TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 6, 19!» ALLIED ASPIRATIONS ARE TAKING FORM What the Editors Say BAR AGAINST FOOD EXPORTS REMOVED QR.;O.ZL. HOHLFELI), VETERINARIAN. Tillamook Oregon AVID. ROBINSON, N.D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OREGON. T. BOALS, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldjr.) Tillamook OBERT H. M c G rath , X COL'NSELLOR-AT LAW,) ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P orti and O ffice 1110 W ilcox B ld . QARL HABERLACH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock Tillamook w EBSTER HOLMES, Scraps of Paper. SITUATION IN NORTH RUSSIA IS CRITICAL Mutual PhoM Bell Phone—2F2 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING. FIRST STREET. TILLAMOOK, Q r . l . l . OREGON hoy , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEIN T illamook B lock , Tillatnook, Oregtn. T. Buna ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. > T illamook B lock , Tillamook - .. Both Phones. Oregon c - hawk PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bay City Oreß-on QK J. G. ^TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON Regular Monthly Visits to , Tillamook anti Cloverdale. watch paper for dates . 'J-' H GOYNK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt F Tillamook - J O. I gon. OHN ¡LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook • . . ■ Oregju, ROOM NO. 2B1. H.,T.iBotts, at-Law. Pres. Attorney John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treat,., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and (Abstract Co. Law Abstracts. Real Estate, .Insurance. Both Phones. TILLAMOOK—OREGON. DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Plenty of bright, safe clean electric light. No more hot. smoky lamps. c B — mpa lican party was "eaten up with for them to cover the territory as it They bold no balance of power or pacifism.” It came nearly being eat­ great powers are now In a position to substantial voice in the purpose compare clearly their own aspirations is covered at present.-'when anyone en up at the polls in 1916 with the can go out and hunt.—Oregon Voter. plan. They are to be annexed to Port- pacifistic "he kept us out of war" and those of all their allied friends, I land regardless of their wishes, if o----- ¡Portland and the other counties of slogan, but that is the only scene in and to see the differences that must There is something wrong when which the statement ot the Times be reconciled. shipyards are discharging men while | the state decree it. and they are to France wants, first of all, Alsace- has any significance except as a France and Norway are anxious to have the form of government that Lorraine unconditionally, and the the nine-tenths who reside in Port­ manifestation of partisan bias. place contracts for ships to replace o right to discuss and ultimately to fix those destroyed by submarine war­ land decree. The story which comes across the the French frontiers in their relation Possibly Multnomah County out- fare. Responsibility appears to rest Atlantic from the Presidential press to the Rhine. with the shipping board, which is side of Portland would be happy to The French bill for reparation is cancelling government orders and re­ join the city in one municipal gov- agents to the effect that it is expect­ ed to equalize conditions of labor in not yet complete, but it bas been an- fuses permission to the yards to ac­ ernment. We do not know. But it India, China, Japan and the United cept foreign contracts. There may be would seem to be the part of justice nounced in the chamber of deputies Mrs. Medill McCormick, wife of the States at the peace table leaves one sound reasons behind the refusal, to give it a more important voice in that it will be about ««,000,000,000 senator-elect from Illinois, named wondering whether the orientals are the matter than is accorded by the but as the number of unemployed is chairman of the Republican women’s going to be furnished dress suits or francs. increasing and soldiers are daily be­ amendment as now drawn. Great Britain's delegation believes national executive committee. the American wage earner is going Consolidation ought to be of ad- ing discharged from the army it that a society of nations is desirable would appear that there is danger of vantage to both urban and rural dis- to be uniformed in a breech clot and obtainable, and that it must be hereafter. tr'ets. It should dispense with dupli- the good the board may believe may o------- established by the present peace con­ follow its policy being overbalanced cations in paid offices and in cost "The status of Syria, Mesopotamia ference. Britain will take mandatory by industrial depression.—Independ- and maintenance of public buildings. The larger saving would be Port­ and Armenia hangs in an uncertain power over tbe German islands south t. lands’ but that of the remainder of balance." complains Secretary Red­ of the equator for Australia and over -o----- It is not generally understood that the county would be worth while. field. The getleman, like some other southwest Africa for the Union of every man who entered the army ser­ But there is the new broadly accept­ psychological statesmen, worries a South Africa. She will also have the Washington.—The most sweeping re­ vice of the United States in the re­ ed principle ot "self-determination" good deal more about what is going mandate of German East Africa and to happen to Mesopotamia than what moval of restrictions upon the expor­ to be considered. It is not fully met cent war against German Imperial some parts of Arabia and she has par­ government, and was discharged by a mere showing that the change is likely to occur in the United ticular claims in this respect over tation of foodstuffs made since the with a ten per cent disability or would be good for the overwhelmed States if it cannot be saved from the Mesopotamia. Great Britain will en­ signing of the armistice was announc­ theories of the demagogues and the ed by the war trade board. more is given an opportunity to pre­ rural district.