazards of transportation anywhere in the United States, Canada or Mexico. This new torm of protection has but recently been added to the ever increasing Service of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company and the Hartford Acci­ dent & Indemnity Company. Every person depending upon Dairying for their income, should welcome protection of this kind. A policy of insurance covering your Dairy Herd may be your Only Asset in case of Disaster. Considering the hazard, the rates are reasonable. May we not talk this matter over with you, to convince you, that this protection should be yours. Watch for the Announcement in this Space Next Week. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man. We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOUJSERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. TILLAMOOK CITY, OREGON. S5nace*»-i»«Mine. Telephone 43J and Mutual. asjsaçassŒsar^KSHsaszsEsîsasasasESERsaszsasaKSBHsasïSHsaszsaszszszsEsaszszKszKSZszsîszszszsîsaszsEsaszsïszszszs^^ Dairyman find it good busi­ ness to houaa and feed their stock well. It coots more, bat it pay* It also ooata a little more to carry HARTFORD Life Stock Mortality f / INSURANCE bat it protecta you from al! money lota through the death, from any cauea what­ ever, of either «ingle animal« or your whole herd. As a business proposition you cannot afford to be without thia protection. § f'B