HcaÙlHjljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 13, 1919. Berkshire pure bred Wanted,, to rent, a dairy farm,, in­ . Iowa and Minnesota, while we have tie blew a number of the men re­ TILLAMOOK HAS STRIKE. pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. cluding livestock of about fifty milk in the same territory a freight rate fused to resume their work in the ------ o------ E. Williams, Mutual Phone, • cows for one or more years. If possi­ [of 55c. to 60c. This handicap In lower part of the mill and went out Men at the Coats Lumber Co. ’ s Saw Live Stock Ins.,—See Watson. freight rates is a hard problem, but on a strike. I don’t disapprove of a For sale, a few Brown Leghorn ble not too far off from the coast. Mill Are Out. Apply to Alfred Hlrsig, 246 Salmon it wouldn't be so bad if the yellow labor organization if it is conducted cockerels, thorough bredB. $1.50 each W. A. Wise, dentist. 4* W. Stuivenga, Tillamook. Oregon. * St. Portland, Oregon. When the Loyal Legion of Loggers pine mills were running eight hours in the right way.” Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. Tillamook has an auto top and and Lumbermen was formed in this and paying the same wages as we are The A. F. Coats Lumber Company ♦ Sutton pays 27c. for calf hides. in rear of city after the United States declared today. This is the sole reason why we Tillamook Cheese Win Prizes. closed the deal for the purchase of harness repair shop o------ building opposite post office. Auto war on Germany, it was predicted are having difficulty in operating Let W. A. Church write your insur­ the Hobsonville mill, and have taken our plants and this is also the reason tops, curtains and cushions repaired that at the close of hostilities an ef- At the Western Dairy Products ance. • possession of the property. and waterproofed, harness repaired. fort would be made to unionize all why there are so many logging Show held in Idaho, when eleven For sale at a bargain 4 h.p. Fair­ Both phones, Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough • the logging camps and sawmills on camps and sawmills closed down in states competed for the prizes for bank A Morse gasoline engine in Oregon. It iB not a question of an Co. * Why pay four or five hundred dol­ the Pacific Coast. This seems to have eight or ten hour day. The mills cheese, Cloverdale won first prize good order. W. D. Shafer, Rockaway, proved true, for an effort was made lars for dairy land without improve­ Spend your evenings at the Gem Oregon, • have an overproduction of lumber with 96 points and South Prairie “leatre. • ments when you can get as good soil to unionize the saw mill of the A. F. and the eight hour day is one way of second with 95H points. Theatre. For Sale, two 2 year old heifers, Coats Lumber Co. in thig city last decreasing the cut. Don’t fail to see the farm tank at will calve about April 1st. H. A. with improvements for >300.00 per week. acre.—See C. W. Miller about this "We are not members of the Four Cheeie Drops 1314c. Per Pound. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • Springer, half mile south of Tllla- proposition. The mill company had recently • L ’ s and we are not going to be dic- ------ o------ mook. started work after being closed down Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. tated to by any committees of that Telegrams from Plymouth, Wls., since last November, with the object We have a number of vacant build ­ Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. • For sale—Dairy ranch, will carry organization. I might suggest that show that the Eastern cheese mar­ ing lots for sale from >200 and up. of providing work for those out of Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale 50 to 60 cows.—Inquire of C. W. Almost any desired location. With or employment, at a time when the this mill will start up again and ket took a big slump since the com­ Miller at A. F. Coats Lumber office, when it does there will be no dicta­ mencement of the year, the decline office Saturday, Feb. 15th. Tillamook, Oregon. • without paving. Terms can be bad lumber market did not justify the tion of any committees of labor from being 13He. per lb, as will be seen on most of these and we will take company starting up, but to set busi­ Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ Disinfect your home with B—K. to­ your Liberty Bonds. See Watson. • ness in motion decided to take chanc­ this plant. This plant will be run by from the following quotations: ware.