TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 13, 1919. of living may find both discomfiture and encouragement in the present price of eggs. They are high enough to justify the use of them on some of these orators when they again take The New York World seems to be I pretty sore because the south te the stump, but too high to warrant the expense involved in that proced­ against all gin but the cotton gin. ure. We talk a good deal about respeet- —— For a man who said in October ing the opinions of others, but W9 last that if the people of the United don't unless they agree with us. States don’t elect a Democratic Con­ We didn’t go into the war to get gress nobody in Europe would be anything, but neither did we go In gullible enough to believe that his for the proud privilege of giving up leadership had not been repudiated by the American people. President all we’ve got. Wilson is doing pretty well in the ------- 0------- The administration motto is: role of the American Vox Populi "Count that day lost whose low de­ abroad. —o------ B scending sun finds no new scheme The cables have been able to carry B for shoveling out the mon.” B unlimited amount of press agent puf­ K So far as we see no mention of the fery in behalf of those by whom they tì initiative and referendum in connec­ have been seized and censored, but tion with the new league of nations. the news that American soldiers K Where are the people’s friends? were living knee deep in mud at K Brest, and wondering if they could o — K A desparing “Jeffersonian" writes live through the experience until the the New York World: “It looks as if time for embarkation came, had to K the Democratic party in Washington come by freight. was dead.” Not dead, but slipping. The fellow that wants to get us in­ Speaking of war casualties there to an international arrangement must be a good many cases of writ­ whereby the people of this country ers’ cramp among the officials who is going to depend on the digestion sign checks for this administration. of a Balkan king on the theory that it is our duty to assume world re­ I Another thing Abraham Lincoln sponsibility is as much of an altruist neved did was to go behind the as the fellow who thought he ought scenes of a Paris theatre and shake to acquire the cooties in order to hands with the chorus girls. How we show his sympathy with the boys in have progressed: the trenches. • S2525252S2S2SZ52525252SZ52S2525252525Z5252S252525252525Z5252S2525252S25? 8 v How to Make a Good “Hit” with the Returning Soldiers. (By Lt.. ¿5. Bait., in Umpqua Valley News.) On board the U. S. Transport Haverford, Jan. 17.— Here follows a tew "den’ts” for the family, who has a son returning Horn France. If these instructions are closely followed, it la needless to say, that the boy will "feel at home” and will no doubt shed tears of gratitude at euch act of kindess bestowed upon him by the loving family. DON’T— t ail to feed him bacon for breakfast—the fat, greasy kind. He’s been eating it every morning since landing in France, calls it “A. E. F. chick- en” and can't get along without it. DON’T__ neglect to lay In a supply of prunes. They took the place of strawberries while he was chasing the Hohenzollern outfit and a meal without them will take ten jears off his life. DON’T __ put cream in the coffee. In order to please him prepare coffee in this manner: one teaspoonful of Arbuckles to four gallons of water—preferable dish water—it gives an oriental taste. Insert three drops of condensed milk to the mixture and there you have the key to his heart. DON’T —overlook "slum” on your menu. It can be made successfully from "left-overs”—one soup bone will make enough slum-gullion to ration a regi- ment. DON’T __ ever have butter on the table—he loves Oleo. In case of a shortage of oleo, use the axel grease that came with the Ford. If it is a dark day, he'll never know the difference. DON’T __ mention table manners to him. On account of living on foreign soil he Has been associated with strange customs and may take a run and Jump at the table forgetting to remove his hat. All dishes should be constructed of metal for in the grab­ bing thut follows, something might get broke. If he seems rude, just smile at him graciously and say: “Son, you haven’t changed a bit.” DON’T appear surprised when finishing a meal, if he grabs his dishes and runs widly outside in search of a bucket of dish water. Simply make it a rule to have this bucket in a mudhole during the rainy season—the same water can be used from day to day and must be cold. DON’T- -mind his cussing—he must have some way or means of expressing himself and his short and snappy sentences may be liberally punctuated with words of questionable character. DON’T—forget to make arrangements with the cornet player in the town band and have him pass the house each morning at 5 a.m. and blow a few blasts on his trumpet. DON’T —start the day wrong, The entire family should accompany him to the street at 5:10 a.m. and “marathon” around the block for twenty minutes. After this part of the day's program is completed, a messtin should be formed at the back door, led by dad, who outranks the family—and pays for the month’s rations. DON’T go to any trouble to fix his room—he would prefer sleeping in the barn. It will remind him of his billets in France and give him that “back to ature" feeling. DON'T neglest bathing facilities. A tomato can and a bar of laundry soap will nutrice und oft times prove a luxury. DON'T say "Please will you do this” to him. Just yell at him with the gruffest tone you can command and “crab” at him for not showing more “pep'. That will make a hit with him instantly. DON’T allow him to get familiar with the family, make him stand at "attention” and "salute” at each and every interview—and if a coat button is missing—summon the sheriff and commit the cul­ prit to the brig. DON’T - call him by his name—Just yell "Buddy” at