TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 20, 1919. ing 1,984 boxes. Avaraga price, 26.65c. f. o. b. Till­ average of 27.56c. Cheese sold tor $36,327.36 an av­ j Factory received 3,899.11 for mak- amook. erage of 25.83c. Tillamook. The com­ ' ing cheese. 3.151 tbs. whey butter fat sold, Expenses for the year were $3.- pany ’did not get the advantage of $1.704.43 realized from whey average price of 26.45c. the high prices of the spring and late Meda Creamery Co. 406.07. cream sold. December butter fat will be 86c. fall, hence the average is as low ad Factory received 1,104,590 Ibs. of Company r.iade improvements to commenced skimming Factory Factory received $6.348.97 for it is. milk duringg 1918, as against 1,069- ; factory at a cost of $413.04. whey the last of April. Average yield was 11.3 lbs. cheese 900 during 1917, showing a gain of making cheese, or 3c. the lb., ap­ Resources—Building and ground, Factory received $7,883.91 for proximately. 34,690 lbs. over 1917. ,$1,599.80; Supplies paid for, $1,553- per 100 Ibs. milk. making cheese. Expenses for the year were $6,165,- 1,713 lbs. of butter fat was renliz- Milk contained 45,446 tbs. butter Expenses for the year were $6.- 50; Cash in Bank. $653.14; Due on 07. fa. stock account, $60.00; December ed from w hey cream, which brought 885.97, showing a gain of $997.91 on Resources—Building and ground Average was 4.115 per cent butter making due company, $104.46. Total. $908.92. operating expenses. carried at $1,516.42; Supplies on Factory received $4.348.57 for fat in milk. $3,970.90. $1,657.56 was spent during the 124.588 Ibs. cheese produced mak­ hand paid for, $1,238.00; Cash in Liabilities—Capital stock out­ making cheese. year for whey skimming ylant and bank. $718.30; December making ing 1,809 boxes. Expenses for the year were $3,907.. standing, $525.00; December money addition or betterments to factory. due cuiapaay, $180.18. Total $3,- Cheese sold for $32,504.40. in, $627.84; Due bank, note, $700.00 68. Resources — Building and ground. 652.90. Average price received, 26.09c. Factory spent $979.74 for separa­ $4.051.11; Supplies on hand paid Balance favor stockholders. $2,118,- Liabilities—Capital stock out- Avetage yield was 11.28 Ibs. cheese tor plant during the year. 06; Total, $3,970.90. .or, $1,945.25; Cash in bank. $553.- stamiing, $670.00; December money per 100 Ibs. milk. Resources—Building and ground, 76; December making due company, i AU of the 1918 cheese has been Company received $3,841.08 for in. $1,026.36; Balance favor stock­ sold and shipped. Cheese is today sel­ $3,246.73; Supplies on hand. $1 1 $. ’ 56.68; Nine small accounts due holders, $1,956.54; Total, $3,652.90. making gcheese. ling at 38c. for triplets, the highest 727.00; Wood, $165.37; Cash in i u... $199.12; Total $7,010.12. Company is carrying $358.00 more Expenses for the year were $3,- hank, $41.31. Total $5,180. 41. oil» — price known. Liabilities—Capital stock supplies than last year, hence will 396.85. Liabilities—Capital stock out- s aading. $600.00. Bills payable at not have quite enough money to pay South Prairie Creamery Company. December butter fat will be 86c. standing. $500.00; Due bank on bank, $1,500.00; December money in Cold Springs Cheese Factory Factory received $2,940.523 Ibs. of Resources— Building and ground, to.