—R. W. Bennett. • the officers of the Coats Lumber Co., December 30—Horns, 36c; daisies. Pianos and tuning. H. F. Cook, day and make yourself safe from The Tillamook County Creamery es of losing money on account of the and any men that were unfortunate 3SHc.; twins, 35c. deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen ­ unsettled condition of the lumber Tillamook. Phone 72-W. enough to be misled will perhaps bender, both phones. • Company will hold its annual meet­ market. January 27—Horns, 28c.; daisies. ing next Monday. It will be an impor­ find a hard time getting back on the 29c.; twins, 28He. Why not place your feed orders for W. D. Smith, who is a member of Orchards and hedges and all kinds tant meeting for there appears to be job. Might suggest that a great the future with Kuppenbender. • February 10—Horns, 22 fcc.; of shubbery trimmed, Good job a disposition to replace Carl Haber- the Electrical Workers Union of Ore­ many of the men are coming back to gon City, was in the city to re-or- us, stating that they were misled daisies, 22 He.; twins, 22c. Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler guaranteed. Charles Scnrader, 9tii lach as secretary-salesman. ganize the Loyal Legion of Loggers office Saturday, February 22. Ave and 6th Street. • The tug ulenor, of Coos Bay, came and Lumbermen, and he gave the and they positively refuse to have For sab Eight spring calves. Tillamook County Bank vs. Frank in on Friday to tow the new Ferris impression that the Four L’s was a anything to do with the Four L or­ Annual Meeting Tillamook Cow Write to Box 38, Woods, Ore. Testing Association. L. Kinsman and Guy Roberts is a steamer Bigloe to Astoria. The tug is kind of co-operative association in ganization. In some territories where Onion sets at C. O. & C. M. Daw- suit filed in the circuit court to re- still in the bay and the Bigloe is which the employees’ and employers the Four L’s have been organized, The anuual meeting of the cover $5,500.00. son’s. anchored off Hobsonville waiting un­ were members. He succeeded in get­ the radicals have got a hold of the mook Cow Testing Association Tilla- will Four L ’ s and piade a union of it. Washington’s and Lincoln’s birth­ till the bar will permit the vessels ting most of the employees of the Take, for instance, the city of Marsh­ be held on Saturday, February 15th, Will buy your calf hideB, 27 cents getting out. [saw mill together and organized with days will be observed in this city cash at TiUamook Meat Co. field. The Four L’s were organized at 1:30 in the afternoon at the Till­ I Carl Peterson, chairman and first and the I. W. W. stepped in and took amook City Hall. A full attendance one week from Saturday. See pro­ In regard to the contract for the 1 Tillamook Meat Company will pay gram in our next issue. Grand Ronde road,, 4.1 miles of member of the conference and griev­ over the organization. We don’t of all members is desired and all 27 cents cash for your calf hides. ance committee; Dick Buttz and For Sale—A small dairy ranch, one which was let last wAek. the re- Fred Fessenden the other members want a repetition of this in our others who are interested in the Wanted—Second hand gasoline mile north of Tillamook on WilBon maining 2 *4 miles is now ready to I be county of Tillamook, or in our city. work of the Association are invited of the committee. J. H. Moore was We don’t want to be dragged into to attend. drag saw. Inquire at this office. river. Inquire on premises. H. F. let. the government paying part of the money, .that part of the road be­ elected secretary. Remember, Saturday, the 15th, at anything that will reflect on our city Alfalfa hay, quality guaranteed at Stafford. On Monday morning the men were or county. I might state that the the City Hall. ing in the reserve. lowest prices. Tillamook Feed Co. * Suttons' market has located oppo­ on hand when the whistle blew to go company is going to pay all the wag­ Dave Fitzpatrick, Sec. Figure this out on a $16 tire. 16 to work, but they did not do so, and We handle Trojan Powder. Best for site Dawson’s store. We handle fresh es it can afford to pay, but will not percent premium $1.69; on a $20, ■tumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * and cured meats. Your patronage so­ $2.00 premium; on $30, $3.00 prem­ realizing the situation the officers operate their plant at a loss and the Fashionable Girl’s School .In Metro licited. • of the company decided to close down You get 27c. for your calf hides by ium; on $40, a $4 premium. Given and since then quite a number of the plant will be run strictly by the of­ Play at the Gem. For Sale — any one wanting young ficers of the corporation and not run taking them to Sutton's Market. * from our line of Gasoline, oils, grease pigs, six to eight weeks old, write. or tir* eccessories. This is a cooper­ men have gone to the company and by any organization.” An original and charming scene, Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend­ Wilbur Kirk, Hillsboro, Ore. Route 1 signified their intention of with­ ------ o------ ative or a profit saving plan at the drawing from the Four L’s. a graduating day at a girl’s school, er Warehouse. • box 3. Tillamook Tire Co., E. F. Rogers, will be one of the attractive features C. M. Thomas Interviewed. W. D. Smith came in on Wednes­ For Sharpies Mechanical Milkers z Governor Withycombe appointed Mgr. in "The Return of Mary” the Metro The following interview with C. day and met the men at the city hall see R. F. Zachman, Tillamook. * H. H. Rosenberg as a delegate to the M. Thomas, one of the employees production in which beautiful May Henry Helsel, who was employed I that evening. Play safe and insure your live- League of Nations meeting in Port­ in clerical work under the Govern- ! There will be a new crew in i the who remained in the employ of the Allison is starred and which will be land on Sunday. stock—See Watson. ment at Eugene, was discharged at | city next Monday and the mill I will Coats Lumber Company, is herewith shown at the Gem Theatre Saturday night, February 15th. submitted: For sale—2 mares, one ten years Camp LewiB. He returned home last , start up again on Tuesday. R. W. Bennett, expert watch r«- Not only was the scene taken in an approached by Mr. “ I was first week bringing a wife with him, a j old, one coming three years, no pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. exclusive girls' school In San Bernar­ Smith, the organizer, of Oregon City, young lady from Eugene. Henry has refused.—Ike For fresh and cured meats call reasonable offered Statement by 0. A. Schultz. about quitting time and informed dina, California, but a score or more resumed his position at the First Quick, Mutual Phone. • Sutton's Markets Both phoned. "■fhere was an organizer that ettmk" that there was going to ba a Four of the young girls, daughters of tam­ National Bank and received many here, a man by the name of Smith, L meeting at the City Hall that ules of wealth and prominence in the There are just two kinds of Milk­ congratulations. Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms representing the Four L’s and I ask­ evening. In reply to which, I said, west, were allowed by the principal 205-206 Tillamook Building. * ers—Sharpies and all others, Sharp­ To be sure you have a place to live ' ed him to show his credentials, which "I thought the government had drop­ of the Hchool which was appropriate­ ies will do all that other Milkers do, One lot and small house for sale, plus the "Upward Squeeze.” * buy a home today. Never has the de- , he did, and I asked him what the but­ ped the Four L,” but Smith Haid the ly decorated with several hundred >550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. • mand for houses been so great. Prop- [ The Tillamook City War Saving erties are selling every day but bar- 1 ton pinned on his vest stood for, and men were going to keep it up and yards of bunting, seventy-five U, S. We buy and sell second hand autos. Society will liold a meeting in the gains are not all gone yet. Some of 1 he said he was a member of the I said, "What in h— good has it ever shields, two hundred potted palms Worker’s Union of Oregon and plants besides bushels of freshly Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* council chamber at the City Hall, the best buys were listed today for , Electrical _ This man, to my knowledge, done?” and Smith said it was in cut roses and other flowers from the City. shape to do us some good now. I Obtain your wood from the Tilla­ Friday evening at 7:30. quick sale. A payment down, balance j ,____ neVer worked in _____ a saw r mill or log­ didn’t go up to the meeting. They gardens surrounding the school. It ______ ... mook Transfer Co., Liberty Temple.