T illamook ŒiUamuuk Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 Advertising Rate*. 20c. Display Advts, per inch • ff ff ” . .half page 17*/gC. ff ff ” ... full page 15c. ..... per line 7c. Locals Readers, with reading matter per line..................................... 7c. Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. Resolutions .................. per line 5c. Knocking the City's Pay Roll. ------ o------ building. To the casual observer it looked as though the senate, in the scrap between the cement trust and the patent paving corporations, was doing its best to knock, knock, for if the state scions have reached a point where they cannot place im­ plicit confidence in the men who form the State Highway Commission, then we cannot place confidence in anybody. We are glad to say that State Senator Handley, although one of the minority, was not lined up with the bunch that is wanting to tie the hands of the State Highway Commission. It is a little surprising to us to see so many progressive senators voting the way they did. When their constitutents voted for them, they did not tie their hands and call into question their honesty, 'neither should they question the honesty of the State Highway Com­ mission and the County Courts in awarding road contracts. The atti­ tude of the State Senate was decided­ ly disappointing to the people who want good roads. headlight Mrs. W. A. Haynor and Mrs. Ed. I Dunn, of Dallas, are visiting rela­ II tives in the city. Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is ¡ safe, clean and powerful. For sale at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Let wour co-worker on the farm be , the Cleveland Tractor. On display at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Just received a car of mill feed at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices are lowest. Have you been in the new meat market across the street from Daw­ son's store. They have the best meats they can get. Give them a call. For Sale—Berkshire pure bred pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. E. Williams, Mutual Phone. • For sale, a few Brown Leghorn cockerels, thorough breds. $1.50 each W. Stuivenga, Tillamook. Oregon. * For sale at a bargain 4 h.p. Fair­ bank & Morse gasoline engine in good order. W. D. Shafer, Rockaway. « Oregon. F ebruary 20, l 9 i 9, SMITHYS Saturday and Monday Sale Specials YARN. CANVAS GLOVES Fleisher’s Zephyr Yarn, some in skeins, some in ¡»alls. Seven Shades to select from. Regular Value 35c., Saturday and Monday, price per skein......................................... 27^. Everybody knows that it is pay rolls that count in the upbuilding of a city or county. Before, however, there can be pay rolls there must be GARDEN SEED some enterprising citizens who Invest TOILET PAPER. Flower and Garden Seed, fresh large amounts of money In building saw mills and factories, and It is up new stock, regular 10c. and 15c. val­ to the business men of every city For Sale, two 2 year old heifers, ues—Saturday and Monday, price that they see to it that they receive Boiled down, the League of Na­ fair treatment. As an illustration of tions is simply a plan to settle in­ will calve about April 1st. H. A. ioc. size . a ......... .................... 7<'. this the A. F. Coats Lumber Co. came ternational disputes by arbitration. Springer, half mile south of Tilla- t Saturday and Monday, price 15c. mook. to this city and bought out the old There’s nothing new about this. Only lumber company’s property. Since the name. The United States and size ..................................... 12%^. For sale—Dairy ranch, will carry then the company has expended large England settles their difficulties by 50 to 60 cows.—Inquire of C. W. sums of money improving the saw arbitration. Miller at A. F. Coats Lumber office, mill, establishing logging camps and Tillamook, Oregon. • LANTERNS given considerable employment at Anyone wanting eggs hatched, good wages to those needing work, No. 2. Cold Blast Lanterns, high send them to me. I will set them in as well as circulating large amounts grade, large and strong, regular my incubator at $4.50 per 100 eggs. ---- o— of money every month. Every busi­ Wm. Stuivenga. ness man in the city have been great­ value $1.45', Special price Saturday Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. ly benefited by having this Institu­ Disinfect your home with B—K. to­ and Monday, eah .......... ■ ., $1.15 W. A. Wise, dentist. tion in our midst, and, for our part, day and make yourself safe from we are sorry that we have not more Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen­ industries of a like nature. The citi­ bender, both phones. • Sutton pays 27c. for calf hides. LANTERN GLOBES zens and business men, for the most Orchards and hedges and all kinds part, appreciate what the A. F. Let W. A. Church write your insur­ j.^izes or kinds—No. 2 Cold Coats Lumber Co. have done In pro­ aace. ,,<• < * of shubbery trimmed. Good Job guaranteed. Charles Scnrt.de-, Bt;i Blast! ■ Globes; D-Lite (Short) t viding a pay roll and in helping the Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Ave and 6th Street. * industrial development of the city. glob ’ e H; No. O Tubular Lantern • Along comes a labor agitator, whom Co. Don't fail to hear Hickerson, the and Monday, each ................ $1.15 nobody knows and is a perfect Spend your evenings at the Gem silver tongued orator, of Bay City, at stranger, and trouble commences Im­ Theatre. • the Presbyterian Church, Sunday mediately, on account ot an effort to Besides above special*—yon will find the following items at money saving values. evening, February 23. Don't fail to see the farm tank at unionize the saw miM. We contend Underskirts Knit Goods the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • Emil Heusser, who recently re ­ Umbrella* that If the A. F. Coats Lumber' ¿0. turned from six months' service in Pins Ladies ’ Aprons Garden Tools want to run their saw mill in thé Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. Safety Pins way they think beat, no one ha was issued to horn to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Souse, deprived of work to pay their stbre Rolla O. Shangle, of Wrangell, Alas- bills. But the point we are driving of Rockaway on Feb. 14th, a son. County Executive Committee of and Charles A. Griffith. The boys saw ka, and Viola Cora I Batzner, of Ne- “Tlie Cliy of Dim Faces” at the Gem at is this: Are the citizens and busi­ Theatre next Sunday. This picture the War Savings Stamp drive is com­ some severe fighting. For sale—Eight spring calves. halem, Oregon. ness men going to side In with ■ Writ* to Box 38, Woods, Ore. is made up around the most oriental posed of G. B. Lamb, chairman, P. • Juul received two fine Kohler & setting ever seen on the screen. Don’t W. Todd, C. A. Johnson, Fred C. In the death of Mrs. Ellen Baldwin labor agitator and those who take up Wlrt "bify your calf hides, 27 cents ChaHe piano«, fumed oak cases. See miss it. hiB cause, or the company who is Baker, A. W. Bunn, E. K. Gilbert Mills, which occurred February 7, a • them at Singer Agency. oppoHite P. revered wife and mother who had furnishing the city with n good pay cash at Tillamook Meat Co. and C. A. McGhee. roll? if the business men of this city The Tillamook 8inger Sewing Ma­ been for 18 years a resident of Port­ Tlllumook Meat Compuny will pay O., Both phonea. A bill has passed the senate to coincide with the scullerous editor­ 2T cents cash for your calf hides. • For Sale- -any one wanting young chine Agency is now permanently lo­ changed Judicial districts of Clat- land, was taken. Mrs. Mills was a ial that appeared In the last issue of cated opposite the poet office, where devoted worker in church, W. R. C. Born to Mrs. and Mrs. Blackburn. pigs, six to eight weeks old, write. monthly payments may be made and ■sop, Columbia, Washington, Yamhill, and G. A. R. circles. Burial was in the Herald, then this is no place for Wilbur Kirk, Hillsboro, Ore. Route 1 the A. F. Coats Lumber Co. or ah'y February 20th, a twelve pound boy. box 3. supplies ordered. Both Phones. • Polk and Tillamook counties. Clatsop the G. A. R. Cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. is to be one district, Washington and Mills came to Portland from Ohio in enterprising concern to locate. It Is Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at A success requires no improvement. Columbia another, and Yamhill, Polk 1901. The husband, A. W. Mills, sur­ Edward Kletsl vs. Irma M. Vose, R. exceedingly unfortunate for the rep- lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. * H. Vose and Rosanna Vose is a suit Sharpies Milkers have not been and Tillamook another. utation of the city that the boys ot vive«. The children are Mrs. Agnes We handle Trojan Powder. Best for filed in the circuit court to recover changed In construction since they the saw mill company should be Figure this out on a $16 tire. 10 Mastick and R. H. Mills, of Portland, came on the market, A success from * $740 .00 on a promissory note. abused in that manner. It is not gen­ •tumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. the start. * percent premium $1.60; on a $20, I R. W. Mills, of Tillamook, Ore., and erally known that a strong effort You get 27c. for your calf hides by $2.00 premium; on $30, $3.00 prem­ L. V. Mills, of West Mentor, O. First National Bank of Tillamook was made to remove the sawmill taking them to Sutton's Market. * vs Estelle M. Harris is a suit filed in Rollie Watson writes live stock in­ ium; on $40, a $4 premium. Given | No, we are not dead yet! We have about twelve months since, but the Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend- the circuit court to recover $200.00 surance. Every dairyman in Tilla­ from our line of Gasoline, oils, grease been doing business in Tillamook boys in the company turned a good mook County should have this in- or tire eceessories. This is a cooper­ ¡County for nearly 20 years—here’s ei Warehouse. • on two promissory notes. offer down and decided to keep the surance on his stock—If only a little ative or a profit saving plan at the hoping the Good Lord will let us con- For sale—-2 mares, one ten years on each animal- -as losses are fre- saw mill here. And we want to show For Sharpies Mechanical Milkers Tillamook Tire Co., E. F. Rogers, I tinue to do business in