- December milk without securing notes, $2,200.00; By balance or milk, containing 121,321 tbs butter $762.32; Due cheese maker $105.00; • The factory received a total of plus, $2,480.41. Total, $5,180.41. sur- $2,200; supplies on hand paid for, small loan. ,;y balance favor stockholders, $4,- 1,190,354 Ibs. of milk during 1918, All of the 1918 cheese is now sold fat. $1,043.25; Cash in bank. $691.89; We bought heavily of supplies and as against 1,175.770 tbs. in 1917. Average butter fat. 4.126 per cent. 053.60. Oretown Cheese Co., salt, $30.63; and shipped. Price of triplets is 38c. have more of some supplies than we fat in milk, an 46,833 Ibs. butter 330.816 tbs. of cheese produced, December making due company, Tillamook, the highest prce known. will need for the coming season. If average of 3.934 per cent. Holstein Creamery Company. —o--------- making 4,719 boxes. $71.40; Total $4,037.17. the stockholders think best, we can produced, mak- 131,325 Ib3. cheese The factory received 3,142,797 ibs. Average yield. 11.25 lbs. cheese Blaine Creamery Co. Liabilities—Capital stock outstand­ dispose of some of the supplies. ing 1,829 boxes. of milk during 1918. Factory received 608,814 Ibs. of per 100 tbs. milk. ing, $1,500; December money in. o------ an $34,876.74, Cheese sold for 116,773 Ibs. of butter fat in milk. I fheese sold for $86.931.32. $557.28, balance favor stockholders, milk during 1918, as against 557,868 t Mohler Creamery. Average butter fat in milk, 3.715 ' average of 26.55c. Tillamook, Average price received. 26.29c. the I Ibs. during 1917. $1,979.89; Total $4.037.17. Factory received 2,502,226 tbs. of lbs. ( Average yield was 11.03 per cent. Milk coutalned 26.463 lbs ofbut- tb. Tillamook. All of the 1918 cheese has been milk. cheese per 100 Ibs. milk. We figured an extra six points on 2,800 Ibs. whey fat produced, ter fat. shipped and sold, Triplet cheese iB 104,919 lbs. butter fat in milk. all butter fat shown by Babcock test, | Expenses tor the year were $3,679- Average test or buter fat content, which sold for $1,583.90. now sellingg at 38c. Tillamook, the Average test, 4,113 per cent. Factory received $9,623.51 for making 18.856 Ibs more, that being 17. This shows a substantial gain 4.34 per cent, the highest in associa- highest price known. 277,270 Ibs. cheese produced. the basis of division when patrons over amount received for making making cheese. tlon. ------ o------ Average yield, 11.08 Ibs. cheese and as the company is now in good Expenses for the year were $8,778,- were paid. 68,220 Ibs. cheese produced, mak­ Sandlake Creamery Co. 335,627 Tbs. of cheese manufactur­ finacial codition, it might be as well per 100 lbs. milk. 34. Factory received 344,078 Ibs. of ing 959 boxes. | to make for a little less than hereto­ 3,804 boxes cheese produced. Resources—Building and ground, ed and sold, making 4,810 boxes. Y|eld 11.2 Ibs. cheese per 100 lbs. milk during 1918. Cheese sold for $76,185.3 4. Average yield. 10.67 Ibs. cheese fore. We also have quite a lot of sup­ $3.481.94; Supplies on hand paid for. 37.588 Ibs. cheese produced mak­ milk. Average price, 27.48c. plies on hand. Cheese sold for $18,008.18, aa $3,077.45; Cash in bank. $1,386.72; per 100 Ibs. milk. ing 528 boxes. Resources — Building and ground, Cheese sold for $89.847.14. Factory paid $7,713.72 for making December making due us, $296.88; average of 26.39c. the lb. 1917 13,825 Ibs. butter fat in milk. Average price, 26.77c. Tillamook. $2,000.00; Supplies paid for, $1,000; cheese. Account due company, $23.90, Total. Average butter fat in milk, 4.02 cheese sold for $14,386.88. 6,012 Ibs. of butter fat sold front Cash in bank. $524.56; Accounts due 2.782c. average price paid for mak­ Company received $2,080.97 for $8,266.02. per cent. Liabilities—Capital stock outstand- > whey cream. company, $422.65; December making ing, against the average of 3.027c. making cheese. 37.589 Ibs. cheese produced. Expenses were $2,035.84. From I ing, $1,400.00; December money in. ' $3,227.13 was realized from whey due company, $104.04; 1919 expense charged on an average for the county Average yield, 10.92 Ibs. cheese per | ------ o------- this should be deducted wood on $1.132.27; Balance favor stockbold-| cream sold, or a litle more than 10c. account, $15.00; Total $4.066.25. 