Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 06, 1919, Image 6

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a Daily Newspaper,
and the
T iillamook H eadlight
L eading C ounty N ewspaper
Regular servies at the Christian counties, for this road is always im­
Call For Bidi.
Tax On Theatre Tickets.
Church next Sunday. The subject for passable in winter and none too good
- -O... -
the morning sermon at 11 a.m. is in the dry season. When the Grand
Congress is proposing to tax thea­
The Trask Drainage District will
----- o-----
Born, on February 3rd, to the wife “No Room in the Inn". At the even- Ronde road and the Three Rivers receive bids for construction of its tre tickets 20 per cent. The present
ing service Attorney H. T. Botts road are finished it will greatly in­ drainage ditch up to February 22nd, tax is 10 per cent to be left on en­
of Adolph Erickson, a daughter.
will speak on the memorial of Theo. crease the travel between the two 1919. Plans may be seen at the office tertainments costing not more than
If you need some oil meal come in Roosevelt. Sunday School at 10 a.m. counties, but another great benefit of the Secretary, and bids to be left thirty cents, but on all others it is to
and see ub .—C. O. & C. M. Dawson, 1 The public is cordially invited to at­ will be in allowing people to get in with him at Tillamook.
be doubled. This really leaves only
test all these services.
! and out of the county in the winter
the movies free from the boost, and
H. T. Botts, Secretary.
penalizes all theatrical performances
No, we ere not cutting the price of ' time.
Wanted—man to work on dairy
of the higher class, as well as all
ranch, good milker. Apply to Jack tires, neither are we selling second | It is to be hoped that these two im-
Special Announcement.
good concerts and other more expen­
grade goods. We are giving our court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
Robertson, Tillamook Oregon.
sive entertainments.
a 10 per cent premium on completed before the summer travel
By W. J. “Billy” Gilbert, formerly
Onion sets have come in; get some
If the proposed legislation carries,
all makes of tires in stock. We have commences.
of Beaver, Oregon.
for your early garden.—C. O. 4 C. M.
it will work a further hardship on
Diamond, Amazon, Fisk,
Dawson, Inc.
Schools Open Monday.
a business already hard hit by the
Republic, Boon, Standard
Haltom's Store, Tillamook, Oregon. I! war. Many theatres and players have
Our samples of Pan-a-ce-a are here. United States, Congress and Fire­
The Tillamook public schools will should be glad to welcome and wait suffered great loss durflng the war,
Come and gegt a package.—C. O. & stone, all of whieh are standard
for the second semester’s work on any of my old friends and cus- yet,, though struggling under ad­
C. M. Dawson.
* makes and every tire is guaranteed
February 10th at the tomers.
verse business conditions, no body
W. J. Gilbert. of people has contributed more gen­
There was only one marriage licen­ and we make good. Can fit your car hour of nine o’elock.
se issued during the month of Jan-
Every possible precaution will be
erously in carrying on the war. Play
of the standard Bizes. If you have a used to keep the health of the chil­
ary in' Tillamook County.
houses have been donated for enter­
standard make of tire
tainments. Artists have given their
The Gem Theatre is open on Tues­ making good we can make you a fair dren preserved and their comfort
Notice is hereby given that the i services free, again and again. The
day, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. adjustment on it—Tillamook Tire Co. and convenience will be the para­
County School Superintendent of stage people have not only supported
mount thought of every teacher.
Good shows are the order every E. F. Rogers, Mggr.
It 1 b , therefore, hoped that every Tillamook County, Oregon, will hold public benefits, but have maintained
parent will feel safe and free in the regular examination of appli­ their own relief societies as well
Henry Albers, the wealthy Pacific
Only One New Flu Case.
sending their children to school, cants for 1 year state certificates at doing a work which in generosity
Coast miller, was found guilty la
knowing that every safeguard will be the court house as follows:
and scope has few rivals. To penalize
Portland vor violating the esponage
Since Thursday morning of last thrown about them and every reason­
Commencing Wednesday, Feb. 26,
week no new cases of Spanish influ­ able precaution used to prevent t-he 1919, at 9 o’clock a.m. and continu­ these people to a point which will
fairly put them out of business is
Five thousand an hour is going enza have been reported in Tilla­ encroachment and spread of disease. ing until Friday Feb. 28, 1919, at 4 manifestily unfair.