Tillamook our appreciation, and that of the see R. F. Zachman. Tillamook. • old, one coming three years, no quently occuring. yours may be the Mgr. for the next 20 years. We want your reasonable offered refused. — Ike business men In this city, and resent Play safe and Insure your live­ Quick, Mutual Phone. * next. To be sure you have a place to live business for every business man the scundalims insinuations that the * Wanted,, to rent, a dairy farm,, in­ buy a home today. Never has the de- knows that he must have business or Herald hurled at the boys who are stock—See Watson. All Knights are requested to be at cluding livestock of about fifty milk maud for houses been so great. Prop­ quit business. Our business is to pro­ giving the city i(*good pay roH. Tlie R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- the Presbyterian Church Sunday article not only attempted to give pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. evening, February 23rd, at eight cows for one or more years. If possi­ erties are selling every day but bar- tect your business and give you the A. F. Coats Lumber Company a ble not too far off front the coast. gains are not all gone yet. Some of every facility and service of this of­ For fresh and cured meats call o’clock. Apply to Alfred Hirsig, 246 Salmon the best buys were listed today for fice.- Rollie W. Watson. All kinds of black eye, but It is a black eye to Sutton's Market. Both phones. There are Just two kinds of Milk- Si. Portland. Oregon. the city us well. If the editor of the 4* quick sale. A payment down, balance insurance protection—No Mutuals One lot and small house for i sale. era—Sharpies and all others. Sharp­ monthly, places you in a home ot or assessments. lieruld Is so interested in unionizing Tillamook has an auto top and your own. See Everson at once. ies will do all that other Milkers do, • I he business houses and IndustiTes of 1650, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. I in rear No, we are Hot cutting the price of plus the "Upward Squeeze.” • harness repair shop of this city, he should start in to I We buy and sell second hand autos. Senator T. B. Handley, of Tilla ­ building opposite post office, neither are we selling second Auto unionize hl« own office and not at- Ackley A Miller, Tillamook Garage.* Before buying your auto tires. In­ tops, curtains and cushions repaired mook County, has made a remarkable tnes, grade goods. We are giving our tempt it on others vestigate the Republic Standaid five Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ thousand mile guarantee, price ilgbr. and waterproofed, harness repaired. record so far. On every roll call customers a 10 per sent premium on " . 1 ’ Roth phones, • where there was a division of votes. all makes of tires in stock. We have mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* at Tillamook Feed Co. • It has been suggested that the Haadley has voted on the side that on hand. Diamond, Amazon, Fisk, .’or sale—6 hole used range, good was representative of the opinion of Republic, For bargait:* in second hand auto­ For sale, eggs for setting, or day Fourth of July would be an appro­ _ __ Boon, Standard Four, priate time to gather together all mobiles go to Case’s Garage. old chtcks from elt-her Brown or baker. $12.00. alsd white enamel farsighted, thoughtful men of affairs. United States, Congress and Fire- White Leghorns. Bred to lay strain.^ ■ < * resaer ’ 1^*24 inch, bevel plate oval the Tillamook boys who Joined the His Judgment for voting has won for Elmer Baker who has been honor­ stone, all of whlch are _______ standard mirror. 4 drawers, $7.00. Call at him the respect of colleagues and ob­ makes and every Army or Navy. This Is a good Idea, ably discharged from Uncle Sam’s Wm. Stuivenga. • ~ ‘ tire is guaranteed Singer ageecy opposite P. O. * servers.— Oregon Voter. for it Is perfectly proper to get all service returned home on Tuesday. and we make good. Can fit your car When you want eggs for breeding the boys together and Rbpw our ap­ Rev. Hickerson was unable to de- The Fair Board had a meeting purposes, baby chicks or chickens, There is ene rift in the clouds. in every size, from 28x3 to 36x4 preciation of what they have don*. Iliver hit address at the Presbyterian anyway, for letter postage returns *0 of the standard sizes. If you have a We know we express the sentiment, and decided to hold a county fair call upon or write John Hvfman, Church last Sunday evening, as ad­ pre-war prices on July 1. The in­ standard make of tire Hint is not this year. I Tillamook, Oregon., Have 26 variet ­ of a large number of persons In all ’. f *' 3) vertised. but will deliver it Sunday creased zoue postage rate for news­ making good we can make you a fair ies of ponltry. • parts of the county that an effort Wanted Someone to qualify for evening. February 23rd. papers and periodicals were left un­ adjustment on it—Tillamook Tire Co. should bs made some time this sum­ substitute R. F. D. carrier. Apply at Dr. Wise can be found at Ms Tilla­ changed. but to make up for the re­ E. F. Rogers, Mggr. mer to have a local celebration. At the postoffice. Wanted to buy two small farms mook office across the street from duction In bis postage the fellow first It was thought that the county close to Tillamook City, that will Elizabeth Griffiths vs. Lloyd Grif­ Every Dairyman In TIHamook the court house. Mondays. Tuesday» support 6 to 12 cows. Owners only. lucky enough to pay an Income tax is fiths is a divorce salt filed In the fair would be a good time and place, Wednesdays and Thursday» until county shodld have his live stock in ­ but there are those now who think * Address ’Farm” Tillamook Head­ hit an awful whack.