Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 20, 1919, Image 3

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Turning the Best Govenment Into Socialism
What He Could Do.
Following gis an abstract of a cilities of the country under the
"Anything I can do for you?” ask­
speech made by Senator James Ei Postmaster General shoulc have been ed a surgeon as he passed the bed of
Watson, of Indiana, at Topeka, Kan., a sufficient warning to i .ose who a smiling but badly wounded soldier.
on the night of January 29, on the entrusted him with his new power "Yes, doctor; perhaps you can tell
occasion of the celebration of "Kan­ .that be was inevitably bound to fall me something I’d very much like to
sas Day” by Kansu
Republicans in ! in this larger field of endeavor. I know.” "Fire away,” replied the
attendance, to the number of a thou­ : am in favor of turning back these doctor. “Well, doctor, when one doc­
sand, at a slate dinner, marked by properties to private management at tor doctors another doctor, does the
tremendous enthusiasm.
I lite very curliest opportunity, and. doctoring doctor the other doctor
"No thoughtful person can scan unlike the railroads, this can be done like the doctor wants to be doctored,
the horizon of the future without ! without any further legislation re- or does the doctor doing the doctor­
trembling at the approaching power jspecling them for their condition is ing doctor the other doctor like the
of socialism. Like the pests of Egypt entirely different from that of the doctor doing the doctoring wants to
it has appeared in our very knead­ transportation system of the nation doctor him?”
ing troughs and has shown its hydra­ when it was taken over.
The Republican party stands for
head in high places in this and every
"When Did I Die?”
the principal of protection, the policy
other land.
In the case of George S. Carter
There are persona in the counsels that lius enabled the country to reach against Sarah Jane Eberspacher at
of the President who huve used the lhe industrial supremacy and the fi- White Plains, N. Y., an attorney’s
war as a pretex for the spread of ■ nuncial primacy of the world. We papers stated that "Nathaniel and
the doctrines of socialism and who I need this policy now as much' as at John W. Lawrence appeared in this
have been fur more interested in es­ any time in all the history of our action by Joseph W. Middlebrook,
tablishing these theories than in land. More than forty millions of who is now deceased.”
winning the war. He was everywhere men first and last left the pursuits
In a letter to the attorney, Mr. Mid­
surrounded by near socialists and of peace in Europe and donned their dlebrook, who lives at Dobbs Ferry
unfortunately they enjoined his real
ing producers they became consum­ says:
"It not infrequently has happened
ers. Instead of being our competi­
There are now over three hundred tors they becume our customers. In­ that I have learjied from other things
publications in the United States ad­
stead of entering our markets to sell done by myself of which I was not
vocating the doctrine of socialism./
what they produced, they came into aware, and I have therefore been led
A large number of our theoretical them to buy what we produced and to doubt the accuracy of human
college professors are bowing at the under the imperious demands of war statement. The above statement is so
shrine of socialism, and they are they became the best buyers our pro- far at variance with my knowledge
teaching the youth of the land who ducers ever enjoyed. What war de­ and understanding that I am promp­
come to them for instruction doc- mands war must have, have at once ted to bring it to your attention and
trines which, it adopted by the ma- and have regardless of price. There­ to advise you that I most seriously
jority of the people would Inevitably fore, under the mighty stimulus of question its accuracy. In fact I would
overthrow our republican turni of war, with a consuming capacity prefer that it be not embalmed in the
known to no other force or agency, solemn record of such an august
These people frankly say that they our entire production was transfer­ body as the supreme court of West­
are opposed to our form of govern- red from a peace basis'to a war busis. chester county.
"Will you therefore take appro­
ment and that they intend to over- The producer had before him an as­
throw it just as soon as they acquire sured market at almost any price he priate steps to correct what seems to
sufficient power. They ought rigor­ might demand; this meant ever In­ me a manifest error or advise me of
ously to be suppressed. During the creasing cost and ever rising wages the time anyplace of my demise?”
war we used all the means at the until prices have soared than ever
------ o------
command of the government to before.
Obeying Orders.
search out those who were hostile to
Tariff an Essential.
Out at Walter Reed Hospital,
our flag, or uttered treasonable sen­
Now, these wages cannot be main­ Washington, is a soldier who is
timents. There is no reason why the
same means should not be used li. tained without a protective tariff, thankful that his name is Kelly It it
the time of peace as in the days of for the millions of men in Europe had not been, he would still be in
will soon cease to be our customers France. There is a story in the way
war and for the same purpose.
and again become our competitors. Kelly got home.
