TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 20. 1919, 4 D □ u52525i> cjHSa5a5a52Sa5a52SaSBSHSBSa5B525a5asa5Z5Z5a52525asaSH5BSH52S?S; SH5HSaSH£H525H5Z5ES2S2SÏS25BSBSaSHSaSB52SH5a5H52S2S25Z52SH5HS2SBSH525252 5aS2525H5Z525H52SB5Z5H5i525?5B5a525ESa5aSH5a5HSHSa5HSZSa5a52S25HSH5252S2l Jane and Kathriene LEE IN “SWAT THE FLY Gem Theatre, THURSDAY Night, February 27th 99 This comedy attraction is absolutely the best that these two juvenile actresses have ever made. It is a posi­ tive knock out, and will evoke one spasm of laughter after another through the entire picture. Everybody who enjoys childish pranks will be more than delighted. Come. Bring your “First Aid Kits,” and laugh until your sides are sore, then laugh some more. Don’t forget the date and the treat of a life time. I Adults 20c. Show will Start at Seven o’clock sharp Children 10c. proposed reclamation and protection | Shakespeare Club Meets. Membership Drive for Oregon State | H5a5E5a5a525aSBSa5a5a5H5HS25Z52525a5ESH5H525ZSH5H5H525HSa525HSH52SZSaS2S will be conductive to the public • ------ o------ Chamber of Commerce. health and welfare, and of public The regular monthly meeting of ------ o------ utility, and benefit. the Shakespeare Club was heid at A membership drive for the Oregon VI. the home of Mrs. Oscar Schultz, on 3 All of the lands included in said Friday. February 14th. The idea of State Chamber of Commerce has 3 Notice is hereby given that hear­ proposed district are properly in­ Valentine’s day was carried out _ ln , been launched by John L.Etheridge, 3 of the ing on the foilowing petition will be cluded therein, and will be benefical- the decorations and each one receiv-,0^ Fortland, state chairman Be sure you are free from this dreaded disease, which works such a held at the Court House in the City ly affected by the operations of the ed a valentine. All members were membership committee. ravages in the mouth and causes the loss of sound teeth and often , of Tillapiook, Tillamook County, proposed district. present except Mrs. C. J. Edwards, I During the past month an office produces disease and death by distributing its poison to remote 3 ¡force working overtime, has been State of Oregon, on the 5th day of MKu VII. who is absent from the city. a The benefits of'- such proposed re­ May, 1919, for the parpose ot de­ parts of the body. If taken in the early atages it can be success­ a The afternoon was spent giving perfecting the committees organiza­ termining whether the prayer of said clamation and protection will exceed quotations from and reading the 2nd tion .for securing members 'for the fully treated. Come in and investigate the damage to be done, and the best chapter of Cymbeline. A dainty lunch new chamber. A large room has been petition shall be granted. set aside specially for this purpose All persons owning land or claim­ interests of the land included and of was served which all eniqyed. ing an interest in lands described in the owners of such land as a whole, The gueHts of the afternoon were by Mr. Etheridge, Manager and Vice- said petition are hereby notified to and of the public at large, will be Mesdames Condit. Andexaon, Strana­ president, Morris Bros., Inc., Bcytd House, in the Morris Building, 309 appear at said place on Bald date and promoted by the formation and pro­ han, Max and Car< Schultz. show cause, If any there be, why the posed operations ot such district. The club will meet with Mrs. Stark Street, Portland. The aim is to secure individual VIII. prayer in said petition should not be Clough in April. membership from the representative The formation of a drainage dis­ granted. citizens of every town, community trict under the provisions of Chap­ Erwin Harrison, High School Notes. and rural district of Oregon, and or- ter 340 of the General Laws of Ore­ County Clerk. - ■' o—— To the Honorable County Court Ot gon for the year 1915, as amended- The semester's work has been ganization memberships from every by Chapter 414 of the General Laws started and an astonishing amount of local, commercial or development Tillamook County, Oregon: 3 The results of neglect g The undersigned, being the owners of Oregon for the year 1917, under work is being accomplished. The stu­ body. Particular attention paid to plates and bridgework. ;• F. C. Baker, of Tillamook, has been ft of more than 50 per cent ot the the provisions ot which this organ­ dents and faculty are both entering Both Phones. B Chairman Membership tg Examination Free. acreage of the contiguous body ot ization is proposed, is a proper and enthusiastically into the work as we appointed swamp, wet and over-flow land in I advantageous method of accomplish­ all realize that we must accomplish Committee for Tillamook County. Al­ A 1171 CF Tillamook County Dentist, 3 Tillamook County, Oregon, herein- ing the reclamation and protection a whole semester's work and more if so the following of Tillamook coun­ ■ “• VVI u I j , office and Residence, across the cj ty have been appointed chairmen of after described, do hereby petition ot the lands included in said propos- possible. street South of County Court House. 