—Oregonian. ter a pool with the other allies in the pedagogues. Commodities removed from the ex­ pare himself for a vocation at the ex­ matter of indemnities, especially rep­ -------0------ - pense of the government. He is given conservation list were barley, port Whenever there are no hungry aration for air raid damages and ship­ free tuition in any college or tech­ corn and rye, including flour and people in the United States, it would ping losses. ■ o nical school he cares to attend and Is meal made from these grains, oats be well to vote millions to feed the Italy asks for the Trentino as far paid |65 per month, or his regular What shall it profit a nation to and oat products, brewers’ grains, army pay. whichever happens to be help run the whole world and lose its hungry in other lands. Meanwhile so as the Brenner Pass, including the I expending millions as to hoist the whole of southern Tyrol; Trieste, Is- bran and middlings, beans, dried and the larger, while he is securing his own independence? split peas, sugar and hydrogenated cot­ J price of foodstuffs in the United education. Whether it takes one year o------ tria, Flume, Zara, Sebenlco, the larger I or four and whether he wants to be The world Is growing better. The States may be a good way to stop part of the Dalmatian islands, Avlona ton seed oil. These articles constituted a majority a plumber or a preacher, a lawyer McAdoo dollar dinners are disappear­ bolshevism in Europe, but it would and its hinterland, and a protectorate not seem to be the best way to halt of the food items on the restricted list or a bricklayer, is all the same to ing from the railroad diners. it in the United States, a country in over Albania. and their removal is effective imme­ the government.—News Reporter. ---- o Territorial connection in the Bal­ Now that Paderewski has become which it used to be fashionable for diately. kans are complicated and present dif­ American statesmen to take some in ­ The movement on foot to induce premier of Poland it ought to be in Attention was called to the fact that ficult problems. congress to authorize a year’s .p-iy position to play a solo part in the cidental interest. wheat and wheat flour remain on the -------o Belgium asks that her reparation for every man in the service would concert of nations. restricted list. There was no indica­ The authors of some state papers for damages wrought by Germany indeed be rather a nice way of ex­ tion when the embargo on those com­ pressing approval of the splendid loy­ The richest man in the world can ought to be required, after reading shall be the first lien upon German modities would be removed, but it was alty of the men who rallied to the be bankrupted and the richest people their reading, to state what it is .all assets to tbe extent of at laast 15,000,- colors. The expense of the thing In the world may be impoverished if about, if anything. Secretary Red­ 000,000 francs or up to a much larger | said that it probably would remain in should not be thought of. Whatever you put the right people on the Job. field expresses the hope that the sum if Germany does not return tbe force until the government's agree­ United States will not play the ’hog’ ment with the farmers tor a maximum the army and navy cost they’re worth ------ o------ machinery and the materials taken price on the 1919 wheat crop had ex- it. Everyone should remember what Yes, socialism is a cure all for after the war. Under the Underwood from Belgium. would have happened If the boys had every social ill, but you haven’t no­ tariff law and administration by plred. not responded to the call. With a ticed any socialists emigrating to economic rainbow chasers like Mr. little pocket money as a nest egg Russia, the Marxian heaven, have Redfield, the part for which we are BRIEF GENERAL NEWS going to cast after the war is not I carefully tucked away in rtielr jeans you? that of the hog but of the goat. the returned soldiers will not have Nat C. Goodwin, the actor, died at a ------ o any but the kindliest feeling for the A few soldiers’ and workmen’s hotel in New York after a brief illness. "If England retains her great fleet government and Bolshevists allure­ councils have been formed In this Czech troops have occupied Austrian ments will fall on deuf pars.—Ump­ country but they are composed of -—and I have no idea she will relin- Silesia, having defeated the Poles, ac­ qua Valley News. soldiers who never fight and work­ quish it,” Senator Reed continued, Washington.—The situation in the cording to information from Vienna. ”1 want the United States to be in a ----- o----- men who never work. Archangel district is regarded by mili­ I Austin Dowling, bishop of Des position of sefety. If our navy had According to Provost Marshal Gen­ ------ 0------ eral Crowder, out of 24,234,210 men Four per cent of the Washington been three times as large I believe tary officers In northern Russia as ex­ Moines, has been named archbishop of who were registered in this country "war workers" have been released Germany would never ordered us off tremely critical. St. Paul, succeeding the late John Reports that the Bolshevik forces Ireland. under the selective draft act, only since the armistice was signed. The the seas. A league that goes no fur­ 1,200 actually refused to fight. Only army of job holders is going to be ther than to agree that certain were using gas shells were taken here It is estimated that nearly 200.000 things are proper and certain things by some officers to mean that this one man In each 20,000 of these who the hardest one to demobolize. men and women are idle In the United improper will meet with no opposi ­ registered for military service actual­ equipment had been supplied through Kingdom and Ireland because of ------ o------ ly showed the white feather—or a The "National Civil Liberties Bu­ tion, but a league with power to German sources, notwithstanding the strikes in various trades. Htreak of yellow— when it came to reau” calls the "conscientious objec­ combine and enforce degrees upon a terms of the armistice, and if this was Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of