100 lbs. milk. era. $5,733.75. Total, $8,266.02. the 100 Tbs. milk. It also figures Liabilities—Capital stock out- hand paid for. Alder Vale Creamery. Cheese sold for $10,118.37. ---------- O---------- about ten times more than your of­ standing, $1,100.00; By balance. I 614,903 Tbs. milk received during Resources —Building and ground, Average price, 26.91 e. the n>. fice and selling expense amounts to, $2.966.25. Total, $4,066.25. $1,527.18; Supplies paid for, $300.50 The Tillamook Creamery the year. Tillamook. The factory received 5,599,418 Ibs. which is l-10c. the lb. cheese made. | All of the 1918 cheese has now 64,477 Ibs. cheese produced. Factory received $1,656.76 for Cash in bank, $18.34; December Factory received $10,699.69 tor been sold and shipped. The cheese Average yield. 10.84 lbs. cheese making eheese, $73.60 en loss und making due us, $97.00; Total, $1,- nt milk during 1918. and this milk making cheese, an average of 3.19c.mareked is bare of supplies per 100 Ibs. milk. contained 231,753 lbs. butter fat. gain account, and $250.00 from the 943.02. and the market today is 38c. Tilla­ Liabilities—Capital stock out­ Average butter fat in milk was the Ib. 914 boxes of cheese received. sale of stock. Expenses for the year were $8,- mook on triplets, the highest price 24,017 Ibs. bitter fa in milk. Old note of $200.00 was paid off. standing, $7 50.00; By balance favor 4,139 per cent. ever known. 634,833 lbs. cheese produced, mak­ 319.42. Cheese sold for $16,572.18. $1,666.40 was spent for expense ae- stoek, $1,193.02. Total $1,943.02. Resonrces- Building and ground, -—-o All of the 1918 cheese is now sold, ing 3.833 boxes. Average price received, 25.7c. Ib. count and Improvements for the fac­ Average yield. 11.34 Tbs. cheese per i $14.605.56; Supplies paid for. |2.- Cloverdale Cheese Company. Factory quit October 1st, 1918. tory, and the company now has December butter fat will probably 820.00; Cash in bank. $271.30; De- Patrons paid $1,936.14 for making The factory received 2,132,036 lbs. $126.74 cash in bank with all ac­ be 85c., althougb all December from 10o ibs. milk. 9,954 Ibs. whey fat produced, ieember making. $395.19. Total $18,- of milk during 1918, as against cheese. 38«. Tillamook, counts paid to date and what sup. Blaine sold for 092.05. Triplet cheese is now selling al 88c. which sold for $5,272.82. 1.827,469 during 1917. plies there on hand are paid for. Liabilities—Bills payable, $9,7o0.- ” | This milk contained 84,230 lbs. of Cheese sold tor $168,102.4». an I do not know the value of the fac­ Tillamook, the highest price known. Dreadful Cough Cured. 00; Capital stock paid up, $4,900.00; buter fat, aa average of 3.95 per cent average price of 26.46c. Tillamook. ----- -o------ tory nor tbs amount of outstanding December money in, $843.38; By Expenses for the year were $14,- fat. capital stock, hence cannot give Maple Leaf Creamery Association. A severe cold is ofteu followed by a balance, 2.648.67. Total, $18,092,- > 234,024 Tbs. of cheese made, mak- you an itemized financial statement. Factory received 4.978,839 lbs. 415.05 rough cough for which Chamberlain’s 05. Making account was $16.968.74. I believe, however, that this Is the milk. i ing 3,270 boxes. Cough Remedy has proven especially Of the above surplus of $2,648.67, Resources buildlug and ground. first time tbe company has been out . Cheese sold for $62,136.95, an valuable. Mrs. Milk contained 298,060 Ibs. of but­ W. Olsen, Marys­ $7.407.40; Supplies and 1919 expen­ $2,380.26 came from operating ex­ average of 26.55c. the lb. 1917 was ville, Mo., writes: “About two years of debt und had a balance in the ter