* Before buying your auto tires, in­ monthly, places you in a home of[gjng camp. He also told me that he organized and asked me to join and was such an unusual event in the .your own. See Everson at once. * I was a Democrat. I told him that we For bargairs in second hand auto­ vestigate the Republic Standard five I told them to wait a while. Joe even life of the school that a holiday thousand mile guarantee, price right Sheriff Campbell has started a don’t care to be members of the Four Moore, my planer boss, came around was declared. mobiles go to Case’s Garage. at Tillamook Feed Co. * ’drive to collect about $400,000 and L's and requested him to be kind with at card later on and said, If you want an early garden buy those who do not pay up will be enough not to organize our crew, as "Here’s a card” and put it in my Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms Knights of Pythias Attention. Lilly’s seeds from us.—C. O. & C. M. placed on the slackers’ list. The it took two parties to form an agree­ coat pocket and told me to fill it out 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office ----- o----- Dawson. 1 * hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun- slackers’ list for 1917 taxes is now ment. He disregarded my instruc­ and pay membership fee Saturday, The Supreme Chancellor Knights Every Dairyman in Tillamook days by appointment. posted at the court house and there tions to him and the very same but I didn’t fill it out. of Pythias, has issued a proclamation county should have his live stock in­ are a whole lot of them. Those who night called a meeting for the pur­ I understood the object of the or­ designating the third week in Feb­ The president promised daily pub- pose of organizing the Four L ’ s, and sured. See Watson. * do not want to get on the slackers’ ganization was to form some kind of licity of the peace proceedings, But on Saturday, the Sth, they had four- a Union to hold wages up. That was ruary as "Anniversary Week” to Mrs. W. H. Fisk and daughter nobody in the United States appears list are now invited' to pay their i teen men signed up in the Four L what they professed to me they celebrate the fifty-fifth anniversary Doxine are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. to know what is going on at the tuxes for 1918. of the order, and requesting all sub­ organization. I went to Mr. Joe Wise, her parents. Married February 6th, John E. I Moore, who was the secretary of the would do. They told me that we ordinate lodges to see that this occa­ peace conference. would be working for $2.00 a day sion is fittingly observed. In compli­ Jensen, of Portland, Ore., and Miss Read our big advertisement on Have a quantity of seed potatoes. Anna C. Glad, of Tillamook. The Four L’s. 1 might state that this man I right now if it wasn’t for the Four another page. See Watson for your Earliest of AU. for which I am taking is a Russian by birth and has been in 'L’s I told them I was getting $4 a ance with this proclamation, Mara­ thon Lodge No. 89, have made ar­ insurance protection. * orders at >2.50 per hundred. Mutual ceremony was performed by Rev. this country less than eight years Harry E. Tucker at the Christian and is not a citizen of the United day for feeding sizer and was satls- rangements to have anniversary ser­ Small herd of dry cows for sale, all Phone. A. T. Blackburn, P. O. Ad­ Church parsonage. The ring ce re­ fled. vices at the Presbyterian church, * mony was used. The groom is an States. This man was put in secre­ coming fresh. Herman Thun, Blaine, dress Hemlock, Ore. Membership cards read that the Sunday evening, February 16. Rev. tary of the organization, for what 3* Oregon. When you want eggs for breeding electrical engineer in the services of reason 1 do not know. Possibly he is employers are a party to the agree- Hickerson, of Bay City, assisted by Rev. Gibson, will conduct the ser­ Mrs. C. J. Edwards had an attack purposes, baby chicks or chickens, his country. The bride is the daugh­ a union man belonging to the Cook’s ment. I was afterwards told that If I vice. It is the duty of every Knight to of the flu in Portland, but Is report- call upon or write John Hofman, ter of Nels Glad, a prosperous ranch­ and Walter’s Union. I immediately didn’t join I wouldn't be able to get Tillamook, Oregon., Have 20 variet­ er of Tillamook. ed better, tv told the secretary that I wanted him a job, as the Four L’s would carry attend this service, and bring your ies of poultry. * friends. I earnestly request that all to cease soliciting members for the Died on Tuesday of last week, J. H. Washington’s birthday, February the whole Coast and I would have to Knights, and those who have taken Dr. Wise can be found at his Tilla­ Battey, at the home of his daughter, Four L’s, which he agreed, Saturday, quit sawmilling on account of scab­ the first and second rank meet at 22nd being a legal holiday, both mook office across the street from Mrs. A. T. Blackburn of Pleasant at 5 o'clock he would do. Immediate­ bing. I said maybe so, .but I think it the Castle Hall promptly at 7:30 banks in this city will be closed. ly be turned around and worked Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. First the court house, Mondays, Tuesdays Valley, where the religious services tooth and nail Saturday night, all the Company should think it was all Sunday evening, this is necessary so Wednesdays and Thursdays until were held. The remains were taken to right and go Into it I didn't think National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., further notice. • Portland and buried in the River­ day Sunday, and Monday morning, they would fire me anyway, even if that we may reach the church at 8 In Dr. Alien’s office. * inducing the men to Join the Four I had scabbed, in reply to which o’clock and not delay the service. Coffee advanced recently and fur­ view Cemetary on Saturday last. A. C. Everson, who was on the fed­ ther advances are looked for any day. The deceased was born in Vermont, L’s, which I think is contrary to the they said that if I wasn’t fired under Bring your badge. Those who do not have a badge can secure one at the laws of Oregon. 1 asked Mr. Smith eral jury, was discharged and re­ You can save money by buying a and went to Iowa when 18 years of the organizers of the Four L’s, what those conditions they would all walk hall. Don’t forget to bring your turned to the city on Friday. age. He moved to Oregon in 1892, out. two or three month’s supply.—C. O. friends. making his home with M(. and Mrs. his reason was for organizing the ------ o------ Very desirable apartments for rent & C. M. Dawson. W.*T. Oatbout, .Chancel­ Four L ’ s. He stated it was for the A. T. Blackburn of tbiB county. He above the Gem Theatre. See A. C. lor Commander. sole purpose of maintaining the James Walker Interviewed The best is the cheapest in the end. was 82 years of age.. Everson. eight hour day that is now in effect. James Walker, another employee of Sharpies Milkers have proven them­ No, we are not dead yet! We have I asked Mr. Smith if there was any the Coats Lumber Co., was also in­ The Sharpies Milker Js the fastest selves an absolute success, for six Fathen and Sons. and most efficient milker in the years in Tillamook County. Why been doing business in Tiilaipook question about wages. He said there terviewed and had the following to ----- o—— world. • spend your mdhey on experiments. • County for nearly 20 years—here’s was slightly. He said the common Bay In regard to the disturbance at About 100 answered the announce­ hoping the Good Lord will let us con­ help was not getting enough and we ment which was made from the pul- * Tarpaulfae—Any alas—made to The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ tinue to do business in Tillamook should reduce the wages of the the "I mill: was approached by the secretary pit of the Christian Church last Sun­ order, at the Auto Top Shop. Side chine Agency is now permanently lo­ for the next 20 years. We want your skilled help and raise the wages of to be a member of the Four L's, day, inviting the men and boys to a entrance-opposite. P. O. J-l. cated opposite the post office, where business for every business man the common help. which he said was to be revived up­ “Fathers and Sons” banquet to be monthly payments may be made and Let B--K be your disinfectant. It is knows that he must have business or “I told Mr. Smith that wasn’t it a * quit business. Our business is to pro­ fact that if he wanted to do some­ on the mutual agreement of the em­ given Wednesday evening In the din­ safe, clean and powerful. For sale at supplies ordered. Both Phones. ployers as well as the emplayee. It ing room of the church. If you missed • the Kuppenbender Warehouse. For sale cheap. Empire Milker, tect your business and give you thing to help the laboring people of was represented to ms, in order to it, you missed it. The women of the The city schools were resumed on used only short time. Two Double every facility and service of this of- the Pacific Coast, that if President induce me to join, that there would church furnished the banquet and Monday, with a good attendance of Units with new heads and Pulsators, : fice.