TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 13, 1919 .. Jane and Katherine Lee 4 IN “SWAT THE SPY. Gem Theatre, THURSDAY Night, February 20th This comedy attraction is absolutely the best that these two juvenile actresses have ever made, It is a posi- Everybody tive knockout, and will evoke one spasm of laughter after another through the entire picture, who enjoys childish pranks will be more than delighted. Come. Bring your “First Aid Kids and laugh until vour sides are sore, then laugh some more Don’t forget the date and “the” treat of a life time. Show will Start at Seven o’clock sharp Adults 20c. Children 10c. buttons. The ladies do good work Improvement Program Made. WRONGLY ACCUSED. Session is Noisy. and plenty of it and spend a jolly ------- o------- In the interior, the plan designs Trouble arose over senate bill 67 improvement of the central Oregon Haberlach and Christensen not Affil­ afternoon, besides helping out the Bill Calis for $10,000,000 Bonds to highway, is from Klamath Falls which requires separation of bids great cause that is so sadly in need and showing costs and profits. Sen ­ iated With Association of Provide Good Roads for Oregon* of help. to Bend and from Bend to The Dalles ator Ritner insisted on an amend­ Cheese Makers. another projected road is from On­ ment "providing that patented pave­ * Salem. Or., Feb. 10. After a stormy tario to Burns and thence to Bend. ment may be used, if it can be se- OREGON GETS BEST In order to overcome a feeling that ' session today, the senate roads com­ In the south there is the Ashland tq cured at the same or less than non- ROAD VALUES. mittee agreed to start wrangling Klamath Falls and to Lakeview road patented pavement and Jammed it has been among the dairymen about over the patented pavement bills and there is also the Mackenzie Pass through. Senator Dimick had so the. organization of the Cheese Mak­ State Has Avoided Grevious Mistakes Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. route. The Mount Hood loop has been 1 much to say that finally Senator ers' Association, and who were the Made by Others, Says Mr. Benson Pounding the table with his fist in the program for a couple of years, | Norblad charged him with trying to parties who were the chief promot­ ers; the executive committee wishes chairman Orton could not maintain the commission having already set i boss the committee when he is not Writing to the Oregonian, Mr. S. order for Senator Dimick talked loud­ aside *24,000 to match a similar sum I even a member, and Senator Hurley to state; Benson, chairman of the State High­ That neither Carl Haberlach or way Commission, has this to say: ly and violently and Senators Nor- from the government to be used this accused Senator Dimick and Senator blad, Handley and Hurley resented year on the zig-zag section, which is I Thomas of trying to railroad senate Fred Christensen had any thing to I have read the splendid editorials do with either the organization or its in The Oregonian on road matters what they termed Mr. Dlmick's at­ 12 miles long. The state money for , bill 68. plans. tempt to "run the committee" of this loop comes from the Bean-Bar­ ' At times it appeared that blows *and wish to express my appreciation, And we wish to state further that rett bonds. which he is not even a member. only for your kind references of would be exchanged, for senatorial the cheese makers have not asked or not _ myself, ____ _ __ Meanwhile, in the house the *10,- but __ for the good influence Supplementing the *2,500.000 to courtesy developed into senatorial plain stated "fL’s will "h*ve”Fn 000,000 bond bill was being studied develop this road program will be discurtesy. The two disputed meas- received any favors or suggestions from either Haberlach or Christen- by the members. A number of fea­ post road juid forestry money. Var- ures were reported into the senate general. The Oregonian has been a | tower of strength in the good roads tures connected with the measure'1 lojuaieuunlies are expected to cooper­ this afternoon with a minority and sen. Signed. Oscar Werschkul, Pres. movement. are ol importance to all citizens c. ate freely. A large part of the suc- majority report. The majority report F. B. Culberson, Secy. 1 am able to say that every dollar th< state. An outline of the bond bill I ciw and speed in executing this gi­ recommending passage of these two H. W. Thomas. expended by the Highway Commis­ is set forth. r gant tw plan is dependent on the as­ bills was signed by Orton, Thomas, Gordon L. Burge, sion has been expended honestly and sistance contributed by counties. Ritner, Patterson. Ira Smith and $7,500,000 for Trunk Roads. Hugh Barber, has brought the best possible value There has been no blare of trumpets Lachmund. The minority report is Ot the total bond issue, *7,»00,000 —o—•----- to