fat. pense. $268.41 from loss and gain bank. Average butter fat in milk, 4.179 ses. $4.449.13; Cash in bank. $1,- $48.895.63. ago my little boy Jean caught a 227.87; Mdse, account out, 75c.; account. Triplet cheese la now selling at 38c per cent. Average yield was 10.98 ibs. severe cold and coughed dreadfully Patrons milk was paid for on what cheese per 100 tbs. milk. Tillamook, the highest price known. lu addition, 727.90 Ibs. of butter Claim for lost cheese, $49.68; Sand for days. I tried a number of cough 1918 is known as the fat plus six basis. All of the 1918 cheese has been ship­ fat was shipped to Portland and Lake Creamery Co., $6.59. The company received $7,753.93 medicines but nothing did him any Butter fat price having been as fol ­ cheese account, $19.72, Total, $13,- ped from thia county and slocks of $391.02 was realized from this, for making cheese. Average charge good until I gave him Chamber­ lows, the first amount actually being was 3.31c. Ib. cheese. chess are light everywhere. Also. 10,795% lbs. butter was sold 161.05. lain’s Cough Remedy. It relieved his paid, the second amount would have Liabilities -Capital stock out­ for $5,652.27. From this should be Expenses for the year were $6,- cough right away and before he had been paid under ordinary Babcock balance. standing, $1,100.00; By deducted 1338 bls. of butter fat 686.58. Oretown Cheese Co. finished taking one bottle he was method of paying for buter fat:April $13,161.05. The company is in god shape fi­ cured. I think It is just fine for Factory received 1,382,658 Ibs. of bought from other faotories and for $12.061.05. Total. ------ o ------ 53.4c. (62.70; May, 53c., (61.8c.); whlch $917,65 was paid. nancially. We are carrying quite a milk during gthe year 1918. June, 53.2c. (62.1c.); July. 55.5c„ little stock of supplies, but all are children." Long Prairie Creamery Co. 576,604 ibs. cheese produced, mak­ Milk contained 56,653 Tbs. butter The factory received tolal of 1,820- (64.7c.); August, 58c., (67.7c.); worth more than they cost uj. ing 8,27 4 boxes. fat. an averageg of 4.1 per cent. Call For Bids. Sept., 65 %c., (76c.); October, 80c.,, 113 lbs. of milk during 1918. Average yield 11.58. 152.578 Ibs. cheese produced, mak­ I Resources— Building and ground, ———•—O'- ■ ■ ■ (91c.); November, 83c., (95c.), and Milk contained 71,380 Ibs. butter Cheese sold for $154.937.11, an ing 2,180 boxes. $5,392.60; Supplies on hand, $1,505- Notice is hereby given that the December, estimated, new way, 82c., fat. an average of 3.922 per cent. Average yield, 11.04 lbs. cheese average of 26.87c. the lb. 50; Cash in bank, $862.80; Novem­ County Court of Tillumook County 201,358 Ibs. cheese produced, mak­ old way, 93.2c. Factory will receive $15.984.37 for per 100 lbs. milk. ber cheese due company, $613.71; will receive proposals until 10 The factory is quite well supplied ing z,Su2 boxes. making cheese. Cheese sold for $39,715.13. December making due company, o’clock a.m., March 7th, 1919, for Cheese sold for $52,349.02, an will all kinds of supplies for some $190.14. Total, $8.564.75. Expenses for the year were $16,- Average price received, 26.03c, driving new piers and retimberlng months to come, but needs wood bad- j Factory received $4,448.67 for 066.04. Company also installed but­ average of 26c. the tb. ! Liabilities— Capital stock out- span over Tillamook river on the iy. Average yield. 11.06 tbs. cheese making cheese, an average of 2.92c. ter making plant. $1,925.00; Bills payable, Squires road, according, to the speci­ All of the 1918 cheese In the coun­ standing, the Ib. ___ — _______ Resources Building ___ and ______ ground. per 100 lbs. milk. $2,000.00; December money in, Factory produced, 1,282 ibs. whey ty has been sold. This is the first $661.96; Balance favor stockholders, fications now on file with the County Expenses for the year were $3,- $5.689.01; Supplies paid for, $4,- Clerk of Tillamook County, and then time in several years that cheese has butter fat. 992.04. 