TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 13. 1919. Christian Church. - - Nazarene Church Services. Divorce. Order. ConfrqatLUUBaking a wise move in —io----------- ----- o ------ I Cecelia I Johnson vs. Ralph John ­ a bill just introduced to prohibit Next Sunday a cordial invitation 10 a m . Sunday School, Mrs. Bert son. Divorce. Decree. emlgraUoa "Into the United States i to the general public, to attend all Fred C. Baker, Editor. Edith Esteila Loomis vs. Harry F. King, Supt. Limited number of settings from the next five years. It seems to be ..... -........ „ htf the castor services beginning with the Sunday 11 at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a. generally surmised that as soon as 28 4 egg strain White Leghorns head­ Loomis. Divorce, Order. cownt won ¿Marion T. Chance, et : al vs George Rev. A. F. Ingler Subject; Ministry " SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 the termpjpf peace are signed, that a ed by cockrel, from pen that laying, finherstety, ef al. Writ t of review. of the Holy Spirit. i large number ot Germans and Aus- over 190 other pens in egg , Harry E. Tucker, Minister. 7:30 p.m. Praise service and even­ I Irian* »111 attempt to leave those contest in Washington Agricultural Decrpf and jl^gnient in favor ot special singing. * Advertising Ratet. ing sermon with Icountriea and come to the -United college oontest, 33 50 jjettiyg cji!T5. ilalntlll.'i ■ Display Advts. per inch • • 20c. 'States. It would be unwise to admit Dr. Lefevre. Cloverdale. Ore. Notice to Creditori. Tillamook County Bank vs William Midweek service on Thursdays at I • ff ff ” . .half page 17%c. Germans, especially those who took A. Clark et al. Foreclosure of mort- 7:30 p.m.. Strangers welcome. ----- o W. S. Buel came in from Tamhill ff ff ” ... full page 15c. part In the war and who killed and county on Saturday, having agreed gage. Order appointing a receiver. In thè District Court of thè United Special Announcement. Roy Winfield Schultz vu. vs. Esther i States, for the district of Oregon. ............ per line 7c. i wounded thousands of our boys. It to teach at the Maple Leaf school. Locali By W. J. "Billy” Gilbert, former iiy Schultz. Divorce. Order on motion. must not be lost sight of that when In the matter of W. B. Simmons, A new daughter arrived at the Reader*, with reading matter Rudolph Kiosch vn. Juliirs Erick- of Beaver, Oregon. war was declared in 1914 the whole , bankrupt; per line.................................... 7c. I Geimon nation shouted with joy. home of Peter Heisel last week. Dad on. To dissolvi partnership. Dismis­ Having made a connection with No. 5018 in bankruptcy. is feeling fine and delighted with Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. Since that time the German people Haltom’s Store. Tillamook. Oregon. I sed. Notice is hereby given that on the another addition to his family. ate of Oregon vs. J. C. Sating, should be glad to welcome and wait 29th day of January, A. D., 1919, W. Resolutions .................. per line 5c. proved themselves to be the most bar- Rollie Watson writes live stock in­ A.:p al from justice court. This was on any of my old friends and cus- 1 baroui. blood thirsty nation in the B. Simmons of Wheeler, Oregon, the world, torturing prisoners murderihg surance. Every dairyman in Tilla­ a c. se where plaintiff was charged tomers. bankrupt above named, was duly ad­ mook County should have this in ­ Gilbert. W. J. w.iU violating the fish law is un- ' men, women and children by whole­ judicated bankrupt; and that 'the sale. The proper place for the blood surance on his stock—if only a little lawtully selling fish caught in the lirst meeting of his creditors will be f re ­ on each animal—as losses are Wonder whether the junk man is thirsty murderers is in Germany. quently occuring, yours may be ihe Big Nestucca River and sold to the Wanted Bids on Hauling Cheese held at my office. Sth Floor, Title & not the United States. There is an- was and Supplies. eati.ierymen of this gather up the gauze masks? 1 Trust Building. Portland. Oregon, on ------o------ other t hing that must not be over- next. fined 350.00 by the ■e court, the 18th day ot February, 1919, at Clover Creamery Company Red demurrer Engineers C. W. Wanzer and C A. »he Judge sustained Should llie 310,000,000 bond meas­ looked and which Congress is pro- 11:30 a.nt., at which time said cred­ ure pass, with the emergency clause viding against, and that is German Dunn, of the State Highway Com­ and this overruled the decision in the w ishes to receive bids for hauling itors may attend, prove their claims, from its factory to Tillamook cheese people should be made to remain in mission. were in the city the first of lower court. attached, there is every probability appoint a trustee, examine the bank­ depot and cars and supplies from rupt, and transact such other busi- that a scenic road will be built that country to help pay the indem­ the week. Mr. Wanzer will go over to its factory. Leave bids Tillamook nity that will be imposed on Ger­ the roads in the north part of the around Necarney Mountain. Llore Tillamook Boys Wounded. at .Carl Haberlach's office on or be- |ness as may properly come before the many, and not be allowed to come to county to ascertain which is the best fore February 15th, 1919. Company meeting. A bill has been introduced in the the United States to avoid it and en­ road to decide upon for the high­ Claims must be presented in form The official casualty list on Sunday reserves right to reject any or all joy the privileges that they would way in that part of the county. state leglsiature to dissolve the Port required by the Bankruptcy Act, nnd contained the name of Janies V. Sut­ bids. obtain here. of Tillamook. It is just as well. It was I ton. of Neskowin, who i.