the real test of patriotic duty. Of tors ' the "lovers of future." They single nation is one that I believe established as a fact it was intimated President Wilson, according to the course there was slackers who tried probably love the future a good deal the American people will repudiate." that drastic action against the Ger­ Etoile Beige, is suffering from an at­ to dodge the registration, misled by a better than the future will love There were three million wage mans would be taken by Marshal Foch. tack of influenza in Brussels. She is false sentiment or by preverted ideas them. Available figures obtained by war earners out of work in the United of their obligation to the government — —o----- confined to her room in the American department officials show that the legation. Stales before the war began under and of the method taken to raise a Some exalted utterances are like a military force. Evidently, however, chapter in Revelations to be inter­ the existing tariff law, which foster British force in the region of the north Official tables of major battle cas­ discourage domestic is approximately 6000, American 4500, ualties of the American forces in most of these slackers took a differ­ preted according to the reader’s foreign end ent view of the situation when it views, and therefore calculated to peace-time production and employ­ French 1500, loyal Russians under France, made public by General March, came to the real test of being willing satisfy everybody, with a baffling ment, and there will be four or five British officers 1200 and 1000 other to fight for the protection and the mystery as the finish as to what it is million men out of work under the i i soldiers of one of the smaller allied chief of staff, show that approximately 10.000 men remained wholly unac­ normal operations of the law if it is countries. future peace und safety of the na­ all about. counted for nearly three months after not repealed, before 1920, because tion. Once enrolled and called to ------ o------ the ending of hostilities. take a definite stand, only a few The German bolshevikl continue to while we have turned our attention An army of 500.000 men was unani­ were willing to play the part of make about 90 per cent of the noise to war production the alien producer PERSHING DENIES REPORTS coward, or to exhibit a positive lack and get about ten per cent of the has grabbed our markets. The alleg­ mously decided on by the bouse mili­ of patriotism. There were only 1,200 vote when elections are held. It is ed statesmen who overlook the over­ American Soldier« Not Responsible tary committee as the basis for deter­ For Crime Wove in Perle. Hiq h out of a total enrollment of characteristic of the revolutionary shadowing fact are showing wind mining the appropriation tor army pay more than twenty-four millions, radical that his noise is in inverse from which this country may reap Washington.—Reports that Amari- for ths year beginning next July. Com­ the whirlwind. which Is a record that will be a ratio to his numbers. . jaa soldiers are responsible for a mittee members said the number was ----- o----- source of lasting pride and gratifica­ ------ o—----- orlme wave la Paris are flatly denied expected to be the average force dur­ The Senate has passed the Carlin by General Pershing In a cablegram to tion.—Observer. Ray Stunnard Baker, king of the ing the year. muckrakers, has been appointed pub­ judicial ripper bill, raising the salar­ ■eoretary of War Baker. ’’Full refu­ Self Determination at Home. licity agent of the American delega­ ies of district and circuit federal tation of the chargee cannot be put All Seattle Industry Is Threatened. —o------- tion to the Paris peace conference. judges and given the President pow­ Seattle.—A city-wide strike of the There will be little opposition to This administration knows how to er to deprive any such judge over too strongly before the American peo­ the general proposition that the gov- escape knocking; it puts the profes­ seventy years of age the right to iter- ple,” the American commander stated. majority of 152 labor organizations, General Pershing’s cablegram was involving the greater part of 70,000 ernments of the City of Portland and sional knockers on the public payroll form the duties of his office. The County of Multnomah ought to be and Immediately they become boost­ primary purpose of the bill was to sent la response to Inquiries by the workers, was scheduled to begin on bring about the removal of a number war department, foliowing sensational Thursday morning at 10 o’clock, in consolidated. It Is the practical means ers. of accomplishing that result that of Republican federal judges, espec­ charges, published in the Paris Matin, support of 25,000 striking metal trades will create contention. In 19'14. an The number of cabinet officers who ially In the south, and secure for de­ that American soldiers ware responsi­ workmen, who left tbe shipyards and effort was made to pass an enabling have retired from office because they serving democrats appoints to the ble for an appalling number of mur­ contract shops here January 21 after constitutional amendment. Th tit couldn’t live In Washington on subordinate office of the court. Dem­ ders and robberies in the French capi­ their demands for higher pay than measure would have, permitted the twelve thousand dollars a year re­ ocratic candidates for federal Judge people by Initiative to create the city calls that they came into office on under this ripper bill are already tal. Press dispatches since that Ume that given In the Macy federal wage and county of Portland with boun­ the plat form declaration that it w»s active In North Carlonia and Vir- have stated that these depredations adjustment award bad been refused. were committed by Apaches wearing daries co-termlnous with those of the now time to reduce the cost of living ginla. American uniforms. city of Portland. The remainder of and return to that simplicity and Warrant Out tor Diata. Multnomah county would have l>een economy benefltting a.democratic Spokane. Wash.— a warrant tor th