—Independent. circuit court. These parties were • further notice. that the Fourth of July would be a sured. See Watpon. light. • The marriage of Miss Rdyth Bryan, married at Turner, Oregon, on the The Tillamook Jersey Cattle C4ub more appropriate occasion. The snep RWd our big advertisement on on* of the most popular girls In lath of February, 1917. and no shot man Is not *0 much concerned another page. See Watson for your will hold ita annual meeting on I Why pay four or five hundred dol­ lars for dairy land without lmprove- Boonville society and Carl Edwin children were born to the union. February 27th at the Grange Hall at as to the date, but we feel greatly Innuranee protection. • ■ men t< when you can get as good soil Swenson, of Tillamook, Ore., took The plaintiff alleges that soon after 110 a m. All Jersey breeders be sure concerned that the boy» should be [with improvements for $300.00 per place at the bride's home on East the marriage defendant commenced ‘ ^rhall herd of dry eows for sale, all and attend and bring a lunch. gotten together thia year, and thgt_ acre.- See C. W. Maier about this Division street, at Boonville. Ind., at to exercise toward her cruel and in­ we give them the time of their lives. cotnltig fresh. Harman Thitn, Blaine, For sale on easy terms, either a proposition. • 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon. Rev. human treatment, failed to support 3* If it is put off another year it will he Oregon. four or five mom house, with modern Edwards of the Main Street Method­ her and she had to obtain work out­ much harder to get th* boys togeth­ Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First conveniences. May pay like rent. If We have a number of vacant build­ ist Church, read the eeremony. The side of her own home, and that the er. If the date is to be the Fourth of National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., you want a home, write me. D. L. ing lots for sale from $300 and up. couple left for the bridegroom's defendant struck her with his flat July, a committee should be appoint­ tn Dr. Allen's office. • Strode. Salem. Oregon. • Almost any desired location. With or home in Oregon immediately after •nd choked her with hla hands. ed as aoon as possible to arrange for without paving. Terms can be had the ceremony. Plaintiff prays also that she be made The bill to allow the Port of TIHa­ the btggest time ever enjoyed In Til­ The beat 1* the cheapest in the end. on most of these and we will take the owner of certain household mook to dissolve has passed both lamook county In honoring Tllla- Sharpies Milkers have proven them- your Liberty Bonds. See Watson. • The 65th ArtlHery arrived from goods, »hat she receive $25.09 a mook boys who gave their services houses. selves an absolute success, for six France the first of the week and was month, and be permitted to use her to the government to help lick and Robert Lynn Henderson, son of J. given a great reception in Portland. maiden name. Elizabeth Yardstrom. Very desirable apartments for rent years In Tillamook County. Why •an the kaiser. atmve the Gem Theatre. 8ee A. C. spend your money on experiments. • L Henderson, who enlisted in \he There are 14 Tillamook boys in the » i Merchant Marine a little over a year Everson. Persons who are delinquent with ago. was honorably discharged at regiment, viz. Corporals Frank Max- The state senate wasted a whole For Sale or Trade. The Sharpies Milker is the fastest their taxes are liable to lose their Galveston. Texas, on February 11th. ,weii and Floyd L. Woods. Wagoners. lot of time last week when discuss­ o — Peter Haugen. Robert O. Thomas and most efficient milker in the property If they do not pay up. for ing the road bond bill, which, slm- Have about 40 acres of land, south • the County Attorney has been in- and is expected home the first of the and William Thomas; and Privates ln-rrd down, wm nothing but a lot world. week. On the Mine date his brother Walter D. Stark. Charles Wooiey of Trask river six miles from town. of political hot air. What the people Tarpaulin»—any site—made to structed to brlng foreclosure pro­ William Elliott Henderson was ac­ Plenty of wood on place. Wood will w.-at is constructive legislation and order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side ceedings against delinquent taxpay­ cepted In the Merchant Marine at Rlvln A. Wicklund. Elmer Dougher­ more than pay for place. Will take ty. Samuel D. Ray. Geo. A. Blanch ­ c. comprehensive system ot road entrance-opposite. P. 0. J-l. ers. Seattle, enlisting for four years. ard. Reuben N. Glad. Hoyt Snider auto in trade. Inquire of J. T, Childers, near the land. Tillamook Jottings SMITHYS