Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 13, 1919, Image 8

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Youngmen’s and
Men’s Suits.
10c. Yard,
Our entire stock of Youngmen’s
and Men's Suits arc c.tderpriced,
including every Hart Schaffner &
Marx Suit. Buy now a- J save.
Special price on Hemstitching for
a short time only. Take advantage
of this saving and have your Hem­
stitching done now.
Misses' and
Women’s Suits.
Mrs. Pinkney is now accepting or­
ders for new Spring Dresses,
Waists, Skirts, etc,
Place your orders now before the
Easter rush.
Dressmaking Dept.—On Balcony.
Every lady and miss can secure a
smart stylish Suit in this great un­
derpricing event at
Just Half Price
Beginning Saturday, February 15th we will wind up our
Phenomenal and Unprecedented Clearance Sale with Extra Special
MONDAY and TUESDAY All Day Sales.
Promptly at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning, February 15th, every department in this store will oiler a most
Sensational Bargain for One Hour’s selling only. At 1 o’clock of the same day another and different Big Bargain
from each department will be offered. On Monday each department will have one Big Special Bargain for all day and
on Tuesday another and different great bargain from each department will be offered.
In addition to these wonderful specials (all of which are described below) everything in the store is reduced in price
for the six days ending Friday, February 21st. For full particulars of the hundreds of big bargains in every kind of
wearing apparel for Men, Women and children and goods for use in the Home see our two double page spread Ads.
in the last two issues of the “Headlight.”
Liberty Bonds of any denomination taken at face value in lieu of Cash.
Saturday One Hour Sales.
From 10 to 11 A.M.
One Hour Sale
10 to'11 A.M. Saturday.
One Hour Sale.
10 to 11 A.M. Saturday.
One Hour Sale.
10 to 11 A.M. Saturday.
One Hour Sale.
10 to 11 A.M. Saturday.
Turkish and
Huck Towels,
Boys’, Girls’ and
Ladies’ Hose,
Entire Stock of
Muslin-W ear,
Just J Price.
Women’s $8.00
Dress Shoes,
Actual 25c. Towels In Brown or White Turkish
and White Huck-a-back with fancy borders. Good
quality Towels for Bath or Guest Room. Sizes
18x38 and 16x32.
Ladies' Famous Buster Brown Lisle Hose In
Black only, and sizes 814—9—9*4 and 10 and
Boys’ and Girls' Black and White Hose in all
Our entire Btock of Women’s, Misses’ and
Children’s Muslin Undergarments at Just Half
the Regular Ptjces. Corset Covers, Drawers, Com-
. nations, Nightgowns, etc.
Black, Brown and Grey, Lace and Button
Shoes with Military, Cuban and French Heels.
All Bizes and widths in the selection. See 2nd
Ave. Window.
Saturday One Hour Sales
From 1 to 2 P.M.
I- U< J
Monday All Day Sales
Beginning at 9 A.M. February 17th.
AH Day Sale.
¿Monday, February 17th
All Day Sale.
¿Monday, February 17th.
All Day Sale.
¿Monday, February 17th.
Linen Crash
American Lady
All Day Sale.
¿Monday, February 17th.
Actual $2.50
Ladies’ Silk
You could not buy the material
and trimming for these waists for
this money. Pretty styles, all sizes
and actual >2.50 values.
Actual $7.65 to $8.95 values in
our popular silk ’’Rain or Shine”
Umbrellas in plain colors, stripes
and plaid designs. Pleasing hand­
les, some ivory tips.
17, 18. 19
Stevens and
TowellnRS in
ed and actual
and 2 2 inch wide
other Linen Crash
white and unbleach­
values to 50c.
Actual $2.00 models in the famous
American Lady Corsets in a sensa­
tional One Day Sale. The entire
stock of Nemos, Gossards. and
American Ladys underpriced.
Tuesday All Day Sales
Beginning at 9 A.M. February 18th.
All Day Sale.
Tuesday, February 18th.
All Day Sale
Tuesday, February 18th.
Actual 10c.
3 for 20c.
A wonderful sale of notions in­
cluding Bone Hair Plus Safety
Pins Wire Hair Pin» Button»—
Hair Curlers Tatting ShulUa»—-
Snap and Wilson Dress Fasteners,
etc. etc.
Bleached and unbleached Muslins
In such well known brands as
Lonsdale. Fruit of the Loom. Cabot
and many others. 35c. and 39c.
All Day Sale.
Tuesday, February 18th.
Just J Price.
Our entire stork of Women's,
Misses’ and Childrens’ Sweater
t oats at Just Half the regular
Prices. Plan to choose yours Tues­
All Day Sale.
Tuesday, February 18 th.
Actual $6.00
Nemo Corsets,
A most extraordinary saving on
these famous hygienic Corsets. Our
entire stock of American Lady.
Gossard and Nemo Corsets Under-
All Day Sale
¿Monday, February 17th.
Men’s $40.00
Ballymede models in our fam­
ous Rosenwald & Weil Overcoats
in fancy mixture weaves of pleas­
ing colors. All sizes to choose from.