I L. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 20, 1919. b* Portland Will Have Largest Biulding of Kind. The Usefulness of This Bank people do not realize the many S OME different ways in which this hank can serve them. It is unusually well equip­ QR. O. L. HOHLFELD, LIVESTOCK PAVILION WILL COST £^25ab75:S75r57SZ5aSE5ZS75HS2S75HSESES7SH5c5?57S 1 Í'“* $500.000. -------o------ - Cousaructton of the first unit of p] the largest stadium and livestock Pavillion in the United States ulti­ mately to cost half a million dollars will be started within the month by the Pacific-International Livestock exposition. It was announced by of ficers of the organization. Lewis Irvine Thompson, the aichitect, has just completed the plans. Announce­ ment of the site will be made in a ped to furnish valuable information and few days. advice on financial and business matters. The building will be 364 by 928 ft. Our customers have often been able to will house more than 10,000 head of avoid serious losses by making use of our stock and its stadium will seat ap­ proximately 8000 persons. The pavil­ access to first hand business information. ion will be of brick and mill work Our membership in the Federal Re­ construction. The first unit will be 400 by 928 feet. serve Banking System gives us special No other building of the kind in facilities for meeting the requirements of this country will come near it in this community. Moreover, it is our size. and so far as is known, no other nation in the world has one as large aim to give a helpful, progressive per­ The building will be used exclusively sonal-service to every depositor—regard­ for livestock events and it is expect­ less of the size of his account. ed to place Portland second only with Chicago as a livestock center. Put our sincerity to the test. Step in There will be no posts in the big and have a talk with us. arena, which will be 200 by 300 feet solid truss construction being used. Tillamook County Bank The structure will have the largest Tillamook, Oregon wood span trusses of their typs in the world. The cattle barnes will be lighted by a sawtooth roof, this type of con­ struction insuring an even light at all points and under all conditios. ¡ Provistos have been made to house 10,150 animals in the pavilion. The ¡ number is divided as follows. Eight , hundred beef cattle, 100 dairy cattle, 4000 swine, 4,000 sheep and 350 horses. The Pacific International Livestock exposition is an entirely new organ­ ization, its membership being com­ posed exclusively of stock breeders. It has no connection with any simi­ i lar organization, say its officers. “Red Crown” is straight-distilled, B. uppenbender has been elected a ail-refinery gasoline. Look for the director and appointed chairman for Red Crown sign before you fill. Tillamook County. STANDARD OIL COMPANY The exposition will wage a cam­ (Calif or nia) paign of Oregon outside of Portland the week of February 24 to March 1 to raise $125,000. A campaign will be conducted in Portland the week of March 10 to 15 to match the first subscription dollar for dollar. A list of the county chairman and quotas follow: Clatsop. Geo. W. Warren .... 2000 Columbia, Harry West ............ 1000 Coos, J. L. Simpson ................... 3000 Crook, George Dickson ............ 6000 Curry, J. L. Simpson . .■............ 1000 Deschutes, C. H. Hudson .... 6000 Douglas, George J. Stearns . . . Gillam, C. C. Clark....................... 3500 Grant, William Pollman.......... 5500 Harney, William Hanley.......... 6500 Hood River, Leslie Butler .... 1000 H. C. BOONE, Special Agent, Standard.Oil Co., Tillamook, Ore. Jackson, J. W. McCoy............... 4000 Jefferson, C. C. Berkeley.......... 2000 Josephine, F. C. Bramwell .... 1000 Klamath, J. W. Sterners............ 2500 5252S25a5HS252S7S75H5aS7575SSSSH57S25’¿575ES?52.57S75?575?SZSa575?52S757tr-l Lake, Bernard Daly................... 2500 Lane, P. E. Snodgrass . /.......... . 600 Lincoln. Bert Geer...................... 1000 Linn, Alfred C. Schmitt ............ 6000 Malheur, R. N. Stanfield.......... 4000 Marion. G. W. Eyre-................... 6000 Morrow. W. O. Minor................. 2000 Polk. C. L. Hawley ................... 3000 Sherman. A. H. Barnum............ 2000 Tillamook, B. Kuppenbender . 2500 Umatills, J. N. Burgess............ 8500 Union, W. T. Townley.............. 4500 Wallowa, Jay Dobbins.............. 1500 Wasco .............................................. 4500 Washington, Thos, Carmichael. 2500 Wheeler, William Rettle.......... 2500 2üi2525H5252MæS25a52S25a5252525252S25252S25252525aS2S252S252S2S2S252525 Yamhill, Frank Brown.............. 3500 § VETERINARIAN. PUBLIC SALE Saturday. March 1st, 1919, at 10 a m., of 36 Head High Grade and Pure Bred Holstein Cows, Heifers and Calves, On Noyes & Folks Farm i/g mile East of Red Clover Creamery on Trask River. Which include our entire herd of grade cattle and the entire number of grades and pure bred cattle now owned by B. L. Beals, Sr. 15 cows now fresh or due to freshen by April 30th. Those now fresh are averaging 52.7 lbs. fat per Mo. 10 Heifers due this spring. 