435.00, Cash In bank, $4,291.34; $3,977.79. Total, $8,564.75. publicly opened and read. been sold up as closely as today at Company received $6,192.60 for December butter fat payment will I Wilson River Farmer’s water $676; If the compuny wanted to liquidate Each proposal shall be in a sealed this season of the year. Also all be 86c. Smnll accounts, $279.84. Total. $15,- making cheese. its assets far exceed its liabilities, Expenses for the yenr were $6,- stocks of . cheese throughout this outside of stock consist of the notes envelope marked on the outside, Resources Building and ground, I 370.33. “Proposal to Repair Squires Bridge country are very low, which will Liabilities—Capital $2,138.53; Supplies on hand paid for stock out, 020.28. at bank and December money in, or over Tillamook River" and shall be mean quite high prices the next few Resources — Building and ground, ! $900.00; December $1,521.50; Cash in bank. $841.03; money in. $1,- total of $2,661.96, leaving balance of accompanied by cash, certified $2,704.87; supplies on hand paid for, months. December making gdue us. $103.80; 600.41; By balano«. $12,869.92. $510.19 favorable. The earned sur­ cheque or bidder's bond equal in Triplet cheese is now selling at $1.438.00; Decembei making due us, 1918 expense account, dividends, plus of rhe company since organiza­ $80.00; Small accounts, $4.85. Total. 38c. Tillamook, the highest JViee $129.18; Cash tn bank. $33.07; Ac­ Three Rivers Creamery Association. tion is as shown above, $3,977.79. amount to 5 per cent of the total of Factory received 1,814,633 Ibs. of Last year we commenced the season the bid, such amount made payable $4.692.71. I known. All of the 1918 cheese has count due company, $2.10; Total. to Tillamook County. Proposals shall milk during 1918. $4,307.22. Liabilities- December money col­ | been sold. with only $748.00 worth of supplies 74.983 Ibs. of butter fat in nulk. on hand, as against $1,505.50 this be made on forms furnished by the Liabilities Capital stock out­ lected In, $582.84; Capital stock ----- o — County Clerk. standing. $750.00; December money an average of 4.13 per cent. outstanding, $800.00, Meda Cream­ Miami Valley Creamery Co. year. Wish you would appoint a com- The County reserves the right to 198,780 Ibs. cheese produced, in. $489.78; By balance. $3,067.44, ery, salt, $30.63; By balance $3,- mak- The factory received 717,211 Ibs. t mil tee to audit the books. reject any and all bills. ing 2.849 boxes. Total, $4,307.22. 279.24; Total $4.692.71. of milk during 1918. First publication Feb. 20, 1919. ------ o------ Average yield was 10.95 lbs. i All the 1918 cheese Is now sold and 29,611 Ibs. butter fat in milk. Neskowin Dairy Association. Last publication March 6th, 1919. cheese per 100 Ibs. milk. shipped. Triplet cheese Is now selling I Average of 4.128 per cent butter Fairview Dairy Association. • The factory received 1,057.828 Erwin Harrison. Cheese sold for $52.133.93. at 38c. Tillamok, the highest price fat in ntilk. Factory received 2.559,561 tbs. of I lbs. of milk during the year, as Average price was 26.33c. tb. County Clerk. known. 79,603 Ibs. cheese produoed. inak- milk during 1918. 'against 1.007,762 Ibs. the year be ­ 2,499 tbs. whey butter fat pro- fore. This milk contained 108.59 .bs. of lug 1,110 boxes. STRAIN TOO GREAT. Average yield. 11.10 Ibs. cheese butler fat. an average of 4.2 . ; cr duced. Pleasant r Valley Cheese Company. 