Without Necessity.
This cannot be done with high wages
In an overseas company there hap­
Government ownership
of rail- for every student of political econ­ pened to be two Kellys, one wounded
roads, telephones and telegraphs is omy well knows that the wages paid and the other with no ailment except
socialistic. Without a shadow of ne­ the laboring man is the highest bar­ a well-developed case of homesick­
cessity for such action, the national ometer of the nation’s success and ness. Orders came to send the wound­
administration took over the cable the surest token of the nation’s pros­ ed man home, and the healthy man
lines after the armistice was declared perity. The laboring man is entitled by some mistake received them. He
took them over under the law au­ not only to a living wage, but to such stood not upon the order of his going
thorizing them to be taken over as a a return of his effort as will enable and asked no questions. As a result
necessity of war. Patriotism was him to own a home, to care comfort­ he came to West Reed in due course
used as the most convenient disguise ably for those dependent upon him, of sailing.
under which to fasten upon the to have about him the comforts and
The doctors at the hospital looked
country the policy of government conveniences of life, to enjoy the him over and told him that he was
ownership. It was done without any privileges afforded in this land of the healthiest specimen that had
reference whatever to Congress, equal rights and equal opportunities, ever been ordered to report at that
without any investigation by any and to play his part in upbuilding institution.
committee or any hearings of any­ this government of free and equal
“Sure thing” said Kelly, "I’m just
men. This cannot be done under any obeying me orders.”
They took over the telegraph lines system of free trade as has beeh
upon statements made by Secretaries demonstrated over and over again in
His Nearest Relative.
Baker. Daniels and Burleson that our country.
A recruit in one of the canton^
Yet we have the lowest tariff in
they believed in government owner­
ship of these utilities and that this all our history with which to meet jnents when called upon for examina­
was the proper time to adopt the the tide of foreign commerce. The tion was asked:
"What is your nearest living rela­
policy. Utter inefficiency of govern­ Republican party wants most une­
ment m; nageuienl of these utilities quivocally to announce its intention tive?”
“What you mean, ‘relative’,’ mis­
is well known. The frightful break­ in this nation at the very earliest op­
ter?” returned the recYuit.
ing down of the postal and mail fa- portunity.
"Oh, 1 mean your neatest living
"Wai, that’s my aunt wou’re talk­
ing ’bout.”
Several other questions were ans­
There is a great deal of truth in the world has ever seen, and you are wered satisfactorily, when there
what Representative M. Dies, a Tex­ building up in its stead the poorest
“In case of death or accident, who
.auric of socialism that history can
as democrat, said in Congress recent­
shall be notified?”
"My mother,” Immediately from
Is it your intention to help the peo­
The best thing you can do for the ple? No. You will not help the peo­ the selective.
"But you told me just a few min-
fanners of this country is to let them ple unless you tell them that lhe
alone and quit spending their money government has but one duty to the utes ago that your aunt was the
and taxing the eternal life out of citizen, and that is to protect his life nearest living relative that you have’
them. I wish the farmers of this i and property and give him an equal objected the officer.
“You asked me who my nearest
country and the taxpayers óf our ! and fair race in this world. And you
land might have a return of the old are teaching him that the duty of livin’ kin was, didn’t you? Wai, Aunt
republican theory I the government is to keep him. My Liz—she lives just two miles from
democratic and
that government is not created to i beloved country! I do not know; we where I been living; mother lives
support lhe people, but that it is a i are losing the greatest republic the five.
creature to be supported by the peo- I world has ever spen. Talk about in-
Oar Free Trade Don Quixotes.
ternational democracy! It is being
• The great mistakes w'e are making, swamped amidst nebulous phrases
Samuel Gompers says he Is going
is that we are practicing hypocrisy and unintelligible jargon. Would to
upon the people, We are leading ] God the President of the United to try to prevent unemployment in
them to believe that the govern- States would get on the Tennessee the United States through competi­
me nt can support them and lift ! and come home and preserve this tion with cheaper production by or­
them by their boot straps out of their republic rather than meddle longer ganizing unions and thereby raising
financial iTifficultics, when, as hon­ with the politics of Europe. We are wages in Europe and Asia. A demo­
est men, we should say to them that casting the lot of the people of cratic free trader will travel a long
all that the government can do is to ■ America, the peace and destinies of way to avoid resort to old-fashioned
protect their life and their liberty 1 our country into what? Into the Washington-Lincoln
and tax them to support the govern- | hotchpotch of the quarrels and pov­ which puts a handicap on imports
erty and woe and destruction of Eu­ equal to the difference in cost of the
labor factor in production at home
1 will tell you what you have done, rope.