It will greatly assist the teachers o’clock p.m.
some, but that is the play at the mook City and only one in the coun­
Nor does the injustice end with th*
Wednesday fosenoon—U. 8. His­ stage folk. Why should the man who
Gem Theatre Saturday night, featur­ ty, that of Mrs. Florence Kopleske, of if parents will start thejr children
from home so they may rtach the
ing Hale Hamilton.
wants to give his wife a little treat
¡are quarantined but in a few days school grounds not earlier than five Drawing.
Next uesday at the Gem Theatre this will expire, as ail patients re- minutes before nine o'clock. This re­
Wednesday afternoon—Physiology, be forced to pay twenty per cent ex­
Charles Ray
in “His Own Home ported appear to be over the fever quest is made In order that we may Reading, Manual Training, Compo­ tra for the privilege? Why should the
Town,” a program you cannot well stages and will be able te be out prevent asy undue congregation of sition, Domestic Science, Methods in boy who has come home longing for
diversion and relief from the mem­
afford to miss.
again i-n a few days.
children on the school grounds or Reading, Course of study for Draw­ ories of war be forced to limit him­
City Schools will open
ing, Methods in Arithmetic.
about the halls of the buildings.
A marriage license was issued to
forenoon—Arithmetic, self to the movies because of an ex­
Parents are cordially invited to
John E. Jensen, of Portland, and and in all probability ( most all
Physiology, tra unfair
, tax „ on the
• performance he
accompany the children to school
Anna C. Glad, of Tillamook. The.lat­
and visit the rooms and see what is
ter is the eldest daughter of N. O.
It is to be hoped that congress will
wear gauze masks when entering being attempted for tbe safety of the Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of
find some better way of raising
stores, offices, or attending meet­ children-.
study for Domestic Art.
For sale eheaip. Mm pl re Milker, ings, will be discontinued after Fri­
afternoon—Grammar, necessary funds.—Umpqua Valley
used only short time. Two Double day night.
American 1 News.
0. V. White,
Units with new heads and Pulsators,
Circuit Court will convene Mon­
Supt. of Schools Literature,
Stricter Divorce Laws.
pump, tank, piping, etc. Apply at this day, and from present indications
Methods in Language, Thesis for
------ o------
* busine^t will be resumed as usual.
No state wants to be known as a
Nazarene Meetings.
After four months of intermittent
happy hunting ground for seekers of
operation the Gem Theatre again is Contract Let far Graad londe Road
19 a.m.. Sunday School, Mrs. Bert tice, Orthography (Spelling), Phy-1 easy divorces; and if Washington
sical Geography, English Literature, 'finds that its divorce laws are lax it
open and ready for business. There
King, Superintendent.
Is no question now “What wHl we do
11 a.m.. Sermon by the pastor. Rev. Chemistry.
The State Highway Commission
I undoubtedly will make some chang­
Friday afternoon—School Law, es. One of the things the present leg­
tonight." The natural tendency will let a contract on Tuesday to grade A. F. Ingler, subject “The Blood
be to go to the show.
and macadam what is known as the Atonement," followed by the C obi -
islature will have to consider in the
G. B. Lamb,
question of whether the divorce code
The flu victims who had to dig up Grand Ronde road, in YamhiH coun­ ntunion.
Co. School Supcnintendent. should be altered, and if so, to what
7:30 p.m.. Praise service and even-
81.00 each for overlooking the fact ty. commencing at what is known
that they had to wear a plug ugly
That Terrible Headache.
Midweek se’vlee of prayer and
At a church convention at Yakima
when entering a store or office are; of the Sour Grass road, th« improve­
other day some vigorous protests
E. Kuppenbender, Bill Wilmot. W. C. ment extending over 4.1 miles. The testimony and a short message by
Do you have periodic attacks of
Taylor, Joe Hill. B. L. Deater and R. lowest bidder was Elliott A Sloggins, the pastor on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. headache accompanied by sickness of were made concerning the ease with
of Portland, their
bid being for All welcome.
B. Hays, of Portland.
the stomach of vomiting, a sallow which it is now possible for married
857,651.50 with corrugated iron
and dull eyes? If so, you can get persons to be divorced, and for di­
Figure this out on a 816 tire. 10 pipe culverts, The other bidders
quck relief by taking Chamberlain’s vorced persons to marry again. It
percent premium 81-00; on a 820. with that class of culverts were: V.