the state. is particularly designated for certain ; by the commission, but this is the signed by Handley, Norblad and Ralph W. Wyant, discharged 801- a I have been doing m ,IU, investlgat- some primary trunk roads. When this work mapped out for the coming Hurley. dier of the 66th Spruce Squadron, among our neighbor . ____ „ --------- „ ___ • states and money is exhausted, Oregon will have three years. Cinters, macadam and Midway Landing, Wash, is visiting flnd the Mtonl8hlllg faet that th. en. gravel will be used, for It is not the ‘ 713 miles of hard surfaced pavement | with his sister Mrs. H. R. Schild, of tire H(ate road construction therein distributed thus: Astoria to The purpose to hardsurface all the mile- Warning to Fishermen Owning Cow Long Prairie. »1» controlled by the notorious cement Dalles, 198 miles; Portland to the age. A little money may be left for , sumer’sor Abutting Owner’« Persons who wish to subscribe for trust Millions of money are being other market and post roads now on miles; Portland California line, 354 Fishing License. the Red Cross Magazine can do so by waBted. Road8 eTerywhere are block- to Junction City on the west side, the state highway system. I filling out the proper blank, which M for year8 whHe concrete roadH are 112 miles; Hillsboro loop, 49 miles. Passing of Measures Essential. All persons to whom have been is­ can be obtained of the secretary, belng lald The low from thl8 cause This does not take into account five All is dependent on the passage of sued fishing licenses known as Con­ Mrs. Eversom^__^_^^ ) l8 enormotus, but worst of all, dftef miles paved in Umatilla county nor 'the *10,006,060 bond bill, the gaso­ sumer's or Abutting Owner’s License completed they are good only for a 12.5 miles to be laid this year In line tax and automobile license fees. are hereby notified that the Hon. years unless covered at once Coos county. The foregoing gives an Much also depends on- whether the Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the Circuit Rockaway Aux. to Portland Chapter Red Clou. with asphalt, which many commuqi- idea of what will be done for the state highway commission will be Court of the .State of Oregon, for Til­ > ■ •__ o_____ ‘ ties are doing. Pacific and Columbia River High­ given a free hand to use its Judgment lamook County, has decided that no I ’ Much has been said about paving ways. have . been „„„ any place and experience as to what kind of each license can be lawfully issued . I’ .. he workers . ... , meeting .. at , in Oregon. , I v„.,„ have not seen whew Out of the bond issue *2,500,000 Improvement .and what kind of haVd to operate a set-net in any of the at the home of the chairman, Mrs. J jn the UnRed „ ya • tfo is set aside for other roads. This sum surface shall be laid. streams of the State of Oregon which I they quit the sphagnum moss work ,e „„ Time , will be swelled from the receipts At the committee meeting today are, at any time of the year, open to I .they quit the Sphagnum moss work;thejr from gasoline tax, millage and sur­ senate bill 62 was laid on the table commercial fishing.' All persons own­ i to take up hospital service. They onetrate this fact. The paving on the plus llcepse money, so that the state on the motion of its author. This bill ing Buch licenses are therefore here­ I meet twice a week, Tuesday and Columbia Highway was done prac­ highway, commission will have a made it a penitentiary offense to bld by warned not to operate any set-net i Thursday afternoons and sew stead­ tically at cost. We knew what it comfortable bank account with on patent pavement. The oommlttee under such license for the reason ily for a couple of hours, when the could be laid for and told the paving which to Improve other roads. These I unanimously agreed to report favor- that practically all of the streams chairman says five minutes for company what It could get. Another "other roadB” are in the system al­ labfy senate bill 48, which prohibits within Tillamook County, Oregon, lunch ladifes, so the sewing is Bet fact la that not a single contractor ready adopted and they penetrate a ten year guarantee on paving, a are, at some time during the year, aside and she serves a dainty lunch. has made any money on our state similar bill already having passed open to commercial fishing, and this Then back to work till daylight be­ work. most of the counties. Out of the *2,500,000 and such the house last week. Although this warning is issued to all such persons gins to slip away. Mrs. Schrantx and Miss Louise Plant More Berries. other sums ’he commission intends ten year clause has never been used in order that they might not be ------ o- — - building highways to the coast. In­ by the state highway commission, prosecuted, for violation of the crim­ Krebs are the champion machinists, Graves Bros., will