41.446 tbs. of butter fat in milk, ------ o------ $1.417.40 realized from whey buf­ cent. per 100 Ibs. milk. Factory received .898.424 lbs milk an ..verage of 3,918 per cent fat. Hundreds of Tillamook Readers Find tv fat. 294,253 Ibs. of cheese made, mak ­ Cheese sold for $21,050.12, an during 1918, . 112.245 Ibs. cheeee manufactured Factory received $6.028.08 for Daily Toil a Burden. ing 4.425 boxes. average of 26.32c. the Ih. Allumi. 35.680 lbs. butter fat In milk. . and sold. The hustle and worry of business Average yield. 11.5 Ibs. cheese per making cheese. Factory resetved $2,856.51 for Average test was 3.971 per cent. i Average yield. 10.61'lbs. cheese per men, In addition to this, $1.238.43 of 100 lbs. milk. making cheese. 98.551 tbs. cheese produoed, mak­ ; 100 tbs. milk. The hard work and stooping of Cheese sold for $78.423.26, an the whey butter fat money was ap­ Itemized Hats of checks Issued ing 1.383 boxes. Cheese sold for $29.262.21, an workmen, plied on whey separator plant. average price of 26.65c. Tillamook. Average yield, 10.97 lbs. cheese shows expense account paid during average price of 26.06c. The woman's household cares, $346.19 was spent on new work Company received $8.525.83 for the year of $2.580.32. Part of this per 100 Ibs. milk. 1,639 boxes of cheese made. Often weaken the kidneys. this year, besides the $1.405.27 spent making cheese. may have been for 1917 expensa. Cheese sold for $26.041.05. received $3,507.01 as mak­ Backache, headache, dizziness, Expenses for the year were $8.- on separator plant. Bspenses for the ing Factory Company paid old mortgage of Average price, 26.42c. Tillamok. charge. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles— year were $5.192.50. 087.67. Company received $3,185.40 for $780.00 und later borrowed $400.00 Expenses for the year were $3,189- frequently follow. Resources—Building and other ».505 tbs of whey cream sold. again. At this writing con puny owes making cheese. 11. Read the following and learn the Expenses for the year were $3,- two notes of $409.00 each. There are which brought $2.876.03. Thia la property. $6.532.31; Supplies on In addition to making charge, loss way to find relief. hand paid for, $1.594.50; Cash in l also $380.00 worth of suppllc« and about 11c. the 100 Ibs. nHlk. 124.20. E. E. Switzer, 401 N. Meridian Sa.. Resources Building and ground. bank. $1.632.73: December making, and gain (gain) account shows Resources Building and ground. wood on hand, against practically $4.762.99. Supplies on hand paid $166.95; Accounts due company credit of $335.66. This was charged Newberg, Ore., says: "The nature of $1,290.49; Supplies nn hand paid for. nothing at the beginning of 1918. in addition to regular making charge order and stop the misery in my back, Resources—Building and mound, for, $2.808.34; Cash on hond, $1,- $4.54; Total . 9.923.03. $832.00; Cash in bank. $80 31; You will note from the following which also gets my kidneys out of Liabilities Due association $-34.54 Claim due company. $835.37; Decem­ estimated. $1.800.00; Supplies on 481.26; Liberty bond. $100.90; De- cemb«r making. $300.81; Small ac- December money in. $1,115.70; Bills financial statement that the com­ fix. I find that Doan’s Kidney Pills ber making due company, $58 89: hand. $380.00. Total $2,180.00. pany Is now in fairly good financial put my kidneys in good working Liabilities—Bills payable at bank. counts due company, $120.70. Total. payable. $2.750.00; Capita) stock condition. Liberty bond $100.00. Total. $3.- ' outstanding. $1,600.00: By balance. $9.574. W. order and stop the misery In my back 193.06. 