I seems that the clergy, not only of
82.00 premium; on 830, 83.00 prem­ R. Dennis Construction Co., ,ot Mc­
Sealed bids addressed to the county Tablets as directed for billiousncM, this particular sect, but of others,
ium; on 840, a 84 premium. Given Minnville, 872,157.00; Porter and court of Tillamook County, .Oregon
attacks if you observe tbe directions will take the matter up at Olympia,
from our line of Gasoline, oils, grease Conley,
Another class of citizens has made
c>oniey, 864,309.00^ Geo. Wilson, and endorsed "Proposals for opera­ ■with each package.
or tire eccesaories. This is a cooper­ 176,040.58. The diff< terence between tion of Woods Ferry" will be receiv­
strong presentations in favor of
ative or a profit saving plan at the the highest and lowest bidder is ed by the county court of said coun­
stricter divorce laws. We refer to the
Simple Test for Alcohol
Tillamook Tire Co., E. F. Rogers. 816,389.08.
ty at Tillamook, Oregon, for the op­
judges of the state. The professional
The above 4.1 miles does not take eration of the ferry at Woods, Ore­
An inventory of former Emperor opinion of the judges ought to have
It has been customary to hare two in the whole of the Grand Ronde gon, from the period from March 1, William's personal belongings In a great deal of weight with the legis­
or three prices on gasoline in Tilla­ road and it seems that the State 1919, to Jan. 1, 1920. Said bids to be Berlin and Potsdam has led to the lature. For the men who hear divorce
mook. I have tried to justify myself Highway Commission has decided on opened at ten o'clock a.m. on Feb. discovery of the former imperial pleas and pass on applications for
in doing likewise^ but in vain. The two and one half miles of grading in 21st, 1919.
wardrobe, Including 598 German and severance of marriage ties know bet­
The County Coure reserves the foreign military and naval uniforms, ter than any other group the legal
farmers' money will buy just as the Grand Ronde section in Yamhill
right to reject any and all bids.
much for me as the truck man’s. Copunty.
according to the Boersen Zeitung of aspects of the situation.
The improvement of this road will Dated this Sth day of Feb. 1919.
The judges think divorce in Wash­
Therefore we will show no favor but
Berlin. Several thousand horses in
Erwin Harrison,
give one price to all. 24c. straight be a great public benefit and espec­
Btables formerly belonging to Herr ington is too busy. They hare expres­
founty Clerk.
ially to Yamhill
Tillamook Tire Co.
Hohenzbllern have been confiscated. sed themselves In favor of certain
Tillamook Jottings.
changes. Their
should be considered with especial
care when the legislature comes to a
point of revising our divorce laws.
It is certain that same changes will
bfe made, and they should be along
lines of conservative and expert sug­
gestion.—Spokesman Review.
Thos. B- Watt, of the Brighton
Mills Co., is the proud daddy of a
Ward Mayer has a crew of
constructing Anderson Bros,
garage and passenger depot.
No new cases of flu have develop-
ed in the past week, Nehalem feels
grateful to again be placed among
the favored localities.
About 50 lumber workers and log­
gers quit at the Brighton Mills Co.
camps February 1st, on account of a
10 cents per hour reduction in wages*
The vacancies were readily filled by
men from Portland with bnt little
loss of time.
The good roads slogan "Vote for
the bond, get something or nothing"
seems to be taking root, it is high
time that the knockers were waking
up to the fact. It means one good
road through the county, and the
money that is now expended to keep
what we now have in repair, can be
used for building our feeder lines,
Shall we again defeat the issue
which means so much, or turn it
down and remain in the ruts and
No So Far that the Statement of Its
Residents Cannot be Verified.
Rather an interesting case has been
developed in Forest Grove. Being so
near by, it is well worth publishing
here. The state is sincere—the proof
Mrs. H. C. James, 420 Pacific Ave.,
Forest Grove, Ore., says: 'Doan’s
Kidney Pills are a medicine of merit
and I can certainly recommend them
to anyone who wants a reliable kid­
ney medicine. I was more less subject
to kidney disorders and at times I
suffered from severe
After I have taken a box or two of
Doan’s Kidney Pilis my back has felt
stronger and my kidneys have be­
come normal."
Price 60c.. at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. James had, Foster-MIburn 9o.,
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. T.—Pd. Adv.
—e ................
Getting Rid of Cold*.
The easiest and quickest way te
get rid of a cold is to take Chamber­
lain’s Cough Remedy. This prepara­
tion has been in use tor many years
and its value fully proven. No matter
what remedy you use. however, care
must be taken not to contract a sec­
ond cold before you have recovered
from tbe first one, and there is ser-
ius danger of this. A man of middle
age or older should go to bed and
stay In bed until fully recovered. It
Is better to stay In bed three days at
the start than three weeks later on.