contract your cluded are the roads from Roseburg the emergency clause was attached inal laws of the State of Oregon, the rest of the workers getting the out of Coos Bay; from Eugene part to the senate bill. The committee al­ when innocent of intention to do garments in readiness for the ma-, Logan berries and blackberries for 5 chine work. Mrs. Geo. Gray the Rock-, years. way to Florence; from Corvallis to so favorably reported senate bill 95, wrong. away postmistress, not being able to I Arrange to plant some acreage this Toledo and from McMinnville to Till­ with an emergency clause, this meas­ T. H. Goyne, District At­ njeet, being otherwise engaged to ! spring. For particulars write. ure requiring the filing of specifica ­ amook; the costal road first unit torney of Tillamook Uncle Sam, puts in her spare time I Graves Bros., from Seaside, via Elk creek and Can­ tions for the construction of high­ working button holes and sewing on * County, Oregon. Dallas, Oregon. ways. non Beach to Nehalem. ROAD BILL BEFORE SENATE. ■o-------------- ‘ THE FIREFLY OF FRANCE” IS INTENSLY ABSORBING PICTURE OF LOVE AND WAR. ------ o------ Story of Rich Young American on Firing Line in France. ------ o----- Splendidly produced, its story dra­ matic and absorbingly Interesting. “The Firefly of France,” the new Paramount starring vehicle of Wal­ lace Reid, is in every respect an ex­ ceptional photoplay. In this great picture, which is based upon the story by Marion Polk Angellitti, and which was published serially in the Saturday Evening Post, .. allace Reid is seen as a wealthy young American who goes abroad to Join the Ambu­ lance Corps, becomes entangled in the plotting of German spies, and falls tn the companion ship ot a beautiful girl, who Innocently be­ comes the victim of Hun plotters. In this characterization, Wallace Reid has a role that will be highly acceptable to his clientele of ad­ mirers in that It breeds the spirit of real Americanism at a time when patriotism stands supreme.The young woman in the story goes to France in search of certain papers, hidden by ad aviator known as the Firefly, and the finding of these papers in an old chateau on the firing line, the capture of the Americans by the spies, the subsequent destruction of the lattdr by a timely shell, and the courtship of the young man and girl, form the basis of an exceedingly clever story. r This role fits Mr. Reid's versatile talents to excellent advantage. Ann Little is charming as the girl, aBd Charles Ogle, as the German spy, does artistic work. Rawmond Hatton tn his small but important role as "Firefly" stands out by reason of hts fine characterization. The picture, which will be displayed at the Gem Theatre next Tuesday, February 18, was directed by Donald Crisp from a scenario written by Margaret Turn­ bull. The support generally is excel­ lent. Tillamook movie fans cannot afford to miss this picture. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our thanks to all the kind friends wbo sympathised with us owing to the death of J. H. Battey. A. T. Blackburn and family. If ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER ONE. To the Dairymen of Tillamook aSoundiBîïsii Basis Th» city merchant who carriae no inaaranqa la conaidarad a mighty poor buainoaa man. , Tat the stock farmer wbo car- riaa no inanranee oa his live stock is taking Just as big fiaka. And nsedlsaaly, for HARTFORD Live Stock Mortality INSURANCE givea complete protection at a very moderate coot. The Hartford insuree farm work horses, delivery and trucking teams and dairy herds. Call on, write or telepbooe. ■ Beginning with this issue of the TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT and continuing from week to week, we will attempt to advise you why you should secure the pro- tection afforded by this Agency of a Hartford Live Stock Policy covering your Dairy Herds. It will be well for you to read these several announcements and avail yourself of the protection of an Insurance Policy covering your animals so com­ pletely, which will protect you from all money loss thru the death, from any cause whatever, of either single animals of your whole herd. The cost of this full protec­ tion is very little when compared with the hazard, hence, the reason that we are at this time attempting a “campaign of education” along this line, knowing full well, if you will take the time to investigate and measure-up from every condition, you will secure Harford Live Stock Mortality Insurance without further delay. Watch for the Announcement in this Space Next Week. ROLLIE W. WATSON, The Insurance Man. We write ALL KINDS of Insurance and give YOU SERVICE. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Promptly Paid. Td.^ewu«»t»L TILLAMOOK CITY, OREGON. ZS2525?S2SZS25?52525aS25252SaS2S2SZS! K B K K S B H K Office National Building. §