3 your Honorable Body to cause to be ed drainage district. We are glad to say that the health the Membership Committee for their 3 IX. of the school today is in perfect con-» respective cities: F. C. Baker, Tilla- organized a drainage district for the mook; John Nelson, Bay City; W. B. 25H5H525252Sa5BSaSB5252SZSa525î5asa5aSZS2SE52525aSZ52S25ZSaS25aSB52SBSa5 The proposed plan for reclamation dition. purpose of having such land re- On Friday the student body will Harris, Bar View; C. W. Ross, Rock- claimed and protected from the ef­ and protection of the property in fects of water for sanitary and ag- the propesed drainage district is. give a program In honor of Wash­ away; W. High, Cloverdale; Il. E. ricultural purposes, and for the cov- that a dike or embankment shall be ington's and Lincoln’s birthday. G. Rinehart, Wheeler; Thos. B. Watt, enients and welfare of the public, constructed around the outer bound­ B. Lamb, Judge Bagley and Frank Brighton; B. J. Cooper, Mohler; U. S. Bryant, Nehalem. and for the public utility and bene­ ary of said district, of sufficient Rowe will address the students at “Every citizen who has anything at fit, and fqr the purpose of this peti­ height to protect said lands from this time. Prizes will also be award­ tion we state the following matters over-flow from the waters of the ad­ ed. Everybody come and see who 1 stake in the State of Oregon, or who has an Interest in the progress and as required by Chapter 340 of the joining rivers and sloughs, with tide­ captures the prizes. of his own section, or On Monday night at 7:30 the night development ' General Laws of Oregon for the year gates therein at such places as may ' the State as a whole, will be in­ 1915, as amended by Chapter 414, of be found necessary for the purpose school will commence for commercial of for ¡of affording the necessary drainage subjects. If you are interested in terested in the State Chamber of the general Laws of 'Oregon 1„ MR. CHARLES J. KUPER who has been with of water from the lands in such dis­ these subjects be sure and be present. 1 Commerce," said Chairman Ether­ 1917. trict. The lands included in the dis­ idge. "Every organization whose pur­ us for over two years will leave us in a few days I. pose it is to advance the develop­ The name proposed for such district trict are all subject to over-flow, and to take charge of a general merchandise and feed Circtiit Court Cases. ment of its local community or of are cut up to a considerable extent is Stillwell Drainage District. business of his own at Mohler, Oregon. He leaves by tidal sloughs, and it Is proposed the entire state should be affiliated. II. Ralph Ackley vs. Joseph Fellman. “The State Chamber of Commerce The boundary lines ot the proposed , to drain said lands and provide for Action for money. Judgment for us with our very best wishes for success in his- is laid out on the broadest lines. Its .keeping the waters dained off of the district are as follows: plaintiff. new enterprise. organization plan iB so safeguarded Beginning at the point where the ; land so that instead of the land re’ Edgar Woodward, vs. A. F. Coats that no one section of Oregon, not running East ' niaining cold and wet as they do un- quarter section line i We shall have with us in his stead) and West through the center of - der present conditions, the water will Lumber Co. Damages. Verdict for even the metropolis,, can control it. plaintiff for $375.00. the drained off and the land will dry Portland lias a representative of only Section 26, Township 1 South, Range MR. RALPH HIMES, who is well known to the Webster Holmes, vs. J. Canby Mor­ two members on the board of fifteen 10 West. W. M., intersects the East ¡off more quickly, and be thereby ren­ grocery trade here. Mr. Himes will be glad to dered more fit for cultivation and directors, the other thirteen.members gan. Action for money. Judgment in side of Tillamook river, and running of the board residing out in the state favor of plaintiff for $200. meet all his friends here where he will extend to thence East along said line to where more productive. “Eastern Oregon is represented by In carrying out the plan of recla­ Louis Albert vs. Feeney and Brem­ said line inters-cts the right bank all his courteous and efficient service. six directors, residing in different of Trask River near the center of mation it is proposed to make use of er Co. Action for money. Dismissed. sections of that great region, the de ­ some diking work already done by said Section 26; thence following the State of Oregon vs. May Jackson. velopment of which C. O. & C. M. DAWSON contributes so right bank of Trask river up stream some of the owners, and also to act Indictment. CaHe continued. heavily to the taxable wealth and connection with Tillamook County Southerly, Easterly and Northerly in Eva N. McGee vs. Orpha Eastman. of a slough ' in raising the road bed of the coun- Action for money. Continued for commercial prosperity of the state, to the Northe-ly bank c_ Seven directors reside in different 5Ï5E525ES2525H52525MMM?1 ÏÏ connecting said Trask River with j ty road which runs along a portion term. parts of Western Oregon, including what is known as Trask River cut-off of the boundary of the district. Martin Blaser et al, vs. Jefferson representation from the Rogue River X. at a point near the Northwest cor­ ner of the Southeast quarter of the I I The signers of this petition agree Fleck, et al. Action for money. Ver­ Valley, the Coos Bay country, the side of the State Chamber once they port region at the mouth of the Col­ know the kind and character of Southwest quarter of Section 25, in that they will pay any and all ex­ dict for plaintiff for $1,130. Jefferson Fleck, et al vs. Martin umbia River and the East and West organization they have been given Township 1 South of Range 10 west, penses incurred, and any tax or W. thence following the bink axes that may be levied against Blaser. Action for money. Plaintiff sides, as well as the northern and the opportunity of joining. Not un­ A WORD ABOUT THE KIDNEYS southern ends of the Willamette Val- til all of the people of affairs in of said slough northeasterly to the their' respective lands for the pur­ took non-suit. BT DOCTOR WATSON. Ida Barnett vs. Florence Phelps. ley. left bank of what is known as Trask pose of paying the expense of organ­ every section of Oregon have been People are easily frightened when “Such a representation precludes acquainted with the aim« and pur­ River cut-off; thence following said izing, or attempting to organize the Slander. Order overruling motion. they think something is the matter with the possibility of the state organiza ­ i roposed district, the expense to be left bank of the Trask River cut-off poses of the State Chamber and un­ B. F. Neer, vs. Robert McGrath, their lungs or heart, and well they Northerly to its intersection with taxed against the land of the sign­ Action for money. Judgment against tion being used selfishly to promote til the great majority of them are the iinterests of the metropolis or of the South or left bank of Hoqua.ton ers in proportion to the number of the defendant. enrolled will the membership com­ may be; but few people nnderatand any other one section as against the the dangers of diseased kidneys. These Slough; thence down said Hoquartc^» t.cres owned by them and affected by Orpha A. Eastman vs. Alonzo T. interests of any other section or of mittee feel that it has accomplished organs have a duty of vital importance to Slough, following the left bank the proposed project. the work which it was appointed Eastman. Divorce. Decree. the state as a whole. XI. to perform, and if they are diseased, thereof, to the intersection of said undertake.’’ Frank M. Fessenden vs. Laura "Industrially, the diversified in­ Wherefore your petitioners pray there is no telling how or where the Hoquarton Slough with the Tilla­ terests of the state are also repre­ mook River; thence following the that the lands described herein, or Fessenden. Divorce. Decree. symptoms may appear. The kidneys Lauri I. Leach vs. B. A. Leech, et sented. Livestock, agriculture, fruit, right bank of Tillamook River, up such ot them as may be found by the are Alters, and when they are healthy timber, manufacturing, merchandis ­ court to be properly Included in the al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Dismiss­ stream to the place of beginning. they remove the poisons from the blood ing and foreign commerce are all And all of the lands included with­ proposed district, either permanent- ed. and purify it. When the kidneys are represented on the board. ¡1/ or until further Investigation and George Fosnot vs. Dora Fosnot. in said boundaries constitute a con- i diseased, the poisons are spread every­ I ------ , may permit elimination, "Such an organization can be made Divorce. Decree. tiguous body or swamp, wet and | ! jrver where, and one of these poisons is urio I „hall be declared organized into a Bay City vs. Geo . W. Kiger and a gigantic power for the material »ver-flow lands. iucainage district under the provls- wife. To quiet title, Default, judg- progress of Oregon. Its work is need­ aeid. The nrio acid is carried all The total acreage included lu said I •,ns of t>aws °f rPla,l,f5 ment and decree. ed. The success of ita mission de­ through the system and deposited tn pends primarily upon the character, proposed U acres. ‘O “«ch 41etrlcte and hereinbefore re- Various places, in the form of nr ate proposed district district is is 432 432*4 acres. Walter J. Mead vs. Alona C. Mead. number and geographical diatribu- tarred to. salts —in the feet, ankles, wrists and IV. Divorce. Decree. tion of Its members. The names ot the owners of land Dated February 10. 