—Rollie W. Watson. All kinds of Wilson would send the delegates that be no disturbance of the wage scale the "Boys and Men” knew how to pump, tank, piping, etc. Apply at this I insurance protection—No Mutuals are now going around organizing as long as the men were satisfied. show their appreciation by eating a ...... • the different crews, if I t hey were After joining I found out that the plenty. Thanks to the good women, • 'or assessments. Lht wour gf-dtorker on the farm be office. sent down South in the yellow pine mill company were not concurring the fcleveKrtd *tctor. On display at A success requires no improvement. No, we are not cutting the price of district, organizing the crews down in the movement and that they were The following program was render­ ed. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Sharpies Milkers have not been [tires, neither are we selling second there, so as to put the mills and trying to force upon the mill com­ Prayer, Erwin Harrison; they i grade good*. We are giving our changed in construction since logging camps from an i eleven hour pany an organization of the Four L's "Lincoln as a Father”—Prof White; Mrs. A. Edmunds was in Port­ land this week and registered at the came on the market, A success from I customers a 10 per cent premium on basis to an eight hour day at the without the consent of the company. "The Kind of Father I Admire” Ira all makes of tires in stock. We have same pay that we are paying, that the start. Hotel Portland. For this reason I withdrew and re­ G. Lance; .on hand. Diamond. Amazon, Fisk, we could well afford to pay more The W. R. C. will meet this (Thurs ­ quested my membership fee returned. "My Kind of Boy,”—C. O. Dawson. Just received a car of mill feed at I Republic, Boon, Standard Four, money than we are today. The trou­ the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices day) evening Feb. 15th, at the K. P. United 8tates, Congress and Fire­ ble with us fellows out here today, The secretary promised to return the "Lincoln,”—Dr. R. T. Boals; hall. All members are cordially invit ­ fee, but up to this time 1 have not "The Kind of Boy I Admire”—B. J. are lowest. • ed to come and also bring a basket of stone. all of wbleh are standard we cannot break even operating our received same.” Simpson, Bay City; makes and every tire is guaranteed Tuesday, February 18, at the Gem cake and sandwiches. plants, for the sole reason the yellow When asked how long Mr. Walker Music by Lee Doty and Mr. Carroll. fit your car and we make good. Can Theatre, “The Firefly of France,” an pine mills will operate ten and Lester B. Edwards. of Sandlake, in every size, from 28x3 to 36x4 ft, eleven hours and the root of the evil had been with the company he re­ Henry Crenshaw acted as chairman. interesting picture of the war. plied "five years next May." "Have The speeches were forceful and and Miss Alice Hunt, of Portland, of the standard sizes. If you bare a Have you been in the new meat Oregon, were united in marriage at standard make of tire that is not rests in the ecAith. Furthermore, the your relations with the company well received by all. We are glad that market across the street from Daw­ the Nazarene parsonage on Wednes­ making good we can make you a fair southern pine mills have from 28c. been agreeable all this time?" He we have such splendid talent in our community. The boys say. "let these son’s etore. They have the best meats day evening, February 12. They will adjustment on it—Tillamook Tire Co. to a 33c. freight rate in the states of replied "They have." Missouri, Kansas, part of Nebraska, • reside at Sandlake. "Monday morning when the whls- occasions come often.” So mote it be. they can get. Give them a call. E. F. Rogers, Mggr. Tillamook Jottings