him and his will always respond—that’s the only name he had in the A. E. F. DON’T let him get lonesome. At times it would be ad­ visable to call In the neighbors and start a crap game. This offers a pleasing passtime and may not—owing to the players skill—fill the coffers of the family treasury. DON’T display your ignorance of the "Frog” language. If he says "Bon Jour” you should always answer "Souvenir”. His stay In France has given hint the complete mastery of that tongue and he'll no doubt use "beaucoup” words thut smack of "prom- me de terre frit.” DON’T—question his stories of the war—although at at times his lies may not hung together perfectly. The “Whix Bangs" at the front may have affected his memory. If he tells you that Sir Douglas Haig was a sergeant in his squad—Just believe him— for after all—HE'S YOUR SON. Scraps of Paper. The Usefulness of This Bank OME people do not realize the many S different ways in which this bank can serve them. It is unusually well equip­ ped to furnish valuable information and advice on financial and business matters. Our customers have often been able to avoid serious losses by making use of our access to first hand business information. Our membership in the Federal Re­ serve Banking System gives us special facilities for meeting the requirements of this community. Moreover, it is our aim to give a helpful, progressive per­ sonal-service to every depositor—regard­ less of the size of his account. Put our sincerity to the test. Step in and have a talk with us. K H H Tillamook County Bank Tiilamook, Oregon -------o------ One thing is to be hoped will not be prohibited by the approaching fu national prohibition law is the Amer­ Ln to which rd ican soldier's devil-punch General Foch has referred. ------- o------- Some of our statesmen i are sadly lacking in originality, The only remedy they can think of for any p civic ill is to appropriate i a few more million dollars about it. nJ bi K Appropriating hundreds of millions of dollars of the people’s money to furnish employment to men made idle because of the entry into this country under a free trade tariff law of more than three thousand million dollars worth of foreign commodities whose production in the United States would keep every body busy may be statesmanship but to a lot of people it looks like old fashioned damphoolishness. CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND We had two and a half years of talk before we got into the war and Premier Chemenceau is said to be­ it now looks If we would have the lieve that it is a bit foolish to be I same spell of high sounding conver­ talking about maintaining the peace For disenfecting where Contagious or sation before we get out of it. of the world through a league of na­ u infectious diseases are prevailing. -------o------ tions, when the present league of na­ Nowadays the fellow who Is caught tions, fully armed and equipped and I CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ with a half-pint in his pocket only with the chief enemy to the world’s I ! gets a three line paragraph in the peace prostrate, can't prevent war ful Germicidal mixture and by its use police notes. A year from now he will continuing in half a dozen spots even will improve general stable conditions. of the get a streamer at the top while the seasons are on. What a front page. disgustingly practical fellow this ------ o------ man Clemenceau must be! nJ On the theory that there is a suck in p er born every minute, the Democrat- Colonel Bryan says the reason ru is politicians are proceeding on the government ownership isn’t work­ theory that there is another cam­ ing is that they still have some rail­ RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. paign left in the cry: “He kept us road men helping to run the rail­ out of war.’ ’ roads, when we get to the point, to­ ------ o------ ward which we are gradually pro­ 2SHSH5Z5E5asa5H5a5a525E5H52S25H5E525a5H5H5aSHSZ5H5BSHSB52Si52525aS2Sa52S The Petrograd soviets have started gressing, where being a deserving an anti-religious publication called party worker cuts as much figure in | "The Devil”. What more approprite choosing railway officials as it does 5eSïSHSa5a5HSÏ5H525HSa5Z5BS252SZ5E5aSHSH5H5a5ï5a5E525E5a5a5H5a5252S25E52 name for the official organ of the in picking postmasters, government socialists in a region wherein they ownership will be as much of an r3 have been raising hell? I howling success as sixteen to one. I ------- o ■ ■ "What army will be slower to de- W. S. Sutton, of Stanton. Va., has mobolize than the army of deserving received word from his son, John O. Democratic office holders?” asks a Sutton, a member of the American subscriber. Why, the army of tax- expeditionary forces in France, who gatherers it will take to collect the was severely wounded on June 18th, money to pay the bills the d. D. O. that up to December 6th he had re­ h.’s are running up. ceived only fifteen dollars in pay « since January 1st, 1918. He was The league of nations loogs like seven months without a word from one thing one day and another the home although many letters were next, but one thing remains perfect­ written to him by his parents and ly stationary and that is the belief other relatives. of the mindless thinker that they are 2iHSE5HS25HMSESH5HS25H5HSH5a5H5a5a5H52Sa5asaSa5a5E525a5a5aSH5Z5a5H5H525 ------ o------ for it no matter what it was, is, or is Jimham Lewis says if we abandon going to be. a single one of the fourteen points ------ o------ When all the industries, law-abid­ which he says the American people ing. home loving and country-loving invented without their knowledge, it people in the world have been put on would serve us right if Germany full rations it will be time to appra­ would rise up and lick us. In view of priate public money to feed tite wild­ the fact that President Wilson pub­ eyed anarchists who are running licly abandoned one