- .eported ------ o Red Clover Creamery Co. sworn to. a hobby horse for a number of years. The schedule filed discloses doubt­ High School Notes. as being severely wounded. Will someone hold the snap shot When the bill was first introduced ------ o------ ful assets. — — o ------ Getting Rid of Colds. in the state legislature, we look ex­ man while he does a duck fit stunt? The High School opened on Mon- Mrs. Knight received a letter from The easiest and quickest way to Dated February 7th, 1919. ception to it, for it was not far reach­ A prominent citizen of Bay City ad- day with an attendance of 96 stu­ her son, Private Carl T. Knigght, A. M. Cannon, get rid of a cold is to take Chamber­ ing in scope. So we are glad that an vised one of the county commission­ dents, which is only a slight decrease Referee in Bankruptcy. ers not to expend any more money on from the number attending when which was the first word that he had lain's Cough Remedy. This prepara­ effort is being made to dissolve it. the Bayocean road until the Bay- school closed in October, the number been gassed and after that was in­ tion has been in use for many years jured and sent to the hospital. He and its value fully proven. No matter For Sale For a Short. Time Only. Eggs and butter were the first to ocena company paid its taxes. This of pupils then being 113. claims to have written about 50 let­ what remedy you use, however, care ------ o------- drop in price. From the looks of the has got to be quite a gag. If the The grades have an attendance of ters to his mother but she has only must be taken not to contract a sec­ One of the best ranches in Tilla­ Wisconsin cheese market, cheese in gentleman will come to this city and 2 70 alongside of 34 5 in October. received two, and although she has ond cold before you have recovered mook County, close to town, fine im­ the East declined 13%c. in a little examine the delinquent tax list now Everything possible is being done written dozens of letters to him, he from the first one, and there is ser- provements, good buildings, electric posted at the court house, he will to prevent influenza in the school. over a month. This is going to have a serious effect on the cheese market find that the delinquent taxes of No assemblies are being held and the has received two, and has not been ius danger of this. A man of middle lights, thoroughly up to date. This on the coast, for when jobbers can Bayocean amount to very little com­ building is being properly disinfect­ paid for nine months. His letter fol­ age or older should go to bed and has never been offered for sale before stay in bed until fully recovered. It and is only on the market now for a buy eastern cheese for 22c. they will pared with the delinquent taxes at ed. Some of the teachers who have i lows: January 11, 1919. is better to stay in bed three days at brief period. It will pay you to see Bay City, Garibaldi beach and beach had the "flu'* are still quarantined. not pay 38c. for Tillamook cheese. Dear Mother—I received your let­ the start than three weeks later on. Everson. property at Nehalem. Since we are The school board has hired a trained ----- o ■ ■ There is no prospect of the county tired of hearing the old gag about nurse to look after the health of the ter some few days ago and was very officials In the state who are clam­ the Bayocean Company not paying students and we hope that there will glad to hear from you. How are you getting along? I am in the hospital. oring for higher wages doing the I its taxes, lets apply the same med­ be no more flu cases in the school. How are the little girls getting McAdoo stunt and resign because icine to the above places and deprive I along. I would write to them it I had their salaries are not high enough,, them of road work until the delin­ Marolf Divorce Suit Filed. more writing paper. It is hard to get and no one need fear that they will quent tax payers cough up. But what writing paper out here. I haven’t about those who have paid their go on a strike and cause a rumpus, i Carrie B. Marolf vs. Preston Marolf and the calling out of the state taxes? Is It right to make them suf­ is a divorce suit filed in the circuit been paid for nine months, but will fer for those who fall to pay their court. These parties were married in have about 3270.00 when I do get militia to quell It. taxes? Hardly so. Yet this is the Tillamook County, on the 27th of paid. It is too bad they stopped the ----- o------ 310.00 a month to you and not let Representative Edwards informs punishment that is inflicted upon October, 1906, It is alleged In the me know anything about it. They us that he has reduced the amoiints persons who bought property at complaint that about three month» lost my service record, and that is in lbe county officers salary bill to: Bayocean. But there is this much to after their marriage defendant be­ the reason I don't get paid. The pres­ County Clerk, 32,000; Judge, 32.000, I be said about the delinquent tuxes gan a course of cruel and inhuman ident has one service record of me, so Assessor, 31,800; Sheriff 32,100; ion Garibaldi beach. It is proposed treatment and personal indignities, I guess I will get it. I am not with School Superintendent, 31,600. This that that beach be made a part of also treated the children in a cruel .the engineers any more. I got gassed makes an increase of 32,500, and this the highway through the county, a manner. On the 19th of p * February, an