800.00; overdraft at bank $14.60; Resources—Building and ground, I couldn't recommend a beter medi­ LlnbMIttee Capital stock out- $4.322.79. Total. $9923.03. Liabilities -Capital stock onl- Capital stock outstanding, $930.00; $1.510.60; ^applies paid for. $850 84 cine for backache and kidney trou­ standing. $325.09; Bills payable, By balance favor stockholders. $408- standing. $1,800.00; Tlltamook Co Cash in bank. $849.73; Total $3- ble." Cry. Ass’n.. $69 95; December mon­ $1.000.00; Due cheese maker, $88.- 31; Total. $2.180.00. Emt Beaver Caeese Company. 211.17. All of 1918 cheese has been sold ey in. $1,089.34; By balance for Prise 60e., at all dealers. Don’t 15; By balance. $1.779.91. Total. Factory received 1.022.921 lbs of LtabilitlM—Capital stock and ad­ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get $3.193.06 and shipped. Triplet cheese is now stockholders. $6.623.81. Total, $9.- milk during 1918. as against 842.- vance« outstanding, $1.400.00; By — — ■ O - nailing at 38c. Tillamook, the high­ 574.10. '383 Ibs during 1917. A large part balance favor of stockhalders, $1 . Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that est price known. Mr. Switzer had. Foster-Milburn (Jo, Central Creamery C<. pvirt of the increase was Beaver milk. 811.17. Total $3,211.17. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd Adv. Clover Leaf Creamery Company. ---------- O---------- Factory received a total of 1,944,- Milk contained. 43.592 lbs. butter 1918 cheese is all sold and price« The factory received total of 2,240- fat. an average of 4.26 per cent. 64$ tba. of milk during 1118, aa Beaver Creamery Auociatioo. are the highest they have ever been. 582 lbs. of milk dring 1918. For Sale. 118.662 Ibs. cheeee produced, mak- Pro«pects are for high prices the against 1.870,812 tba during 1917, Factory received total of 860,41$ ------ o------ This milk contained 93.175 Tbs. of ing 1.667 boxes. a gain of 73.830 lbs over 1917. coming season. Ibs. of milk during 1918. butter fat. Yield was n.< n>e. cheese per 100 A Registered Holstein Bull ten 80,804 Ibs. butter fat In milk, an Milk cuutained 35.907 tbs. butter I Average butter fat content. 4.159 ------ o------ lbs. milk. Both the high yteld and months old, a fine individual, bred average of 4.16 per cent. fat. and average of 4.17 per cent. Elwood Creamery Company. the high prices were helped by bav- 214,121 tba. cheese produced, mak­ 91.090 Ibs cheese sold. 1.344 boxes per cent. by E. Werner, Aurora, from his fam- __ Factory received 1.241,386 Ibs of ous Sire. Fobe De Koi 2nd Johanna 250.479 tbs. cheeee produced, mak­ Ing the Beaver milk the latter part ing 3.001 boxes. cheese produced. milk during 1918. ing 3.539 boxen. Average yield. 11 01 Ibs cheese per Duke, and a dam with a good record, of the season, when yteld was larger Average yield. 10,82 Ibs. cheese 51.376 Ibs. of butter fat in milk, Average yield. 11 18 Ibs. cheese and when price« were higher. Both 100 tba milk. will sell or exchange for a good cow per 100 Ibs. milk. Some of (tie cheese per 100 tbs. milk. an average of 4.14 per cent butter •r heifer. Cheese sold for $56.62$.16, an wat burned, eo tbe above does not are the highest in the county. fat. Cheese sold tor $66.766 89. i Cheese sold for $32.702.10 , an Chas. Macpherson, 140.289 tbs. of cheese made, mak- Grand Ronde, Oregon. Cheese Factory Reports show tbe acrual yield. Expenses for 1918 were $3,198.90. Factory received $2,884.90 for making cheese. All bills presented are paid. Company has spent $2,561.63 for ground and equipment and rebulid- ing to date. Part of the above ex­ pen.se has been incurred since the fire. Resources—Building and ground. $2.561.63; ¡supplies on hand, $614.07 To balance, $238.69; Total, $3,414.- 39. Liabilities—Capital stock account. $817.50; Bills payable, $2,500 00; Overdraft at bank, $98.89. Total. $3.414.39. All cheese has been sold for 1918. Price for triplets is now 38c. the highest price known. ----- o