of the fourteen some months ago, it would seem that amuck. now is the time for Germany to get ------ o------ In view of the recent proceedings busy, and If Jimham isn't going to in Russia and Germany maybe the help us fight next time we will cer­ best way to get rid of the socialists tainly get an awful trimming. ------ o------ would be to put ’em in power. They would immediately divide into sev­ A Washington correspondent says eral factions and begin to kill each the next Congress will not dare probe other off. the waste and dishonesty in connec­ tion with the war expenditures be­ O eration of the ferry at Woods. Ore­ Notioe of Administratrix Sale. One of the obstacles encountered by cause many of the offenders are Re­ gon, from the period from March 1, the American troops In Russia are publicans. If they are, go after Notice Is hereby given that the un­ 1919, to Jan. 1, 1920. Said bids to be packs of ravenous wolves. Someone them and show them up. That would dersigned administratrix will sell at opened at ten o’clock a.m. on Feb. should at once introduce a joint res­ be an exceedingly crooked reason for , olution appropriating a few million not probing things to the bottom, private sale from and after the 15th 21st, 1919. The County Coure reserves the dollars to make these animals harm­ and it is probable that some politi­ day of February, 1919, the following right to reject any and all blds. less by feeding them. cians are depending too much on described real property, situate in Dated this 5th day of Feb. 1919, ------ o that argument for the protection Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: Erwin IlarrlBon, Lots 3 and 4 of Block 8 in Jane Douglas Fairbanks is going to put they hope to receive. . County Clerk. Fuller's Addition to the town of Bay on a movie at public expense in ------- o------- City, in Tillamook County, Oregon, which he stars as the “official fool In all the talk about universal de- according to the recorded plat there­ killer.” If Dug wants to work at that mocracy and self-determlnation of Call For Bids. of. Job he could have busied himself a people at Paris no one had been im­ ------ o------ Said sale will be made for cash The Trask Drainage District will couple of years in Washington with­ pudent enough to mention the status and will be subject to confirmation receive blds for construction of its out beginning on the poor but hum­ of some millions of black people and by the County Court of Tillamook drainage ditch up to February 22nd, ble taxpayer. some more millions of defranchised County, Oregon, and blds will be re­ 1919. Plans may be seen at the office ------ o------ whites In that portion of the United ceived either at the residence of the of the Secretary, and blds to be left In eulogizing Ambassador Francis, States which gave birth to the new undersigned or at the office of II. T. with him at Tillamook. Champ Clark says that a man born freedom. But that does not prevent Bolts, attorney at law, both in Tilla­ in Kentucky and raised in Missouri the folks at home from laughing H. T. Botts, Secretary. "Ticn’t the size of .Good taste, smaller mook City, Oregon. This sale is made is not afraid of the devil himself. It heartily when some people tell the in pursuance of the order of the • plug that counts,’* chew, longerlife is appears from recent developments, world how devoted they are to ma- Dreadful Cough Cured. County Court in Tillamook County, however, that a Democratic congress­ Jorlty rule and the overthrow of says Jim. "It’s the what makes Genuine rac- ------ o ------ Oregon. man in either of these states has a way it tastes—and Gravely cost less to A severe cold is Is often followed by a right to be “skeered of" the Repub­ ial tyranny—away from home. Dated this 1th day of January. 1919. chew than ordinary v rough cough for which Chamberlain ’ s how it lasts. A Plug. Catherine A. Long licans. The new Director General of Administratrix de bonis Cough Remedy has proven especially Writ? U: — couple of squares of If we are ^ut to save the world for Railroads wants Congress to appro­ of the Estate of Mina J. valuable. Mrs. F W Olsen. Marys­ 'Real Gravely keeps G enuine G ravely ville, Mo . writes: "About two years democracy, that means in Russia as priate another three quarters of a Campbell, deceased. DANVILLE. VA. ago my little boy Jean caught a well as in Germany. It was held that billion to equip the railways, in ad­ me satisfied.” fn- b—U't m dttmng dition to a hslf billion dollars ap ­ severe cold and coughed dreadfully we couldn't save Germany from aut­ Notice | for days. I tried a number of cough ocracy by treating with i autocrats propriated last year, and despite the ——o — medicines but nothing did him any and surely we cannot save ! Russia fact that the people of the country Sealed blds addressed to the County good until I gave him Chamber­ for democracy by negotiating with are paying a billion dollars more per court of Tillamook County. .Oregon lain’s Cough Remedy. It relieved his some more autocrats, calling them- year In passenger fares and freight and endorsed "Proposals for opera­ rates. Running the railroads under cough right away and before he had selves bolsheviki. tion of Woods Ferry” will be receiv­ political ownership costs as about finished taking one bottle he was ------- o------- ed by the county court of said coun­ as much as it used to cost to run a cured. I think it Is Just fine for ty at Tillamook. Oregon, for the <>P-(children ” The Democratic politicians who big war under Republican manage­ promised to eliminate the high cost ment. C. I. CLOUGH CO. ’ § SEE § W. A. CHURCH. FOK INSURANCE Fire, Lifa, â.3aident, Automobile 2nd Ave. JC, betvveea 1st and 2nd Sts. Successor to J. S. Stephens. > AUEX. MeflAIR & CO. GEflERAU HARDU1ARE Ritehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. Jim tells it to the Boss » Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch.