Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 06, 1919, Image 7

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A World-Wide Impulse to Favor
Products of Home Industry.
The Legislature of Victoria, Aus­
tralia, has enacted that all goods of­
fered for sale in that* state must be
plainly marked with the name of .1 e
country of their origin. It is 1:: ' !y
probable that other States of t.i .t
common-wealth have similar hr. s,
which in fact, tend to be cnaeteu iu
al) countries.
The cable report states that the
immediate purpose of this law is to
prevent German goods from being
imported and fraudulently marked
"Made in Australia." Very likely it
was, for there is a general determina­
tion in all the countries which have
been most actively engaged in the
the war to boycott all German made
goods, even if the profits on them are
necessary to enable Germany to pay
us all what she owes us. That is nat­
ural, and the feeling will prevail for
a long time, as there is a growing
disposition to hold the German peo­
ple as a whole responsible for the
war, which was undoubtedly popular
among the
German masses so
long as it was supposed that it would
result in a complete and speedy Ger­
man victory. The worst atrocities
committed had no rebuke from any
important German souroe.
Nevertheless, it is not wise to en-
act economic legislation under the
impulse of national bate or prejudice
and it would be easy to cite exam­
ples where that has occurred without
the provocation of war.
But in general the desire to en­
courage home Industry is not natur­
al but economically sound, so long as
it does not involve something unreas­
onable. For example, it is probably
only from the standpoint of the nat­
ional defense that we are justified in
making ourselves wholly independ­
ent of German for our supply of pot­
ash. So far as can now be seen it
must decidedly Increase the cost of
fertilizers, which, in turn, will tend
to reduce the quality and increase
the price of our food products.
But, within reason, it pays to en­
courage home industry by giving
preference to home made products.
To manufacture where the raw ma­
terials saves unnecessary transporta­
tion and trade, which are wastes,
minimizes the evils of unduly con­
gested population centers, which
must be fed at the cost of unneces­
sary transportation—also waste—
increase production, reduces home
prices and avoids the migration of ef­
fectives for the purpose of finding
had seen as a boy on the grave of one
of Nelson’s captains the epitaph.
"Death found him fighting”—and
the words had haunted him. Full of
the Nelsonic spirit, and thinking
only of England, he went up to the
Admiralty to fight, knowing that he
would have to fight, and prepared to
die fighting. In that great fight of
his he saved the world.
That the world may have forgotten
him does not bother either his heart
or his head. He goes on his way, vig-
orous, upright, dynamic, i sunning
over with cheerfulness, and more in
love than ever with numerous host
ot nephews and nieces. He reads the
Bible, sees gladly that Democracy is
at last on the march, and occasional­
ly wonders as he cocks his legs up on
a chair how long it will be before he
and Nelson sit down to sing an old
sea-chanty together in some snug
parlor of the many mansions.
While these two great Admirals
sing together we shall be sleeping
safely in our beds. The seas are tree
and the broomstick is unbroken. God
bless John Fisher.
His Way of Explaining.
Nipp—That girl has a waist like a
wasp. Tuck—Yes, and it takes a lot
ot experience to tool with it without
getting stung.—Town Topics.
------- o-------
Those Ear Wads.
“Why do the girls cover their ears?’
. “Dunuo. they needn't do it on my
account. I'm not making any re-
; marks ’
For Doc’s Work.
A famous British admiral i w as com-
plimeuted on his suburb health. “I
attribute it,” he said, "to plenty of
exercise and no banquets. Une-luirU
ot what we eat enables us to live.”
“What becomes ot the other two-
thirds?” asked his friend jestingly.
“Uh that enables the doctor to live,”
was the prompt reply.
------ o
One evening when little Mary had
fractured one of the rules governing
table behavior she was removed from
the family board and made to eat
her dinner at a little table in a cor­
ner. Her presence was ignored by the
other members ot the family. Alter a
period of silence the family heard
1 iter giving thanks. 'I thank thee.
' Lord, tor preparing for me a table
' in the presence ot mine enemies.”
------- Q-------
An American officer, who ha« re-
cently returned to his home in Win­
sted, Conn., has told of a letter he
censored for a Texas soldier in
AY your smoketaste
France to bls mother breaking the
flush up against a
news of his brother’s death. The let-
listening post—and you’ll
ter read as follows: “Dear ma, you
------ 0------
needn’t bother to write to Ed any
get the Prince Albert call, all right!
more as he got bumped off yester­
A couple ot noys stood watching a
You’ll hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and
fractious horse snort its disapproval
R. J. Reynold*
so much tobacco joy out of every
Tobacco Co.
ot an approaching motor car. “What
you’ll wish you had been bom
Huge Profit on Flour.
makes a horse do that when he sees
-------o — ■
twins! For, Prince Albert puts over a turn
a motor car?" asked one. The other
A sack of flour sold for *134,512.-;
: replied, "Its this way. Horses is used
new to every man fond of a pipe or a home
84. John D. McGllvray, potentate of
to see other horses pull carts, and
made cigarette. It wins your glad hand com­
Islam temple, San Francisco, an­
they don't know what to think of
nounced recently, making advices
pletely. That’s because it has the quality!
carts going along without a horse. If
from North Carolina, where shrlners
you saw a pair of trousers walking
And, right behind this quality flavor and quality fra­
at Sudan temple, New Bern, held
down the street without a man in
the twenty-sixth sale of the Shrin-
grance is Prince Albert’s freedom from bite and parch
ers’ Red Cross sack of flour,
which is cut out by our exclusive patented process.
------- o-------
All proceeds of the sale go to the
We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip—jimmy
American Red Cross. Started from I
Letter From The Dead.
In a small village in Ireland
San Francisco by Clarence E. Pratt,
pipe or makin’s cigarette—without a comeback I
historian of the temple, the sack has mother ot a soldier met the village
Toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome pound and
been sold in Honolulu and 15 states priest, who asked her if she had had
half pound tin humidors—and—that clever, practical
since May 1917. It is now on its way news, ‘Sure I have,' she said. "Pat
pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener
to San Francisco, where it will be has been killed." "Oh, 1 am very sor­
top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition.
sold again at a big "victory cere­ ry,” said the priest. "Did you receive
Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. Q
monial" to be held by Islam Temple. word from the War Office?" "No”
Shrlners of Helena, Mont., covered she said, “1 received work front him­
the sack with a bear skin and Butte self.” The priest looked perplexed,
5î5B5B525asa52S25BSHS2SE5clSBSE5aS2S252Sa52S2SESH525ïïïHSH5HSES2SB5252Sa !
added a copper band and fez.
and said, “ But how is that?" "Sure”
Notice of Final Settlement.
she said, "here is the letter; read it
Notice is hereby given by the un­
for yourself.” The letter said "Dear
Germany’s Terrible Debt.
Mother, 1 am now in the Holy Land." dersigned, the executrix of tile last
will and testament of John Neiger,
Before the war the estimated
------- o-------
deceased. has filed In the County
wealth of Germany was between *75-
The Difference.
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
000,000,000 and 1100,000,000,000.
In a certain Western city where her final account with said estate
Germany’s debt today to the allies
is *120,000,000,000. Consequently, if the alien population is unusually and the said court has fixed the 7 th
the entire wealth of Germany were large a candidate for a municipal of­ day of February, 1919, at the hour
taken, there would not be sufficient fice was obliged to apply for natur­ of 10 o'clock a.m. of said day and
How It Saved the World—Tribute to to pay its debt to the allies. Lloyd alization papers before his name date at the county court room in the
George has said that the claims of could go on the ballot. The court county court house in Tillamook City,
Lord Fiiher.
the allies must come ahead of the asked him the usual budget of ques­ Oregon, as the time and place for the
------- o-------
tions, the answers to which he had hearing of objections thereto if any,
German war debt.
The world agrees today that civili­
How much would you give for some obviously learned before hand, and and for the final settlement thereof.
sation has been saved by the British
German government bonds? And yet then he was asked the difference be­ Dated this 6th day of January, 1919.
■avy, for without
what Cromwell
Barbara Neiger, execu­
one New York Life Insurance Com­ tween the power and prerogatives of
termed ‘Brittan's Broomstick” noth­
trix of the last will and
pany, at the close of the year 1917. the King of England and the Presi­
ing could have defeuted Germany’s
Camouflaged German Toys.
testament of John Neig­
dent of the United States. The can­
Ornamental Fire Places Built
ambitious scheme of world-domina­ held German, Austrian and Russian didate pondered a minute and then
o -
of Brick and Stone, All Fire
bonds in the sum of *57,000,000.
replied: 'The king has a steady job.”
Places absolutely guaranteed
In an article in the Daily Chronicle
not to smoke or money re­
------- o-------
Notice of Final Settlement.
cently to the effect that thousands
Mr. Harold Bigble tells, for the iirst
------- o-------
The dairymen of this county, no
time, something of the navul revolu­
Brick work of all kinds done
Notice is hereby given by the un-
tion which was wrought by the gen­ doubt, have Been what is being done
Mrs. Hicks was so painfully neat dersigned. the administrator of the likely to be sent into this country
on short notice.
to the butter market by the special
ius of Lord Fisher—the one man in
We make a specialty of re­
interests, who have forced the price that she made life miserable for her estate of Sophia Severance deceased, ¡with the "Mede in Germany" left off,
pairing smoking Fire Places.
Kngiand whom the Kaiser nuid he
family. One of her rules was that has filed in the County Court of Till­
but with the profit going into Ger­
and much lower prcces are expect­ all members of the household must amook County, Oregon, his final ac­ man hands just the same,, brought
As a result of this revolution, says
remove their shoes before entering count with said estate and that the
ed the next two months. The same
forth the statement from the local I
Mr. Begbie, the many millions of
interests would do the same thing the house. "Bill”, she remonstrated said Court has fixed the 7th day of customs officials that special care
Prussia's hosts have been stricken in­
February, 1919, ,at the hour of 10 would be taken with a view to de­
with cheese, and will probably make
to paralysis "the brain of the min­
an effort In that difection, but the a grease spot on one of the dining­ o'clock a.m. ot said day and date at tecting any such attempt. Expert toy
now lius broken the heart of the mas-
the County Court room in the County examiners at the United States Ap­
strong co-operative association in
this county will, it is to be hoped, those pants you wear in the shop.” Court House in Tillamook City, Ore­ praiser’s Store in this and other
When the history of those times is
A brief silence ensued, then a volcan­ gon as the time and place for the
frustrate their designs.
written Fisher will be seen as a
ic eruption. "Well. Mary, for the last hearing of objections thereto if any, cities are prepared to thoroughly in­
greater than Nelson. He created the
fifteen years I have listen off my and for the final settlement thereof. vestigate suspicious shipments and
modern navy. And he forestalled the
shoes every time 1 come into the Dated this 6th day of January. 1919. the chances are that these toys would
Immigration After the War.
never go into the commerce of the
Germans at every turn of the game,
house, but I'll be hanged if I’ll go
------ o-------
M. W. Harrison,, Admin­
country.—N. Y. Daily News Record.
lie had vision, he hud courage, he
Statistics of immigration just pub­ further.”
istrator of the Estate of
had faith. His soul was baptised with lished by the federal department of
------ o------
Sophia Severance,, de­
the sea service
of Englund by the labor and the bureau of immigration
One On The Other.
Nelson touch.
contain no surprises. During the war
A persistent lady had buttonholed
Where should we be now if the immigration into this countdy de­
Notice of Administratrix Sale. I
fleet hud been drilling ull these years clined steadily and rapidly, as com­ General Crowder and insisted on
What Doctor Pierce Has
tn the Mediterranean, und brass­ petent students of the question ex­ talking about the war. "But we can’t
Done For Humanity t
work hud been exulted above gun­ pected it would. In the two months talk about it.” insisted Crowder,
"You don't know enough about mill­ dersigned administratrix will sell at I
ot July and August, 1918, only 15.-
He hates wur. He says thut he 500 arrived, ugainst 50,000 for the tary matters. In fact, begging your private sale from and after the 15th I
It has always seemed to me that
cannot now wulk the streets without same months in 1916. From April 1, pardon, you remind me of a you.i? day of February. 1919, the following Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., should be
bitterness of heart, seeing so many 1917, to September 30, 1918, a total ludy who came to me one day and described real property, situate in
placed near the top when a list of
military men hobbling along under of 178.362 arrived at and 123.676 said: 'Oh. general. Just think, my Tillamook County. Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots 3 and 4 of Block 8 in Jane America’s great benefactors is written.
God's sky.
departed from our ports, so that
He studied and conquered human dis­
"We’re still a nation of lions led by during this period of the lowest ebb now he's a field marshall’ 'A field Fuller's Addition to the town ot Bay
Electricity’s latest gift to
marshal in two months, from a pri­ City, in Tillamook County, Oregon, eases to a degree that few realise.
Wealth Is in our war. und was reached.
according to the recorded plat there­ Whenever he found a remedy that over­
the housewife—greatest
rank and pride, und vain glory.
In the last four yeurs the new ar­
came disease, he at once announced it
since the electric iron
Away with all snobs! Every child In rivals came almost entirely from 'Did I say field marshal,' murmured
Said sale will be made for cash in the newspapers and told where it
and electric vacuum
the hation must have a chance, The Great Britlun. Ireland. Italy and the the girl. 'Well, perhaps it was court
and will be subject to confirmation could be bought at a small price. He
best is kept baek or hindered or SUf- Scandinavian countries.
Economic martial, 1 know it was one of the
by the County Court of Tillamook did not follow the usual custom of
located under the mass. What we and military conditions in Europe other.’ '
County. Oregon, and blds will be re­ keeping the ingredients secret, so that
want ure brains—brains at the top. naturally enough account for this
ceived either at the residence of the the rich only could afford to buy the
Never mind about blue blood. Bruins fact.
A Little Mistake.
undersigned or at the office of H. T. medicine, but openly printed the name
•re England's need. And we can’t
But. while the past can be explain­
Botts, attorney at law. both In Tilla­ of each root and herb be used. And
have too many of them. A straight ed without difficulty, the future of Since Gladys took to gardening
And wields the rake and hoe,
mook City, Oregon. This sale is made so to-day the names of Dr. Pierce and
S ewing M achine
road for brains, that's my policy.
the tides of migration is a matter of
in pursuance of the order of the his medicines are widely known, and
“When Englund Is a real democ­ much anxiety and speculation. What She wears a pair ot overalls
Just like her brother Joe.
County Court in Tillamook County. they stand for better health and better
racy there'll be nothing like her un­ will happen to immigration after the
treadle pushing — no
der heaveu, and then everybody’ll peace treaty Is signed and shipping And with her rakish panama
She is a picture that
Dated this 1th day of January, 1919.
more backache—a little
see that we are the Lost Tribes of is freed from restrictions? Will the
One of thia great physician’s most
Catherine A. Long
electric motor does the
laiuel. Of course we are! 'God and the United States be threatened with u Whenever I behold her makes
Administratrix de bonis
Ocean, and some fostering Star, In human flood, as many fear, or will j My heart go pit-a-pat.
hard work.
Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. These are
of the Estate of Mina J.
high cabal, have made us what we it lose more workers that it will be Last night beneath the silver moon
little, sugar-coated pills, composed of
A foot control gives any
Campbell, deceased.
I stole upon her where
asked to admit? Is legislation ad­
Mayapple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap­
speed desired.
It Is fitting with this man, enter­ visable to restrict immigration fur­ She weeded the potato patch
things that Nature grows in the ground.
ing the British Navy as a little boy ther and thus prevent an acute un­ I With slow and patient care.
These Pellets are safe because they
The entire machine in
from a long line of parsonic ances­ employment crisis. Would It be wise II clasped her in tny arms and took
move the bowels gently, leaving no bad
its case can be carried
tors, should have signed his name, and fair to suspend Immigration al­
A kiss and then another
after-effects, as so many pills do.
■ny where—it’s no larger
Before I saw that it was not
John Arbuthnot Fisher, In Nelson's together tor two or three years?
Very often they make a person who
------- o-------
than a typewriter.
Victory, should have been nominated Chicago Daily News.
My Gladys, but her brother.
takes them feel like * new mA or
for tlie Royal Navy by two ladies
Ask for a demonstra
woman, for they cleanse the intestines
related to two of Nelson’s captains,
A simple way to establish between
We are the apostles of publicity, all
of hard, decayed and poisonous matter
•nd should have served under cup­ refined poisonous wood alcohol and
right, being the only nation in the
Send ns yonr Bonds by registered, that accumulates when one is costive.
tain Parker, the last of these noble denatured alcohol is easy: Place a
world that hid its war casualties
letter and receive highest market If you are constipated, by all means
thin piece of celluloid in a vial of from the people so successfully that
to yonr druggist and get some of
Linki With Nelson.
wood alcohol, and It will quickly dis­ up to the very moment the total was
price by return mail.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets
When he went from Portsmouth to solve. Denatured alcohol will not dis­ announced the American public be­
WESTERN STOCK AND BOND CO. n-ay prove to be the very thing your
the Admiralty tn 1*04 his flag was solve celluloid, but w ill only remov* lieved that the number was only one
200 Central Blds.
system requires to make yow well and
hauled down from the Victory. He Its polish.
third of the true total.
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector
L atest !
Weekly Health Talks
Westernf Electric