2 Pure bred cows. 3 and 4 years of age 1 Pure bred and 4 grade yearling heifers. 2 Cows due this fall. 2 Pure bred Bull calves, born Nov. 1918 and Jan. 1919. We have completed 6 years of cow testing associa­ tion work, consequently the production of our herd has increased 441bs. fat per cow, including heifers which are 50 per cent of the herd. Mutual Phone Bell Phone—2F2 Tillamook Oregon. AVID ROBINSON, M.D , SURGEÒN PHYSICIAN AND NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OREGON. r. BOAI.S, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon S B. Co. <1. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook - . - TO OBERT H. McGRATH, C ounsellor - at L aw , ODDFELLOWS' BUILDIN.?, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P ortiand O ffice 1110 W ilcox B ld . Ln 0AR1- haberlach ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock This herd has a clean bill of health. We are selling to make room for Pure Bloods. Terms Cash or Bankable paper. Free lunch W. E. NOYES & B. A. FOLKES. Oregon w EBSTER I COL. HUGHES. Auctioneer. HOLMES, A TTO R N E Y-A T-L A W COMMERCIAL BUILDING. FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, RbEX. MeflRIR & CO. OREGON 0R. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEC N T illamook B lock , GENERAL HARDUUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. Tillamook, Oregc n, T. boob ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... I,!. Both Phones. FOB, INSURANCE Fire, Life, Ä.ö3ident, Automobile 2nd Ave. E. between 1st and 2nd Sts. Successor to J. S Stephens. Oregon W. C. HAWK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bay City Oregon SEE W. A. CHURCH, Ore<>< . 0R J. G. .TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. TKADE IN TILLAMOOK EMEMBER in your buying nricl your bank­ ing—that all roads lead to Tillamook. Keep your money yi local circulation by either spending it with home merchant» or putting it »afely away here in the FIRST NATIONAL BANK. It goes <>n working for the good of the community and YOU. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. H DIRECTORS : P. Heise!, Farmer. C. J. Edwards, Mar. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holaen, Vice Pres. H. C. Lamb. HuUding Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. Wz. J. Riechers, Cashier. GO Y NE, A. IV Uunn, Farmer. A TTt >R N E Y-AT-LA W. Office: aSH5H5îS25aS25H5Z5iH5?52SïSSSB5ÏSï525ESH5HSHSH5Z5'ESH52S25HSi!5HS2SH5E525ïS O pposite C ourt F l'illatncok UAJVIB-SCHRADER CO - O pgon. OHN I.EI.AND HENDERSON. ATTORNEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK’; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. COUNSELLOR. AT-LAW 25752SHS7S7SHSHS2S2S Jeun “A lot of you fel­ Good taste, smaller lows are cheating chevY,longer life iswhat makes Genuine Grave­ yourselves out of ly cost less to chew than real tobacco satis­ ordinary plug. Writ, tn:— faction. That’s what I get out of G enuine G ravely DANVILLE. VA. good old Gravely.” f*r UoUrt pa ,irri>( pint. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG ZVug packed in pouch. Tillamook - . . ROOM NO. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and Brd.Ave. West, Tillamo, k Or. tobacco says Buck T illamook B lock , 5S25ZSH5E52SHSBSHS2S252SES252SHS25ÍL5H5HSZ5E5HSH5ZSHSBSZSH525H5ZSH5H5?' When contemplating Monumental work, do not over look White Bronze. This material canrot rust or corode. There is nothing to support vegetable life. It is hard and dense and will not chip or crack. In beauty of design, artistic and general effect no stone can compare with White Bronze. Represented By C. E. REYNOLDS. Tillamook — Oregon. Notice. VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector WELL PHONE, MAIN 3 Í PHONE. Attorney John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Abstracts Real Estate, Insurance. Both Phones. MACHINES T illamook —O regon . MOOELt OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. i’he Pleasant Valley Cheese Com­ pany w ishes to receive bids on haul Ing cheese front its factory to Tilla­ Nccjllc. Oil. Relf. nnd nil kinds of Sowing Mkchine auppliee, Repairing a specialty. mook car and depot, and supplies from Tillamook to its factory. Pleas­ New Home Users ant Valley. Leave bids at office of I Carl Habetlach. Secty.. Tillamook. are quality choseis. Oregon, on or before February 23th, For Sale By | IS 19. Company reserves tight to re­ SHARFF !b DUBIVER ject any or all bids. Pleasant Valley Cheese Co. 172 3rd Street This is the year for the seventeen year locusts. Well, conic Tything else. MUTUAL H. T. Botts, at-Law. 261. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. San Francisco California. •ft TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Waterproof Absolutely. Its loose fit and __ "$ood ___ feel 'put you at ease on any job that turns up. SATISFACTION ^.Ta guaranteed A J TOWER CO BOSTON ,22 F DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plent Plenty of bright, safe clean electric light. No more hot. smoky lamps. ACKLEY & MILLER Tillatnook Garage. Tillamook Oregon.