There is not anything new to be and abroad, 'lhe Democratic objec­
and I hope you will take it in good
part: You have taken the fairest and said. Human hature is just the same tion to the tariff method of protect­
best government ever known among as it was when our fathers made this ing the American standard of wages
men and you are making it into the I republic. The President of the United and living is that it Is a common
most dispicable socialism. You took States, representing what has been sense scheme that will actually work.
the American people at a time when the greatest republic the world has Don Quixote never sailed forth on a
they believed they could support : ever seen, may speak of justice, and more futile mission than that of
themselves and their government, 'of the league of nations, and the end trying to lift the labor standards of
and you are teaching them hour of the sorrows of mankind; but the the 1,400,000,000 people of the rest
by hour and day by day to ex­ : best hope of this republic and of this of the world to that of the hundred
pect that their government shall i people upon our own shores, de­ million in the United States. How­
support them. Instead of telling fending the constitution of our fath­ ever. as a remedial measure it sounds
when ers, protecting the liberties of the good, and as it will eventually not
the boys are coming back from people and independent self-govern- work it has the merit of being
France and are being demobolized. I ment, a representative democracy. .characteristically Democratic.
to go back to their jobs and engage I And 1 wish. O God of Nations, that
in their former industries, you are ¡our President would come back home Evening Telegram and Headlight.
------ o------
leading them to believe that the | and that we might leave upon this
We have made arrangements with
government shall take It upon itself i hemisphere a great democracy, tin-
I entangled and unengaged with all The Evening Telegram, the leading
as a duty to support them.
You are tearing down the greatest the European broils that exist and thoroughly reliable
newspaper of Portland, whereby the
government, the greatest democracy, j abroad today.
Evening Telegram and Tillamook
Headlight can be obtained for 12
Here’s one of a few thousand ex- wood was purchased at Alexandria, months for $5.00. This offer is good
ample of that promised "efficleicy Va„ at $16 a cord, for fuel, and haul- only up to and including March
and economy befitting a democratic ed from Alexandria in trucks hired i 10th. his is a good opportunity to
administration” promised in t\ first at $25 a day over roads so dlfficub obtain a fine daily newspaper and
Wilson platform. Camp Sumphreys, that one load a day was about all ! the best and leading county news-
near Washington, was established on that could be neglected. At this price pap r of Tillamook County for a
a sight covered by a forest. The it is believed that the average oiig- small amount of money. Send in
trees were cut down by the soldiers, j inal fuel value of the trees cut down your subscriptions to the Headlight
and for the most part burned. Then and destroyed was $500 an acre.
at oiice.
about smokes, Prince Albert
red to a joyhandout standard
that just lavishes smokehappiness on
every man game enough to make a bee line for a
tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe—old or new 1
Get it straight that what you’ve hankered for in
pipe or cigarette makin’s smokes you’ll find aplenty
in P. A. That’s because P. A. has the quality!
You can’t any more make Prince Albert bite your
tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse
drink when he’s off the water I Bite and parch are cut
out by our exclusive patented process!
You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat
the cards and wonder why in samjiill you didn’t nail a
section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care
to remember back!
Buy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco it told.
Toppy red bagt,
tidy red tint, handtome pound and half pound tin humidort—and
—that clever, practical pound eryttal glatt humidor with tponge
moittener top that keept the tobacco in tuch perfect condition.
Copyright 1911» oy
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Ornamental Fire Places Built
of Brick and Stone, AU Fire
Places absolutely guaranteed
not to smoke or money re­
Brick work of all kinds done
on short notice.
We make a specialty of re­
pairing smoking Fire Places.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C.
Getting Rid of Colds.
The easiest and quickest way to
get rid of a cold is to take Chamber­
lain’s Cough Remedy. This prepara­
tion has been in use for many years
and its value fully proven. No matter
what remedy you use. however, care
----------- o ■ ■
must be taken not to contract a sec­
Send us your Bonds by registered. ond cold before you have recovered
letter and receive highest market from the first one, and there Is ser-
ius danger of this. A man of middle
price by return mail.
age or older should go to bed and
WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO. stay in bed until fully recovered. It
is better to stay in bed three days at
200 Central Bldg.
the start than three weeks later on.
The Plague of Socialism in United States.
makes bread .toast
and hot biscuitj"
taste better
fine for cake
pastry making