1919. back —often forming bags under the Mar ­ Carrie B. Marolf vs. Preston There are three classes ot raem- EmH Benscheidt in said proposed district as shown by syse. Sometimes the resulting trouble olf. Divorce. Dismissed. bershlps: First. “Commercial” com­ M. V. Stillwell the records of Tillamook County. is called rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica prising local Chamber ot Commerce , Ida B. Reynolds by E. W. Oregon, and the acreage owned by and backache. Finally, oome stone Stanley, her guardian. and Commercial Clubs; 2nd: “Asso­ Notice of Final Account. each of such owners is as follows: in the bladder, diabetes and Bright’s ciation," being associations organiz ­ F. and Gottf. Joel. ------- o- — Owner No. Acres. disease. W. J. Stillwell All persons concerned are hereby ed for promoting any industrial, ag­ Bred and Gottfried Josl......... «4. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., in recent ricultural or other industries and not Ulrich Wyss A P. W. Todd................................ <5 notified that Jessie McGinnis, Ad­ yean, discovered that a certain com­ Fred C. Baker. ministratrix ef the Estate of James organized for private purposes; and Sold by Wilbur Stillwell ...................... 87 bination of remedies would dissolve uric P. W. Todd. Jefferson McGinnis, deceased, has finally, the “Individual," non-voting Ulrich Wyss.............................. 42 Tillamook Feed Company. acid (urate salts) in the system. He Memberships. The annual fee for the of Oregon, County of Tilla ­ F tate filed her final account In such estate Minny V. Stillwell .................. 37.50 found this combination to be harmless, C. 0. & C. M Dawson “ Commercial" membership Is $10.00 mook, ss: in the County Court of Tillamook L. L. Stillwell .......................... 47. to that he made it np in tablets, for each 100 members and 110.00 ad- I. Emil Benscheidt, being first du ­ Conover & Condit. County. Oregon, and that said Court D. Tomlinson ............................ 36 of double strength, and called them ly sworn, say that I am one of the has appointed Mbnday, March 24th, ditlonal for each additional major Geo. R. Edmunds. Rachel Stanley ........................ 15 Anuric Tablets. They dissolve uric thereof. The fee for "Asso- fraction signers of the foregoing petition; 1919, at the County Court room in Tillamook. Oregon Ida E. Reynolds........................ 25 acid in the human system as hot coffee Membershlp la $20.00 per elation ’ * that I have read the said petition the Court House In Tillamook City, dissolves sugar. If you have uric acid E Benscheidt............................ 8.75 A. Anderson, Wheeler. Ore. year. An annual minimum fee of $5 troubles, don't delay in taking Anuric Fred C. Baker.......................... 2.50 ; nd that I believe the allegations Oregon, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. is to be paid by the "Individual” non W. A. Rowe^ Brighton, Oregon. m. as the time and place for hearing Tablets, which can be secured in the Erick Erickson ........................ 2.50 thereof are true. Emil Benscheidt. objections to caid final account and voting members. Tillamook County, tract cov­ Have a quantity of seed potatoes. drug stores. You can write Dr. Pierce, “It is difficult to see how individ­ Subscribed and sworn to before me the settlement thereof. too, and he will tell yon what to eat er’d by county road. Earliest of All, for which I am taking and how to live so that more uric acid uals. state wide organizations or this 15th day of February. 1919. Dated February 20th, 1919. V. orders at 12.50 per hundred. Mutual (Notary Seal) H. T. Botts. will not form in your system. Dr. Pierce Jessie McGinnis, Ad­ commercial bodies having any pub­ The proposed reclamation and pro­ lic spirit or any interest in local or Phone. A. T. Blackburn, P. O. Ad­ will not charge for this advice. Notary Public for Oregon. ministratrix. tection of said lands is for sanitary * state development can remain out- dress Hemlock, Ore. H. T. Botts, Attorney. and agricultural purposes, and such My Commission expires Dec 21, 1919 Notice of Hearing of Petition to form Drainage District. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for The County of Tillamook. ------ o------ PYORRHOEA "SS“’ W Announcement. Weekly Health Talks I